Seems to have something to say.

Lin Mo didn't care at first, thinking it was a trick played by the other party, but soon, he felt an extremely terrifying aura, and at the same time, he heard the familiar humming sound.

"Is that girl here?"

Lin Mo also shivered.

To say that the only thing that can make Lin Mo jealous here is the woman who hummed the song. He was stunned. At this moment of stunnedness, the strange Lin Mo below took the opportunity to break free from Lin Mo's suppression.

However, it did not attack Lin Mo, but as if it had seen a cat's mouse, it crawled into a room with a half-open door next to it.

Moreover, this strange Lin Mo did not close the door, but waved at Lin Mo anxiously.

That means, come here quickly.

At the same time, Lin Mo heard the humming and footsteps coming from the entrance of the stairs, and felt the danger of approaching step by step, so he took two quick steps and hid in the door.

Weird Lin Mo immediately closed the door.

The two Lin Mo hid behind the door, not daring to say a word, holding their breath, for fear of being discovered by women outside.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Mo took off the white bone mask.

This thing is easy to use, but he can only use it for 1 minute.

Moreover, the CD time is quite long and cannot be used continuously, otherwise there is a possibility that the mind will be controlled by the white bone mask.

Lin Mo glanced at the nervous self next to him, and felt that this scene was quite strange.What is certain is that at the beginning, the other party was definitely uneasy and well-intentioned, and planned to plot against him.

But it didn't expect to see through it, and it wasn't afraid of it.

Not only was he not afraid of it, but he also pressed it to the ground.

As a result, the stalemate attracted the woman who was humming.Lin Mo had suffered losses in the hands of the other party, so he was naturally very jealous. He didn't expect that this nightmare who imitated himself was also afraid of that woman.

In this way, they were originally in the same situation, but now they are cooperating together to avoid strong enemies.

Outside, humming and footsteps were getting closer.

Lin Mo noticed that the nightmare pretending to be himself was actually clenching his hands and bowing his head, as if he was praying.

This attracted Lin Mo's contempt.

A nightmare, the embodiment of fear, who was so nervous that he closed his eyes and prayed at this time.

Is it embarrassing?

However, it also shows from the side that the other party is extremely afraid of the woman outside.

Otherwise it wouldn't be this reaction.

Obviously the involution between the nightmares is also quite serious.

Lin Mo is afraid, but he is not afraid, much less afraid.

At this moment, he followed the opening of the door a finger-width apart and looked out secretly.

This move directly frightened the nightmare next to him. The other party's face begged, as if begging Lin Mo not to die like this. His expression seemed to say that once we are discovered, we both have to finish the game.

Lin Mo grinned and ignored the other party.

It's just a look. Besides, this place is not hidden, in other words, women will find them as long as they open the door.

In this case, it is better to observe it, so as not to know anything about the enemy after a fight.

Lin Mo glanced at each other before.

The result was seven orifices bleeding.

This time, Lin Mo was very careful. As soon as he noticed something was wrong, he would immediately close his eyes.And the last time was because I saw a woman's face, this time it was a big deal not to look at her face.

It should be okay to look at the body.

Chapter 0052 The woman is out of control

The nightmare next to him imitating Lin Mo couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pulled La Linmo.

As a result, Lin Mo turned his head and glared at it.

"Why do you pull me again, believe it or not, I pull you to die together?"

The other party shivered and did not dare to move.

The woman outside and Lin Mo, both of them can't be offended.

Lin Mo squinted and looked out.


He saw the woman come in from the corridor entrance.

The other party was wearing a blood-red bride's wedding dress and walked very slowly, but the strange thing was that she was still at the entrance of the corridor one second, but the next second, she appeared in front of her.


Lin Mo secretly said that it was really powerful.

This time Lin Mo didn't see the other's face, mainly because the woman who hummed this time had a red hijab on her head.

Without seeing his face, Lin Mo would not suffer from that invisible attack.

This is a good thing.

But this time, Lin Mo could clearly feel that this woman was different.

Although this woman also wore a red wedding dress before, she did not have the terrifying aura she has now, and now her hijab and clothes are dripping blood.

That resentment has begun to distort the space.

Wherever he went, there was blood.

Although the head was covered, it felt more dangerous.

At this moment, the woman was standing at the door, humming softly the eerie song with only three tones.

The blood dripping from the red hijab and wedding dress gradually seeped in through the crack of the door.

The fake Lin Mo next to him was so frightened that his whole body began to tremble, and his bloodless face was even more frightening at this moment.

Lin Mo was also nervous.

He knew that it would be extremely difficult for him to compete with this woman as he is now.

His only reliance is Xiao Yu.

But even if it has swallowed another nightmare, Xiao Yu in the form of a black dress may not be the opponent of this woman.

But this doesn't make Lin Mo too scared to fight back.

Besides, although the probability of the weak defeating the strong is small, it is not unheard of.

Outside the door, the singing woman stretched out her hand, ready to push the door open.

Lin Mo was also ready to fight to the death.

Suddenly, there was a sound from the corridor, the woman stopped, turned sharply, and reached the entrance of the corridor almost instantly, reached out and grabbed a ghost from the darkness.

Lin Mo has seen this kind of ghost, which is the most numerous ghost in the mirror, and it seems to be able to replace someone's projection.

But at this moment, the ghost had no resistance in the woman's hands.

The next moment, as soon as his hands were torn apart, the ghost's skin was forcibly torn off, and the blood drenched the ground like rain. It was violent and bloody enough.

The corpse of the ghost shadow was randomly thrown on the ground, and the woman, holding the bloody human skin in one hand, walked into the dark corridor in a flash, as if she was chasing and killing another nightmare.

Lin Mo felt that he had saved his life.

This woman is too dangerous.

The other nightmares were in her hands and could not last for a round.

And the other side didn't seem to have any rules, just killing for the sake of killing.

"There's no hiding here."

Lin Mo knew that the woman must have sensed someone here, but at a critical moment, she was attracted by other nightmares.

But after the fact, it will definitely come back.

Opening the door, Lin Mo walked out.

Behind him, another Lin Mo followed with a pale face.

The two looked at each other, and each other saw a little feeling of the rest of their lives.

Lin Mo felt that the other party must know something.

"What's up with her?"

I asked a question.

Fake Lin Mo opened his mouth and made a low and weird voice: "That woman is out of control, and everyone she finds will die."

The other party is a nightmare, in other words, a ghost.

As the so-called nonsense, Lin Mo put question marks on what the other party said.

But for now, they can work together to tide over the difficulties.

"Out of control? Why out of control? Could someone control her before?" Lin Mo found some key words from the other party's words, and asked at this time.

Fake Lin Mo hesitated for a moment, then said four words.

"Red box!"

Lin Mo frowned.

The red box is now in my own hands.

"The person who masters the red box can control her, but the price is to become her husband."

There was a hint of insidiousness on the fake Lin Mo's face.

"Her last husband lost the red box, so she killed it, skinned it, made it into a lantern. Unless someone else wrote the name on the red handkerchief, her killing wouldn't stop, and eventually It will destroy everything here."

There was a hint of bewitchment in his voice.

Lin Mo sneered.

I believe in you.

Not only is this cunning nightmare pretending to be himself, but he also knows he has a red box on him.

Wait a moment.

At first, this guy pretended to be himself and plotted to be evil. Could it be for the red box?

There is this possibility.

So at the beginning, I planned to use grabbing, but it turned out that I couldn't grab it, so that's why I was soft.

As for the other party's words, Lin Mo felt that there were both false and true.

Specifically, Lin Mo doesn't have time to think about it now, after all, that woman may return at any time.

"Find a place to hide first."

Lin Mo said.

The fake Lin Mo nodded. On this point, it and Lin Mo thought of going together.

No matter what the idea, the premise is to survive first.

Here, the out-of-control and maddened female ghost in red is obviously the most terrifying existence. No matter Lin Mo or the other nightmares here, they have to avoid each other.

"Follow me." Fake Lin Mo was obviously more familiar with the world in the mirror, and it led Lin Mo into the corridor.

In the world of mirrors, it is completely dark here, and there is no light at all.

In fact, Lin Mo had been wary of the other party all the time. He took two steps in the dark, but he couldn't hear the fake Lin Mo in front of him, so he knew something was wrong.

Looking back, it was also pitch-dark, and the entrance to where it came from was nowhere to be found.

Right now, he was completely plunged into absolute darkness.

In this case, without knowing the surrounding situation, it may be a wall, it may be an abyss, or it may be a red-clothed female ghost.

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