The miracle did not happen.

The speed of the lamp ghost was very fast. A lamp ghost rushed towards the table at this moment, smashing the table to pieces.

This kind of power is definitely at the level of bull rushing.

It must be uncomfortable to hit the body.

The uncle cursed.

He rushed directly towards a lamp ghost.

Don't look at the sloppy old man at ordinary times, but he is also a good hand at critical moments.

A lamp ghost was thrown down by the uncle, and then the uncle jumped up, rushed to the bed and tore off the quilt.

"Old grandson, are you just watching the fun? Tell you, I've been exposed, so don't try to hide it."

Lin Moxin said that this mentality is not good.

The old grandson on the bed scolded directly.

It's ugly to scold.

But at this moment, they can only fight side by side.

However it didn't help.

The uncle was the first to be caught by the lamp ghost and dragged out.

Old Sun is stronger, but it is only a matter of time before he is suppressed.

Lin Mo knocked over a lamp ghost with a hammer. Seeing that the uncle was arrested, he was also impatient.

"Nephew, save me!"

The voice of the uncle is getting farther and farther outside.

Lin Mo didn't care about anything else. With a sweep of his eyes, he picked up a blood-colored miner's lamp that fell to the ground just now and chased it out.

This thing should work.

I'm not just guessing, there is a special aura on the miner's lamp, and this kind of thing may come in handy.

It doesn't matter if you guess wrong.

Just irradiating others and making them weak is enough.

What's more, it can also be used for lighting.

Lin Mo ran very fast.

If it was the first time for him to come to the eastern suburbs mining area, he might not be able to catch up with the lamp ghost. Now with the blessing of various curses, Lin Mo would not say that he could surpass the lamp ghost, but at least he would not be thrown off.

Ten meters ahead, the uncle was dragged by a lamp ghost and ran towards the entrance of the mine.

A distance of about 200 meters was passed in the blink of an eye.

The uncle was dragged in.

Lin Mo hurriedly pursued.

Entering the inside, there are lamp ghosts everywhere. At this moment, behind the red miner's lamp, dark ghosts are staring at Lin Mo.

But they didn't stop.

It may be because Lin Mo is also holding a miner's lamp.

With seven turns and eight turns, the front is a downward well.

Lin Mo still didn't catch up with the other party before he went down. In the well, there was a cry for help from the uncle.

Rushing to the edge and looking down, you can see a smear of red light descending rapidly, other than that, the bottom is pitch black, and you don't know how deep it is.

I don't know where it leads.

Lin Mo didn't hesitate. No matter what, it was his uncle. If his father knew that he would die, he probably wouldn't be happy.

So he didn't hesitate this time, tied the miner's lamp around his waist, and climbed down.

Chapter 0624 Someone is holding a funeral

Lin Mo realized that he had made a mistake.

When he saw the lantern ghost climbing down, it was very fast, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it as walking on the ground.

But it can be changed to climbing down by yourself, and it will directly show its original shape.

Very slow.

Even if there is a grip and some places to stay, it is still slow.

It's not his fault, he's neither a gecko nor a spider.

Lin Mo thought of the 'sister' in the madhouse again.

With my younger sister, a master climber, I believe it would not be difficult to catch up with that lamp ghost.

The voice of the uncle below was no longer heard, and the red light also disappeared.

Indicates that the distance is too far.

But even at this time, Lin Mo didn't panic.

He was still climbing down at his own pace.

He was not idle at the moment, muttering to himself.

"Relax, relax, it's useless for me to worry, I have tried my best. Sir, if you are killed by those lamp ghosts, it can only be said that God's will is so, it is fate. But don't worry, your nephew, I will definitely avenge you .”

This is purely self-comforting.

The main thing is that Lin Mo is really not going fast.

Of course, it was related to his uncle, Lin Mo didn't delay, he climbed down as fast as he could.The power brought by the gluttony curse and the sensitivity brought by the vampire curse made him several times faster than normal people.

After crawling for 5 minutes, I saw the bottom of the pit.

Lin Mo estimated that the depth was more than 100 meters.

But this pit is layered downward, so this is not the real bottom. It is said that the bottom is more than 500 meters underground.

Sure enough, after searching below for a while, Lin Mo found another mine that went straight down.

This mine shaft is slightly smaller in diameter than the one just now, and the lifting device has also been abandoned, leaving only a few thick steel cables and the surrounding fixed metal brackets.

Lin Mo looked down, it was pitch black.

That's really nothing to see.

At this moment, under the light of the blood-colored miner's lamp, the mining field where he was located was also dyed with a layer of red light.

Lin Mo found some mining tools, some protective clothing, masks and the like.

But they are all damaged and worthless.

The uncle is not on this floor, and there are no other lamp ghosts here, but Lin Mo still explored it, mainly because he was afraid of missing something.

As a result, he turned and stopped at a fork in front of him.

The dark passage in front was full of people at the moment.

In the range illuminated by the miner's lamp, a person could be seen standing motionless with his back turned to this side, his head lowered.

The atmosphere is very spooky and scary.

The average person sees such a scene at a depth of [-] meters, especially in such a claustrophobic environment. It is false not to be afraid, and it is also false not to be nervous.

But Lin Mo is neither afraid nor nervous now.

He was very curious, this group should not be human beings, but ghosts, or other evil things.

The question is what are they doing here?

Driven by curiosity, Lin Mo walked over and patted someone on the shoulder.

"Brother, what are you doing here?"

The hand on the other's shoulder didn't feel good, it was hard and cold.

Even through tattered overalls.

And there is no response.

Lin Mo didn't pay attention either.

"Don't say pull it down!"

Lin Mo didn't have time to explore this either.

Now the uncle is still in danger. If there is nothing else to do, Lin Mo must find out what these weird things are doing here, but there is really no time for it now.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo turned around and walked towards the entrance of the mine over there.

Just when Lin Mo turned to leave, the strange thing that Lin Mo patted on the shoulder slowly turned his head, glanced at Lin Mo, his cold eyes stayed on the miner's lamp in Lin Mo's hand, and then Slowly turned his head back.

It seems that he doesn't intend to have the same knowledge as Lin Mo.

It may be that the miner's lamp played a role.

At this moment Lin Mo had already descended into the mouth of the well and crawled down.

He also went all out, so he climbed quite fast. In this short time, he has already gone down more than ten meters.

At this moment, there was movement above the head.

Lin Mo was taken aback, and hurriedly looked up, only to see a lamp ghost dragging another person down quickly.

That speed is the same as that of a normal person running on flat ground.

very fast.

The lamp ghost didn't pay attention to Lin Mo, and Lin Mo could tell that it was probably because of the scarlet miner's lamp.

It is estimated that in the eyes of the lamp ghost, this kind of miner's lamp is a sign of the same identity.

The other party quickly skimmed down.

Lin Mo saw clearly that it was Lao Suntou who was dragged down this time.

The latter didn't know what was wrong, anyway, he was depressed and motionless with his eyes closed.

Maybe the resistance was fruitless, and he was beaten to autism?

Lin Mo didn't come to the rescue.

Firstly, the other party passed by without him reacting.

Secondly, Lin Mo is mainly here to save the uncle, and the others are not so important.

Besides, if you do it at this time, it will not be worth the candle to cause other troubles.

So, no hurry.

Fortunately, judging from the other party's approach, Lin Mo knew that he had not gone the wrong way.

Then continue to climb down.

With the red miner's lamp, Lin Mo can at least be sure that he will not be attacked by these lamp ghosts on the road.

It makes him faster.

In the next ten minutes, some lamp ghosts came down one after another, grabbing some evil ghosts called Nightmare. It seemed that these ghosts didn't even have the ability to resist when they encountered the lamp ghosts.

Slowly, Lin Mo got used to it himself.

He no longer paid attention to other people being caught, and concentrated on climbing down.

This time, he had spent more than ten minutes, but he didn't even see the end.

Lin Mo estimates that this is the deepest mine, estimated to be more than 300 meters deep, or even more than 400 meters deep.

What's next, Lin Mo is looking forward to it.

Some time passed.

Lin Mo suddenly heard a burst of music.

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