"What I said is true."

"As for the evidence, you said that you are my husband, he is my son, and that I am dead, and this is just a world of memories. Do you really think I am a fool?"

"Evidence, I have it." At this moment, the old man lifted up his clothes, revealing a scar on his stomach.

When my mother saw this scar, she was stunned.

"Remember? When we first met, you met a robber. I saved you. That guy stabbed me in the stomach. You stayed with me in the hospital for a month."

Mom fell silent, her eyes filled with shock.

"By the way, your son, Lin Mo, is the one who gave you the name. You said, a man should be prudent and cherish words like gold, so I gave him the word silent. Also, this kid has a birthmark on his butt, Xiao Mo Hurry up, take off your pants and let your mother see."

"Forget this, no need, no need!" Mom quickly waved her hand.

But at this time, she was already dubious.

The main thing is that these things are extremely secretive, and then the old man talked eloquently, and said a lot of very private things.

When it came to the fifth piece, my mother went up and covered my father's mouth.

"Okay, I believe it!"

Here Lin Mo didn't say a word, mainly because in his memory, there were very few things about his mother.

There was hardly anything to say.

At this time, my mother sat slumped on the chair, as if she had suffered a huge blow, her eyes were blank, she sat for a while, then stretched out her hands to cover her head and pulled her hair.

Lin Mo understood that anyone who heard this kind of news would collapse.

Lin Mo has also been observing his mother's reaction. It has to be said that the 'person' in memory reacts really well, just like a real person.

Are the things in the memory world really so magical?

Lin Mo felt that the secret of the hotel might not be simple at all.

This is more of a complete 'copy'.

It must be something that escaped from the bronze box that gave this hotel this ability.

But in any case, so far, it is a better ending.

The main reason is that Dad is very happy.

It can be seen that the way my father looks at my mother is different from usual. I really like it, as if the whole world has color and vitality because of one person.

"Xiao Mo, you go out for a while, I will talk to your mother."

The old man thought about the world of two people, of course Lin Mo was interested, he hurriedly got up and walked out, and slowly closed the door.

The moment the door was closed, Lin Mo saw that his father actually leaned over, and slowly, tentatively, he put his arms around his mother's shoulders.

"come on!"

Lin Mo closed the door.

He checked the time habitually. There was still a whole day before the minibus arrived. It could be said that there was more than enough time.

At this time, the strange atmosphere in the hotel also subsided.

But Lin Mo knew that these things did not really disappear, but were hidden in a deeper place.

The door of Room 12 opened a crack, and there seemed to be a sound coming from inside.

Curious, Lin Mo walked over and took a look.

I happened to see a man staring at the door with dead fish eyes.

It's quite exciting to take a quick look at it.

Lin Mo thought he had been discovered.

But soon he realized that the man was dead.

The opponent was lying on the ground, his head had almost been cut off, his neck was twisted, the wound was turned outward, and the bright red flesh was clearly visible.

The men were surrounded by towels and sheets, which were designed to absorb the blood so that it would not flow out.

Nice details.

Lin Mo thought for a while, opened the door and walked in.

On the other side, there was a naked man squatting on the ground and spreading things.

very focused.

So much so that the other party didn't notice when Lin Mo came in.

The other party spread large plastic bags.

Lin Mo moved.

Put the corpse on top, dismember it piece by piece, wrap it in a plastic bag, and then put it in the suitcase, and a big living person just disappeared.

Needless to ask, the living man is the murderer.

The reason why the other party didn't wear clothes was that it was easy to wash after killing someone, and the clothes would not be stained with blood. At that time, the body would be washed with water, soaped or something, dried and put on clothes, without any delay.

There was a black air on the opponent at the moment.

Obviously controlled by something evil.

But the evil thing is only a catalyst, an inducement.

Just like alcohol, it will only offset a person's sanity, but whether this person will do some bad things has nothing to do with alcohol itself.

In other words, this man was planning to kill someone.

At least, there is that thought.

Some kind of evil escaped from the bronze box just magnified the dark side and malice of the other party, thus creating a perverted murderer.

Lin Mo sighed.

Although he doesn't discriminate against perverted killers, if he could move faster before, or if he was stronger, he might be able to intercept some of the weirdnesses that escaped from the bronze box.

That person on the ground may not die.

The sigh startled the killer.

The other party turned his head immediately, and when he found Lin Mo, he was surprised, and there was a crazy killing intent in his eyes.

Lin Mo noticed the sharp knife in the opponent's hand.


"See what you mean, are you going to practice with me?"

The killer didn't dare to make a move.

The weird thing magnified his desire and evil side, but it didn't eat the opponent's brain, and the opponent still had some sanity.

At least there is basic judgment.

He could easily judge that if he did it, he might die.

No, not possible.

It is sure to die!

Especially after looking at Lin Mo for two seconds, cold sweat broke out on this guy's forehead.

At this time, he handed over the knife in his hand.

"No, brother, you misunderstood. I just want you to see if the quality of my knife is good. If you have time, please give me a comment?"

The ferocity in his eyes disappeared at this moment.

All that is left is to please and submit.

Originally, Lin Mo wanted to practice his hands, but after the other party said so, it would be boring for him to do it again.

"Who is this?" Lin Mo asked, pointing to the corpse on the ground.

"I'm a friend." The killer hesitated for a moment, but said honestly.

"Why kill him? Looking at the fatal wounds on his body, there must be more than a dozen of them. Is there any revenge?"

"Well, yes!"

"Tell me." Lin Mo is also idle now, sitting on the chair next to him and preparing to listen to the story.

The murderer had no choice but to say, and it had to be detailed and vivid, otherwise he might not be able to send away the great god Lin Mo.

After half an hour, Lin Mo understood.

The person who died was a friend of the murderer, and the relationship was not bad, but the other party was dishonest and dishonest, so he pried the corner of the brother's wall and slept with the murderer's girlfriend.

This is completely playing the murderer as a fool.

Can this be tolerated?

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked, since you killed this person, do you have to kill your girlfriend as well?

The killer thought for a while, then shook his head.

"I won't do anything to Juanjuan. No matter how sorry she is to me, she has experienced good things with me. In fact, I didn't want to kill my friend at first, but just wanted to talk to him. I said, since you like Juanjuan , then I'll quit, and you stay together, as long as you treat her well."

"And then?" Lin Mo asked curiously.

"He said that he was just playing and had no feelings for Juanjuan. He also said, this woman is so bad, why do you still think about her, why not be like him, get tired of playing, just kick off."


Lin Mo understood.

There is no need to ask the latter, the guy on the ground is looking for death.

In this case, not to mention that there are weird things fueling the flames, even if there is no such thing, as long as it is a little bit hot-tempered, at least this guy will have to be beaten to death.

In this way, Lin Mo thinks this murderer is quite interesting.

It's a bit of an exaggeration to say that love and justice are important, but at least it's not the result of pure malice.

"Okay, you can do your work, I'll go out for a stroll."

Lin Mo didn't want to meddle in this business anymore.

The killer rushed to see him off.

"By the way, close the door tightly. This will let the children see the bad influence." Lin Mo scolded, and the killer nodded quickly, saying that he must pay attention, he must pay attention.

"No more!" Lin Mo waved his hand, looked around, and walked towards Room 6.

In room 6 is that beautiful young woman.

It was quite normal before, but then he was cursed by the 'ghost'. Lin Mo suspected that more than half of the ghosts that escaped from the bronze box were entangled in this woman.

Anyway, I'm free, let's go and have a look.

The door was closed tightly.

Lin Mo walked over and listened, and there were rustling movements inside.

Knock on the door.

In an instant, all movement disappeared.

It's like someone hit the mute button.

But no one came to answer the door.

It seems that the things inside don't like being disturbed, and have no intention of opening the door to welcome guests.

Of course Lin Mo would not break in.


He wandered around the corridor again, only to find by accident that in the toilet, a ghost was drilling into the body of the cleaning lady.

Already halfway through.

This aunt was also a normal person before, but after the bronze box was opened, she was possessed by an evil ghost, and then she became A Piao who was on her toes.

Lin Mo thinks that this auntie is very nice, even if she becomes A Piao, she will do her job honestly, without any intention of being lazy.

So he walked over, stretched out his hand to grab the evil spirit's neck, and pulled him out.

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