The reason why Lin Mo sweeps the building is not really to visit, but to find out.

If the nightmare in Building 4 is deliberately hiding, it can only show one thing.

They are afraid.

Lin Mo would be the result.

Dread is the cornerstone of achieving balance, and what Lin Mo wants now is balance.

It's like a relationship with a butcher.

As long as these nightmares are afraid, they will not take the initiative to find trouble for themselves, and of course Lin Mo will not really provoke them. In this way, the balance is achieved.

Otherwise, is it really killing you all day long?

If nothing else, in the Green Garden community alone, if Lin Mo really wants to kill all his nightmares, he has to be exhausted to death.Moreover, it is possible to encounter someone who is evenly matched with the light rain. If you are not careful at that time, the car may overturn directly.

Even if Lin Mo can persevere, Xiao Yu can't stand it.

After returning from Building No. [-], Lin Mo thought for a while, and temporarily gave up the plan to sweep the building further.

Because of the training, he had slept late. After calculating the time to wake up, the alarm was about to go off. Lin Mo had to hurry to book a ticket and go to Feiyan City as soon as possible.

There's no harm in getting that stand-in doll earlier.

Not sure where to use it.


It was not dawn in the morning, and Lin Mo was already sitting on the train to Feiyan City.

Hearing that Lin Mo was suddenly going to go far away, Team Leader Liu of course attached great importance to it, and he had to ask.After Lin Mo took him to the office for a secret chat for more than ten minutes, Team Leader Liu looked solemn and personally took Lin Mo to the station.

I didn't say anything to him, I just said that I found some clues from the nightmare world, and I went to the Shuguang toy factory on the outskirts of Feiyan City to investigate.

Of course, say how important it is, and say how important it is.

Although Team Leader Liu had doubts, he would not stop him.

When it was time to part, Team Leader Liu handed Lin Mo a small bag.

"Be careful when you're out and about, call me if you have any problems."

Lin Mo opened the small bag and saw that it contained a pistol, a special red leather ID and a black watch.

"Okay, I'll take it!"

There is no harm in holding a pistol, if you don't need it, you don't need it. If you don't have it when you need it, it's not good.The certificate is from the Security Bureau. If you have this, let alone take the pistol on the train, even if you take it on the plane.

As for the black watch, it was specially made by the Security Bureau.

It has positioning and communication functions. In addition, it can detect physical conditions, blood pressure, and heartbeat. It can be set that if these values ​​exceed a certain threshold in sleep state, the special voltage needle in the arm will pierce Wrist, perform a wake-up call within a safe voltage.

Of course, there is also the normal alarm function.

The train was smooth and fast, and the scenery outside the window drew cross-cutting lines on the glass. Lin Mo wore headphones and looked out of the window, thinking about things in his heart.

Two hours later, after walking out of Feiyan City Station, Lin Mo took a taxi directly.

"Where to?" The driver's master glanced at Lin Mo.

"Xijiao Shuguang Toy Factory." After Lin Mo finished speaking, the driver's expression changed.

Chapter 0078 The boy listens to my advice

The car stopped on the side of the road.

The driver turned his head and stared at Lin Mo: "Young man, are you from out of town?"

Lin Mo nodded: "Yes, didn't this just get off the train?"

"Young man, listen to my advice, don't go to the western suburbs. That place is very evil, especially the Shuguang Toy Factory. There has been an accident, and old people have died before. We locals know that the place is not clean. "The driver persuaded well.

Also a big brother.

"Really?" Lin Mo pretended.

"of course it's true."

"I will listen to you, and I will definitely not run around. I just do some errands near the western suburbs. You can just put me down there."

"Oh, that's fine."

The driver brother continued to drive.

Before he came, Lin Mo had specially obtained information about the Feiyan City Xijiao Toy Factory.

Three months ago, a nightmare event happened here.

The official public conclusion is that a toxic substance leaked.

There must be some people who don't believe it, and most of them don't believe this conclusion, so all kinds of rumors about the Xijiao Toy Factory began to fly.

There are a lot of searches on the internet now.

Say anything.

The Security Bureau also sent experts from the expert group to the area, but the result was one death and one injury, and no source of pollution was found at all.In the end, the large factory area and some residential areas can only be listed as a restricted area, and no one is allowed to approach it.

Fortunately, it is only a primary pollution source, and the personnel involved in the rescue only need to wear protective equipment to isolate the pollution.

Along the way, Lin Mo started chatting with the driver.

The driver also managed to find a passenger who was willing to listen to his nonsense. He talked about it, and told the horror stories from hearsay vividly, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"I heard that the night of the accident, the whole toy factory was deadly silent. One of our colleagues who was driving just did a job and went to the toy factory to send someone. It's normal, but it didn't take it seriously. As a result, the next morning, our colleague actually died in bed. It is said that when he died, his expression was extremely exaggerated, and his wife almost went crazy. "

"There is another person, in his 40s, who is a security guard on duty at night. He dozed off in the security room and dreamed of a doll rabbit running towards him covered in blood. At that time, the alarm clock he had set went off. He woke up. After that, he was terrified, and turned his head to see that the other security guard who was on the night shift with him was already dead, with his eyes wide open and his mouth open, almost terrified him to death."

"What happened later?" Lin Mo asked.

"Later, I heard that he ran to the dormitory building to ask for help, but only then did he find out that the whole building was dead, and he didn't know what he saw that night. People went crazy that night."


"Yes, crazy, many people know about this."

"not dead?"

"Maybe not."

Lin Mo touched his chin, this matter can be explored, but from these rumors, there is still some valuable news.

For example, the security guard on duty at night rushed over to see a rabbit doll covered in blood.

Nine times out of ten it's a nightmare.

Could it be that she resents baby bunny?

No matter what Lin Mo thought, he didn't realize that a doll rabbit could be terrifying, it would be cuter.

As we walked and chatted, time passed without knowing it.

"The front is the Western Suburb. Look west of the road. The factories over there are the Shuguang Toy Factory, but they can't get in. They are all closed. But the Western Suburb is very big, so don't go to that evil place." The driver's brother said a word.

"Master, just stop here." Lin Mo said.

Park and pay.

"Make an invoice and I'll reimburse you." Lin Mo said before getting out of the car.

"Hehe, my little brother is still here on a business trip, alright, you can take it."

The car drove away.

Lin Mo looked at the direction of the Dawning Toy Factory and walked over there.

There is a fork in front of the road, and the sign on the roadside has been altered, but it can be vaguely seen that it should say 'Dawning Toy Factory'.

It seems that this factory should also be regarded as a local star enterprise before.

Turning into this fork in the road, the road suddenly disappeared.


Except for the trees on both sides, Lin Mo was the only one walking on this asphalt road.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Lin Mo saw a roadblock ahead.

Under normal circumstances, it is already impossible for vehicles to pass here.

Of course Lin Mo continued to move forward.

After walking a few hundred meters, Lin Mo saw the second roadblock, and there were not only roadblocks, but also barbed wire, extending from left to right.

Every 100 meters, a sign is hung on the barbed wire.

The words "Chemical Pollution Restricted Area, No One Is Entry" are written in striking fonts.

Not to mention, it's intimidating.

It also reads that illegal entry will be severely punished by law.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people would back away when they saw this, and would definitely not dare to go in.

Besides, it is not easy to get through this barbed wire.

Lin Mo looked around and found that there was a camera on the tree next to him, and now he waved at the camera.

In less than 10 minutes, two police cars drove over quickly.

A sharp brake sounded, and several police officers got out of the car and came towards Lin Mo.

"What are you doing here?" a policeman asked.

Of course Lin Mo wouldn't waste time doing nothing, so he took out the certificate of the security bureau and handed it over.

A middle-aged police officer was a little surprised at first, then took it over to take a look.

At the moment, his face changed.

With a snap, he stood at attention and gave Lin Mo a salute.

The other two police officers were startled, but their captains all saluted, which only shows that the young man in front of him has a great background.

Also standing at attention.

"Liu Hao of Feiyan City West Suburb Sub-bureau is reporting to you, please instruct!"

Lin Mo didn't expect the 'power' of the Security Bureau's certificate to be so great.

But looking for them specifically is really something.

"Why is no one here?" Lin Mo asked.

Since the pollution source inside has never been found, it means that as long as you enter the scope of the pollution source, you will be 'infected', that is, you will be marked with a nightmare.

It stands to reason that there is no 'heavy guard' here, but at least there should be sentries on duty.

Unexpectedly, after arriving, there was actually no one.

Lin Mo was very dissatisfied.

This question obviously made that Liu Hao a little stunned.

"There were indeed sentries set up before, mainly on the only way to enter factories and supporting residential quarters, but a month ago, the sentries were withdrawn."

Lin Mo thought about it carefully and probably understood why.

The scope of influence here is not small. If you want to surround this place, you need a large number of people. It is okay to close it for a short time. After a long time, there are not so many local people.

And with the passage of time, there will be more and more pollution incidents, and it is impossible to send personnel to every pollution area.

After understanding it clearly, Lin Mo pointed to the iron gate with an iron fence on the road over there: "Help me open the door, I want to go in."

The faces of the three police officers on the opposite side changed immediately.

"You can't go in, it's too dangerous inside." The young police officer said subconsciously.

But before he could finish speaking, he was pulled aside by the middle-aged police officer.

"I'll open the door for you right now." The middle-aged policeman said nothing, took the key from his body, and opened the iron door directly.

"Thank you."

It can be seen that this middle-aged police officer knows something, but the two of them are very tacit understanding, one does not say, the other does not ask.

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