"Everyone don't move." Lin Mo's voice was even louder.

This time, the crowd was immediately stunned.

Bureau Xu was well-informed and knew that Lin Mo could not do this for no reason. He immediately said, "Listen to expert Lin, and everyone should stay still."

As a result, the people in the room didn't dare to move around, and they kept their movements just now. The scene was very weird.

Most people don't know what to do.

Only Xu Ju began to sweat on his forehead.

Because he saw that Lin Mo's face was very ugly.

Thinking of Lin Mo's identity, Xu Ju's heart sank.

"Everyone, stare at your feet now, don't look up." Lin Mo looked solemn. This time, everyone followed suit, because Bureau Xu had already spoken.

"Next, I ask, you answer, remember, no one is allowed to lie." Lin Mo glanced at the people in the office and said, "Just now, who saw the computer screen? Raise your hand."

Several police officers lowered their heads and looked at their feet, feeling inexplicable, but a few still raised their hands.

Including the section chief standing next to Bureau Xu.

"The person who raised his hand stays, and everyone else goes out." Lin Mo continued.

Everyone didn't move, they all looked at Xu Ju.

"Execute the order." Xu Ju was not ambiguous at all, he realized this time, why did Lin Mo suddenly push him just now.

It should be that I don't want to let myself look at that computer screen.


Bureau Xu didn't know, but he knew in his heart that don't ask anything at this time, just listen to Lin Mo's arrangement.

At the moment, the others withdrew, and Lin Mo walked over and closed the door.

Now, including him, there are six people in the office.

Five men and one woman.

"I'll confirm with you again. Have you watched the video on the screen just now? You can close your eyes and recall. If you can't remember what you watched, you can go out now." Lin Mo said again.

This time, no one moved.

But the other five people all looked weird.

They did as Lin Mo asked, but strangely, they really remembered what was played in the video on the screen just now.

Actually, that video is pretty weird.

It is a very complex geometric figure.

There are several poisonous insects crawling on it, and the entire image is black and white, with occasional snowflakes.

"Take a pen and draw the pattern in your mind." Seeing that no one was talking, Lin Mo thought about it and gave instructions for the next step.

After speaking, Lin Mo walked over, not afraid of the corpse on the table, reached out to control the mouse, and turned off the weird video on the screen.

In this video, Lin Mo felt the breath of the nightmare world from above.

It's the kind of gloomy, terrifying, despair and a hint of rancid smell.

This feeling is wonderful, not relying on smell to smell, more like a spiritual influence.

Just like an ordinary person who has seen an extremely decomposed corpse, even if it is several days later, if someone else says 'meat', it will immediately cause discomfort and nausea.

Because he was so familiar with this kind of breath, Lin Mo reacted at once, and it was most likely a 'pollutant'.And because he saw the video, he had this feeling, and Lin Mo made these judgments for the first time.

If the video is pollutant, the trigger requirement is to see it.

According to Lin Mo's request, the five police officers in the room found pen and paper and began to draw according to the pattern in their minds.

The scene was very quiet, and Lin Mo didn't disturb them.

Taking advantage of this time, he called Chen Bing and Team Leader Liu.

If such a big thing happened here, of course he had to report it to the Security Bureau.

After a few minutes, Lin Mo hung up the phone and looked at the five policemen.

The fastest among them has already been painted.

Moreover, the painting is vivid, it is exactly the same as the complex pattern on the video just now.

"Have you ever learned sketching?" Lin Mo was curious.

"I'm the head of the technical section, and sketching is our basic skill." The policeman said truthfully.

Of course, it's just vivid, and the patterns on it don't have the 'disgusting' mental influence in the video.

Soon, the others finished painting too.

Take it for a comparison, it's all the same.

"Strange, I just glanced at it casually, I didn't expect to remember it so clearly?" a policeman said jokingly.

"Yeah, I don't remember when my memory became so good." Another policeman nodded.

Lin Mo shook his head: "I'm afraid, it has nothing to do with your memory, but this pattern actively invaded your spiritual consciousness."

Lin Mo has read many confidential files and research reports in the Security Bureau.According to the Academy of Security Bureau, the Nightmare Mark is a kind of mental influence.

Affected people, a 'virus' is automatically born in the body.

Nightmare virus.

This is the only way to verify if a person has been marked with a nightmare.

It is said that this virus is actually a normal cell of the human body, which has mutated for unknown reasons.

This aspect involves a lot of highly professional knowledge, and Lin Mo only knows about it.

Now it's time to wait for someone from the Security Agency to come and test the five people for the virus.

Lin Mo naturally hoped that his previous inference was wrong.

Otherwise, the fate of these five people will be miserable.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Lin Mo.

In his mind, the pattern in the video just now appeared suddenly.

That kind of feeling is like when you are watching TV normally, and suddenly there is an advertisement, which comes unexpectedly and has no way to do it.

The pattern began to distort, as if alive, and the sound of the poisonous insects crawling on it could also be heard in the ears, rustling and making people creepy.

Lin Mo shook his head, he felt a sudden drowsiness.

At the same time, the other five police officers in the house were already on the ground.

"Is it the mental influence of that mysterious pattern, I can't think of it, and it also has a hypnotic effect?" Lin Mo was a little confused. He glanced at the policeman who was already lying on the ground. by this spiritual force.

Then, Lin Mo sat on the chair next to him and closed his eyes.

Chapter 0040 Terrorist Memories


The twisted patterns are constantly changing, like a maze of terrifying secrets.

The weightlessness brought about by the fall came very suddenly.

Jiang Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

The weightlessness disappeared.

Seeing everything in front of him, he was stunned.

He found himself standing in a living room that looked familiar, but the problem was that he should have been in the technical office of the precinct before.

As a police officer and the team leader of the technical department, Jiang Ming didn't believe in ghosts and gods at all, but this time, he couldn't figure out how he got here from the branch office.

"What about Xiao Du and the others? And what about that expert Lin?"

Jiang Ming can be sure that he is the only one in this living room.

The kind of residence in the old-fashioned community, the pattern of two bedrooms and one living room.There are some cracks on the top of the head and the surrounding wall, and some places have fallen off.Surrounded by outdated furniture, with a coffee table and sofa behind, a TV set in front, looking outside through the window, it was pitch black.

There was no sound other than the click of the seconds of the old electronic watch hanging on the wall.

Jiang Ming was very nervous at this time.

Even if you are trained, suddenly encountering such a strange thing is a bit at a loss.

There are photos on the wall, Jiang Ming immediately walked over to check.The photo shows a family of three, and Jiang Ming's complexion suddenly changed after swiping over everyone's face.

He knew the family.

It was a long time ago, his childhood neighbor.

This family has a good relationship with Jiang Ming's family, and the neighbor's sister often takes care of him and helps him with his homework.

But a terrible tragedy happened that year, and the family was killed by gangsters.

Jiang Ming was seven years old that year. Coincidentally, he was also present when the tragedy happened, but he was lucky and escaped by hiding under the bed.

It is also for this reason that Jiang Ming vowed to be a policeman who punishes evil and promotes good.

He wants to bring that gangster to justice.

It's just that after so many years, the murderer of the massacre that year was still at large.

The memories slowly emerged, Jiang Ming's face was already extremely ugly, he remembered, this is the neighbor's sister's house, and all the furnishings are exactly the same as before.

"How could this be?" Jiang Ming's mind went blank.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, interrupting Jiang Ming's thoughts and pulling him back to reality in an instant.

The footsteps outside the door stopped, and then there was the movement of the key to open the door.

Fear came out of my heart.

Even difficult to restrain.

Jiang Ming felt the danger.


The thought immediately popped out of my mind.

The living room is not big, and there is no place to hide at all.On the left is the kitchen and toilet, and on the right is the bedroom. Without hesitation, Jiang Ming opened the bedroom door and walked in, then closed the door.

Almost at the same time, the sound of the security door being opened came from outside, and someone came in.

The other party is in the living room, just across the door from him.

Jiang Ming's heart was beating wildly at this time. This scene seemed familiar to him. Back then, the murderer who killed the neighbor's family seemed to have come in like this.

Childhood fears rushed directly into my mind.

The bedroom was very dark because of the thick curtains.It can be vaguely seen that the bedroom is not big, with a stand next to it, and a big bed.

There was a stench in the air.

Walking on his toes to the bed, Jiang Ming glanced at the bed.

A person is lying on the bed.

not moving at all.

If you look closely, there is a knife stuck in this man's neck.

Jiang Ming's eyes were round, and he covered his mouth, otherwise he might cry out.

At this moment, his hair stood upright.He had seen this scene before, and the already vague memories of childhood came to his mind instantly.

The footsteps in the living room were approaching, Jiang Ming almost subconsciously got under the bed, and just after hiding for two seconds, the living room door was pushed open.

A weak light from outside shines in.

Jiang Ming saw a person standing at the door from under the bed. From this angle, he could only see the other person's feet.

The other party was wearing a round-toed boot, which was polished brightly.

The man didn't react in any way, and didn't close the bedroom door. He just walked to the bed and heard some noises. The next moment, the corpse on the bed was suddenly pushed down, and fell to the floor with a bang.

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