Because at this time, there were some strange noises in the bathroom.

Also, screams.

The scream belonged to the man in the mirror. Lin Mo just knocked him unconscious before, but at this time, he didn't know what happened, and the man screamed extremely terribly.

After a while, the screaming stopped abruptly.

Lin Mo didn't look at it.

It's not that he doesn't dare, it's that he knows that if he sees that woman humming again, he may die.

Gradually, the sound of humming in the bathroom gradually faded away.

In the end, it was completely silent, and there was no sound at all.


Three Bridges Branch.

This time has been completely isolated.

Even the police here have been cleared out, and now, the special security bureau is in charge.

Outside the technical department, various instruments and equipment have been properly connected, and several commandos in protective suits have opened the door and walked in.

Outside, Bureau Xu was reporting to Team Leader Liu.

"Old Liu, we are old acquaintances, let's talk a little bit, what's going on?" Xu Ju has a solemn expression, and there are four of his subordinates in it, and he is more worried than anyone else.

Especially seeing such a big battle on the Security Bureau's side, I feel a little unsure.

Team Leader Liu shook his head: "You are also an old policeman, have you forgotten the confidentiality regulations?"

To be honest, even Director Xu would have to go out if he hadn't asked about something.

At this time, the commandos reported that four people, including Expert Lin, fell into a deep sleep, and another policeman had died.

Team Leader Liu's expression softened a little.

As long as Lin Mo is still alive, this is the key thing that Expert Chen specially explained.

Everyone else can sacrifice, but Lin Mo can't.

"Can you wake them up?"


"Old Xu, you need to arrange for someone to investigate. If there is an unexplained death in the case you recently investigated, transfer the file immediately." Team leader Liu was acting resolutely, and Bureau Xu nodded.

"By the way, if you find an encrypted video on the computer or mobile phone of the deceased, don't crack it and view it yourself. You must notify the Security Bureau as soon as possible."

Lin Mo had called him before, so Team Leader Liu already knew that the source of pollution this time was a mysterious video.

Moreover, Lin Mo confessed that there have been more than one similar deaths.

What's behind this is absolutely terrifying.

It is very likely that someone is spreading the 'pollution source' on purpose.

Liu group leader is very aware of the seriousness of this matter.

If it's not good, something big is going to happen.

Or rather, something has happened.

It is now certain that the mysterious video is the source of pollution, so where did the video come from?

The source must be found.

And this is just the beginning.

Even if the source is cut off, the follow-up is extremely tedious. Find the culprit behind the scenes, check the flow of the video, the scope of transmission and the people.

Team Leader Liu's forehead hurts when he thinks of this.

Short of manpower.

In this case, you can only notify the headquarters to second people from other places for support.

But these are the aftermath.

The most important thing now is to ensure Lin Mo's safety.

Even if it's just an alternate expert, Lin Mo is far more important than any of them.

The Security Bureau's efficiency is extremely high. In addition, the Sanqiao Branch has done a lot of work before. There are already clues to the two recent mysterious deaths and similar cases in the city.

A lot of evidence has come together.

Half an hour later, an investigator under Team Leader Liu reported the findings.

"In addition to the two deaths in the area under the jurisdiction of the Sanqiao District, there were similar incidents in other districts of the city. Through investigation, there were a total of seven mysterious deaths."

"The deceased are of different genders, different occupations, and have almost no intersection in their lives, but they all have one thing in common. They all have access records to the same website on their computers."

"We suspect that the video was downloaded from this website, but this website does not have a tourist tour function. If you want to view the content, you must have an account number and password."

"In addition, the IP address of this website is overseas, and further investigation and evidence collection are difficult, and the website's defense capability is extremely strong, and our technical team colleagues cannot hack into it."

"Team leader, there is one more thing. Zhou Li, the serial perverted murderer who was specifically investigated before, also has a record of browsing that website on his computer, and the earliest browsing time was half a year ago."

"Report complete!"

"Does that website have a name?"



Chapter 0047 lady, husband

Nightmare world.

Fourth floor.

The quiet environment will subtly affect people. When talking, walking, they will unconsciously lower their voices and be careful.

Lin Mo first looked up from the corridor.

The stairs above go all the way up.

Looking down, the same is true.

Obviously, there are more than four floors here, and he believes that there are forty floors.

Although Nightmare World is a projection of the real world, it will be very different. Lin Jin has seen a similar situation in the Green Garden Community before. The original fifteen-story building has only nine floors in Nightmare World.But it was the first time he had encountered such a big gap.

And the layout of each layer is exactly the same.

At this time, Jiang Ming stared at the ground in a stunned manner, his face extremely difficult to see.

"what happened?"

Lin Mo walked over and asked.

Jiang Ming didn't seem to hear it. Obviously, what he saw gave him a great blow, and even made him a little lost.

Lin Mo also looked down.

Likewise, Lin Mo frowned.

He saw some dripping blood on the ground ahead.

The problem is that they have seen these bloodstains. It was dripping from Lin Mo when he was on the second floor. At that time, blood was bleeding from his nose and mouth, so he remembered it clearly.

He looked at the wall next to him, and there was a bloody handprint left on it.

If the bloodstain is a coincidence, then the bloody handprint explains that there is also a person on the fourth floor who left a handprint of the same size at the same angle and position?

This probability does not exist at all.

It was when Jiang Ming discovered this that he was speechless in shock.

In Lin Mo's view, it has even gone beyond the exact same category, it is the same level at all.

This discovery is horrifying.

"I can't go any further." Lin Mo put Xiao Du on the chair in the corridor, the latter and Xiao He were still in a state of lost souls.

Lin Mo knew that this was because the 'projections' of the two of them were still in the mirror world.

This is indeed a bit like being hooked.

The point is, Lin Mo has no way to save them for the time being.

Before, he was pushed into the mirror by mistake, and he almost died inside. If Xiaoyu didn't give him a hint at the last moment, I'm afraid that Lin Mo would become a lost soul like Xiao Du Xiaohe now. .

The chances of retrieving their 'projections' in this case are almost nil.

But even so, Lin Mo and Jiang Ming did not leave them behind, but took them wherever they went.

Because of the previous experience, Lin Mo is also avoiding the bathroom with mirrors. So far, he has not encountered other dangers. The only thing that makes Lin Mo unhappy is that his bricks have not been retrieved.

Still embedded in the mirror.

If he wants to get it back, he will have to face the mirror. Lin Mo is worried that if he is pulled into the mirror again in his current state, he will probably not be able to get out.

Here, the mirror is definitely a taboo, and Lin Mo can't afford it.

Sitting on a chair in the corridor, Lin Mo was still thinking about countermeasures.

Jiang Ming next to him was a little tired.

More than two hours have passed since they entered here, and Lin Mo is more and more sure that this time is different from before.

They are not dead yet, according to the rules of the Security Bureau, they must be woken up in this case.

But the truth is that they were not woken up.

Didn't the Security Bureau come?

That's impossible.

In this way, there is only one possibility, that is, people outside cannot wake them up.

This is the worst case.

Not being able to wake up means staying here forever.

"Expert Lin, what should we do now?" Jiang Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead, he had never experienced such a strange thing as today.

Fortunately, Lin Mo was there, otherwise, he would definitely collapse here alone.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it."

Lin Mo felt that the Nightmare World itself had too many unknowns, not to mention him, he was a senior expert of the Security Bureau's expert group, and his understanding of the Nightmare World may not be one-thousandth.

So there is no need to explore the present nightmare scenario itself.

The point is how to get out of here.

Ask Xiaoyu, but Xiaoyu didn't reply, which means she doesn't know either.

Also, what happened to the 'living person' in the mirror before, Lin Mo was deeply impressed by this incident. It was not Jiang Ming's colleague, but a stranger with ulterior motives.

But how did a stranger get in here?

too many unknowns.

Take the red vanity case out of the pocket.

After this thing was in his hand, he hadn't checked it out. Lin Mo thought about it and opened the festive-looking vanity case.


A red silk handkerchief fell out of it.

Look in the vanity box first, there is a small mirror in it.

Lin Mo now reacts when he sees the mirror, and immediately closes the box.

After calming down, I picked up the red silk handkerchief on the ground. It was extremely soft and light as if nothing. After opening it, I saw a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered in one corner.

Exquisite embroidery.

And there are words written on the silk.

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