Lin Mo has seen similar ones, and sister Xi Wenjun wore them, but the female ghost in front of him has an older style.

The female ghost pointed to the hijab, and then to the old grandson.

Lin Mo understood.

He walked over and asked the old grandson carefully what was going on.

The old grandson faltered, Lin Mo was angry, and if you don't say it, then I don't care about this business.

The old grandson grabbed Lin Mo in fright.

"I said, it was all a misunderstanding. Didn't I get caught by that woman before, but she seemed to be in trouble. I took the opportunity and ran away. At that time, I was in a panic and kept knocking on the door. People responded, and it turned out that this room responded and let me in, so I came in and hid."

"I never thought that I just came out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den again!"

The old grandson looked at the female ghost on the bed in fear.

"At that time, it was standing behind me. I didn't pay attention to my feet, grabbed it casually, and tore off its red hijab. God testifies, I was really careless at the time, and I didn't really want to tear it off. Hijab."

Lin Mo asked the old grandson to calm down.

"What's your name? That elder sister doesn't want to eat you. If you really wanted to deal with you, you would have died eight hundred times already."

The old grandson nodded when he heard it.

He agrees with that.

Lin Mo was right, if this female ghost wanted to kill him, he would have died long ago.

Lin Mo can also see the situation now.

The old grandson strayed into the haunted house and accidentally tore off the female ghost's hijab. The other party wanted to make him responsible. To put it bluntly, he wanted to live with the old grandson.

Thinking about it, a woman may have died on her wedding night, never married, and died for hundreds of years.

These hundreds of years have naturally suffered from loneliness.

Stay alone.

Great resentment.

As a result, one day, suddenly an old man, a man, broke into her house and tore off the hijab.

Isn't this just a sheep entering the tiger's mouth and breaking into her lonely and empty heart.

If it were Lin Mo, he wouldn't let the old man go.

In short, you have to be responsible.

Otherwise, all the grievances will definitely be spread on the old grandson.

That's true, the resentment of a century-old female ghost is not something ordinary people can bear.

The old grandson has also noticed this, but the problem is, compared with this female ghost, he is like a mouse in a cat's nest. If he stays together every day, he will go crazy sooner or later.

In case the other party is not happy, killing him is not the same as playing?

"I feel like I'm going to die anyway. I don't want to stay here. Maybe life is better than death." The old grandson saw the problem so clearly.


Lin Mo doesn't want to make troubles right now, he still has to ring the bell.

So I persuaded the old grandson.

"How do you know that it's better to die if you stay? Maybe, when the time comes, you will be too happy to leave. You have to try everything first before making a decision. It's definitely not right for you to make random decisions without trying."

The old grandson who Lin Mo said was speechless.

He also seemed to have doubts about his previous judgment.

Coupled with Lin Mo's constant teasing.

Finally wavered.

"Then, why don't I try?" the old grandson asked.

"Try, of course you have to try, I know, you are worried about the age of the woman, but what is the problem. Isn't there such a saying, female juniors, hold gold bricks. Female colleges, thirty, send Jiangshan. Female colleges Three hundred, to give away the elixir... She may be more than 300 years older than you, is this still a problem? Sending the elixir, brother, wouldn’t it be great if you just take off where you are? At that time, who will dare to bully you? "

Lin Mo added another fire to the old grandson.

"It makes sense!"

The old grandson was limped directly by the fool, and there was a trace of expectation on his face.

"That's fine, I listen to you."

"That's right!" Lin Mo patted Lao Sun's head and shoulder.

It's done.

Next, the old grandson directly married the 300-year-old female ghost, and Lin Mo was the one who worshiped.

This is what the old female ghost requested.

Lin Mo reckoned that the other party regarded himself as 'Lin Yuan'.

Lin Mo just remembered one thing at this moment.

How did the old grandson get to the ghost pavilion?

And what happened to the 'that woman' that the old grandson mentioned just now.

The old grandson did not hide this matter, and told Lin Mo exactly.

Including the scene where he saw the woman for the first time after he was captured.

"At that time, I almost didn't scare me to death. That woman is too scary. I feel that she is scarier than my wife."

This is an old batch.

"By the way, that woman seems to know you!"

Chapter 0638 The Woman

Since ancient times, if you marry a chicken, you will marry a dog with the dog.

The newly married 300-year-old girl was sitting on the bed, very quiet and quite virtuous.

The groom's officer, the old grandson, was talking with Lin Mo at the door at the moment.

This is not the first time Lin Mo has heard the words 'that woman' from Lao Suntou.

Every time it was mentioned, the fear in Old Sun's eyes couldn't be hidden.

Obviously that woman left a deep shadow on the old grandson.

After listening to the old grandson's narration, Lin Mo was also silent.

What the old grandson just said was very detailed.

According to what Old Suntou said, the "that woman" he was talking about should be the "that woman" that Chang Zhou had mentioned before, who rang the bell instead of Lin Yuan in the past few years.

The other party has been living in the weird garden under the ghost pavilion.

Those creepy ghostly grafted plants in the garden were all written by 'that woman'.

Although Lin Mo has never met the other party, it can be seen from the side that the woman is very powerful. The other party lives outside the Ghost Pavilion, and every day to ring the bell, he needs to go from the first floor to the ninth floor every day.

Lin Mo has personally experienced how dangerous the first to ninth floors of the Ghost Pavilion are. This time, it is not easy to go there every day.

Also, Lao Suntou said that the other party's method of grafting is also very weird.

And the old grandson said that that woman also has taboos.

"She likes to listen to the story, and if she doesn't like to listen to it after the story, she can kill you." The old grandson said that several ghosts were killed by that woman in this way.

"She still has a pair of big scissors in her hand, she can cut whatever she wants, and can sew different bodies and other things together. I think she is a pervert."

The old grandson said one last thing.

"And, she seems to know you!"

"know me?"

Lin Mo was stunned.

The old grandson said that at that time, the ghosts who told the story to the woman were all dead, and he was the only one left. He was so scared that he almost peed his pants.At that time, Lao Sun's mind was blank, but he still had to tell a story, so Lao Sun told the story of playing mahjong.

"At that time, I didn't speak well. I thought I was going to die. I thought about it. Hanging my head on a tree is better than burying it in the soil. At least, I can enjoy the wind and see the scenery."

"Until, I accidentally said your name."

The old grandson glanced at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo asked and then.

"Then, the woman had a strange expression. She asked your name again. I repeated it, and she began to meditate, as if recalling it. After a while, she said that the name was very familiar."

"After that, she just stood there and thought about it for more than an hour."

"I didn't dare to move, and I didn't dare to run. The main reason was my damn taboo. If she didn't let me go out, I couldn't go out. Hey, I was so unlucky. At that time, I didn't have any tricks at all."

When it comes to the past, Lao Suntou has mixed feelings.

"What happened later?" Lin Mo wondered who that woman would be. He would feel familiar when he heard his name, maybe it was someone he knew.

People I know, who is in the abandoned mine in the eastern suburbs?

Suddenly, Lin Mo thought of a possibility.

"Later, the woman came back to her senses and said that there was something important to do. She wanted to go to the ghost pavilion. She let me go in together and told me about you."

"But the problem is that I don't know much. I can only tell what I know first. If I don't know, I can only make up."

"The woman seemed to know that I was lying, and she was a little angry, but she didn't kill me. But when she reached this floor, she seemed to sense something, said something wrong, and immediately went upstairs."

"How smart I am, she fucked her, and I didn't follow her, so I wanted to find a place to hide and knock on the door everywhere. In the end, my daughter-in-law was kind and opened the door for me."

This is the whole story.

What the old grandson said was really careful, and Lin Mo also understood that the serious thing that woman said was to ring the bell.

It's just that on the way, she found something wrong with the ghost clock, so she ran up first.

But in the end, the ghost clock still didn't ring.

This shows that even if the woman went up, she didn't solve the problem.

Perhaps, she was also killed?

Lin Mo is just guessing now.

But he felt that one of his guesses was more likely.

That was the identity of this mysterious woman.

Chang Zhou said that this mysterious woman rang the bell instead of Lin Yuan only in recent years.

In other words, she has not been in the ghost town for a long time, only in the last few years.

Plus, the woman knew herself.

Just imagine, in the past few years, you came to the abandoned mine in the eastern suburbs and met your own woman.

By the way, the old grandson said that the woman is very young.

That is to say, a young woman who came to the abandoned mine in the eastern suburbs in recent years and knew herself.

There is only one person Lin Mo can think of who meets these conditions.

Liu Jia!

The possibility of this speculation is very high.

In addition, Lin Mo knew from Lao Suntou's mouth that there might be something wrong with Liu Jia himself, but with the ghost clock in the ghost pavilion.

To be honest, this situation is more troublesome.

If there is a problem with the bell ringer, it doesn't matter, at least the bell can be rung in the past.

But if there is a problem with the ghost bell itself, even if you go by yourself, you may not be able to ring it.

But no matter what, it's here, so I must go up and have a look.Besides, Liu Jia might be the bell ringer before, so Lin Mo had to find her and ask clearly what happened five years ago.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo didn't want to waste time, he planned to set off immediately.

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