"Yes, yes, I saw it too." The uncle who hanged himself also rushed to express his opinion.

"I saw someone in the car."

Lin Mo immediately asked, "What does it look like?"

"That's right, one nose, two eyes, two ears, one mouth..."

Lin Mo ignored this troublesome uncle.

"Then has anyone seen the license plate number?"

"I saw it, it's the bird A37D10."

Lin Mo wrote it down immediately.

This license plate number belongs to Migratory Bird City, maybe something can be found out, these are important clues.

Slowly, the new pollution incidents in Migratory Bird City have gradually become clear. From the beginning of ignorance, to the discovery of intentional spreaders.

The other party has a car and spreads nightmares by playing recorded piano music.

"Also, I smelled the breath of living people from that car." Aunt Liu added another sentence at this time.

Lin Mo was pleasantly surprised.

This is a very important clue.

"Aunt Liu, are you sure?"

"Sure, sure, Auntie, my nose is famous for its aura. It can't be smelled wrong. There must be a living person, and there must be more than one." Aunt Liu was very sure.

Lin Mo has no doubts.

It was Aunt Liu who smelled the breath of life on her body just now. Obviously, one of the other party's specialties is the sense of smell.

These were all recorded by Lin Mo.

"Everyone, be quiet." After Lin Mo heard that there were no other more valuable clues, he opened his mouth to quiet down the noisy scene.

"Listen to me, my name is Lin Mo, and I'm a staff member of our National Special Security Bureau. I hope that everyone will start today and mobilize the people around you to help me find that car. If you find it, you can tell Dandanma immediately , you can also go to Qiandu Commercial Plaza to find me in person, if you can’t find me, you can also find my colleague, my colleague is called..."

Lin Mo also mentioned the names of Shen He, Wu Dawei, and Li Qiang.

"Remember, you must mobilize the people around you. Let's find this car together, and there will be rewards at that time."

As soon as they heard that there was a reward, the elders and aunts were also interested.

"What reward?"

"Yes, yes, what reward."

Lin Mo thought about it, and the red armband on his father's arm in the junk alley came to his mind.

It's on my mind right now.

"Reward, talking about money hurts feelings. Our Security Bureau is going to set up a monitoring brigade. If you help me find this car, you can join the monitoring brigade. From now on, you will also work for the public. At that time, we will also provide you with Send out some equipment and armbands, this will save face when you go out and meet people."

It can be seen that these uncles and aunts are very interested.

Soon, this group of uncles and aunts was mobilized by Lin Mo.

There is a shortage of manpower at the Security Bureau, Migratory Bird City is so big, only five formal experts are here to investigate, it will take years to find out.

Now Lin Mo has found another way and mobilized these uncles and aunts to help find them, and the efficiency has improved.

Moreover, they can also mobilize the people around them, what is this called?This is called the power of the masses.

Lin Mo felt that as long as the yellow van was still in the polluted area of ​​Migratory Bird City, no matter what corner the other party was hiding in, he would be able to find it at that time.

Of course, Aunt Liu said that she smelled the breath of a living person.

Then the investigation in the real world must also start, Lin Mo thought about it, let someone investigate the license plate number first.

The car in the nightmare world must be a projection of the real world.

So it should be possible to check something out.

If it goes well, there should be results and results before dark.

Chapter 0283 Found it

Three hours are up in no time.

After setting the wake-up function trigger, Lin Mo woke up in the real world.

Shen He and Wu Dawei also woke up.

"Have a small meeting to inform each other about the results of the investigation." After Shen He finished speaking, he picked up the phone on the table and started ordering meals.

After all, everyone is hungry.

There was a special person outside to recommend the meal, and everyone talked while eating.

Then they talked separately, but the others still didn't find out, which is normal. Just like what Lin Mo said at the beginning, nothing can be found out by running around alone for investigation.

When it was Lin Mo's turn, the others didn't have much hope to be honest, but the result surprised them.

Lin Mo told the information he found in detail.

Especially after telling the characteristics of the yellow van, even Shen He was dumbfounded.

"Here, Lin Mo, how did you find out?"

Everyone present was curious.

They searched for three days and found nothing. As soon as Lin Mo arrived, he locked down the source of pollution that spread the nightmare, even down to the license plate number, which was just like a joke.

"I asked."

"Inquire? Whom to ask?"

"It's the enthusiastic grandpa and aunt in the nearby community."

Obviously, everyone knows that the community that Lin Mo talks about is definitely not the community in the real world, but in the world of nightmares. Then, those uncles and aunts must not be living people.

Everyone knows that communicating with nightmares is the most difficult thing. Lin Mo's ability to get words out of their mouths is indeed extraordinary.

"Is the news reliable?" Shen He didn't care about anything else, he just wanted to quickly resolve the spread of the polluted area. If he couldn't control it, the entire Migratory Bird City would have to start evacuating tomorrow morning at the latest.

It is already very difficult to evacuate an administrative district. If a city were to evacuate, it would be a disaster.

Not to mention where to resettle, it is definitely not an easy task to get rid of these millions of people in a short period of time.

So it is best to control the spread of the contaminated area.

"It should be reliable. We can check the license plate number, Bird A37D10." After Lin Mo finished speaking, Li Qiang raised his hand: "I'll check it."

Go make the phone call.

It is a matter of minutes for the official experts of the General Administration to coordinate with the local traffic police department to check a license plate number.

As long as the license plate number does exist, it can be found out.

"In addition, there should be at least two communicators, and these two people are living people, not nightmares. They are probably in Migratory Bird City. First, find someone to go through all the registered people who have been marked with the nightmare mark. How to find out, everyone can brainstorm.”

Lin Mo didn't want to worry about this matter.

Because there are more professional people to do this, Lin Mo himself is not good at it, so he doesn't get involved.

"Well, let's check." Yu Rong and Zhang Chao also stood up at this time.

The two were unfriendly to Lin Mo at first, and looked down on them in their bones, but they were educated by Lin Mo in the nightmare world and saw Lin Mo's methods, so they immediately accepted it.

From an enemy to a fan directly.

And he's still a diehard fan.

Now that everything was done, Lin Mo was also happy to be at leisure. He picked up a bowl of rice and ate happily.

The license plate number is the first to be detected.

"There is news. This is indeed the license plate number of Migratory Bird City, and it is indeed a yellow van registered on the register. However, this car is in the polluted area, and the owner of the car has died in the few communities that were polluted before."

Li Qiang took a faxed document and put it on the table.

The photo of the car above is indeed yellow and has the same license plate number.

"This should be the projection of the real world in the nightmare world, but I didn't expect this car to start in the nightmare world, and it was used to spread nightmares." Shen He turned to Yu Rong and Zhang Chao and said: "This Survivors in the community where the car is located should focus on investigation."

Everyone knows that if it is a survivor after a pollution incident, it is almost impossible to be the two communicators.

After all, the sequence doesn't match.

Because it was the pollution incident that happened first, there will be survivors in that community.

But there are exceptions.

For example, if the two communicators deliberately mixed in that community in advance, it would be hard to say.

So it's safest to check everything.

Of course, everyone knows that the possibility of catching those two people in the real world is extremely small, after all, they don't know each other's physical characteristics.

But the possibility is small, and it has to be done.

Compared with the real world, the probability of finding that van in the nightmare world is very high.

After all, the polluted area in Qihu City is still smaller than the real world. As long as there are enough people to carry out a blanket investigation, the results should be forthcoming.

After several experts ate, Yu Rong and Zhang Chao handed over the work of investigators to other security bureau staff, and the five of them entered the nightmare world again.

By this time, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

There are still more than four hours before the real world gets dark.

Cars will definitely not be parked on high-rise buildings or indoors where parking is obviously impossible, so the areas to be investigated are streets and parking lots in polluted areas.

The five people divided their work and investigated separately.

In the end, it was the group of uncles and aunts who made the meritorious service.

As soon as Lin Mo arrived at the 'Jinhua Mansion' community, a group of uncles and aunts ran over and surrounded Lin Mo.

"I found it. The car is in the underground parking lot of the neighborhood next door. It was Lao Wangtou and his daughter-in-law who found it. Lao Wang's daughter-in-law is not easy. That parking lot is her site. The car is often used these days." It will stop there, and when the old Wang turned his head back and said, his daughter-in-law reported it."

Aunt Liu took credit very seriously.

"Take me to see." Lin Mo was also quite pleasantly surprised.

This is too efficient.

As expected of grandpa and aunt, it really is the strongest intelligence organization in the world. This is true in the real world, and it is still the same in the world of nightmares.


Following a group of uncles and aunts to the place, Lin Mo walked into the dark underground garage.

Down here, there is no light at all.

Although Lin Mo has ghost eyes, he is more accustomed to using bricks for lighting.

Sure enough, in the depths of this underground garage, I found the yellow van parked there alone.

"There's no one inside. I've smelled it just now." Aunt Liu took the initiative at this time.

Lin Mo praised Aunt Liu, then approached, and took a photo with the brick in his hand. The color, model, and license plate number were all right.

"That's the car!"

Lin Mo nodded again and again, finding the van so quickly, the next thing will be easy.

Just sit back and wait for the rabbit.

Those two communicators certainly didn't know that they had been exposed. After dark, they would definitely come and drive to spread the nightmare and expand the contaminated area, just like the previous two days.

So just stay here and wait for those two people to throw themselves into the trap.

Chapter 0284 Catch One

Through the glass of the van, Lin Mo saw some messy things in the van, the most conspicuous one being a tape recorder.

Look, the tools for committing the crime are all there, and if someone is caught later, that's the right person to get all the stolen goods.

The Security Bureau will definitely use an iron fist against this kind of criminal who deliberately broadcasts the nightmare, and will not show any mercy.

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