The moment the copper door was closed, the ground began to shake.

Fortunately, it only lasted for a short while. The next moment, the surrounding darkness quickly faded, just like the effect of turning on the lights of a large factory building one by one.

I can see my surroundings clearly.

Lin Mo looked around, and it was not as huge and empty as he imagined.

At best, an underground laboratory of more than 200 square meters.

There was another person lying on the ground not far away, motionless.

The copper door was placed on a metal platform in the middle, exuding a strange light.

It can be seen that there is an observation glass ten meters away. This is an isolated observation room, but the glass has already been broken to the ground, and only the emergency lights in the laboratory are lit at this moment.

Lin Mo walked over to look at the people lying on the ground.

is an old man.

Appears to be wounded, with a patch of blood on his forehead, but not dead.

Lin Mo even felt the breath of a living person on the other party.

From the work card, Lin Mo saw the old man's name.

"It's Academician Li!"

Lin Mo was a little surprised. One of the purposes of coming to the lost fourth base this time was to respond to Professor Xie's request to see if he could find Academician Li.

On the side of the General Administration, Academician Li was deemed dead.

Because not only is he missing, but his body in the real world has also been judged to be medically dead.

But Academician Li left a message, which read: I'll go to the bronze gate to see, don't burn my body.

Seems to know his body will die.

According to the message, Professor Xie did not think that Academician Li was really killed in the line of duty, so he kept Academician Li's body all the time.

Now it seems that Academician Li is really alive.

But the next moment, Lin Mo sensed something, and frowned.

From Academician Li, he felt the mental fluctuations of a dummy.

Is this Academician Li a replica?

Lin Mo's attitude towards dummies has always been that he would rather kill a mistake than let it go.

It's just that when he pulled out all the knives and was about to strike, Junhun came over and grabbed Lin Mo's wrist.

Lin Mo glanced at the military soul.

Say that Academician Li is a counterfeit, transformed by a dummy, you should let go of it quickly.

Junhun still didn't let go.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, as if they had a disagreement and drew their swords to face each other.

Maomao also felt the smell of gunpowder, and sneaked behind the army soul, as long as Lin Mo did something, she would do it.

It doesn't matter who the opponent is, even if it is a special expert.

At critical times, one's own people are one's own people, and there is no need to say more about who to help or not.

During the confrontation, Academician Li woke up unexpectedly.

Seeing the situation in front of him clearly, he seemed to understand something.

"Jun Hun, it's okay, I'll talk to him." Academician Li waved his hand, unexpectedly, Jun Hun actually let go of Lin Mo's wrist.

Lin Mo looked at the wrist that had been caught with a black handprint, and thought that this army soul's hand strength was much stronger than those ghosts and floating corpses.

This time, Lin Mo and Academician Li looked at each other.

Not to mention, the imitation of this dummy replica is the real image, the demeanor and temperament, and there is no shadow of the dummy at all. If it weren't for Lin Mo who could distinguish the mental fluctuations, he would not be able to tell that it was a replica at all.

"You are proficient in the use of mental power, and you are good at the perception of mental power. You have ingenious abilities. It seems that you have a very powerful teacher." Academician Li said, then stood up from the ground and looked around.

When he saw the closed copper door, he was obviously relieved.

"That's right, I'm a replica." Academician Li admitted generously.

Lin Mo looked at Junhun, meaning you see, this impostor has admitted it himself.

"But I am indeed Academician Li." Academician Li said this again, and then waved at Lin Mo: "Come, let's chat alone."

Lin Mo walked over, and Academician Li opened a door next to it. Inside was a small office. It seemed that Academician Li was doing research here on weekdays.

"Sit casually, the opening of the copper door caused fluctuations and destroyed the equipment here, so I can't make you tea." Academician Li said with a smile.

Lin Mo said that you don't want to do this, and if you have something to say, just say it and let it go.

A dummy is still so ostentatious.

Academician Li said that young people should not be impatient. What you know may not be comprehensive and not the truth.

Lin Mo's temper also came up.

"Then you talk about what is the comprehensive truth." Lin Mo put the knife on the table, and if you can't say it, I will cut your posture.

Academician Li took a deep breath: "You are the first person to discover that I am a replica. What is your name?"

"Lin Mo!" Lin Mo also heard that something was wrong.

Judging from the appearance of this impostor, it seems that the other party was not born just now.

If it is a replica that has just been born, it is impossible to say such a thing.

"I know you. You solved the matter in Guimen Village. There is also a report on Junk Lane. There is also a bronze door there, which you also discovered and wrote." Academician Li took a copy from the nearby bookshelf. document.

"This is my research report on the underground copper door in Junk Alley. It is currently a secret. You can take it away and read it. But now, what I want to tell you is that I am not what you think." Academician Li sat on the chair Go up and wipe the blood from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Five months!" At this time, Academician Li stretched out his finger: "Strictly speaking, it is five months, four days, eight hours and 43 minutes..."

Lin Mo didn't understand what the other party meant.

"What five months?"

"When I was born, I was indeed a copy, but I was not born this time when the bronze door was opened."

Academician Li told Lin Mo that the real Academician Li is not a perfect scientist.

"He has flaws. His character and spirit are the most lethal. In terms you can understand, he is paranoid, very paranoid. When he found the No. 7 bronze door, he even took the initiative to open the bronze door for research." Li Lin Mo was quite surprised by what the academician said, while the counterfeit academician Li continued to speak.

"At that time, he found me and took the initiative to copy. I have all his memories and abilities. The copy is perfect, and even perfectly repaired his original flaws. If you compare it, I am better than him , he is already a madman, and I am not."

"Later, he was so crazy that he wanted to continue to explore the secrets inside the copper gate and conduct dangerous experiments, but he did not report all of this to the management of the General Administration and the Academy of Sciences. If he is allowed to continue like this, it will definitely cause unpredictable disasters .”

"So you killed him?" Lin Mo interjected at this time.

The fake academician Li waved his hand: "No, at that time, I was his shadow, helping him with many things, even assisting him in some research, I was just trying to persuade him. I won't do that because he treats me Had mental surgery to remove the dark side of the dummy, it was like cutting out cancerous tissue. I think he did it on purpose, he wanted me to stop him, he wanted me to continue what he failed to do research work."

"And then?" Lin Mo's curiosity came up again.

"Four months ago, he entered the bronze gate alone, and never came out again." The fake academician Li looked calm.

Lin Mo has been paying attention to the other party's mental fluctuations.

Nothing has changed.

It doesn't seem to be lying, but this thing is not particularly accurate. After all, the other party is not a human being. Strictly speaking, it is the 'weird' inside the Tongmen.

If it's weird, you can't believe it all.

"That is to say, from that time on, you have become Academician Li." Lin Mo figured it out this time.

The counterfeit Academician Li on the opposite side nodded: "I have been trying my best to prevent the bronze door from opening completely. Junhun is also clear about this. He has helped me several times."

"But this time, the copper door was pushed open by a pair of weird hands. I was so intimidated by those hands that I couldn't move at all. Countless dummies ran out from the opened door, and then the hands that pushed the door retracted. , I immediately left a message to Lao Xie, and then tried to go in and close the door, but unfortunately, it failed in the end.”

When Lin Mo heard this, he felt that the other party must have lied.

The other party entered the copper gate, not only to close the gate, but also to find the real Academician Li.

So far, Lin Mo has not fully believed the other party's words.

"I know you don't believe me, but I have Academician Li's own diagnosis report here. It is impossible to falsify the date and diagnosis results on it. This can also be found in the data of the General Administration, and it is impossible for anyone to tamper with it. .”

What this counterfeit means is that you first check to see if the real Academician Li is sick.

Then look at me now, then it will be compared.

Lin Mo said nothing.

He is still thinking.

At this time, the 'Academician Li' on the opposite side seemed to see something, and walked over, staring at Lin Mo's arm.

Lin Mo followed the other party's gaze and looked down, also stunned.

On his own arm, a mark appeared at some point.

Like an eye.

At first it looked like it was painted on, but after a long time of looking, the eyes are as real as they are, and they can still look at you.

"What is this?" Lin Mo looked at 'Academician Li' and seemed to know something about this eye, so he asked.

The latter said: "This is the mark of the closed door."

After speaking, he took out a research document and handed it to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo opened it and saw that it was written by Academician Li. The research content on the imprint of the closed door was written about four months ago.

"I wrote this together with him. At the beginning, the bronze door just opened a gap, and he closed it alone. After that, this kind of thing appeared on his body."

"Is it a curse?" Lin Mo knew a lot about curses. He smelled it carefully, and there was indeed a breath of curses in the eyes.

"It should be a curse, but this kind of curse is very special and can't be removed at all." 'Academician Li' sighed: "Besides, this curse will inevitably bring bad luck after death. During his days, he was tortured by this curse. look."

The "Academician Li" refers to him as the real Academician Li.

Lin Mo looked at the research content.

The situation is the same as what the other party said.

The real Professor Li recorded in this research diary the pain he suffered after closing the door, and these pains were brought about by the imprint of the person who closed the door.

Lin Mo also noticed that the fake academician Li was also mentioned in the research log, and it was really the same as the fake academician said, the real and fake Academician Li cooperated with each other.

Moreover, the real academician Li also called the impostor the greatest 'work' of his life.

Lin Mo looked at this report and believed nine percent of what 'Academician Li' said just now.

the reason is simple.

The first is the time when the replica was born, definitely not this time, if it was this time, the replica would not be able to prepare this kind of research log in advance.

This thing is not something that can be written on a whim.

In addition, Lin Mo also saw some clues in this office. For example, there are two desks and two sets of office supplies, and they are all exactly the same.

Even the cups for drinking water are exactly the same.

These also cannot be prepared in advance.

"Actually, the reason why he decided to enter the bronze gate again was to find a solution to this horrible curse. However, he should have failed."

'Academician Li' sighed.

At this time, Lin Mo pulled out his own yellow paper from his heart and looked at it.

Sure enough, one more curse was added to the original thirteen curses.

However, the words of this curse are very strange, with a touch of hatred and resentment that is difficult to get rid of.

5-0 Ghost Eater.

Lin Mo remembered that he had analyzed before that the curse of the No. 5 sequence was the pain system, and this curse, which was ranked at the zero position of the No. 5 pain sequence, was definitely not ordinary.

But how unusual it is, Lin Mo still doesn't know.

But judging from the research log in his hand, it can be roughly seen.

"Every day, I will be killed and eaten by that horrible ghost, endlessly..."

This is the original text in the diary, and Lin Mo didn't change a word.

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