See what this replica is going to do.

"Are you here to save us?" The first sentence matched the demeanor and expression of the female researcher, and there was no flaw in it.

Lin Mo noticed the work permit hanging on the other party's chest.

It says Liu Anna, 4th base level [-] researcher.

The other party's acting skills are so good, it's not easy for Lin Mo to expose the other party, so he cooperated with the acting.

"Yes, I was sent by the General Administration. What happened here? Just now, a group of people attacked me like crazy. Fortunately, I ran fast."

"I don't know what happened, it suddenly became like this, everyone else in the base is crazy, and it's not the same as before, I have been hiding in this room, and it's only now. "

This Liu Anna's expression is really in place.

If it wasn't for the mental fluctuations that betrayed her, Lin Mo wouldn't see any flaws at all.

This, on the contrary, aroused Lin Mo's curiosity.

What is this replica intended to do?

To be honest, Lin Mo originally wanted to be cruel to the other party, but now he doesn't want to.

Since the other party wanted to act, Lin Mo thought why he didn't cooperate with this thing in acting, so that he could find out the real purpose of the other party.

"Can you take me out?" Liu Anna looked expectant at this moment.

Since it was acting, Lin Mo felt that he had to follow the routine.

"no problem."

It is estimated that Lin Mo answered too decisively and affirmatively, but Liu Anna on the other side was stunned.

But she reacted very quickly: "Well, that's great, when are we going?"


Lin Mo reached out and grabbed the opponent and ran out.

However, the direction Lin Mo walked was not outward, but towards the safety staircase, and then down the stairs.

If it is a real researcher, it will definitely be questioned at this time.

This is clearly not the way to exit.

But Liu Anna didn't ask.

The helplessness in its eyes was gradually replaced by a strange coldness.

In the corridor, there was only the sound of two people descending the stairs, and the faint emergency lights stretched the shadows of the two people.

After going down a few floors, the light got dimmer.

Lin Mo suddenly found a problem.

There were obviously two footsteps in the corridor just now.

This is normal, because there are two people, myself and Liu Anna.

But at some point, there was only the sound of one person's footsteps.

Lin Mo glanced back, Liu Anna was still following behind him, and he was also holding her hand, but because of the dim light, he could no longer see the other party's appearance clearly.

Only an outline can be seen.

Lin Mo stopped.

Liu Anna also stopped.

The footsteps were the same.

Lin Mo stared at the other party, and this Liu Anna was also staring at Lin Mo without saying a word.

In the darkness, the two just stared at each other.

Lin Mo asked what you were doing.

The other party also asked Lin Mo what you were doing.

Lin Mo said nothing, and neither did the other party.

Basically, anyone with a little brain knows that something is wrong.

Lin Mo tilted his head, and the other side tilted his head too.

Lin Mo coughed, and the other party coughed too.

"This guy is imitating me!" Lin Mo muttered.

"This guy is imitating me!" Liu Anna on the opposite side also said, but this time, the voice was no longer that of the woman just now.

Instead, it was replaced by a male voice.

And this voice is very familiar to Lin Mo.

Isn't this my own voice?

Lin Mo probed forward, and the person on the opposite side also probed forward. The faces of the two people got closer and closer, and finally, they saw each other clearly.

Lin Mo saw a familiar face, and he would see this face every time he looked in the mirror.

its own face.

The same.

Even the slightly surprised expression was so vivid that Lin Mo even suspected that what he was facing was a mirror.

Suddenly, the opponent's hand began to exert force.

Lin Mo looked down and saw the opponent's hand.

Same as your own hands.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly remembered something. When he was hiding in the cardboard box, a hand reached in and almost caught him.

There is a scar between the thumb and index finger of that hand.

At that time, Lin Mo felt that something was wrong. At this moment, he finally realized that something was wrong.

Because it was his own right hand.

He himself had a scar in the same place.

This scar was accidentally left when I was a child, so the person who reached out of the box and entered it was actually me.

"No wonder the cardboard box was not moved away immediately, because it saw me."

At this moment, the power on the palm is getting stronger and stronger.

The bones were almost crushed by the opponent.

The face of 'myself' on the opposite side also showed a cold and strange smile, with cruelty and a hint of sarcasm.

He probably felt that this prey was so stupid that he threw himself into a trap and entered such an environment suitable for hunting.

At this moment, Lin Mo also laughed.

His smile was brighter than that of the impostor opposite.

His palms turned black.

Like cast iron.

This time, the counterfeit can no longer be pinched.

Lin Mo began to exert force here.

Immediately, the impostor felt tremendous pressure from the palm of his hand, and it felt almost like shaking hands with a robot.

It began to think of ways to draw its hands.

Can't get it out.

Lin Mo continued to work hard.

"Come on, don't you know how to imitate, don't you know how to copy, keep talking."

Lin Mo, who had the upper hand, began to provoke.

The next moment, several curse attacks came from the imposter.

Lin Mo is very familiar with these kinds of curses.

Skinning, eating hearts and crushing bones.

These curses are very powerful, but for Lin Mo, they are useless at all.

Although he didn't suffer any substantial damage, Lin Mo's face suddenly changed and he squeezed hard.

A click.

The opponent's palm was shattered.

It is estimated that none of the bones in the hand are complete.

The next moment, Lin Mo let go of the opponent, and then took out the brick and hammer and hit his head and face.

A click.

The counterfeit was knocked to the ground.

The flames from the brick hammer illuminated the dark corridor.

In front of Lin Mo, lay a dead body.

The head was smashed, but if you look closely, you can see that this guy is exactly the same as Lin Mo.

Not only the looks, but even the clothes.

Even the opponent has a brick hammer and a tiger bone sickle on his waist, and there are rings on his fingers.

"Can it be copied completely?" Lin Mo stepped on the opponent's chest, and first smashed both arms of the corpse with a brick hammer.

The body that was supposed to be dead now let out a painful howl.


Lin Mo grunted and continued to smash.

Two legs were also broken.

In this way, the opponent can't even fight back.

The head was smashed and dented, and a third of it was broken, but this guy didn't die.

The reason is simple, this guy not only copied the appearance and items, but also the curse possessed by the target.

The Curse of Gluttony and the Curse of Vampire had tenacious vitality, even after being hit so hard, the impostor did not die immediately.

At this time, Lin Mo reached out and grabbed the opponent's chest.

Reach in and pull.

Actually pulled out a piece of yellow paper.

"Even yellow paper can be copied?"

Lin Mo carefully looked at the curse sequence on the yellow paper, and there are currently seven curses in total.

Including Skinning, Bone Crushing, and Heart Eater, as well as Gluttony, Vampire, and the other two are Ghost Eye and Symbiosis.

"That is to say, the other party has not completely copied it, because there is not enough time, it only copied seven curses." Lin Mo suddenly realized.

Why can I suppress the other party all of a sudden.

Because the opponent's curse sequence is incomplete.

If the other party succeeds in completely copying it, it will be very difficult for Lin Mo to kill this fake.

At this time, the handwriting on this piece of yellow paper began to fade rapidly, and even this piece of yellow paper quickly decayed, turning into sand-like things scattered around.

Look at the body again.

This time it should be really dead.

After all, it is a fatal injury. Even gluttony and the vampire curse can only save life for a short time. If you want to live, you must eat and suck blood.

But this guy was crippled and couldn't make up for it, so he had to die.

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