As a result, Lin Mo, who became more and more confident, faced the more and more broken-headed ghost.

Apparently in the past, the crackhead was best at hide-and-seek.Whether it's a hider or a seeker, it's the ultimate winner.

But after encountering Lin Mo, no matter where it hides, it can be found.

This made the split-headed ghost a little broken.

In more than a dozen hide-and-seek games, Lin Mo also saw some clues.

Although the split-headed ghost can move through the floors, it is only active on the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors. It does not go up to the eighth floor, nor does it go down to the fourth floor.

It can be understood that the three layers of five, six and seven are its scope of activity.

The other floors in Building 2 must have nightmares of other interests, which limit it from crossing the line.

Suppose, in the end, the split-headed ghost is forced to cross the line helplessly, what will happen?

Perhaps, it will conflict with the nightmares on other floors.

The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers.

What Lin Mo has to do is to force the cracked-headed ghost to go over the top, and then he only needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

This time, the split-headed ghost has already lost the red eye.

It is more tyrannical than ever before, and the malice and murderous aura on its body is already so strong that it can be seen by the naked eye. That malice spreads its skin. At this time, it seems that the split-headed ghost is covered in scars, and it is more and more terrifying.

Lin Mo knew that playing this game with this kind of ghost was a bit like licking blood and dancing ballet on the edge of a cliff.

It's a lot more fun than playing those well-made horror games.

"Let's play the last game, I count 100, you hide it, this time, don't let me find it so quickly." With a touch of contempt on Lin Mo's face, he vividly interprets arrogance.

He gave Splinter long enough this time.

I just hope that he can take advantage of this time to go to places other than the third floor of the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors.

Glancing at Lin Mo viciously, the split-headed ghost ran out like a gust of wind.

Forget it, there is not much time left until three in the morning, and Lin Mo has to take advantage of this time to do something useful.

Slowly counting to 100, Lin Mo first asked Xiaoyu about the location of the head-cracked ghost.

"It's on...the fourth floor, room"

Looking at the words in the diary, Lin Mo looked puzzled.

Chapter 0025 The Scary Room 409

What does it mean to disappear?

Lin Mo asked, this time, Xiaoyu didn't respond.

Usually when this happens, it means that even the light rain does not know the reason.

In other words, her current ability is not enough to detect the situation in that room.

After playing the game of hide-and-seek until now, Lin Mo has succeeded in destroying the head-scratcher's mentality, and further forced the opponent out of the five, sixth, and seventh floors, which originally belonged to the head-scratcher's territory.

In order not to let Lin Mo find it, the crack-headed ghost ventured into the territory of other nightmares, and rushed to this point. The crack-headed ghost is a real 'hardcore player'.

Don't ask, the crackhead is definitely still in room 409.

This is Lin Mo's preliminary judgment.

This time, Lin Mo didn't look for it for the first time, but went straight to the seventh floor.

He's going to get something first.

He played more than a dozen games of hide-and-seek with the crack-headed ghost in this third-floor space. Lin Mo had already figured out the layout here, and he had been to most of the rooms.

The nightmares that originally existed in the three layers of Five Six Seven were all killed by the Split Head Ghost.

Just like the death of the victims, the corpse was torn apart and the flesh was blurred. The violence index of the crack head ghost was the highest among all the nightmares I have seen so far.

Lin Mo collected some stumps and broken arms in the corridor and several rooms.

Putting these bloody limbs in place, Lin Mo picked up a human head wearing a bone mask and looked at it carefully.

This should be a murderous nightmare formed by someone's fear.

Standard villain look.

Strong, wearing a mask of oozing bones.

Unsurprisingly, when this monster was alive, it should still be holding some kind of murder weapon, taking pleasure in hunting and killing living people.

But now there is only one head left.

It was said to be a mask, but in fact, after careful observation, Lin Mo found that the mask was completely grown on the other's face, like an organ.

"It really is a monster."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand, clasped the edge of the bone mask, and pulled it down.

Surprisingly, it really fell off.


Like the feeling of opening a crab shell, there are many blood-colored silk threads on the inside of the white bone mask, and a rancid smell blows.

Lin Mo glanced at the bloody head, put it aside, and looked at it with the bone mask.

On this, with murderous and ominous.

Gives extreme discomfort.

But that was exactly what Lin Mo needed.

Survival is the primary problem that ordinary people face in the nightmare world.

Lin Mo himself also experienced a lot of struggle, and with a little luck, he gradually mastered some survival skills.

But for others, it is impossible to obtain the shelter of a certain nightmare in a short time, and every minute and every second in this world will be extremely dangerous.

It is a fact that ordinary people who enter the nightmare world are at the bottom of the pyramid and are the first target of other nightmares.

So how to change this situation?

In Lin Mo's view, it is also simple, that is to change his identity.

Let other nightmares see you as one of their kind, or at least, make yourself seem less 'tricky'.

As a result, some low-level nightmares may not dare to do it, which is equivalent to increasing the chance of survival.

Of course, it is a special case to encounter someone like the split-headed ghost who slaughtered the same kind without any scruples.

Next, Lin Mo collected two bone masks that were still sticking with flesh and blood. He wanted to find some clothes like blood clothes, but they were all torn and shredded, so he couldn't wear them.

Holding the two bone masks, Lin Mo returned to the sixth floor and dodged into the old house where the cat appeared.

Putting a bone mask in a conspicuous place, Lin Mo turned around and walked out.

This is the survival prop he left to the cat.

In the next time, Lin Mo has to find the crack-headed ghost.

The reason is very simple, if you can't find it, then next time, it's time to replace it to find yourself.

Going straight down to the fourth floor, halfway through, Lin Mo put another bone mask on his face.Not to mention, although this thing is a bit disgusting on the face, it will not feel uncomfortable after getting it on the face.

And there seems to be a kind of suction on the white bone mask, which can be firmly attached to the face.

Almost at the same time, Lin Mo suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability.

What followed was the rolling killing intent that emerged from the bottom of my heart.

Lin Mo immediately took off his mask.

The irritability and killing intent disappeared.

Wear it again, and that feeling comes again.

"This thing can affect normal people?" Lin Mo came to a new conclusion.

Not only that.

Lin Mo put on the mask again and felt that his whole body seemed to be filled with a tyrannical force.

It seems that his own strength has also been greatly improved.

Taking off the mask, Lin Mo thought about it.

He felt he had reached a very critical point, but the experiment could be studied in detail later.

After putting away the bone mask, Lin Mo found room 409.

Xiaoyu said that the split-headed ghost disappeared here.

Lin Mo prefers that there is something special about this room that shields Xiao Yu's exploration.

The door was unlocked, and opened with a push.

It was a bit empty inside, the windows were wide open, the black gauze curtains were swaying in the wind, and the dark sky outside and the vague outline of the building opposite could be seen.

Of course, there was nothing in the house.

There are paintings here.

Many of the paintings are mostly hung on the wall, a few are on the wooden shelves in the house, and some are only half-painted and seem to be unfinished.

"Is this a studio?"

Lin Mo also saw it.

How to hide in this place?

He took a step and wanted to go in, but the next moment, Lin Mo felt that someone was pulling him behind his back.

Turning his head, Xiaoyu didn't know when, standing behind him with his head lowered, holding Lin Mo's shirt with one hand.

It seems to be preventing Lin Mo from entering this room.

Lin Mo's face was solemn.

For the first time, he showed himself without summoning Xiaoyu.

It seems that the problem is very serious. There seems to be nothing special about Room 409, but the more it is, the more it shows that there is an unknown danger.

Lin Mo was a little discouraged in his heart.

But after thinking about it, it would be fine if the split-headed ghost never appeared again. If it reappears next time, and it is not found this time, it should be replaced by it.

Previously, the mentality of the crack head was broken by himself, and he guessed that he was holding a bad anger in his heart, which really gave the other party a chance. With the degree of violence of the crack head, Lin Mo had no chance at all.

So this time, even if there is danger in Room 409, Lin Mo plans to go for it.

"It's okay, I have my own measure." Lin Mo said to Xiaoyu, and then walked into the house.

Nothing special happened, Lin Mo didn't take it lightly, but soon he felt that something was wrong and turned his head to take a look.

The door behind him is gone.

It was as if that door had never appeared, with a wall behind it.

Lin Mo was stunned for a while, closed his eyes, and opened them again, it was still the wall.


Lin Mo knew why Xiaoyu didn't let himself in.

This place is really weird, what does it mean to cut off people's retreat first?

Almost at the same time, the mutation occurred.

Lin Mo heard the sound of rushing water.

Looking at it again, blood suddenly seeped out from the ceiling and flowed down the surrounding walls. In an instant, the room was dyed blood red.

A strong bloody and rancid stench came over him.

Lin Mo stood still.

Because he has nowhere to hide.

The blood was falling very fast, giving people no time to think. In the blink of an eye, Lin Mo was submerged in blood below his knees, and it seemed that the surrounding blood was still increasing.

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