He had already figured it out a long time ago, since the patient was coming down from above, there must be someone escorting him, so it was impossible to get on the elevator without disturbing the other party.

In order to prevent the other party from closing the elevator or unexpected situations, Lin Mo decided to act first.

Hold down the escort first.

After rushing in, Lin Mo found that there were two escorts.

But they all wore thick masks, and they were not wearing white coats, but black coats of the same style.

It's the same as the white coat everywhere, but the color is different.

One of the two escorts returned without responding, and was directly pressed to the ground by Lin Mo. The other took out a sharp dagger and stabbed Lin Mo's vitals.

The method is very skillful.

Fortunately, Lin Mo had practiced, under the curse of steel, the opponent's knife did not penetrate, and Lin Mo was not polite to someone who struck so hard, and slapped the opponent on the ground with a brick with his backhand.

Anyway, he lay motionless on the ground, bleeding all over the floor.

I guess I can't survive.

At this time, Lin Mo said to the patients and medical staff outside the elevator: "I can't blame me for this. You have also seen that he stabbed me first."

The medical staff and patients outside nodded repeatedly, expressing that they saw it.

The one on the ground still wanted to struggle, but his strength was not as strong as Lin Mo's, and he couldn't break free, but Lin Mo also used all his strength to hold the other party down, which showed that the other party's strength was great.

If it were someone else, neither of them might be able to hold it down.

"Someone help me." Lin Mo roared.

Patient 98 and another doctor immediately stepped forward to help.

There is also a large box in the elevator, in which two blindfolded patients are shut.

Lin Mo also asked the patients who were sent down before, and wanted to know what was going on above, whether it was Ward 3 or Ward 4.

But those patients all said that they did not remember.

The last memory is being in the elevator.

Lin Mo was helpless.

Memory castration, he has seen this kind of thing more than once.

At the beginning, I thought it was quite high-end and awesome, but now that I can see a lot, I feel like that, and this craft is almost overflowing.

The doctor wearing a black coat on the ground was quickly tied up, and Lin Mo didn't dare to delay too long. After all, the button to control the elevator is on it. It would be bad if the people above found something wrong and shut down the elevator.

Therefore, he must seize every minute and every second.

The two patients who were sent down had nothing to excavate, they had been castrated, and they didn't know anything about it. Lin Mo arranged them for the doctor.

Those who were shot to death were also dragged out, and a nurse ran in to wipe the floor.

"Take off his clothes, work permit and mask."

Lin Mo gave an order.

He wants to go up and pretend to be a doctor if he can.

After all, I don't know the above situation.

The one who was alive, Lin Mo began to interrogate.

What's the name? In the above situation, the other party didn't say a word, and they were still resisting.

Lin Mo noticed the other party's pupils at this time.

Something is wrong.

After looking carefully, I found that this guy's pupils are actually dilated. The pupils of ordinary people are like egg yolk and egg white. There is a limit. If you don't offend me, I won't offend you. All bubbly.

Lin Mo reached out and tore off the opponent's mask.

I go!

This guy's mouth is absolutely unique.

For a while, Lin Mo was a little short of words, and didn't know what gorgeous words to use to describe the other party's mouth.

Patient No. 98 and another helping doctor saw it and screamed. They seemed to be terrified, just like the frightened little girl.

Lin Mo was silent for a moment, and then he laughed: "I think of it, isn't this the mouth of a mole, it's really ugly, but after looking at it for a long time, it also feels cute and ugly."

When patient No. 98 and the helping doctor heard this, they looked at each other, and then moved away from Lin Mo by coincidence.

"He's crazier than you." The doctor whispered to patient No. 98.

Lin Mo looked at the other's mouth at this time, and the small thick hand on it began to squirm, but still said nothing.

Maybe there is no way to speak.

Maybe there are other ways to knock the opponent's mouth open, but Lin Mo has no time.

He had delayed long enough.

Procrastinate any longer, for fear of suspicion from above.

"Drag it out!" Lin Mo took off the other party's black coat, mask and work permit, and then began to change clothes.

He wants to pretend to be the other party.

But there are two doctors in black coats, so if I go up alone, I'm sure I'll have to reveal my secrets.

Let Xiaoyu help?

It's not impossible, Lin Mo thought about letting patient No. 98 go with him, but the other party is a real lunatic, and sometimes it may not be completely controllable.

And looking at the frightened look of patient No. 98, it seems that there is no hope.

I can only ask Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, please dress up." Lin Mo called Xiaoyu out first, and then handed over another set of black coat.

Xiao Yu didn't say anything else, the black skirt retracted, then took the black coat and put it on her body, put on a mask, all her black hair was coiled up, and she put on a hat, which seemed to be the case.

"Everyone, goodbye by fate!" Lin Mo waved goodbye to the patients and medical staff outside the elevator.

Although they have only been in contact for three days, they are already good friends.

People outside also waved at Lin Mo.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and everyone withdrew their hands.

"This guy is finally gone."

"Yeah, thank God."

Doctors and patients congratulate each other outside.

Lin Mo, who knew nothing about it, was still thinking about it when the elevator was going up.

"The people in Ward 2 are very nice, and I quite like them." Lin Mo himself sighed, Xiao Yu stood aside, with only a pair of eyes exposed under the mask and hat, looking up vigilantly.

It was as if something dangerous was waiting for them up there.

"Xiao Yu, take it easy, you will stand behind me later, let's push this box together, keep your head down, they will definitely not find it." Lin Mo is still quite confident about the current outfits of him and Xiao Yu.

The two were wearing black coats, masks and hats, showing their eyes. If they lowered their heads, it would be difficult to be spotted.

"How many floors did this go up to?" Lin Mo found a problem at this time.

There is no floor indication in the elevator.

This is like a direct elevator, that is to say, it will only go from a fixed floor to a fixed floor without stopping in the middle.

And the higher you go, the more uncomfortable the atmosphere feels.

The walls of the elevator began to appear black mottled inexplicably, and some places were also rapidly decaying. This scene is like a blockbuster with special effects, and it is very exciting.

But being in it, it doesn't feel particularly good.

But it's useless to say anything now, even if it's a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, Lin Mo has to break through.

Anyway, I can't go down.

"Xiaoyu, look at me later." Lin Mo warned.

At this time, the elevator was obviously slowing down.

Instructions are coming.

Lin Mo immediately stood behind the box with Xiao Yu, and waited until the elevator stopped. With a ding, the decayed and mottled door creaked open.

Outside is a very dark corridor.

There is clearly a lamp, but this lamp seems to be covered with a layer of black blood, so the light emitted is also tinged with darkness and blood.The air was full of stench, and after not smelling it for a long time, I still couldn't get used to it.

In addition, sometimes outside, the walls and floors will be distorted. If you look carefully, everything is normal. The most exaggerated thing is that Lin Mo hears a strange whisper from time to time, and he can't hear the specific words clearly, but It can be felt that it is related to death, killing and darkness.

"This place is much more normal than down here." Lin Mo sighed and walked out pushing the iron box.

When he got outside, Lin Mo suddenly realized something and told Xiao Yu to wait a while, while he looked around to make sure there was no one there, then took out a paper bag from his arms and put it on his head.

It's so normal here, and the mental power doesn't seem to be suppressed, so it stands to reason that I can see my mother and the others.

Sure enough, after putting on the paper bag, Lin Mo saw his mother and sister, and his father was standing not far away.

Don't say it's weird to not see you these days.

"Romy, what happened before?" Mom asked at this time, and Lin Mo briefly explained the situation.

"I understand. I've heard people say before that there is a special place in the madhouse, where no spiritual power can exist. It seems that that place is Ward 2."

Mom said something.

Lin Mo asked where they were when he couldn't see them.

Lin Mo has always been curious about this question.

Mom smiled: "We will be at home, and we can only come out of the house if you wear the paper bag."

Lin Mo understood.

He had also been to that eerie home.

"Then mom, you have to stay at home for a while. I'm pretending to be a doctor now, so I can't wear a paper bag."

"Okay, if you want to see us, just put it on at any time." The mother was very gentle, but the younger sister was a little impatient, and wanted to say something, but was pulled back by the mother.

"Don't mind your sister, she always likes to play, you follow your own plan."

After my mother finished speaking, she waved her hand.

Lin Mo also waved, and then took off the paper bag.

Beside, Xiao Yu tilted her head, looked at Lin Mo curiously, and pointed at Lin Mo's mouth.

He was probably startled when he heard Lin Mo spit out a female voice.

Lin Mo said: "It's nothing, Xiaoyu, although they are not blood related family members, but they are nice people, and there is a chance for you to meet."

At this time, Lin Mo had a bold idea.

What would happen if Xiao Yu put this paper bag on?

Will Xiao Yu see her mother and the others?

Try it later.

Still trying to figure out the situation here, Lin Mo guessed that this might be Ward 3, or even his destination, Ward 4.

Because the atmosphere is so good, at first glance, this place is full of ghosts and evil spirits everywhere. If it is said that this is Ward 4, Lin Mo absolutely believes it.

But now there is a problem.

That is, Lin Mo doesn't know where to go.

Pushing such an iron box around, although it can be used as a cover, it is also easy to reveal.

At this moment, a person walked in front of him.

He has a black coat and doesn't wear a mask on his face, but the other party is not a mole mouth, but it is ugly enough, his eyes have no eyelids, so the two eyes are staring very big, his nose seems to have been chopped off, and only half of it is left, especially It's the upper and lower mouth pieces, like cooked noodles, one by one, pasted together.

Even the well-informed Lin Mo shook his head.

When the other party came, Lin Mo couldn't stop. He and Xiaoyue pushed the iron box and walked over. The three-meter-wide corridor occupied each side, and no one was in the way.

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