The three hanged men checked immediately.

Sure enough, they found a few footprints on the ground.

Where the rotting corpse walked, it would leave some marks, with the peculiar stench of the corpse.

Lin Mo saw it, and it was true.

The footprints are not obvious, but if you look carefully, you can still find them. If you look along the footprints, you will find that they disappeared from the front guardrail.

But the side of the guardrail is empty, if you flip it down, it will directly fall to the ground more than ten meters away.

Lin Mo went there with the three hanging men, grabbed the railing and looked up, and saw a face directly.

On the rotten face, there was a hair-raising expression at the moment.

The missing corpse was holding on to the protrusion below, hanging in the air and looking up at the person above.

"It's really alive!"

Lin Mo was surprised, while the other three hanging men ran away in fright.

Obviously, in their psychology, this kind of resurrected corpse cannot be provoked, and they don't even have the will to do it.

Almost at the same time, the corpse outside the guardrail turned violently and chased after it at an unbelievable speed.

Even Lin Mo didn't react.


A scream.

A hanged man fell.

His heart was grabbed abruptly, his heart was taken out, he twitched twice, and completely motionless.

And the revived corpse was clutching its hot heart, eating happily.

Lin Mo could see clearly just now that the corpse was chasing after it faster than the cheetah, and dug out the heart of the hanging man with his bare hands.

Simply a breeze.

But Lin Mo couldn't do the same thing by himself.

Strength, explosiveness and speed are all much worse.

Also, although his fingers can be made of steel, it is almost impossible to dig out a person's heart at once.

This is a technical job.


Lin Mo narrowed his eyes.

It was only at this time that Lin Mo felt the fear of the hanged corpse man towards the resurrected corpse.

Indeed, if ordinary people encounter this kind of monster, even if there are more than a dozen people with weapons, they will be killed by this monster within 1 minute.

This kind of corpse is far superior to ordinary people in all aspects.

Escape, can't escape.

Hit, let alone beat.

And people either don't do it, or they are killed in one blow.

But Lin Mo was a little surprised that the corpse didn't attack him who was closest to him just now.

The other two hanging corpses probably knew that they couldn't escape. At this time, they took out their weapons and looked desperate. Obviously, if you resist, you will die, and if you don't resist, you will die.

But you should still resist it. This is the survival instinct of human beings.

The corpse swallowed the bloody heart in a few mouthfuls, and then rushed over.

This time Lin Mo can no longer get used to it.

The opponent was too fast just now, and Lin Mo didn't react, but this time, he was ready.

Seeing the opponent attacking again, Lin Mo smashed it with a brick without saying a word.

His strength is also far superior to that of ordinary people, and the brick flew straight over under the huge force, and smashed on the leg of the revived corpse.

The brick was hard and heavy, and with Lin Mo's strength, the opponent's calf bone was broken in an instant.

With a bang, the corpse fell to the ground.

But the other party didn't seem to know the pain, and continued to frighten the prey at an extremely fast speed.

Putting his hands on the ground, he actually ejected and rushed towards another hanged man.

But Lin Mo also expected that just a brick could not stop the opponent, so others also rushed over, saw the right time, and slashed down with a knife.


Knife light flashed.

The corpse was separated from its body.

"It's time to die." Lin Mo walked over and kicked the headless corpse on the ground, and the corpse suddenly reached out and grabbed Lin Mo's ankle.

But in the next blow, the opponent's arm was chopped off.

Then another knife pierced the opponent's heart.

This time the corpse monster completely subsided.

Lin Mo tore away the severed arm holding his ankle, looked at his ankle, and was scratched. If he had moved slower just now, his leg bones would have been crushed.

It's not an exaggeration.

The strength of the opponent is so great.

"It's really great."

Lin Mo also had to admit this, no wonder these hangers wanted to hang up all the corpses, it is estimated that the dead bodies would not change if they were hung up.

But after the corpse change, it was really fierce.

Even if Lin Mo is not paying attention, the car may overturn in the gutter.

The remaining two hanged men did not have Xie Linmo, but looked behind Lin Mo in horror.

Lin Mo remembered that there were still six corpses over there.

Looking back, it really is.

These six old men also stood up, staring at them with gloomy eyes at the moment.

"Xiao Yu!" Lin Mo didn't hold back, these corpse monsters were extremely destructive, and with a pinch of his fingers, it was estimated that even a piece of reinforced concrete could be forcibly broken off.

So once caught by them, it is a breeze to tear off the flesh and bones.

It has to be handled with care.

It wasn't just Xiaoyu, Lin Mo touched the ghost ring on his little finger and called Xiaohu out too.

During this period of time, the little tiger has grown a lot, and now its size has surpassed that of a normal adult tiger. With its tail, it must be five meters long, and it can be called a giant.

The tiger head alone is bigger than a large washbasin.

Such a fierce thug, when not to use it at this time?

Especially in this kind of simple melee combat, basically nothing can defeat Xiaohu.

Three vs. six, although the quantity is inferior, but the quality is high, so it can be played.

The problem is that it doesn't work if you don't fight.

These resurrected corpses in the Lost City seem to have no brains. When they encounter something that does not belong to their kind, they will rush up and do it until they die.

Lin Mo has other means.

So these revived zombies are powerful, but they are not qualified to bully him.

A fight!

The six resurrected corpses were all killed, and Lin Mo stabbed each of them, heart and head, to ensure that the corpses were completely dead.

The fight just now was absolutely lightning-fast. Although he won, one of Xiao Yu's iron chains was torn off, and a large piece of his skirt was grabbed; The bone was broken; Lin Mo himself was fine, no blood was seen, but the victory in this match was a bit uncertain.

These wights are indeed very vicious.

The two hangers next to him looked dumbfounded.

It took a while to respond.

They immediately came up and tied ropes on the corpses, and Lin Mo asked these corpses whose heads and hearts had been punctured, could they still live?

The hanged man nodded: "Don't worry about them, they can stand up and kill again after seven days."

It's really evil.

Lin Mo also helped together, and suddenly thought that he had a fire, so he asked if it was okay to burn it.

The hanging man said that it is okay to burn it, but it must be burned cleanly, and it is not acceptable if it is not burned cleanly.

After Lin Mo thought about it, let's hang it up.

There is no firewood or gasoline in this place, so it cannot be burned.

Although I don't know why it won't turn into a dead body when it is hung up, but do as the Romans do.They were all hung up, including the corpse hanger who died just now. As for the corpse whose head had been chopped off, the head and the corpse had to be hung up separately.

For the dead body whose head has fallen off, Lin Mo thinks it can grow back by itself?

The hanging man said, young man, don’t believe in evil. They tried to cut off the head and limbs, and buried them in different places. As a result, when the time came, the head and the body emerged from the soil and grew together again.

Even without a head, a headless corpse can kill.

Lin Mo thought about it, but it was very similar to the headless corpse in Luyuan Community.

The corpse monsters here are also similar to the headless corpses in terms of strength and speed, but the headless corpses have brains and know how to confess, and the corpse monsters here have no brains.

Lin Mo showed his might just now, and the remaining two hanging corpses were much more polite, and asked Lin Mo where the other corpse that had been put down was.

Lin Mo counted the time and said: "Don't go there, that place is a bit far from here, it takes an hour to walk, and based on the time, the corpses over there must have been transformed."

It's not that Lin Mo thinks he can't beat those corpses, but the main reason is that those corpses probably won't just wait there.

They must have all run away.

The two hangers thought about it, and they both sighed.

This is a huge threat to them.

But now I dare not talk about Lin Mo anymore.

After all, this one seems to be much more terrifying than those zombies.

On the way back, with his excellent social skills, Lin Mo chatted enthusiastically with the two hanging corpse men, looking like old friends for many years.

The Hanged Man is the nickname Lin Mo gave them. In fact, they all have names, and they are really from a small country on the Banana Islands.

"The county (county) we live in is on a small island. Before the evil invaded, the connection with the outside world was cut off due to chaos. Fortunately, we can be self-sufficient, but then, the terrible nightmare still came..."

A hanging man told Lin Mo about their experiences.

Lin Mo was stunned.

No wonder they looked so rough and tanned, they lived on the island.

Think about it carefully, this is the difficulty of opening hell.

The nightmare invaded, and they didn't even have a place to hide. After all, the island is limited in size.It is said that many people died at the beginning. Fortunately, some elders on the island organized everyone to work normally during the day, fish and farm, and gather together at night to enter a local 'temple' for refuge.

Now there are hundreds of people on the island, huddling together to survive.

As for their small country, it may no longer exist.

Lin Mo also told them about his own experience.

"Are you from Huaguo?" A hanging man looked at Lin Mo: "How did you get here?"

"It's a long story."

Lin Mo said that he had originally booked a three-month luxury cruise trip, but when he got off the ship halfway to run some errands, the ship was robbed, and he went to the other side of the ocean alone. .

When it comes to emotion, the two hanging corpses also showed sympathy.

"Then I found this painting, and it seems that this can lead to other places, so my friend and I came in to try our luck." Lin Mo looked at the other party: "Now it seems that my guess should be right. "

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