Outside, the deformed monsters could be seen dissipating rapidly.

Safe for now.

"How do you call it?" Lin Mo looked back and asked.

"Me?" The male ghost was stunned. It seems that no one has asked him what his name is for a long time, as if he had experienced two lifetimes.

A trace of memory also emerged in the male ghost's mind at this moment.

"I, my name is Wang Zhi."

"Xiao Wang, can you tell me where this place is?" Lin Mo let go of Wang Zhi, mainly because it's not a problem to keep restraining him like this.

Xiao Wang is obviously much more honest.

When it was strangled just now, it knew that the man in front of it could crush it in terms of strength.

And the terror aura on the opponent is stronger than it.Facing this person, he became a weakling instead of being a nightmare.

"This is the world of painting!" Wang Zhi said honestly.

Lin Mo nodded.

As he surmised.

"How did you get in?" Lin Mo looked at the nightmare in the room.

Wang Zhi immediately said: "Of course it was caught by a spider..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the nightmare named Wang Zhi came to his senses. It stared at Lin Mo with astonishment: "Didn't you get caught by a spider?"

Lin Mo wanted to say, I don't know who the spider is.

"I came in by myself."

As soon as the words fell, all the nightmares in the room all looked over.

"What are you doing?" Lin Mo realized that something was wrong. The eyes of these nightmares were not right. Looking at himself, it was like a drowning person seeing a life-saving straw.

"You, where did you come in from? Can you tell us?" Over there, a malicious nightmare stared at him and asked.

Chapter 0322 I know the only way out

Lin Mo looked at each other, feeling the malice and madness.

The same is true for the nightmares around. It seems that even though they know that Lin Mo is scary, at this time, they plan to join forces to exert pressure.

The slain bride stood beside Lin Mo at this time, glaring fiercely at the group of nightmares on the opposite side.

It seems that as long as she makes a move, she will rush to fight without thinking about herself.

Lin Mo looked around.

"Xiao Yu, come out first."

"Little Tiger, you come out too."

Xiaoyu and Xiaohu appeared at the same time, and Lin Mo himself cut the blade of the tiger bone sickle, and with a swipe, the cold light surged and the sharpness was dazzling.

Then he said: "I won't tell you, you are still planning to do it, aren't you?"

The group of nightmares on the opposite side looked at Xiaoyu and the grinning Xiaohu, and then at the murdered bride and the knife in Lin Mo's hands who were about to go all out.

"you misunderstood!"

"Yes, it's all a misunderstanding."

The momentum of a group of nightmares immediately withered.

Fighting alone, they are not opponents, and it turns out that even if they are united, they are not opponents of others.

That's threatening ass.

Even the group of mice were bowing to Lin Mo to show off their cuteness.

The truth that mice understand, can other nightmares not understand?

Lin Mo cursed: "What a misunderstanding, if I moved a little slower just now, would you have already pounced on me? Don't pretend, I ask you, are you trapped here and can't get out? "

All the nightmares nodded hurriedly.

Can't fight, can't afford to offend, so I can only shrink my tail and be a man.

"You were all caught by spiders?"

Still nodding.

"Who is the spider?"

When the name of the spider was mentioned, the room was immediately enveloped in an invisible oppressive force. The group of mice on the ground trembled non-stop. It was obvious that spiders were what they feared the most.

"A spider is a spider." Wang Zhi said at this time.

The other nightmares are all nods.

After asking for a long time, Lin Mo only knew that these nightmares were all caught by spiders. According to them, spiders are very scary, and they have no ability to resist in front of spiders.

But Lin Mo didn't come here looking for spiders.

He was looking for a painter.

"Have you ever seen a painter here?" Lin Mo asked.

Most of the nightmares looked blank, only a mouse over there raised its paw, indicating that it had seen it.

"You..." Lin Mo got stuck all of a sudden, the other party was a mouse, how could I tell him?

I can't understand it.

Fortunately, Lin Mo thought of the most direct way.

"Do you know where the painter is?"

Mouse nods.

"Take me to him." After Lin Mo finished speaking, the mouse didn't move, neither agreed nor refused.

Lin Mo understood this posture in seconds.

"You helped me, I told you the only way out here, how about it?"

The mouse immediately nodded frantically and squeaked on the ground.

Turn around and run outside.

Lin Mo followed immediately.

The slain bride followed.

The nightmare in the house naturally did not dare to stop it.

The little mouse ran very fast, and Lin Mo and the slain bride were not slow, but they were a little more careful when they went outside, obviously because they were afraid of being discovered by those deformed monsters.

Lin Mo found that this place was bigger than he imagined.Moreover, the road twists and turns, and it is easy to get lost. The main reason is that many houses and buildings look the same.

It's almost like a copy.

If it wasn't for the little mouse leading the way, he would definitely get lost.

I avoided several groups of deformed monsters on the way, and arrived at another area without any danger.

Vaguely, Lin Mo saw a building, a bit like a school.

When I got closer, I found out that it was.

"Yellow Carp Art Academy!"

Lin Mo felt familiar when he saw the name at the school gate.

Soon he remembered.

There are records in the archives of the General Administration, and it is said to be one of the first batch of polluted areas in China.Lin Mo also just paid attention to the name while flipping through it briefly. It seems that when the nightmare invaded, many teachers and students died in this Yellow Carp Academy of Fine Arts. The worst thing was that all the students in one class died.

This belongs to group destruction!

The Yellow Carp Art Academy is sealed up to now, and it is one of the most dangerous polluted areas in China.

Lin Mo felt strange, how could this Yellow Carp Art Academy be here?

Needless to say, the Academy of Fine Arts here must be a fake.

The little mouse waved its paw at Lin Mo at the door, and Lin Mo immediately followed him in.

Now Lin Mo still knows too little about this 'painted world', and the more he explores, the stronger this feeling becomes.

Also, what is the connection between the studio at 2, Building 409, Luyuan Community, and this place?

Maybe the answer lies in this 'Yellow Carp Academy of Fine Arts'.

At this time, Lin Mo found two deformed monsters, and wandered around the yard, hiding in the corner until the two deformed monsters left, and then the little mouse took them along, and climbed in from the open window on the first floor along the trash can.

This should be the teaching building.

Very dim.

The place they climbed in should be a toilet.

As soon as I entered, I saw a picture that made people 'spiritually refreshed'.

A corpse, kneeling on the ground, motionless.

Pierced with a paintbrush in the neck.

There should be a lot of blood at that time, but it has been dead for a long time, and the blood has dried up.

There seems to be something written on the wall.

Lin Mo approached, shook the flames on the bricks, and looked at them.

I see.

On the wall opposite the corpse, five words were written in blood: Zhang Meng, I'm sorry!

Lin Mo looked at the writing on the wall, and then at the kneeling corpse on the ground.

"Is this written by this corpse, or is it written by someone else, and this corpse is called Zhang Meng?"

This thing can be verified.

Lin Mo knelt down to examine the corpse.

Obviously the body had been dead for some time, and it looked like it was a man.

The other party's hands were stained with a lot of black dry blood, combined with the bloody handprints on the wall, it is basically certain that the writing on the wall was written by this corpse.

"Before he died, he thought about apologizing to others, so he was a real person." Lin Mo commented.

He didn't dislike it either, and searched the corpse.


From the pants pocket of the corpse, a student ID card was found.

There are pictures and names on it.

"Zhang Yang!"

He leaned closer and smelled it, and there was a hint of obsession and unwillingness on the student ID card.

Lin Mo put away his student ID card.

Maybe this thing will come in handy sometime.

This is a habit Lin Mo formed when he played horror games before.

That is to not let go of any valuable props.

Turning his head to look at the little mouse, Lin Mo signaled it to continue leading the way.

The little mouse pointed to the corpse with its paw, which meant that this is the person you are looking for.

"Obviously not!" Lin Mo shook his head.

But from the point of view of the little mouse, the student of the Academy of Fine Arts is of course a painter.If you look at it that way, it's true.

At this time, there was movement outside, and there was a trace of strange smell in the air, as well as rustling sounds.

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