This is indeed surprising.

"It's still Lao Bai. Although it has always wanted to kill me, it also cares about me the most. It's just that it is introverted and doesn't like to express. Of course, I don't care about that."

Lin Mo was quite moved.

Lao Bai was swept by a black air, rushed forward in a few steps, and stood behind Lin Mo.

The familiar feeling is back.

Everyone else, including Meng Yan, knew Lao Bai's taboo, so they hypnotized themselves at this time.

"Don't turn your head, don't look back, remember, remember!"

Only the fat man muttered in a low voice: "I think, Lao Bai is seeing that you are not in the right mind, and wants to take advantage of the danger, and when you don't pay attention to turning around, he will break your neck."

Lin Mo heard it, but he pretended not to hear it.

In addition, on the second floor of Building 2, a tall figure was looking out of the window with a butcher's knife in his hand.

Seeing that Lin Mo glanced over, he immediately hid back in the darkness.

In the end, nothing came out.

Lin Mo didn't care either.

It's almost full now.

This was the first time he shook people, and he yelled so much at once.

The main reason is that Lin Mo knows very well that the place where Old Man Wang can be killed is absolutely dangerous.

Lin Mo was very aware of Old Man Wang's abilities. As long as Old Man Wang preempted a normal nightmare, he would basically be powerless to fight back.

So old man Wang must have encountered a very special situation.

Lin Mo judged that either the environment was dangerous, or there was a nightmare that was so powerful that it was abnormal, or the opponent had a large number of people.

The environment needs to be carefully observed.

But the last two points require absolute strength.

Now that Xiao Yu is awake, Lin Mo's strength has skyrocketed, but it's not enough. This time, he's going for revenge and to find out the truth, so he must have the upper hand in terms of strength.

That's why we have to shake people to go together.

"But children, don't go there so much, Eggy, don't go, and the one in the porcelain vase, you go, I don't worry about you enough."

Lin Mo returned the little ones.

In short, the number to be brought this time may not be large, but it must definitely be the best of the best.

In addition, you have to leave some housekeepers.

The Lvyuan Community is not a small place. Lin Mo intends to operate it for a long time, and sometimes some wandering nightmares will come out of the black mist.

Lin Mo's request is, come, yes.

But play by the rules.

Kill if you don't follow the rules, unless the opponent is very powerful and can escape.

In the end, Lin Mo chose a top combat power in his heart.

The headless boy and the belly-headed man are definitely coming.

These two are the proper front row of meat shields.

The flying head is also counted as one, and can cooperate with Sister Ligui in the investigation.

Among the children, Lin Mo chose Little Black and Little Red Dress.

Especially the little red dress.

Little girls generally don't make shots, but as long as they do, they never miss.

She is strong.

Even Lin Mo didn't know the shade of the little red dress, so he must wear it this time.

"Take me!" Eggy Mom took the initiative at this time.

Lin Mo thought for a while and nodded.

He originally wanted Dandan's mother to look after the child at home, but since the other party asked to go, Lin Mo couldn't refuse.

"Or, I'll stay and look after the house!" The scarecrow volunteered.

Lin Mo squinted at the other party.

The latter realized that something was wrong, and immediately changed his words: "Take me there, I can help you more or less."

Lin Mo was satisfied.

Although the scarecrow's combat strength is very average, the opponent has a very special physique, that is, he is not afraid of other attacks except fire.

By cutting off his body, the scarecrow can be reborn.

Because the body is full of straw, most curses are immune.

What peeling, fracture and puncture is the same as tickling on the scarecrow's side.

With him, you can resist some curses.

In Lin Mo's eyes, the scarecrow is a good shield. Some places are not clear about danger, and this guy can be pushed to explore the way.

Lin Mo thought, give the scarecrow a whole fireproof suit another day, so that the scarecrow will be perfect.

With the addition of Lao Bai here, Lin Mo felt that there were enough people.

All elite.

The bald man and the bald murderer are still a bit weaker than other nightmares. After all, they both have flesh and blood, which can be easily damaged.

Besides, the bald man had to watch over his son Xiao Qi.

Lin Mo also didn't want the bald man to lose his father, making Xiao Qi lose his father.

Of course, fat people don't go either.

This guy has only one purpose to go, and that is to make trouble for himself.

Reorganize the manpower and set off immediately.

But Lin Mo soon encountered a problem.

Where is Xiyu Temple?

The location is unknown.

Old man Wang never said that before.

However, this matter did not bother Lin Mo. He spent a little time, and when it was time to wake up, he checked maps and navigation online in the real world.

It is really low-key to find this Xiyu Temple.

There is almost no information about this place on the Internet, only the corresponding place on the navigation, which is more than 300 kilometers away from Migratory Bird City.

The location is probably in the north of Migratory Bird City and Shangwang Village.

After figuring out the approximate location, Lin Mo contacted the General Administration to confirm the location.

In the polluted area map of the General Administration, there is no Xiyu Temple.

But there are records in several polluted areas around.

Lin Mo recorded all these polluted areas on the map, and then drew them into a coordinate system. In this way, even if he made a mistake and walked to other polluted areas, he could immediately determine the location, then adjust the direction, and continue to search.

After finishing all this, Lin Mo fell into a dream immediately, and rushed into the black mist with a group of nightmares.

Chapter 0304

The black mist in the nightmare world has a setting similar to a wormhole. Traveling through the black mist, sometimes it can reach another place through a distance of hundreds of kilometers in a short period of time.

Lin Mo has long thought that when he has enough strength and time, he will walk around in this black mist.

Maybe after a stroll, I went abroad.

You can also go abroad to see the customs and customs of the polluted areas there, and see what the nightmare of the people's fear over there looks like.

But right now, Lin Mo has no time to think about it.

He took the lead in walking in the black mist, and walked about two hundred steps along the direction of Xiyu Temple on the map.

This time he encountered many terrible nightmares in the black mist.

Seeing the large number of people on Lin Mo's side, most of them tactfully stepped aside. Only a few crazy, irrational nightmares smelled the breath of living people and rushed forward.

Almost all of these nightmares were beaten to death by the headless boy and the belly-headed man walking on the left and right sides of Lin Mo, but there were exceptions.

A nightmare like a pool of mud swam silently on the ground, and then an evil spirit suddenly emerged from the pool of mud, opened its bloody mouth and bit Lin Mo.

But it didn't bite.

Just hear a pop.

The sound of a balloon popping.

At the same time, the nightmare that attacked Lin Mo exploded at the same time, scattering rotten flesh and blood all over the place.


Those who react slowly, don't know what happened just now, everything is over.

The quick reaction was able to notice that one of the green balloons was missing among the handful of balloons held by Xiao Hongqun.

The sound of the balloon popping just now should be the green balloon.

Lin Mo saw it clearly. He touched the little red skirt's head, knelt down and said, "Good boy, but you don't need to squeeze it, can this balloon burst? It's amazing, can you teach uncle?"

The little red skirt shook her head, indicating that you can't learn it.

Lin Mo just gave up.

This time, the balloons brought out by the little red dress were not only red, but also colorful. There were black and white balloons that Lin Mo was familiar with, and green and blue balloons that he had never seen before.

Obviously, Little Red Dress's offensive and defensive methods are realized by popping balloons.

She didn't even need to do it herself.

It seems that you can use your mind to control which balloon bursts.

With the little red dress around, Lin Mo felt more at ease.

There is a faint light ahead.

The next moment, they walked out of the black mist and arrived at a polluted area.

However, this polluted area is not big, and it is a bit like Shangwang Village, but there are a few small high-rise buildings, the buildings are not high, at most five or six floors, a bit like a town built near a mountain.

"This doesn't look like Xiyu Temple."

Lin Mo turned around, and sure enough, this is a polluted area near Xiyu Temple.

Lin Mo had already memorized the previous map, and simply drew a location map in his diary.

According to the location map of Xiyu Temple, it should be a little west of this polluted area.

Confirm the direction through a road sign in the contaminated area, and continue into the black fog.

This time, after walking about a hundred steps, I entered a polluted area again.

All you can see here are mountains and forests, and you can vaguely hear the sound of a stream flowing.

"It's almost here. It should be here." Lin Mo led people through a forest, and the front suddenly opened up, and there was a temple hidden in the valley.

Originally, most of the temples were built to look majestic and upright, but at this moment, perhaps because of the surrounding environment, this temple only gives people a dark and weird feeling.

Approach the valley.

Dead leaves are everywhere, a gust of wind blows, and the leaves on the ground rattle.

There is a stone bridge in front, under the stone bridge is dark, there is the sound of the stream, and on the dead tree next to it, there is a crow squawking strangely, adding a kind of gloom to the place.

"Boss, something is wrong with this place." The Scarecrow said.

Obviously this is nonsense.

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