Although the receptionist had a smile on her face, her eyes were dull and without a trace of color, which can be described in one word.

Like, The Walking Dead.

At this moment, Lin Mo's thoughts moved, and he slowly approached, wanting to observe closer.

But at this moment, the female receptionist's eyes suddenly turned and stared at Lin Mo.

She smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Only cold.

Lin Mo found something, but instead of looking at the other party, his eyes moved down, staring at the other party's chest and thighs, hehe smiled, and licked the cone while walking.

That way, it looks like a senior LSP.

Walking to the front, Lin Mo said to the walkie-talkie hidden in the collar: "I found it!"

"What's wrong?" Team Leader Liu's voice sounded in the earphones.

"The waitress at the entrance of the cafe has a nightmare mark on her."


"Yes, sure."

Lin Mo turned his back to the cafe, but he had a feeling.

Now the waitress was still staring at her.

This feeling is very strong.

Lin Mo suspected that he had also been discovered.

This is not a good thing.

So he went all the way down to the first floor and walked outside the mall.

At this time, the feeling of being watched by someone disappeared.

"Would you like to do it directly?" Team Leader Liu asked. Since it is certain that there is a problem with the cafe, it is also feasible to do it directly.

"Wait a minute, we caught Scarecrow and other members this time, wouldn't it be a waste of time to start now."

In the command car, Team Leader Liu nodded.

He naturally knew that he would not be able to catch the scarecrow now, and what he said just now was just for Lin Mo. After all, if there are problems with the employees of the coffee shop, it would be very dangerous for Mao Mao to go to the meeting this time.

"I'm on the first floor, and I can't go up to the second floor. Otherwise, if I'm seen again, I'll be wearing a gang." After Lin Mo finished speaking, he ate up the cone in his hand, wiped his hands, and began to wait quietly.

3 points.

The cat came in from outside.

She was wearing jeans, a gray coat, a bag, and a toad mirror. She was young and beautiful.

"Go ahead, the button camera and bugs are working normally, if there is a situation, our people will rush in immediately." Team leader Liu's voice sounded in the earphones.

Mao Mao also had headphones on, she nodded and took the elevator to the second floor.

"Seat 1, she went in." The member of the action team responsible for monitoring upstairs informed.

"Number 2 is in place."

"Number 3 is in place."

"Number 4 is in place."

On the second floor, at least six action team members began to approach the coffee shop. These team members were all battle-hardened, armed with weapons, and they really started to fight. Six of them were enough to deal with enemies several times their size.

Lin Mo has no doubts about this.When he and Mao Mao were training at these two points, he played against these action team members. To be honest, in the real world, Lin Mo couldn't beat any of them.

Lin Mo stepped out at this time, went outside, opened the command car door and walked in.

Team Leader Liu put on his earphones, didn't say a word, and pointed to the seat next to him.

Lin Mo sat down, also picked up the headset, and stared at the screen in front of him.

On the screen is the real-time picture taken by the button camera on the cat's chest, and in the headphones, you can hear the voice over there.

"Bring me a cup of dream coffee!"

The cat's voice was lazy, and it sounded quite extravagant.

The waiter in the camera was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Please come with me."

This is even the right code.

Next, Mao Mao followed the other party into a room inside. After passing through a corridor with carpets, gorgeous chandeliers, and various famous paintings on both sides, the waiter pushed open a door at the end.

Inside is a private room.

There is someone in the room.

"Brick, is that you?" A young man greeted him with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"Scarecrow?" The cat was very stable.

"It's me!" There was a trace of greed on the scarecrow's face: "Brick, you look exactly as I imagined."

Hearing this, Lin Mo sneered.

I thought to myself, I will let you see the real bricks when I have a chance, I hope you will still look like this when that time comes.

"Ready for action!"

Team Leader Liu ordered at this time.

As long as they make sure the scarecrow is present, they can close the net.

At this time, in the camera, another person besides the scarecrow said, "Since everyone is here, let's start."

The cat turned around at this time, and the camera saw another part of the house.

At this time, Lin Mo and Team Leader Liu were taken aback.

The room was full of people.

There are at least a dozen people on both sides of a long table. Because the room is dimly lit, only human figures can be roughly seen. Some, most of them are hidden in the dark.

"All the members of the Evolution Forum are here?" Lin Mo thought to himself.

Exactly, all over the place.

At this moment, a burst of piano music sounded from the earphones.

Lin Mo just listened, and his face changed instantly.

He immediately knocked off the headphone of Team Leader Liu next to him, but it was obviously a step too late.

Team Leader Liu's expression froze at the moment, his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something terrifying, his mouth was wide open, but he couldn't make any sound.


Lin Mo slapped him in the face.

Team Leader Liu was beaten and staggered, and a palm print appeared directly on his face.

Lin Mo's strength is great.

This slap also woke Team Leader Liu up.

He looked at Lin Mo, but Lin Mo pulled him out.

"Something happened."

There is a problem with the piano music just now.

This is another pollutant, and it has a terrifyingly hypnotic effect.

As long as you hear this sound, you will be polluted, and then forcibly pulled into the dream.

Team Leader Liu, who had figured out the situation, was stunned.

"That piano song seems to be played in the mall..."

At this time, Lin Mo and Team Leader Liu had already rushed into the mall.

in the door.

The sound of piano music gradually came.

At this moment, a strange tune resounded throughout the mall.

The next two people saw a scene that made their scalps numb. The customers in the mall were like stiff statues, motionless at the moment.

I don't know about other places. Hundreds of people on the first floor are like this. This scene has a great impact.

"Wake them up."

Lin Mo reacted faster than Team Leader Liu at this time. He raised his palm and knocked the middle-aged man in front of him with a terrified face to the ground.

Then there were slaps in the ears.

Team Leader Liu reacted and hurriedly followed suit.

Those who woke up had experienced short-lived nightmares, and at the moment all looked terrified, and some looked dazed and overwhelmed.


Lin Mo grabbed a person and roared.

At this time, the more people there are, the greater the power of nature.

But most people woke up either terrified or dazed, with no one to help.

Too many people.

And at this time, someone in front of him had already fallen to the ground with a bang, his facial features were twisted, and he had lost his breath.

Where there is a first, there is a second.

After a while, more than a dozen people fell to the ground.


Lin Mo took out the gun from his arms and fired into the sky.

The sound of gunfire briefly overwhelmed the sound of the strange piano music, and some people were awakened, but some people still couldn't wake up.

"Help me."

Lin Mo shouted again.

At this time, someone finally recovered and began to help Lin Mo and Team Leader Liu to wake up those who were forcibly hypnotized.

Glancing at the second floor, Lin Mo rushed to the elevator.

The others, Lin Mo, couldn't take care of them for the time being. He rushed to the door of the cafe and saw that several members of the action group were also affected by the piano music and stood still.

Two have fallen to the ground.

Lin Mo went up and kicked one of them, told them to help save people, and then rushed into the cafe.

Oncoming is a dagger shining with cold light.

The black silk waitress rushed forward with a grim face.

At this time, Lin Mo raised his hand and shot without any hesitation.

The waitress fell to the ground.

Lin Mo continued to walk in.

This time the piano music is only effective for ordinary people, not for those who already have nightmare marks.

As for the origin of the piano music, don't ask, it must have something to do with the people in the room.

Obviously, this was already planned by the other party.

When Lin Mo walked to the door of the room, there were already several dead waitresses lying in the corridor behind him.

There were also gunshots in the house.

Lin Mo kicked the door straight in.

At this time, Mao Mao held a gun in both hands, facing the few people in front of him, and there was a corpse lying on the ground.

It's the scarecrow.

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