If it's a misunderstanding and you make a mistake, you're wrong. At worst, what can you do with an apology.

If you do it right, you will make money.

At least one of the opponents can be eliminated first to reduce the strength of the opponent.

But the actual situation was even better than Lin Mo predicted. After Xiaohu threw one down, Lin Mo also put on a white bone mask and chopped down one with the tiger bone sickle in his hand.

The opponent also hides and resists.

But one was no match for Xiaohu's sharp claws and fangs, and the weapon in the other was bounced off by Lin Mo, and then the blade slashed on the opponent's neck.

In fact, the strength of the opponent is not weak, but it is still a little worse than Lin Mo, who is blessed by the curse of 'steel' and 'gluttony'.

And the other party was holding a small knife.

How can this thing compete with others.

At least one must get a five or six catty big knife.

Unknowingly, Lin Mo's hand-to-hand combat ability is much stronger than at the beginning.

Ordinary D-level, or even C-level nightmares, as long as they don't have any special abilities, they are really no match for Lin Mo just relying on melee combat.

Before the other party reacts, kill one and seriously injure the other.

The seriously injured one had his leg bitten off by the little tiger, and was wailing on the ground.

The other two nightmares were directly beaten.

One reacted quickly, turned around and ran.

One reacted slowly, and the tiger pounced on it, biting it on the neck.

This time it was bitten to death.

Xiaohu growled at Lin Mo at this time, but Lin Mo actually understood.

That means 'Praise me! '

"Xiaohu is so good, Xiaohu, you are so good!" Lin Mo boasted without sincerity, and then stopped disturbing this guy's meal.

He walked over and stepped on the wound of the seriously injured man. The nightmare wailed in pain.

Lin Mo asked, "Can you talk?"

Chapter 0245 Cabin No. 133

This nightmare can not only speak, but also speak well, but the voice is a bit shrill.

Lin Mo asked a few questions.

For example, why do you want to track the sneak attack, who are you, and what organization do you have.

Nightmare answered fluently.

In the thrift alley, blood flowed like a river during the hunting time, without any reason, it was just a game where big fish eat small fish, and small fish became big fish.

These nightmares are all 'wolves', belonging to a small wolf pack organization.

Lin Mo can think of making use of the characteristics of wolves to earn income, and other people are not fools. In fact, as long as they stay in the junk alley for a long time, they will know that the most terrifying thing here is the various wolf pack organizations.

In other words, in the thrift alley, the number of 'wolves' should be the largest.

Then Lin Mo has nothing to ask.

It's time to take off the mask.

But at this time, the nightmare who was stepped on by Lin Mo suddenly said in horror: "What are you doing?"

"Take off the mask."

"You...why did you take the mask?" The nightmare asked a somewhat idiotic question.

Lin Mo was puzzled at first, but he soon discovered that the other party did not show pain anymore, and the previous screams and the like seemed to be all fake.

In order to verify this, he slowly exerted force on his feet.

But the nightmare who was entangled in why Lin Mo wanted to take the mask didn't notice.

It is indeed installed.

This time Lin Mo became wary, and the next moment, he reached out and grabbed the bone mask on the opponent's face.

Almost at the same time, something unexpected happened to Lin Mo.

The bone mask on Nightmare's face actually swiped and jumped off Nightmare's face by itself.

Lin Mo read it right, the mask jumped off Nightmare's face by itself.

Like a weird crab, running away quickly.

Lin Mo reacted very quickly, and pressed the fleeing mask to the ground.

On the other side, the little tiger who was eating also saw the mask on the face of the corpse in front of him jumping off to escape, but he forgot about the mask. The little tiger is also a cat, and he is very interested in such small targets that move suddenly.

A pounce, also caught.

Open your mouth to bite.

Lin Mo yelled, so Xiaohu didn't bite the bone mask into pieces.

There is also a nightmare corpse.

Lin Mo turned his head to look and sighed.

The nightmare whose head was cut off by him, the bone mask on his face is gone, and he should have escaped.

It slipped fast.

Looking at the two bone masks captured, they were obviously different from the ones Lin Mo wore himself.

Thicker and harder, with a smooth surface, like fine white porcelain.On the back of the mask, several limbs like crab legs are constantly moving.

In addition, there are many thinner and longer blood threads that can be stretched and stretched. If they are parasitic on a person's face, they can penetrate the brain.

There is no doubt that this is an upgraded version of the bone mask.

Never seen it before.

Lin Mo would definitely not wear a mask like this on his face, it's too disgusting.And look at the nightmare parasitized by the white bone mask on the ground, his face is bloody, and half of his face was eaten by the mask.

My brain is empty.

"So it was you who talked to me just now, right?" Lin Mo asked while grabbing the upgraded bone mask like a crab.

This mask can't be fooled at first sight, so I admit it.

Later, Lin Mo figured out that if this bone mask is worn for a long time, it will continue to grow. Slowly, the bone mask will gradually eat the wearer's brain, generate thoughts by itself, and completely control the wearer at the same time.

Like a parasite.

Such a mask must not be worn anymore, but it is not necessarily true. Maybe it can be modified through some methods to remove the side effects of the mask.

These two upgraded bone masks were tied by Lin Mo with a rope like a crab, and he carried them forward.

"What are you going to do with us?"

"Let us go, I can guarantee that the bone wolves will not retaliate against you."

"If you want to know anything else, I can tell you."

Along the way, the bone mask tried every means to intimidate and lure it, with only one purpose, to get Lin Mo to let it go.

On the other hand, the other bone mask was like a gourd, silent, and those who didn't know it thought it was a dead crab.

But the more it talks, the more Lin Mo ignores it.

Let the bullet fly for a while.

He also saw that the bone mask he grabbed must not be simple. In a nightmare like the bone mask, he should at least be a leader.

So hang on to it first and let it speak for itself.

When the time comes, it will be a matter of course, what this guy has in his stomach, he has to confide it to Lin Mo in the end.

This road is destined to be uneven.

Killings happen all the time, Junk Alley seems to be a huge killing field, and the corpses of various nightmares can often be seen along the road.

Fortunately, after turning the intersection ahead, as long as you keep going forward, you can reach the wooden house No. 133.

Unless what Xu Yang said before was false.

Slowly, the surrounding suddenly became quiet, as if entering a special area.At this time, there was movement in front, Lin Mo handed the mask tied with five flowers to Xiaodong, and then looked forward with his head.

Near the end of the alley, there was a man standing there.

Carrying a black coffin.

It's the coffin-bearer.

The one who doesn't pay for meals.

Lin Mo immediately cheered up. It was also a nightmare. Some nightmares he could easily kill, but some he had no chance of winning.

This coffin-bearer is one of them.

Moreover, Xiaodong is a wolf. When he meets a coffin-carrying man who is a hunter, as long as he gets within ten meters, if he doesn't kill him, he will deduct money.

Fortunately, the coffin bearer is facing off against other nightmares.

Lin Mo asked Xiaodong to take a few steps back and not to enter the range, then he took advantage of the rabbit and sneaked to the front to observe.

Soon, Lin Mo saw the nightmare of confronting the coffin-bearer.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, but Lin Mo is taken aback.

The one who confronted the man carrying the coffin was actually the dismembered corpse in the big backpack.

But now the body has been pieced together and looks like a normal person.If Lin Mo hadn't carefully looked at the face of the corpse before, he wouldn't have recognized it all at once.

Lin Mo had doubts in his heart.

How was this corpse put together? Who did it?

Also, why did the other party go to the junk alley?

Leaving aside these issues, let's just look at this corpse, which is covered in blood-colored mist at the moment, and its ferocious appearance is not much worse than that of the coffin-carrying man.

Such a powerful corpse, I had come into close contact with it before, so it was indeed very dangerous.

No wonder Zhou Li memorized this thing back and forth, presumably using it as a trump card, maybe if he moved slower on the bus at that time, Zhou Li would have released the corpse.

In front, both the strange corpse and the coffin-carrying man are A-level, and it seems that a war is about to break out.

Lin Mo squatted behind a trash can, endured the stench, and looked towards the end of the alley.

There is a wooden house over there.

The house number says '133'.

found it.

It's just that the two nightmares at the door are not easy to deal with.

The problem is that after Lin Mo waited for a while, he found that the two did not fight, but stared at each other, forming a confrontation. It seemed that because their strengths were evenly matched, no one would strike first.

Who knows when the two of them will be used up.

Rabbits have a natural ability to hide their breath, so even though the distance is very close, Lin Mo still hasn't been discovered by these two terrifying nightmares.

There is no way to do this and wait.

Lin Mo retreated secretly.

Because there were two terrifying nightmares confronting each other, the rest of the alley was quite safe. Xiaodong squatted behind a wooden wall, and when he saw Lin Mo coming back, he hurriedly asked.

"Give me the nagging crab!" Lin Mo said. The two bone masks look the same after being tied up. The difference is that one has been talking before, and it is a temptation and a threat. Silence.

Xiaodong handed the right hand to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo asked Xiaodong to hide, and then ran over again.

After getting closer, the bone mask obviously felt something, seemed a little frightened, wanted to struggle, and unconsciously lowered his voice a lot.

"This breath is the coffin bearer, you are crazy, take me away quickly."

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