Truth be told, having no fear is a huge advantage in the world of nightmares.

Lin Mo has never been controlled by others because of fear or fear. Even when he later encountered the almost unsolvable nightmare of the captain of the Gluttony, Lin Mo used the characteristic of lack of fear to press the opponent to the ground and beat him again and again.

It can be said that without this feature, Lin Mo could not have lived to this day.

But at the moment of retrieving the memory, the fear of being cut also came back.

The return of fear should not be a good thing.

But then I thought again, since this was my choice, and I forced Mo Wenting to get the memory film back, so no matter what the outcome is, I have to bear it.

What's more, even if Lin Mo is given a chance to choose again, Lin Mo will choose to retrieve this part of the cut memory.

As for why his brother cut off this part of his memory, although he didn't ask his brother face to face, Lin Mo could guess, and the basis of this guess was his understanding of his brother in his memory.

The relative who accompanied him for 12 years.

It should be that my brother wants me to live like an ordinary person, to live this life in peace, not to be tied down by the past, and at the same time, to buy an insurance for myself.

Without fear, if encountering a nightmare event, the chances of survival are much greater than those dominated by fear.

Fear is like a friend you haven't seen for a long time, and you are still a little uncomfortable when you meet him suddenly.

Lin Mo is still getting used to it.

At the same time, the cutscene in his memory is still going on.


Mo Wenting suddenly rushed out from the flowers to save Lin Mo, muttering non-stop.

It's like being mentally ill.

Lin Mo was dumbfounded at the time.

It's not his fault, just the situation at that time, Mo Wenting's weird appearance, anyone who was suddenly hugged by her would be stunned.

Liu Jia was also taken aback. After realizing it, she hurried up and pulled Mo Wenting away.

At this time, Lin Mo heard what Mo Wenting said.

she says.

help me!

Mo Wenting also told Lin Mo about this later. She was desperate at the time and felt a power in her body, so she instinctively asked for help.

But at that time, I didn't understand it.

Logically speaking, this matter should be over.

But the subsequent development was completely beyond Lin Mo's expectations.

Just after sending Liu Jia back to the dormitory, Mo Wenting's lingering spirit came again.

At that time, Lin Mo was taken aback again.

After all, in the dark corridor, there suddenly stood a woman who looked like a ghost, and even the brave couldn't stand it.

"Lin Mo, help me, I am haunted by the ghost in my dream." Mo Wenting said, with a hint of sadness and helplessness in her voice.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that at that time, he actually inquired about what happened carefully, and it seemed that he really planned to help.

"What was I thinking?"

Lin Mo muttered to himself.

Now the memory is back, so Lin Mo knows what he thought when he recalled it.

The reason still lies with my brother.

Since his brother left at the age of 12, Lin Mo has never had a terrible nightmare, but the nightmares of his brother and childhood left Lin Mo with memories that he could not forget at that time.

Although everything seemed normal on the surface, in fact, he never stopped looking for his brother.

Hearing that Mo Wenting was stalked by a ghost in a nightmare this time, it immediately reminded Lin Mo of the experience before the age of 12 at that time.

It was a coincidence, or in other words, it was inevitable. At that time, Lin Mo agreed to help. Maybe at that time, he felt that he could find his brother only when he came into contact with nightmares.

The theory is good, but in actual operation, it is not the case at all.

The main reason is that I didn't know anything at that time.

"Brother, do you have diamonds and dare to take on this porcelain job? Are you crazy?"

Now Lin Mo cursed.

He scolded himself.

The same is true.

At that time, Lin Mo promised to help, but he didn't know anything at all, and he couldn't help with anything.

Later, Mo Wenting's condition worsened day by day.

In the end, she was picked up from the school by her parents, and the classmates all said that Mo Wenting had transferred to another school.

It was not until a few days later that Liu Jia took Lin Mo to the Daxian Temple that he met Mo Wenting again.

At that time, Mo Wenting asked Lin Mo with resentment why he didn't help her.

Lin Mo was speechless.

He doesn't know anything, how can he help others?

In the end, Mo Wenting left in despair and died not long after returning home.

Of course Lin Mo and Liu Jia didn't know.

They were carrying out another line of the Daxian Temple, but they were entangled by the Twin Immortals and both died.

This Lin Mo found out what happened at that time from his memory.

Although he had heard Liu Jia talk about it, seeing all this from his memory was quite shocking. The most important thing was that Lin Mo felt the long-lost fear.

What follows is the real focus of memory.

That's how Lin Mo came back to life after he died.

This part of the memory is actually fragmented, which is easy to understand. Lin Mo and Liu Jia were both killed at that time, and the memory after death is gray.

After remembering again, Lin Mo found himself in an extremely chaotic state.

He seemed to see his brother.

It seemed that he heard his brother talking to himself.

But what to say, I can't hear clearly, in my memory, it seems that my hearing is damaged, buzzing, and I can't hear anything.

Lin Mo even saw such a scene in the chaos.

He saw several of himself.

After that, it was his memory after waking up.

Lin Mo is very familiar with what happened after this.

It was already his experience after losing his memory.

The memory going back to now is over, and Lin Mo probably knows the past and some truths.

Slowly opened his eyes.

Lin Mo looked around at the scene.

Xiao Yu stood beside her, looking at her all the time.

Not far away are five pen fairies, a group of shadows, tigers, hair ghosts, and tooth ghosts.

On the other side is Mo Wenting.

"How long has it been?" Lin Mo asked.

"How long has it been? You just closed your eyes and then opened them very quickly." Mo Wenting said honestly.

Lin Mo nodded.

He got it.

For him, traversing through these memories seems like several months.

But in reality, it's just for a moment.

"Any clues about your brother?" Mo Wenting asked.

"Yes, but where is he now? I have no memory, but don't worry, I will go to him." Lin Mo's words seemed to be telling himself.

In short, Lin Mo's main purpose has been achieved in this trip to the maze.

He regained his memory.

Many questions were answered.

But he still doesn't know where his brother is now; he still doesn't know what method his brother used to resurrect himself and Liu Jia five years ago.

Also, No. 1, did my brother shut the maze on purpose?

Here, the most important thing is where my brother is.

Because as long as you find the other party, all three problems will be solved.

Chapter 0673 The Nightmare Era Officially Opens

In Xigou Village, in Mo's two-story building, the fat man shivered and opened the toilet door a crack.

He admitted that he was cowardly.

But it's not his fault, this place is too weird.

One is that he himself was injured, and now his face is swollen like a pig's head, and he can't even recognize himself in the mirror.The other one, he has to protect Lin Mo who is dreaming.

More than ten hours have passed since Lin Mo fell asleep.

You can't wake up even if you call.

Judging from Fatty's experience, something must have happened.

In a situation like this, he must ensure Lin Mo's safety.

Fatty almost fainted a few times before, his whole head and face were hot and painful, and then he just lost consciousness, numb, his mouth couldn't be controlled, and he kept drooling, and he couldn't stop it.Fortunately, he has a very strong physique, so he managed to resist. When he was sleepy, he would turn on the faucet and rinse his head with cold water, or pinch his thigh.

Looking out through the crack of the door, it was pitch black outside.

It was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and the fat man didn't know how long he would have to wait, but he knew that no matter how long it took, he would have to wait.

As a result, at this moment, Fatty felt someone pat him from behind.

At that moment, it was like touching a switch. When he became emotional, his legs softened and he slumped on the ground.

I wanted to call out, but I couldn't.

"Fat man?"

This is Lin Mo's voice.

After the fat man heard it, he was relieved, but at this moment, his heart was beating wildly, and he kept patting his chest to breathe.

Lin Mo reckoned that he had frightened the fat man just now.

It's not that there is a saying that people scare people and scare people to death.

After a while of getting angry, the fatty finally recovered.

"Brother Lin, are you awake!" the fat man asked.

Lin Mo nodded.

"You, you scared me to death, I almost passed over just now." The fat man stared, but because his face was swollen, it looked like a gap.

Lin Mo was quite embarrassed. He didn't recognize the fat man just now.

After getting the memories of the past, under the guidance of Mo Wenting, Lin Mo walked out of the maze smoothly.

It would be effective to eat escape beans after leaving the maze, so Lin Mo woke up.

As a result, I saw the fat man pouted over there, looking out from the crack of the door.

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