Lin Mo is not worried about the rabbit.

This guy is most afraid of death, but also clever, and there may not be any particularly powerful monsters in this place.

Lin Mo was the only one left, and he walked towards the north. The route he took was the longest, and he had to make a half circle around the outside before entering the city.

When alone, Lin Mo can't help but look around.

After all, in the past period of time, I was always accompanied by my mother and younger sister, and I was not used to it all of a sudden.

Shaking off the helplessness in his heart, Lin Mo speeded up.

"LostCity" is a theme painting about an abandoned city.

As for why it was abandoned, no one said. After all, there is no strict background setting standard for things in the art world, and it is completely the product of those artists' whim.

Sometimes people mix a bucket of paint and pour it on the canvas, and a world famous painting is born.

If someone says he doesn't understand, it means he has a low realm and a low vision, and he cannot appreciate the most mainstream art.

So most people can only pretend to understand.

Maybe out of ten people, none of them understood, because even the artist who splashed the paint probably forgot why he splashed it out in a convulsion.

This is not Lin Mo's nonsense.

Just like the statue he saw just now, something like a thong.

On closer inspection, it was really a thong.

What's the point of turning a thong into a statue and standing here?

Another example is that he saw another statue at the moment.

A man with a big belly.

Same as pregnant women.

The belly was cut open, and a baby's little hand stretched out from inside.

What problem is this going to explain?

Lin Mo didn't understand.

I remember who said before that art is critical, so is this criticizing men for not being able to have children?

Lin Mo glanced again.

But this time, he was stunned.

The little hand protruding from the man's belly disappeared.

Lin Mo thought he was dazzled.

When I looked closer, I realized that this was not a statue, but a corpse sealed in wax.

No wonder it feels so similar.

Then the little hand just now is real.

The next moment, Lin Mo vaguely heard a child crying.

Almost instantly, an evil curse breath filled the air.

Lin Mo is very sensitive to the curse now, he took a few steps back, and soon found that the curse seemed inevitable.

Almost at the same time, Lin Mo felt a chill in his stomach.

It felt like a cold little hand was pressing on it.

The ghost eyes on his forehead opened immediately, and the little hand retracted, but the cold feeling on his stomach was still there, and it intensified, turning into abdominal pain.

Lin Mo frowned.

My stomach hurts.

And it hurts a little bit wrong.

"It's a trick!" Lin Mo is also a veteran, he knows that he has been cursed, but he doesn't know exactly what the curse is, but it doesn't bother him.

He first called Xiao Yu out to be vigilant, then reached out and took out the yellow paper in his heart.

Originally, Lin Mo had thirteen curses, but at this moment, it has become fourteen, but the font of the last curse is empty, which means that this curse is not stable.

After seeing the words of the curse clearly, Lin Mo's expression was very strange.

3-10 ghost tires.

"Are you kidding me?"

Lin Mo mumbled.

No matter what kind of womb it is, a womb is a womb, that is, a child is conceived.

A big man with a baby?

Isn't this a fuss?

Thinking of the wax-sealed male corpse just now, the stomach was ripped open, Lin Mo understood this time.

"Xiaoyu, go back quickly, hurry up, the curse here is not serious." Lin Mo shouted.

Xiaoyu Huanghua's eldest daughter, if she conceived a child out of nowhere, there would be no reason for it.

Over there, Xiao Yu was puzzled and tilted his head to look at Lin Mo.

"Hurry up, if you want to go back, go back quickly. I can handle this place... Oh, my stomach hurts." Lin Mo clutched his stomach and told Xiao Yu to go back into the pencil.

In the end, Xiao Yu had nothing to do. Seeing that Lin Mo was in a hurry, he could only go back first.

The moment Xiao Yu disappeared, Lin Mo saw the figure of a child flashing past beside him.

"so close!"

Lin Mo was in pain and anger at this moment.

Not to mention, he has never tried this method of forcing people to become pregnant before, it is too wicked.

However, it seems that the opponent's attack method is only this one.

If you are pregnant, you will not attack.

Lin Mo touched his stomach, I went, and felt that something was really moving inside.

"I'll let you move again!"

Lin Mo stretched out his hand to press his stomach, and gave himself a set of curse therapy.

Cursing himself, Lin Mo is also cruel enough to himself.

Fortunately, he was used to all kinds of curses before, so he could bear it, but the ghost in his stomach seemed to be unable to bear it. Other things were fine, the burning curse was really powerful.

Lin Mo raised the power of the curse to the maximum.

Finally, the stomach stopped struggling, and slowly, as strange black smoke seeped out from the skin of the stomach, the pain also disappeared.

Lin Mo took out the yellow paper and looked at it again.

That No.14 curse disappeared.

It seems that the ghost fetus was killed by the burning curse this time, and it belongs to the stillborn fetus.

Crisis lifted.

But Lin Mo's anger was rising, and he couldn't hold it down.

"I'm just passing by, but I dare to plot against me like this, and use this method, okay, okay, let's wait and see." Lin Mo was really ruthless this time.

In this case, it is not appropriate to use a knife.

Use fire.

Just burning and cursing to kill the ghost fetus has already explained the problem. Only fire can destroy this kind of weird thing.I also met Lin Mo. If I were someone else, I would definitely win the bid. In the end, in the midst of pain and despair, I gave birth to a big fat boy.

That scene was beyond imagination.

"Get me out."

Lin Mo held the brick and shook the flame out.

No one responded.

The child's crying also disappeared, and it seemed that the other party also noticed that Lin Mo was not easy to mess with.

"Not coming out? OK."

Lin Mo was also unambiguous and started to burn.

Burn the man's body first. The body is covered with paraffin, and it will be on fire as soon as the fire is over. In addition, Lin Mo will light everything around that can be ignited.

After a while, the surrounding flames burst out.

Lin Mo, with ghost eyes open, suddenly saw movement in the corner over there, and immediately rushed over. Sure enough, he saw a child covered in wax crawling forward.

This kid is the source of the curse.

Lin Mo went up and prepared to kill him. In his opinion, this kind of curse must be wiped out directly.

Who knew that the child was in a panic, and when he saw Lin Mo rushing towards him, he panicked and rushed into the fireball next to him, and burned himself up with a bang.

Lin Mo saw that the source of the curse had come to seek his own death, and felt that the other party was probably playing tricks, maybe he wanted to feign death to escape.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response, and the curse was no longer felt.

"Really dead?"

Lin Mo was also stunned.

Didn't expect it to be so easy.

But to be honest, this curse is really shameless, it will be extinguished when it is extinguished by itself, even if it is not extinguished, Lin Mo has to help destroy it humanely.

An unscrupulous curse cannot be left behind.

Chapter 0530 This city is not so simple

Lin Mo left the area.

And listed that place as a restricted area in my heart.

After that, he was much more cautious than at the beginning.

Although the situation we encountered just now successfully resolved the crisis, the process really made people feel that life would be worse than death. In Lin Mo's own words, it was exciting.

Apparently this Lost City is not that simple.

Lin Mo felt that the lunatics he saw in the lunatic asylum were not as perverted and sick as the creator of this painting.

After walking for a while, Lin Mo came under a viaduct.

Looking up, there are more than a dozen corpses hanging under the viaduct.

The row of corpses exuded a stench and drifted in the wind, which was very spectacular.

Encountered this kind of hanging corpse again.

Lin Mo wanted to climb up to take a closer look at where these corpses came from, but the viaduct was more than ten meters above the ground. If he wanted to go up, he had to either climb up the bridge piers, or walk a few kilometers to the entrance of the viaduct.

Of course, the fastest way is to climb up from the pier.

Lin Mo couldn't climb to this height by himself.

"Sister, help..."

Lin Mo said habitually, but just halfway through, he stopped.

A wry smile.

After 10 minutes, Lin Mo made a big circle and got on the viaduct.

By the way, there are many abandoned cars on and off the bridge.

Lin Mo tried to find one that could be started, but he was very disappointed. Although there were many cars, none of them could be driven.

Grab the rope from the bridge, drag the hanging corpses up one by one, and check their identities.

Lin Mo found a Chinese man again.

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