Jiang Ming remembered something at this time and said something.

The dim light in Lin Mo's eyes lit up again.

"Officer Xu's office?"


"Understood, I'm familiar with that place." Lin Mo drank tea there twice, of course it was cooked.

The director's office is on the fourth floor.

They are on the second floor now.

walk the stair.

But when he passed the stairs, Lin Mo stopped.

There is a bathroom here.

There is a huge mirror in front of the sink in the bathroom.

This is not the point, the point is, at this moment in front of the mirror, there is a woman in a police uniform.

"Little Du?" Jiang Ming also saw the other party, and shouted excitedly. Obviously, this policewoman was his colleague, and she was about to go over.

Lin Mo pulled him back.

"Expert Lin, you..." Jiang Ming was puzzled, but Lin Mo signaled him not to speak, then pointed to the mirror over there and said, "Look in the mirror."

Jiang Ming looked out from the door. The next moment, he found something, and his face suddenly became terrified.

In the mirror, there is no projection of Xiao Du.

It stands to reason that this is impossible. Anyone who looks in the mirror will have the appearance of this person in the mirror.

"Could it be that it's a fake mirror?"

Jiang Ming looked again, but he could clearly see the shadows of himself and Expert Lin at the door in the mirror.

Hey, wait a minute.

Why only two people.

What about Xiao He?

In the mirror, he was not holding anyone in his hands.

But in fact, he has been supporting Xiao He.

This feeling is extremely strange, Xiao He, and Xiao Du standing motionless over there, in the mirror as if they don't exist at all.

A chill rushed to the top of his head along his heels, and Jiang Ming felt his scalp tingle.

What made him sweat even more was this.

He suddenly found that in the corner of the mirror, that is, the position that reflected the women's toilet, there was a human face looking at him.


Jiang Ming was brave, but when he saw the strange face, he couldn't help but exclaimed and took a step back.

"Lin, expert Lin, look over there..."

Jiang Ming was really scared.

It has nothing to do with occupation, it is completely an instinct of normal people.

He turned his head almost immediately to look in the direction of the women's toilet.

But the women's toilet outside the mirror doesn't have that face.

Looking in the mirror again, the face in the women's toilet also disappeared.

"Shh, don't make a fuss, I saw it." Lin Mo was as calm as ever.

To be honest, Lin Mo couldn't figure out why the two police officers, Xiao He and Xiao Du, didn't have projections in the mirror, and there was indeed a person in the women's toilet in the mirror just now.

But then he ducked back.

"You're outside, don't come in, and don't look in the mirror." Lin Mo instructed Jiang Ming.

He planned to check the situation. After all, hiding outside all the time was useless, and Lin Mo had a feeling that from the moment he saw the mirror, some things could no longer be avoided.

Better to face it boldly.

He touched the bricks, untied the balloon tied to his hand, and tied it to the belt.

In this way, the movement of both hands should be more flexible.

Then Lin Mo walked into the toilet.

The first thing to do was to pull out the policewoman named Xiao Du.

It's just that when Lin Mo went to pull the policewoman, the policewoman who had lowered her head and didn't move, suddenly stepped forward, stretched out a hand, and put it on the mirror.

Lin Mo stopped.

There is actually a change.

He didn't move, but planned to watch and see what would happen next.

Of course, Lin Mo's body is tense now. If there is an accident, he can react immediately.

Xiao Du bowed his body and lowered his head, as if hysterical, climbed onto the sink, put his face on the mirror, and said something in a low voice.

Lin Mo was curious and approached to hear what she was saying.

At this moment, the light in the toilet was suddenly turned off.

Suddenly, the toilet fell into darkness.

Lin Mo moved very fast, took out the brick and shook it.

The afterglow burns.

Under the firelight, Lin Mo saw a scene that made his scalp numb.

The self in the mirror is also holding a burning brick, but originally there was only his projection, but at this moment, there are people standing around.

The bathroom, which was originally small, was full of people looking in the mirror. The most frightening thing was that these people turned their backs to the mirror, lowered their heads, and did not move.

But the problem is, outside the mirror, there are still only himself and Xiao Du.

By the way, Xiao Du looks even more wrong now.

She raised her head, her face was almost in the mirror, and her mouth was muttering.

This time, Lin Mo heard clearly.

She's saying, turn around, turn around!

Not to mention, those people in the mirror seemed to hear Xiao Du's voice, and at this time, they began to turn around slowly.At this moment, under the light of the fire, a group of strange people turned around with the same frequency and movement, which was a little wrong no matter how you looked at it.

He had a hunch that if these people in the mirror turned around, something extraordinary would definitely happen.

After waiting, he went up and hugged Xiao Du with one hand.

Xiao Du is a policewoman, very light, and she did not struggle.

Lin Mo hugged her and walked out of the bathroom directly.

Outside, Jiang Ming was also holding Xiao He.

Xiao He, who had no reaction to the outside world, actually wanted to go to the bathroom to look in the mirror at this time.

"Expert Lin, what should I do now?" Jiang Ming was obviously confused.

Lin Mo told him not to panic.

"According to my observation, this mirror itself is a kind of nightmare. Usually, when I encounter this situation, my way of dealing with it is usually to flip the table."

Jiang Ming was a little confused.

"It's just smashing it, breaking it, and destroying it physically." Lin Mo explained what he meant by flipping the table.

This time Jiang Ming understood.

Throwing Xiao Du to Jiang Ming, Lin Mo returned to the bathroom.

Just leave for a moment, the situation in the mirror is different from before.

The people in the mirror have already turned around and stared at Lin Mo one by one, their eyes full of viciousness.

When ordinary people encounter this situation, their legs are frightened, and Lin Mo seems to have not seen these people. He picked up the brick and threw it directly at the mirror on the wall.


The brick smashed hard on the mirror, but to Lin Mo's surprise, the mirror didn't smash into scum like he thought, but it looked like a hole had been smashed.

Bricks are embedded in it, and there are cobweb-like cracks around it.

But the mirror is generally not broken.

At the next moment, one of the group of people in the mirror suddenly flashed behind Lin Mo and pushed Lin Mo hard.

Lin Mo outside the mirror also felt that someone pushed him behind his back. The opponent's strength was so great that he staggered and almost fell.

But when he looked up again, the scene in front of him made him stunned.

Chapter 0045 Who Are You

Lin Mo was still in the bathroom, but the surrounding environment was a little different.

There are people around him.

And the exit position of the bathroom was reversed from the left and right in my memory.

In the mirror opposite, there is only his own projection.

Lin Mo immediately realized that something was wrong.

"I'm in the mirror?"

The response was quick, mainly because the position of the furnishings and the exit in the bathroom was reversed, which was too conspicuous, and there were people around who were only in the mirror before, if you didn't expect it, it would be abnormal.

The people around were covered in black anger, and there was no blood on their faces, so they tilted their heads and stared at you viciously.

Everyone panics.

Although Lin Mo was a little unsure, he had experienced a lot after all.

At a time like this, you must not be cowardly.

Besides, he has trump cards.

"Just now, who pushed me?" Lin Mo stared back at the people around him without showing weakness, and even asked, "Stand up yourself."

While speaking, Lin Mo stretched out his hand and took out a pencil from his arms, while the other hand touched the bone-chopping knife attached to his waist.

The brick is still stuck on the mirror, and now only the bone cutter can be used to fill the facade.

But soon, Lin Mo sweated on his forehead.

No pencil in his arms.

There was a bone-chopping knife, but he found that the white bone mask was also missing.

But he remembered very clearly, whether it was a pencil or a bone mask, it was hidden in his clothes, how could it be gone.

What about balloons?

Lin Mo touched the belt.

No more.

Moreover, Lin Mo found that the black handprint on his left wrist also disappeared.

This time, my heart was half cold.

It's like trying to find someone to fight, everyone has already scolded red eyes, and the other party has entered the battle. As a result, when he turned around, his brothers all ran away.


Lin Mo's only recourse now is an ordinary bone-chopping knife.

He started brainstorming.

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