There also appeared to be a tiny nematode in it.

Obviously this thing is contagious, and when ordinary people touch it, these nematodes will drill into their bodies.

Lin Mo is not afraid.

When he was beating someone, his fists were blessed with steel curses, and the curses on his body were not vegetarian, especially the burning curse, which was extremely lethal. When he touched Lin Mo's nematodes, he died before he had time to react .

"It's cool!"

Lin Mo shook his arms, and his originally depressed mood improved a lot.

When you seem to be in a bad mood, you must not hold back, you have to find a place to vent.

Lin Mo was in a good mood, but the giant white blood monster lying on the ground was trembling with anger, and it looked up.

I brought hundreds of blood descendants, are they all dead?Don't know how to help?

After seeing it clearly, the giant white blood monster didn't dare to make a sound.

His bloodborn helped.

But it didn't work, many died.

The other man and woman were just like a meat grinder. Seeing the light of the knife flashing in their hands, the blood began to shatter. The ground was covered with stumps and arms, and the white blood gathered into a river.

Only at this moment did the giant white blood monster realize what a terrifying existence it had provoked.

It's not stupid.

Seeing the giant white-blooded monster with red eyes, as if it had issued some kind of order, the other white-blooded monsters stopped resisting at the same time, and all stood still, allowing them to be killed.

Seeing this, Lin Mo's heart moved.

"Okay, don't kill them all."

He stopped Nie Hong and the butcher.

Lin Mo saw one thing.

This area is the territory of these white blood monsters. They have a large number of people, and they can infect two people. The most important thing is that Lin Mo discovered that these guys are actually a 'swarm' structure.

The so-called bee colony structure means that only the 'queen bee' really gives orders, and the rest are just worker bees.

The giant white blood monster is the 'queen bee', to put it bluntly, the only one with a 'brain' in this group of monsters.Just now, the opponent stopped the resistance of these subordinates, which was actually an expression of begging for mercy and admitting cowardice.

It is easy to destroy this group of white blood monsters, but after that, there will definitely be other nightmares occupying this place.

Compared with the chaos and brainless nightmare, I feel that the giant white blood monster is easier to deal with.

After all, he had been beaten solidly, and he could honestly confess his cowardice. This state of mind was stronger than many nightmares.

Lin Mo likes nightmares that are closer to people.

Easy to deal with.

Lin Mo knew very well that he was going to stay in this place for a while, so he liked a situation that was easier to control. If this group of local snakes were eliminated, nightmares from other places would take advantage of it.

It is impossible to be afraid, mainly because I hate trouble.

Lin Mo needs a quiet environment to think about.

And I agreed to Taylor, just happened to run into another nightmare that seemed to be able to communicate, and it was still a mind with a hive structure, so I might as well get things done.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Lin Mo glanced at the giant white blood monster on the ground.

The other party was indeed very smart, and immediately turned over, bent down to the ground, and showed extreme submission.

Not only that, the other party also pierced its forehead with sharp nails, took out a very special nematode, and presented it respectfully.

What is this for?

Lin Mo asked what you gave me this bug for.

The giant white blood monster on the ground said that this was to express its loyalty. This nematode was its center, and controlling this nematode could determine its life and death in the future.

However, after Lin Mo figured out how to use this thread ancestor, he immediately lost interest.

It turned out that the nematodes need to be parasitic in the body.

This is so disgusting.

Lin Mo didn't want another parasite in his body.

Besides, the curse of incineration is incompatible with this kind of dark nightmare creature, even if it gets in, it will be burned to death by the curse.

Lin Mo turned his head to look at Nie Hong. The latter looked disgusted, and he probably felt disgusted.

He looked again at the butcher.

The butcher shook his head too.

Surprised, this rough guy is so particular about it?

Lin Mo didn't force it.

Mainly, he suspects that the other party may play tricks on this thing. If he is parasitized by this thread ancestor, will he be controlled by the other party instead?

It's not impossible.

Although the giant white blood monster swore that it would not be controlled, Lin Mo didn't believe it at all.

In addition, after being parasitized by the thread ancestor, in addition to controlling the life and death of the giant white blood monster, but at the same time, it will also be connected with it.

This is also one of the reasons for Lin Mo's rejection.

Soon Lin Mo thought of a way.

He found a bottle and stuffed the nematodes into it.

Doesn't this perfectly solve the problem?

Why do you have to be parasitic.

How easy it would be if this giant white blood monster played yin and threw the bottle directly into the fire.

When the giant white blood monster heard this, his face turned pale.

If you really throw the nematodes into the fire, it will definitely die.

Speaking of it, it really kept its eyes open and played a conspiracy. If it was to be parasitized by the nematodes, although it could control its life and death, it would not really kill it.

Its real body is the nematode.

After a long time, no matter how powerful the host is, it will be affected by the nematode, and in the end, it will still be controlled by its consciousness.

This is a very special parasitic method.

It's hard to detect at first, but as long as it's parasitic, it's a winner in the end.

But Lin Mo doesn't play cards according to the routine at all.

The giant white blood monster is a mess.

Now my life is in the hands of the other party, so I can only be obedient.

Lin Mo helped the other party up, looked at the disfigured face, and asked with concern: "Does it hurt?"

The giant white blood monster hurriedly shook his head, expressing that it didn't hurt.

"Is there a name?" Lin Mo asked again.

"Blood, Blood Ancestor..." The giant white blood monster replied with some embarrassment.

The main reason is that its name is very stinky and arrogant, but it is not to blame. After it was born, it ate a lot of people. After a long time, it has the ability to think.

Deep in its memory, there is a name woven with fear.

blood ancestor.

So it calls itself by that name.

"What are your specialties?" Lin Mo continued to ask.

Since the opponent submits, he is his subordinate. Since he is a subordinate, it is better to ask clearly.

The Blood Ancestor originally wanted to say that he was strong, but just now he was beaten by Lin Mo, who was a few heads short, and he didn't have the face to mention this; other things seemed to be ineffective.After thinking for a long time, he whispered: "I have a very sharp nose."

Lin Mo turned his head to look, the guy's nose was flattened by a brick, and his face was covered in white blood.

"It's so injured, can it still be used?"

"Yes!" The Blood Ancestor nodded.

"Then what can you smell?"

"The smell of the living."

When Lin Mo heard it, he immediately reacted: "So, you know all the living people hiding in this area?"

The blood ancestor nodded.

Lin Mo became curious.

"Then why don't you eat them? Or, assimilate them into your blood?"

The Blood Ancestor hurriedly said: "After eating once, there will be no more to eat in the future. They are my sheep, and this is my sheepfold."

This guy is definitely a talent.

No, genius!

With a lively mind, no wonder he surrendered so quickly.

Lin Mo remembered that this guy probably regarded himself as a foreign nightmare at first, knowing that it was not easy to mess with, so he planned to force himself to leave.

Speaking of which, the nightmares in this place are very territorial.

They are talking and walking forward.

When he reached an intersection, the Blood Ancestor suddenly whispered: "We can't go any further, the front is another monster's territory."

Chapter 0486 introduces you to a group of new friends

Lin Mo looked at the intersection, and there was a dead body hanging from the street lamp in front of him.

The blood ancestor told Lin Mo that this corpse is the dividing line.

This end belongs to it, and the other side belongs to another monster.

Lin Mo smiled, ignored this at all, and walked over directly.

It can only be another waste that can separate from this waste blood ancestor.

Besides, Lin Mo came out this time to relax, not to be obstructed by others. He just wants to move forward now, and he will find bad luck for anyone who stops him.

Since getting off the boat, most of the nightmares Lin Mo encountered on the other side of the ocean were ordinary, and he hadn't suffered a big loss yet.

Of course there are also great ones.

Needless to say, Xiao Jiexi was a very special nightmare, and it was also very powerful. Lin Mo suffered a disadvantage in the opponent's hands.

But in the end, he abducted the other party away. After such a calculation, he still made a profit.

Lin Mo met another powerful guy, the nightmare hidden in the silent place, and he was also very powerful. If there were no two-dimensional ghosts, Lin Mo, Nie Hong and the butcher, the three of them would not be opponents.

But if you think about it carefully, the opponent relies on treacherous means (invisible noose) and many subordinates, but these two points are enough to be invincible.

Except for these two, there is no one who can fight.

This road in a foreign country is going very smoothly.

When people are smooth, they will expand.

Lin Mo is very swollen now.

Especially now that he is holding a puff of breath in his stomach, it will be even more swollen, and he wants to find something to do if he has nothing to do.

He hoped that a nightmare full of evil would come to him.

In this way, the killing intent can be released.

To engage in sabotage.

So Lin Mo is looking forward to this journey.

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