"Yes, to be precise, it is the employer's subordinate."

Lin Mo understood.

Those who hire these mercenaries are dummies.

The other party has obviously formed some kind of organization, hunting and controlling the powerful nightmare.

Mercenaries are not worth mentioning. These people probably don't even know that their employer is a dummy. They just take money to do things and are just pawns.

Lin Mo tapped on the side, but the other party really didn't know anything.

"Before you attacked a female nightmare, she only had one body left, have you seen it?"

This is the key question.

The hamster said he had seen it.

"Where is it?" Lin Mo asked quickly.

"The employer found someone to transport it away."

"Shipped away?" Lin Mo's heart skipped a beat.


He guessed that the other party wanted to catch Sister Yue, so he shouldn't take Sister Yue's body too far away, it should be nearby.

But who would have thought that the other party would be so terrific.

It was shipped away.

How can I find this?

All of a sudden the difficulty increases.

Although he didn't want to, Lin Mo knew that he had to think about plan B.

That is, what should I do if I can't find Sister Yue's body in a short time?

The hamster is a mercenary, only responsible for doing work, so it has no idea where the employer transports the body.

Lin Mo had no other choice but to think long-term.

Find out the situation of the 'employer' first.

Hamster said that the employer included the other party's subordinates, a total of three people.

'Player' and 'Hyena' are subordinates, and there is a leader.Here, the hyena has a violent and ferocious personality, while the player is much calmer, and the hamster said that the player has a game console through which he can control other nightmares.

As for the head of the employer, he was an old man.

There are seven mercenaries in total.

This time Lin Mo has a plan in mind.

Now 'Player' and 'Hyena' are in the toy factory, and the beheader is also in the toy factory, so the opponent's rear must be empty, this is an opportunity.Lin Mo thought it over, and caught the boss of the employer first, so that he could get more information.

It is not too late.

Just at this time, the five pen fairies and a few ghosts all came back, and the previous situation was clear, which was almost the same as what the hamster said.

Then do it.

Opportunities are fleeting.

Lin Mo attacked directly.

The hamster was caught by him, that is to say, there are six mercenaries, how strong can these six mercenaries be?

The hamster said that the most powerful of them was a head-down master.


Lin Mo saw it when he was attacking. It was a short and fat uncle, he was quite fierce, and there was a poisonous snake coiled around his arm. As a result, Xiaohu swallowed the opponent before he had time to use his tricks.

Chapter 0703 You Are Strong We Are Not Weak

When Lin Mo rushed in with a group of nightmares, the only mercenary he saw was the head-down master, and the other five were not there.

It is estimated that the five mercenaries are still in the real world.

Because it was Lin Mo's side that carried out the raid, there was almost no battle, and even only a small part of Lin Mo's combat power was used, which was much easier than imagined.

Xiaohu obviously didn't have enough to eat.

In addition to the lowering master, there is also an old man over there.

When Lin Mo rushed in, the other party was shocked and wanted to run away, but was tied tightly by the hair thrown by Lin Mo.

The battle ended much faster than Lin Mo thought, and the opponent had almost no resistance.

Xiaohu glanced at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded.

Xiaohu went up and swallowed the old man too.

Then he coughed and spat out a ball of hair.

The clump of hair squirmed quickly, and part of it was rotten. Only a few tough ones came over, like snakes, crawled onto Lin Mo's fingers, and wound themselves around a few times.

It looked like a black ring.

Lin Mo began to clean the battlefield.

There is nothing in this place, but there is a jar, and there is a weird smell coming out of it at this moment.

Lin Mo went over to take a look, and found that it was full of bugs.

Black, a bit like an earthworm, but with tiny feet of varying thickness.

I feel that this jar of worms is definitely not a good thing, but I can leave it alone for the time being.

Except for this jar of Gu worms, Lin Mo didn't find anything else.

"Xiaohu, did those two turn into ghosts just now?" Lin Mo asked.

Xiaohu nodded, then opened his mouth, and spat out two people whose stomachs were full of mucus.

It was the head-subduing master and the old man who were swallowed by Xiaohu just now.

This time, the two of them are not as they were just now, they are very honest now, and when they come out, they all lower their heads and bow their bodies.

This is Lin Mo's long-established plan. To ensure that the other party does not lie, it is safest to swallow it and become a ghost.

The head-down master knew the same thing as a hamster, that he was doing things with money.

The dummy old man knows more.

Lin Mo had heard a big secret.

"Are you saying that many dummies have infiltrated the real world by now?"

"Yes, there are many, and they have been divided into many different forces. Some have established companies and earned capital by means of special methods; others have infiltrated into the official interior and gained power."

What Lin Mo heard was terrified.

Cold hands and feet.

Mainly, he is the head of the special team responsible for investigating dummies at the headquarters. Who would have thought that these dummies would do so many things quietly.

Even the official face has infiltrated.

This is the most feared situation.

Lin Mo asked what the old man's name was.

"My name is Duan Jinghong."

"Then I'm Lao Duan!"

Lin Mo thought for a while, and asked Lao Duan how much information about the dummy you know.

"I know some, but not all. After all, there are some differences, competitions, and even hostile battles within the dummies."

"I'll give you paper and pen later, write me as much as you know."

Lin Mo must take this matter seriously. Now that he has found the clue, he must follow the clues, and it is best to catch all the dummies on this line.

After all, the duty is there.

So this time the toy factory incident, even if there were no reasons for Sister Yue and Po Yu, Lin Mo had to take care of it.

The old Duan said that the dummy organization he was in was not small, there were officials, and half of the members of a wealthy family had been replaced.

The amount of capital in hand is in the hundreds of millions.

And they have a lot of dummies, close to a hundred.

"The place we infiltrated is the Duan Jia Group."

Lin Mo nodded. He had heard that it seemed to be one of the top 20 in China. It rose more than [-] years ago, and its family assets exceeded tens of billions. It was definitely among the rich.

"So, you can mobilize enough money to hire these people?" Lin Mo pointed to the honest head-down master next to him.

Duan nodded.

After thinking about it, he said, "I just didn't expect them to be such useless people."

"You are trash!"

The head-down master retorted.

The hamster in Lin Mo's hand also cursed.

The lowering master was taken aback for a moment, staring at the hamster, hesitantly said: "You, you are a killer, Babati?"

Obviously, the head-down master and the killer are just code names.

"It's me!" The hamster nodded.

"How did you become like this?" the lower head teacher was curious.

"This... is hard to describe."

The hamster quietly raised his head to look at Lin Mo, with an indescribable resentment.

The head-down master is not stupid, he knew that Lin Mo did it, and he was even more scared.

Lin Mo ignored the two trash, but continued to ask the old Duan.

"Among the dummies that came this time, there is another one, a hyena. He is very strong and very violent."

Old Duan reminded.

"But the 'player' is more difficult to deal with. He is not a dummy, but he is more terrifying and terrifying than the dummy."

The old paragraph focused on 'players'.

Although this is a living person.

But the existence of the dummy can be detected, and the old Duan said that this guy came here on his own initiative to seek cooperation.

"We tried to copy the player with a dummy, but it failed. Later, we didn't try again, because the player is very strong. If you become an enemy because of this incident, the gain will outweigh the loss."

The old Duan was very cunning and cunning.

Lin Mo was also concerned.

This 'player' is indeed worth noting.

Apart from other things, just because he can control the 'Head Beheader', this guy is not an ordinary character.

The old Duan even said that the reason why they came to Shuguang Toy Factory this time was because the players wanted to come, and from the beginning to the end, this guy was the one who made suggestions.

"The player said that he wants to control a female ghost in the toy factory. He also said that if he controls this female ghost, his strength will increase exponentially. At that time, he can help us seek greater benefits."

After Lin Mo listened, he raised the player's danger level to another level.

It feels like the dummies of Lao Duan have also been played by the players.

This player not only likes to play games, other people seem to have become his toys.

"I suggest, when you see the player, swallow him without saying a word, so that his power can be used by you." The old Duan came up with an idea.

Have to say, it's a good idea.

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