Sister Yue didn't come over there, but looked at the many cursed objects in the wooden cabinet.

"The original owners of these things were all eaten by me. There was a time when I was like a walking dead, in a daze, except for some broken memories, only resentment and hatred. But after constantly devouring other nightmares, I transformed Yes, I remembered more memories from the past, one day, it was like waking up suddenly from a muddy nightmare."

After finishing speaking, I glanced at Lin Mo: "My mother likes you very much, so you don't have to be afraid, and I don't like eating living people anymore, let alone you. I gave you something because you wanted it yourself, not me It was forced on you, if you don't want it, you can just put it back. I let you stay because I want you to do me a favor, besides, this matter has something to do with you. "

Chapter 0217 Follow Sister Yue to Fight Monsters

Outside the dormitory buildings around Shuguang Toy Factory, Lin Mo walked on the left, and on the right, there was a large darkness, like a cloud.

Bells can be heard in the dark.

Jingle Bell!

Jingle Bell!

In this polluted area, where this voice appeared, no nightmare dared to approach.

"It turned out that I was just asking me to help you. You should have said it earlier. It's an obligatory matter that wouldn't scare me just now!" Lin Mo said as he walked.

"When you looked at me, I didn't have any emotion of fear, not even the slightest bit of fear, so how can you say I was shocked?" Sister Yue spoke clearly and logically, which showed that she possessed the 'sense' that nightmares rarely possessed. , rational, can communicate.

If you can communicate, then don't worry.

The only thing is that the shape of the doll is a bit intrusive.

However, compared to the nightmare controlled by resentment, hatred and obsession, sister Yue is obviously safer now.

You can become smarter by simply devouring other nightmares.

If it was true, then Xiao Yu's recipe had to be arranged quickly.

Leading the way in the dark, Lin Mo walked into a dormitory building.

Soon, in a certain room, Lin Mo found several corpses.

In an instant, Lin Mo's face changed.

Among them were two corpses that had been sucked into mummified bodies. They were Police Officer Liu Hao and Robert.

Their bodies are twisted, their mouths are wide open, their eye sockets are sunken, and their faces are full of fear before death.

It seems that he has been dead for some time.

"Who did it?" Lin Mo's previous smile was gone, but now his face was expressionless, and there was a faint hint of terrifying killing intent.

Police Officer Liu Hao is a nice person and has a family. Robert is also a very honest foreign friend. He thought they could live here, but who would have expected such a thing to happen.

In the surrounding darkness, Sister Yue's voice came: "It's a challenger from outside. It comes here often these days. It should want to eat me. The massacre here is just a test for me."

Lin Mo noticed that besides Liu Hao and Robert, there were several corpses here.

After careful investigation, Lin Mo found that these people were actually members of the Security Bureau.

That's right, the Security Bureau has taken over here, and it's normal to send people in, but they strictly follow their own instructions and don't enter the toy factory.

In other words, Liu Hao and Robert had already contacted people from the Security Bureau and established a stronghold here.

Looking around, there are some supplies in the house that are obviously collected from the surroundings.

There are also some notepads on the table.

Lin Mo went over to take a look, and there were some things recorded on it.

Also in the drawer.

There is a diary written by Liu Hao, which also contains his vision for the future. He still wants to see his family, parents, wife and children, and he even plans to apply for an alternate expert.

Seeing this, Lin Mo was taken aback.

He went to Liu Hao's body and looked again, then turned it up and found a huge hole dug out of Liu Hao's back.

There was not a drop of blood at the wound, as if something had been forcefully dug out from the body.

"It's a parasitic nightmare!" Lin Mo was also well-informed.

Liu Hao should have had some adventures.

It can be seen from his diary that he was lucky to be possessed by some kind of nightmare. That kind of nightmare should belong to the symbiosis system, and Liu Hao also got the power of this nightmare.

That's why he looks forward to the future and wants to apply for an alternate expert.

But in the end, he was killed by a more powerful nightmare.

Moreover, he died very badly.

Lin Mo pondered, the General Administration must already know that something happened here, and maybe they have sent someone over to look at it.

But in the face of an overly powerful nightmare, the General Administration has nothing to do.

The battle team was short of manpower and couldn't be deployed at all, so things here were put on hold.

It is not surprising that similar things often occur in different polluted areas.

"Sister Yue, even if you don't care about this matter, I will take care of it." Lin Mo didn't find anything else of value, so he got up and walked outside.

"In that case, come in, and I'll take you to find that nightmare." Sister Yue also had a resolute temperament.

Without hesitation, Lin Mo stepped into the darkness.

A hand took Lin Mo's hand.

Lin Mo let Sister Yue drag him forward.

In the dark field, Lin Mo couldn't see anything, and the darkness seemed to have a connection with the surrounding black mist. Sister Yue obviously had the ability to distinguish directions.

After a while, Sister Yue let go of Lin Mo's hand.


Lin Mo immediately walked forward and walked out of Sister Yue's dark realm.

At this time, he had already reached another polluted area.

First impression is big.

Lin Mo had never seen such a large polluted area. Anyway, he didn't see the end of the black mist at a glance. It may be more than ten kilometers deep.

"There is such a large polluted area?"

Lin Mo didn't remember that there was similar information in the archives of the General Administration.

It may be a polluted area that was born in the recent period.

Fortunately, most of it is wilderness here, only the front one has buildings.

"Sister Yue, wait for me."

Lin Mo knew that there might be a big battle later.

Although following Sister Yue, he didn't panic at all, if he could add a little combat power to himself, he would definitely do it. Besides, Sister Yue is stronger than Sister Yue.

Having a father and a mother is not as good as having one yourself.

He was going to add a curse to himself.

"I'll go ahead and take a look." Sister Yue probably knew what Lin Mo was going to do, and she wanted to eliminate potential threats around her.

Darkness drifted forward.

Lin Mo opened the backpack and took out several cursed objects that had been identified.

Then he took a deep breath and pulled out towards his heart.

He tore out the yellow paper that was bound to him.

Lin Mo's name and the three current curses on him are written on the yellow paper.


Putting the yellow paper on the ground, picking up the ghost-eyed cursed object, Lin Mo put it on the yellow paper.

A weird scene happened.

There was a burst of waves on the yellow paper, and the ghost eyes seemed to be slowly sinking into the water, submerged in the yellow paper, more like being swallowed by the yellow paper.

Looking at the yellow paper again, the rippling ripples soon formed a new serial number and text on the back.

"8-3 ghost eyes, there it is!"

Almost at the same time, Lin Mo felt something extra in his body.

This thing moved quickly through the body, and rushed into his left eye after a while, and the left eye began to sting, as if something was about to eat Lin Mo's glasses.

Blood flowed down his cheeks, and Lin Mo immediately bent down covering his eyes.

The Iron Curse didn't work.

Obviously, not all organs will be protected by the Iron Curse.

At least not the eyes.

Lin Mo realized what the side effect of the ghost eye curse is, that is, after the curse is entangled, the ghost eye will eat the normal eyes and replace them.

Enduring the pain, Lin Mo thought about countermeasures, but at this time it was obviously impossible to interrupt the process of cursing, the pain intensified, and Lin Mo wished he could snap the eyeball out with his hands.

At this moment, a force surged from the upward position between Lin Mo's eyebrows, the pain in his left eye stopped instantly, and he could feel that the ghost eye suddenly gave up his left eye, as if he was attracted by something, it turned out to be upstream Go, and stopped at the position between the eyebrows upward.

Chapter 0218 The Third Eye

The pain in the left eye disappeared.

Come fast, go fast.

But Lin Mo didn't take it lightly, he could clearly feel that the ghost eye was on his forehead, ready to move.The head feels very uncomfortable, after all, there is a foreign object in it.

Lin Mo regretted a little, regretted not asking Lin Nan clearly about the side effects of the ghost eye.

"Both of Lin Nan's eyes are ghost eyes, that is to say, both of his eyes have been eaten." Lin Mo felt sorry for Lin Nan for 1 minute, this child is so pitiful, one of his eyes hurts In this way, both of Lin Nan's eyes were eaten at that time, what a pain it would be.

Moving his hand away, Lin Mo closed his right eye, he wanted to see if his left eye was blind.

Fortunately, I can see something, but it is slightly blurred, and it is bloody. It should be that it has not fully recovered, after all, the eyeball was damaged just now.

Fortunately, with the curse of gluttony, the damage to the left eye can be repaired slowly.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Mo knew the benefits of the curse sequence. Curses interact with each other, which can greatly strengthen personal strength.

Lin Nan is a good example.

Moreover, Lin Nan was actually ignorant, and did not fully display the power of those curses, otherwise, Lin Nan's strength could at least increase several times.

In less than a minute, the left eye returned to normal under the curse of gluttony.

Now the side effect of the gluttony curse is still suppressed by the black sweater, which actually forms a perfect cycle.

Except for the bloodstains remaining on the face, it was completely impossible to tell that this eye had been injured.

Lin Mo still didn't take it lightly.

Because the ghost eye on the forehead was still there, the other party seemed to be attracted to his forehead by some kind of force, otherwise his left eye would have been eaten by it.

The other party seemed to be waiting.

Suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in his head, like a thorn, piercing directly into the brain, Lin Mo squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, gritted his teeth, otherwise, he would definitely cry out sound.

Fortunately, the sting didn't last long.

Lin Mo felt that the ghost eye was connected to his brain, and the other party seemed to have identified the position of the forehead, and did not intend to move it anymore.

Before Lin Mo could catch his breath, a sharp pain came from his forehead.

It's different from last time.

This time it seemed that the bone was split and something was about to come out of the forehead.

"I understand, this is to turn me into an Erlang God." Blood began to bleed from Lin Mo's forehead, and the flesh on his forehead was stretched apart by something.

The next moment, a fierce eye popped out.

It's that ghost eye!

"It hurts!" Lin Mo reached out and touched his forehead. His hands were covered with blood, but the pain was tolerable. Apart from the pain, it was more of a shock.

Lin Mo found that his vision was different from before.

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