"Oh, if it's a person who looks exactly like Master Lin Yuan, tell me, can they tell the difference?"

"It's possible, but not very likely. After all, who dares to stop Master Lin Yuan?"

"It makes sense!"

The white-faced ghost officer and the human-headed ghost said to each other, sang and harmonized, and arranged the matter directly.

Lin Mo is not stupid. If he didn't understand at first, but after such an obvious conversation between the two of them, if he can't understand again, he would be a fool.

Immediately waved his hands: "Hey, hey, don't joke with me, I'm just here to find my brother, I can't take care of other things, especially adventure things."

Li Gui, the human-headed ghost that the paper figurine was holding, ran over and knelt down.

"What's your name, my lord?"

Too polite.

Lin Mo hurriedly said that you should get up quickly, and that I am not an adult, my name is Lin Mo.

"Lin Yuan, Lin Mo, they really are two brothers." The human-headed ghost became excited, and it said to Lin Mo: "My name is Chang Zhou, and I am the manager of the Ghost Pavilion. I am very familiar with Master Lin Yuan."

Lin Mo nodded, it was recognized.

"Lord Lin Mo!"

"Just call me Lin Mo."

"Then how can I do it, the worst thing I can do is call Brother Lin."


"Brother Lin, you are Lord Lin Yuan's brother, so this matter is up to you, because if something goes wrong in the Ghost Pavilion, Lord Lin Yuan is the most responsible, even if it is for Lord Lin Yuan, you have to help."

Chang Zhou's words directly hit the pain point.

Lin Mo didn't know what to say.

It stands to reason that he is still not completely sure that Lin Yuan is his family and brother, but he can basically be sure that Lin Yuan helped him five years ago.

So just point it out, if it's what the other party wants, Lin Mo is absolutely obliged.

Although Lin Yuan didn't ask him for help in this matter, Lin Mo couldn't refuse if Chang Zhou, a ghostly man with a head, said so.

The white-faced ghost officer next to him also reacted at this moment, and hurried forward to help.

"Brother Lin, what Chang Zhou said is correct. The Ghost Pavilion is indeed Lord Lin Yuan's responsibility, and if something goes wrong, the entire ghost city will suffer. No one can predict what will happen then."

The two ghosts are talking to each other at this moment, which actually moved Lin Mo.

The latter frowned and thought for a while, then asked about the specific situation.

"Tell me first, what is the ghost pavilion?"

"Let me talk about this." Chang Zhou asked the paper man holding it to lift it up, and kept Lin Mo's eye level, and then said: "Simply put, the Ghost Pavilion is where Mr. Chunfeng imprisoned the vicious ghost. There are many evil things in the land of evil, but there is a ghost clock on the ninth floor of the ghost pavilion, which was also cast by Mr. Chunfeng. It rang once, but today, it didn't ring."

Chapter 0631 is very simple, to ring a bell

The ghost bell that was supposed to be rung every day didn't ring, what would the ghosts in the ghost pavilion think?

Certainly not panic.

There may be surprises.

Chang Zhou didn't know what the ghosts in the ghost pavilion were thinking.

Chang Zhou was guarding the gate of the Ghost Pavilion, so he was terrified anyway.

"When I was young, I did evil things. I was also a gangster, murdered and set fire, but was arrested by the government later. I was sentenced to beheaded. I still remember the excitement at Caishikou back then. The people around were laughing and cursing, okay? It was lively, the executioner's knife was so bright that it was dazzling. It was also Mr. Chunfeng who passed by, and after seeing me, he asked me if I would like to pay off my merits. Mr. Feng put a talisman on my forehead, so although my head was cut off, I can still live in this underworld."

"Since then, I have followed Mr. Chunfeng. I will learn whatever Mr. asked me to learn; Mr. asked me to watch the gate, and I have no complaints. When Mr. left, he told me that there is no room for change in the Ghost Pavilion, and I will accept it." Mister is very kind, so we must not watch something happen to the ghost pavilion."

Chang Zhou, who was hugged by a paper figurine and only had one head left, told about the past at this moment.

Lin Mo frowned.

What this guy just said about the past is obviously suspected of showing off and showing off.

The truth is revealed.

However, although there are some meaningless words mixed in, Lin Mo has figured out the specific situation.

To put it simply, there is a ghost pavilion in the ghost town.

The ghost pavilion is very scary. There are many evil ghosts locked inside, and they are all old ghosts from Mr. Chunfeng's time.

In order to suppress them, there is not only a ghost pavilion, but also a ghost clock.

The ghost bell must be struck once a day to suppress all ghosts.

If you don't knock for a day, something may happen.

If you don't knock for two days, there will definitely be a big mess.

If there is no knock for three days, it must be a disaster.

It was Mr. Chunfeng himself who rang the bell at first, then became Lord Zhang of the ghost city government, and then Lin Yuan, and in recent years, it was replaced by a woman.

This time it was the woman who didn't know what was wrong and didn't go to ring the bell, which caused trouble.

What to do now is to go to the Ghost Pavilion and ring the bell.

Let's calm down the restless ghosts in the ghost pavilion first.

After that, go ask the woman what's going on.

The white-faced ghost official said he didn't dare to go, and the human-headed ghost Chang Zhou said he didn't dare to go either.

They asked Lin Mo to pretend to be Lin Yuan and ring the bell.

It's that simple.

Lin Mo was actually persuaded by these two guys, mainly because it was about Lin Yuan, and Lin Mo wanted to help.

But not in vain.

Lin Yuan might be his own brother, that's no problem, but the white-faced ghost officer and Chang Zhou have to pay a price, and they must give some benefits.

"I have nothing in my sleeves." The white-faced ghost officer flicked his sleeves, expressing that he was poor and had nothing to show.

"I don't care, it's okay to help anyway, but it can't be done in vain, and you two will feel good about it anyway." Lin Mo pretended that I wouldn't go if it didn't benefit me.

The white-faced ghost officer looked at this posture, thought for a while, and said that he should lend you the official seal of Mr. Lin Yuan.

"That's a really good thing. In addition to the official seal, I'll lend you another set of official uniforms."

Lin Mo sneered.

Just say that if you let me pretend to be my brother Lin Yuan, you must wear this outfit. Is this a benefit?

The white-faced ghost officer looked helpless: "I'm really poor."

Lin Mo didn't want to deal with it.

His eyes moved to Chang Zhou.

The latter is also crying poor.

"I'm just a gatekeeper, and I'm poorer than them." Chang Zhou asked the paper figurine to point to the white-faced ghost officer, expressing that he was not as good as him.

Lin Mo knew that these two goods were probably really worthless, and they couldn't get them out.

It doesn't matter to the white-faced ghost officer.

Chang Zhou has what Lin Mo wants.

Lin Mo walked over, looked at the paper figurine holding Chang Zhou's head, looked left and right, and even squeezed his hands.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Mo's actions made Chang Zhou feel terrified.

Now Lin Mo doesn't hide it anymore.

"Your origami man's craftsmanship is not bad!"

I praised it.

The subtext is that I'm interested in this.

Chang Zhou is not stupid either.

"My paper figurine technique must be passed on to Mr. Chunfeng, and should not be passed on to outsiders lightly."

This product is still on the side.

Lin Mo just sneered and didn't speak.

Seeing that the other party didn't like this, Chang Zhou could only change the subject.

"If you want to learn, I will teach you, but there is no time right now, so you have to ring the bell first."

"Okay, as long as you promise to come down."

Lin Mo's goal has been achieved.

He also has a foundation in the art of paper figurines. Whenever he mentions the art of paper figurines, he thinks of the former old man Wang.There are not many people who can admire and respect Lin Mo from the bottom of his heart, and old man Wang is one of them.

Moreover, the old man Wang also taught him everything, and he did not hide anything.

The two belong to the year-end friendship.

The other party was willing to teach, and Lin Mo was also willing to learn, but no one thought that Lin Mo had learned the splits himself, and the paper man technique he learned was different from what Old Man Wang taught.

But it is a good thing.

It is blue out of blue and better than blue.

How many times in the past, dangers were saved by relying on the technique of paper figurines.

But this paper figurine technique has only been learned a little, and there is no chance to further study it. When meeting Chang Zhou this time, Lin Mo saw that the other paper figurine was good, so he wanted to study it.

Later, Lin Mo knew that besides guarding the gate of the ghost pavilion, Chang Zhou also opened a paper-making man store in the ghost town, which belonged to the small boss.

The funeral that Lin Mo saw before, and the paper figurine playing and singing at the door are Chang Zhou's masterpieces.

This is also a craftsman.

And learning from Mr. Chunfeng, it must be unusual.

This has to be learned.

But the most important thing now is to ring the bell.

The white-faced ghost officer went back to get the official seal of the official uniform. Lin Mo looked at the official uniform, but it was just a piece of ragged clothes, nothing special. The boat was very funny, so Lin Mo didn't want to wear it.

The most is to take the official seal and put on the official hat.

To be on the safe side, Lin Mo took out a few red balloons from the cardboard box hiding in the alley over there and tied them around his waist.

These two guys made the ghost pavilion so evil, Lin Mo had to take precautions before it happened.

Although Lin Mo's ability is also high now, and there are undead curses for self-defense, it is always good to have an extra layer of protection.

It's just that Lin Mo's look is too cool now.

Wearing a black gauze hat, with a sinister official seal pinned to his waist with a red string, there is also a weird brick hammer around his waist, and five red balloons are tied behind his back. The balloons are flying, very bright.

"Get ready, let's go."

On the way, Lin Mo asked carefully about the location of the ghost bell, how to ring it, and the situation in the ghost pavilion.

"Under normal circumstances, you go in, pass through the courtyard, enter the attic, go up the wooden ladder, and go up to the ninth floor. In a hall on the top of the attic, there is a big black iron bell hanging. , just ring the bell, it's very simple."

After Chang Zhou finished talking, Lin Mo asked, this is under normal circumstances, what about abnormal circumstances.

"I don't know about this. Under abnormal circumstances, any outrageous things may happen in the ghost pavilion, so we have to adapt to the situation."

Lin Mo felt that Chang Zhou was unreliable.

"I'm going there for the first time and I need a guide."

Lin Mo glanced at Chang Zhou.

The latter also glanced at Lin Mo.

"What do you think I'm doing? I haven't gone in before. I'm a gatekeeper, and I'm disabled. You don't want me to be your guide, do you?"

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