Lin Mo was really honest. He said he came to learn about the past. Mo Wenting's mother obviously didn't want to think about it, but Lin Mo showed the certificate of the General Administration, saying that he was here to investigate the case. Mo Wenting's mother It fits well.

Although, she may not understand the weight of Lin Mo's certificate, all she knows is that the other party is a member of the public, and the public investigates the case, so what if he doesn't cooperate.

"Hey, when Wen Ting's grandma passed away, she came back from school, and ended up keeping a coffin all night. The next day, she seemed to be a different person. She didn't tell her when I asked her. Later, when I went to school, I thought about it. It's all right, but a few days later, people from the school called, and I found out that she had a mental problem."

What Mo Wenting's mother said can match what Wang Xiaoli and Liu Jia said.

Moreover, Lin Mo knew that Mo Wenting came to attend the funeral for her grandma back then. This must be a progress. In this way, we can learn more about Mo Wenting's grandma.

So, this trip came at the right time.

"Later, after the child was picked up, he was still fussy, muttering nonsense all day long, saying that it was too late, too late, and he died within a few days after returning."

When it came to this, Lin Mo obviously heard some problems.

The other party seemed to deliberately obscure the cause of Mo Wenting's death.

This must not fool him, so Lin Mo asked, Mo Wenting's mother had no choice but to whisper: "This matter is taboo in the village. I didn't want to talk about it, and Wenting's father didn't." Let me talk nonsense, but you are a member of the public, did you find something?"

Lin Mo said yes, and said that Mo Wenting's death was very suspicious.

"Hey, I said I can't hide it, I can't hide it, and they won't listen, so let me tell you, Wen Ting, she hanged herself."


"Yes, it's on the old locust tree at the entrance of the village, woo woo woo, I still remember that my daughter was wearing a thin skirt, hanging from that tree, swaying her body, her face was covered with bruises, Woohoo, my poor child."

A sad incident was brought up, and Mo Wenting's mother burst into tears.

Lin Mo persuaded a few words, but couldn't persuade.

The other party cried even more sadly.

At this moment, the outer courtyard door opened, and someone came in, probably because they heard crying, and the footsteps accelerated, and soon a man in his 50s came in frowning.

The other party was carrying a plastic bag in his hand, and Lin Mo contained some food.

From the looks of it, Mo Wenting's father should be back.

"Who are you? Why are you at my house?" Mo Wenting's father was named Mo Lianggu, and he was looking at Lin Mo and Fatty unkindly at the moment, probably because of a misunderstanding.

Lin Mo hurriedly explained.

Originally, Mo Wenting's mother said a few words about this matter. It seemed that the other party was addicted to crying and couldn't stop. As a result, the situation obviously developed into a hands-on situation.

Lin Mo showed his ID and said he was here to investigate Mo Wenting's death.

As a result, Mo Lianggu became angry at this moment.

It looked like a mad bull.

"Get out, get out of here, my daughter is not dead at all, you two, get out of here immediately."

Saying that, he dropped the plastic bag in his hand and ran to the kitchen to get a knife.

The fat man was obviously frightened, so he pulled Lin Mo and said no, let's go out first, and said that looking at the man, he felt that his spirit was not right, maybe he was crazy.

If it is crazy, killing people is not illegal.

There's no point in being serious with a psychopath.

Lin Mo saw that Mo Lianggu was indeed a little crazy, so he also felt that what the fat man said was good, and there was no need to force it, so he ran out of the yard with the fat man.

But Mo Lianggu didn't really chase them out. Afterwards, the fat man judged that the guy was acting to drive them out.

"It's unreasonable. Is it a big deal to use a knife or a gun? Fatty, I haven't seen anything before, so I'm afraid of this?" The fat man became arrogant again at this moment.

Lin Mo patted the fat man at this time: "Just now he seemed to say that his daughter is not dead, right?"

Fatty calmed down and thought about it, and nodded.

"That's what he said, but I feel like it must be bullshit."

"That's not necessarily the case. You forgot. If it's someone who has been infected by nightmares, the death in the real world is only the first death. Maybe she is still alive in the nightmare. If you look at it this way, what Mo Wenting's father said That's right."

Chapter 0654 Can't be so coincidental

When it comes to the world of nightmares, Fatty is also excited.

"Brother Mo, what do you mean to say, back then, your classmate was infected with nightmares, and then her family took her back, but when her family didn't pay attention, she committed suicide?"

Lin Mo nodded.

"At present, it seems to be the case."

Fatty also knew that if he was infected with nightmares, he would directly enter the nightmare world after death in the real world.

The difference from living people is that they can never wake up in the real world.

"That's not right. If you want to commit suicide, why hang yourself? It's so uncomfortable. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to buy a bottle of sleeping pills and swallow them? Or jump off a building. Although the moment is a bit scary, the results will be immediate, and you don't have to suffer."

The fat man raised his question now.

In his view, one cannot die by hanging for a short while, at least one or two minutes before consciousness dissipates and a person is finished, which is neither comfortable nor efficient.

"It's useless for others to guess about the motive and the way of death. It's better to find an opportunity to ask Mo Wenting in person." Lin Mo said at this time.

The fat man understood in seconds.

"Brother Mo, whatever you say, I will listen to you."

Lin Mo told the fat man not to worry about falling asleep, first take a stroll in Xigou Village, delineate the pollution area in detail, feel the situation here, and then make plans.

The fat man made sense.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt something strange.

He looked up.

I just happened to see a woman looking at him in a window on the second floor of Mo's small building.

Because of the distance and the very dimness in the window, it is not real, but Lin Mo can still recognize that the woman in the window seems to be Mo Wenting.

It was very similar to Mo Wenting's appearance when he checked the information, but Mo Wenting's appearance at this moment was more like the terrifying appearance described by Liu Jia and Wang Xiaoli.

Thin and disfigured, with disheveled hair, pale, bloodless skin, and bulging eyes.

It fits all the fantasies most people have of sinister ghosts in horror movies.

At this time, the fat man noticed Lin Mo's gaze, and he also looked up, shivering, and frightened the 'fuck'.

The next moment, Mo Wenting in the window stepped back and disappeared.

It is also possible that they are still hiding in the dark, spying on the two people downstairs.

Although the sun was shining, the fat man said he still felt cold.

"Brother Mo, isn't that woman just now the one you showed me..."

"Yes, it should be her."

"But isn't this Mo Wenting dead? He died five years ago. Are there people or ghosts in the window? Didn't you say that in the real world, there can't be ghosts? They are people, but what about dead people? live?"

Lin Mo nodded, then thought of something, and murmured: "Who said that if you die, you can't be resurrected?"

He said this out of emotion.

Because he himself actually died five years ago.

The old man said that he had seen his own corpse, it was so cold, but in the end, after a night, didn't he also live?

Since she can live, why can't Mo Wenting?

"That is to say, it is true that Mo Lianggu said that his daughter is fine!" Lin Mo pondered in his heart, because what he saw was true just now, and the fat man saw it too, so this must not be fake.

Unless the Mo family had another daughter who looked exactly like Mo Wenting, such a bizarre thing would not be possible.

The fat man didn't know what was going on at the moment. He was still pondering Lin Mo's sentence that one cannot be resurrected after death.

"Brother Mo, do you mean that Mo Wenting didn't die at all?"

Fatty has a good brain, not to mention, in terms of conspiracy theory, this possibility also exists.

But it doesn't make sense.

Others cheated to death because of some kind of real interests, and Mo Wenting didn't need it.

But this Lin Mo didn't tell the fat man in too much detail.

"Then what should we do now? Shall we rush in and ask clearly? There is a guy in my car, as long as Brother Mo gives you an order, my fat man is willing to be the pioneer!"

The fat man had an expression on his face that it was okay to fight me.

This and Lin Mo thought of going together.

There are indeed a lot of controlled knives in the fat man's car, and Lin Mo also has a gun. If you want to use a strong one, Mo Lianggu in the room will definitely not be able to stop it.

Originally, Lin Mo planned to wait and find out the situation first.

But now things have changed.

Therefore, plans must also be changed accordingly.

Without further ado, Lin Mo took out the gun. The fat man smiled when he saw this, and pulled out a samurai sword from the car, saying that he bought it at a discount from the Internet.

The courtyard door was left open, and Lin Mo and Fatty rushed in immediately.

Like this kind of two-story small building built in the village, there is usually only one entrance and exit. Lin Mo pushed the door and walked in.

Mo Lianggu in the room was talking with his wife. When he saw Lin Mo and the fat man going back and forth, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was about to pick up the knife.

"I just want to see who dares to move around." The fat man stared, and chopped the coffee table with a knife. Not to mention, this unscrupulous posture really scared Mo Lianggu.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party saw the gun in Lin Mo's hand.

"Fatty, you stay on the first floor."

Lin Mo confessed, and immediately rushed to the second floor.

There is only one exit here, and Mo Wenting on the second floor has no way to escape.

Of course, Lin Mo can't be sure if that woman is Mo Wenting right now, but anyway, let's control it first.

In the real world, the gun in your hand is the strongest force.

After rushing up to the second floor in a few steps, Lin Mo saw a room with a lot of stickers on the door and a very old school schedule.

It must have been in junior high school.

Obviously, this room belonged to Mo Wenting.

Lin Mo looked at the other rooms first, the door was open, but there was no one inside, and it was not the room with the window that Lin Mo saw below.

There was only this room with the closed door left.

Go up and twist the handle.

Can't open.


But Lin Mo couldn't help it. He was very proficient in the skill of violently unlocking the lock. He slammed it hard, and with a click, the door opened.

It was clearly a girl's room.

Thick curtains hung.

In addition to a bed and a study table, there is also a dilapidated bookcase.

There are some old plush toys on the bed, and the wall in front of the study desk is covered with various awards.

Judging from the name of the certificate, this is Mo Wenting's room.

Or rather, it used to be her room.

There was no one in the room either.

Lin Mo looked around, walked to the window, opened the thick curtains and looked out.

Light comes in from the outside.

"right here!"

Lin Mo can be sure that the 'Mo Wenting' he and the fat man saw on the first floor just now appeared in this window, and the angle and the style of the curtains are not wrong.

But there was no one in the room, that was for sure.

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