But when taking the key, a rotten human hand will suddenly stick out from the cabinet under the flower pot.

Once caught by this hand, directly GameOver!

Of course, this is the setting in the game. I don’t know if it’s true now. You can only know if you try it.

Lin Mo has long seen that the game is actually connected to a certain nightmare world. Looking at it now, it is as expected.

And here, indeed, is the origin of the evolution forum.

Otherwise, Lin Nan would not have come here if he traced the source of the curse.

But now it's not a game, the game can die and start over, but the reality is, if you die here, it's really game over.

Lin Mo asked Lin Nan to wait a moment, and he walked to the front, and sure enough, there was a cabinet half a person's height in front of him, and an unknown plant was placed on the cabinet.

That's because the plants have withered long ago, and they can no longer see what they are.

If you follow the game flow, you need to move the flowerpot to find the key.

Then suddenly, he was attacked by the evil spirit in the cabinet.

But it's not a game now, and of course Lin Mo will not be subject to the rules of the game.

After he walked over, he didn't move the flowerpot, but opened the cabinet door directly.

Sure enough, there was an evil spirit hiding inside.

The cabinet is very small, and it is impossible to hide a person in it, but at this moment, don't twist it, and forcefully stuff it into the cabinet.

As a result, the bones of this person's body were crushed, twisted abnormally, covered in blood, and his head was firmly attached to his arms and thighs.

So much so that the eyeballs of this evil spirit protruded, and the eyes, nose and mouth were all oozing blood.

The sudden opening of the door made the evil spirit stunned.

Now Lin Mo is looking at it, and it is also looking at Lin Mo.

"It's too crowded. I think you're uncomfortable. I'll help you out. You're welcome." Lin Mo broke the silence first. He reached out and grabbed the other party's hair, and pulled the evil spirit out with a strong tug.


The evil spirit's body had already been crushed and deformed, and many bones were broken. At this moment, it fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Without the evil spirits that could sneak attack, Lin Mo got the key very smoothly.

Take a closer look at one of this evil ghost's hands, there are many dense barbs on it, with a rotten stench.

If you guessed right, this hand carried a terrifying toxin.

If you are caught, you will be pierced by the barbs, and then you will be affected by the toxin on it, and you will either lose your ability to resist from then on, or you will be poisoned to death on the spot.

Ignoring the evil spirits on the ground, Lin Mo went over and pushed Lin Nan to the stairs.

The next step is to go up the stairs, which is not dangerous, but Lin Nan can't walk by himself, which is a trouble.

The best way is for Lin Mo to go upstairs with his back on his back.

But under the 'Curse of Thorns', no one can touch Lin Nan.

this is a big problem.

Seeing Lin Mo taking off his clothes and preparing to wrap his hands, Lin Nan shook his head: "It's useless, your clothes are useless, unless it's a special nightmare prop."

Lin Mo was also worried: "Why don't you just wait for me on the first floor."

"No, you will die if you go up alone." Lin Nan didn't believe Lin Mo's strength, hesitated for a while, and said, "That's good, I'll give you a piece of yellow paper."

Lin Mo didn't quite understand what it meant, but at the next moment, Lin Nan stretched out his hand from his own heart, and then pulled out a piece of paper.

Chapter 0203 yellow paper, curse sequence

The paper is khaki-yellow, A4 size, and the texture is very strange. It is obviously paper, but it is flexible.

"I used to have a lot of yellow paper, but Professor Xie said that he was going to do research, and he took most of them away. I lied to him and said that I didn't have any. In fact, except for my own one, I kept it secretly. I took one and gave it to you."

Lin Nan looked sincere.

It's like giving away an amazing treasure.

Lin Mo took it and felt the special texture of this piece of yellow paper. There was actually warmth on it.

"What is this?"

"Yellow paper!"

"What is the use?"

"You put a drop of blood on it and try!"

Lin Mo followed suit out of curiosity. Although he had only been in contact with Lin Nan for a short time, this boy was very innocent and would not harm himself.

A drop of blood dripped on it.

Instantly, dips into paper.

The next moment a miraculous scene happened, the red blood differentiated into thin threads and began to swim along the veins inside the paper.

Lin Mo's name appeared first.

The words outlined by the blood-colored silk threads are strangely weird.

And those bloodshots are still going on.

"1-5 gluttony, 11-3 symbiosis..."

Two paragraphs of numbers and text are brought together.

Lin Nan looked at it, his eyes lit up: "You actually have the curse of the number 1 sequence."

It could be seen that he had a look of surprise, and also, envy.

"Is this a curse on me?" Lin Mo also saw it.

Lin Mo knew that the curse of gluttony was passed on to him by Nie Hong. At that time, he had to bear this curse because he wanted to heal the terrible damage caused by the half-body evil spirit.

In fact, with this curse, Lin Mo can heal himself by swallowing food no matter how serious the injury is.

Although you will feel hungry all the time.

But there is something to give.

After all, it is impossible to obtain this self-healing ability for nothing.

As for the other curse 'symbiosis', Lin Mo didn't quite understand it. In all likelihood, Xiao Yu cast it on him when the situation was critical.

But Xiao Yu didn't say anything, and Lin Mo didn't know what was special about this symbiotic curse.

"I know the curse of symbiosis." Although Lin Nan is not very old, he can be regarded as a special expert by the General Administration, which shows that he has a few brushes.

"This kind of curse is very strange, assuming that I am about to die, but I want to pull you into the water and die with you, then give this curse to you, after I die, you will die too. I have learned an idiom before, What is it called..." Lin Nan scratched his bald head with his fingers and began to think.

"To live and die together?" Lin Mo reminded.

"Yes, that's the idiom." Lin Nan nodded: "But on the other hand, if you are about to die from injury, using this curse is to save you, and it will divert your pain away, making it less easy for you to die. "

Lin Mo nodded.

He was very moved.

Xiao Yu didn't like to talk, but at that time, she didn't hesitate to use the symbiotic curse, that is to say, if she really died by accident, Xiao Yu would die too.

"The symbiosis is too weak, and the sequence is so low, but the curse of gluttony is good, and it is very powerful at a glance." Lin Nan was full of envy. At this moment, he raised his nose and sniffed: "And you don't have a parasitic nightmare on you, and your overall strength is still Too weak and needs to be strengthened."

"Tell me first, what is the curse sequence? What is the use of this yellow paper besides showing the curse on me? Can it let me touch you?" Lin Mo asked.

Lin Nan told Lin Mo to wait a moment, but he stretched out his hand from his heart and pulled out another piece of yellow paper.

However, there was a terrifying aura on this piece of yellow paper.

There are many numbers and words written on it.

"This is my yellow paper, take a look."

With that said, Lin Nan handed over the yellow paper.

Lin Mo saw that it was the same as his own yellow paper, with his name written on it in the same position.

Lin Nan!

And below, there are many cursed names and some numbers.


Looking at it, there are indeed sixteen kinds of curses, and most of Lin Mo don't know what they mean, and the curse breath in each word is very strong.

It is hard to imagine that such a small body of Lin Nan bears so many curses.

very scary.

"How about it, isn't it amazing?" Lin Nan was like a child showing off his toys, waiting for Lin Mo's compliment.

"It's very powerful, but what do these curses mean? And those numbers, which represent the sequence of curses?" Lin Mo asked curiously.

"Yes, the curse sequence is very strange. Professor Xie has been studying it, and it is now classified. I only know that the curse with the smaller serial number is more terrifying. You have a very powerful curse of gluttony, and the sequence is 1-5. This can Can't you add it to me? I like this sequence very much, sequence No. 1, I don't have one yet."

Lin Nan seemed to have seen a rare toy in someone else's hands, and he wanted it himself.

Here Lin Mo listened in a fog, and he asked Lin Nan to explain carefully.

"I don't know much about the curse sequence. I can talk to you about it later. For now, I will tell you about the two curses of thorns and steel, because if you want to restrain the curse of thorns, it is best The best way is to use steel."

Lin Nan began to explain briefly.

Lin Mo has a good understanding ability and quickly figured it out.

The curse of thorns is actually not only aimed at those who touch Lin Nan, but Lin Nan himself will also suffer from this kind of pain that seems to be pierced by thorns.

However, this thing only has pain, and it is endless.

That's why it's called a curse.

And steel is another curse.

"To put it simply, when the curse takes effect, the body will become as hard as steel. At the beginning, I was tortured by the curse of thorns so much that I couldn't bear it. Professor Xie helped me bless the steel, which offset the pain of the curse of thorns. already dead."

Lin Nan may have thought of his previous experience, and the expression on his face was not very good-looking.

"I happen to have a cursed object of steel, which can be blessed for you, and then you won't have to be afraid of the thorns on my body."

With that said, he took out a small bottle.

There was a dark mass inside.

Kind of like iron powder, but in liquid form.

More like black mercury.

Handed it directly to Lin Mo.

"Drink it!" Lin Nan made a gesture of drinking water.

"Wait a minute." Lin Mo shook his head: "This thing is a curse after all, and the curse is uncontrollable. According to what you said, the curse of steel will turn a person into a piece of pig iron, a bit like being petrified, like this People can't even move, like statues, that's horrible."

"You're right, but this curse is different. It's a controllable curse developed by Professor Xie. It's very precious. Don't worry. If it's someone else, I won't give it to him." Lin Nan said, Then did a demonstration.

He stretched out his hand, and the next moment, the surface of his palm quickly turned black, like black iron.

But soon, it returned to its original state.

"I don't use it very well. I can only last for two seconds. However, this curse itself can restrain thorns. As long as the curse exists, I will not feel the pain caused by the curse of thorns. You should try it quickly."

Lin Mo stared at Lin Nan for ten seconds.

Then he decided to trust the other side and give it a try.

Unscrewed the cap, smelled it, no smell.

He raised his head and drank it.

Chapter 0204 All Roots Are in Internet Cafes

To Lin Mo's surprise, he really didn't feel any pain, just like swallowing an ice cube and flowing down his throat.


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