But Lin Mo can only use his mental power to simulate. At this stage, his mental power can maintain dozens of reincarnations. Fortunately, the content of reincarnation is a copy of the old and desperate plot, so the experience is not bad at all. .

After showing his strength, Lin Mo was also successfully recognized by all the members of the round table. Anyway, in the eyes of these monsters, Lin Mo is already equivalent to Lao Gun.

Because it is also the trick of the old roll.

But in reality, only Lin Mo knows that he is a castrated version, but others don't know, which is enough to pose a threat.

And if there is a threat, the balance of the round table will be stronger.

What pleased Mrs. Gun was that Lin Mo said after the meeting that he would leave the sewer.

Mrs. Gun was overjoyed about this matter.

It is conceivable that although Lin Mo is a member of the Round Table, he does not stay in the sewer permanently. After that, it is still her sister-in-law who has the final say.

Much stronger than before.

In the past, there was Lao Roll.

So all this way is to see off my sister-in-law, Lin Mo is walking, she is rolling, and the most amazing thing is that while rolling, you can chat with Lin Mo at the same time.

Finally, when he was about to leave, Lin Mo persuaded Mrs. Gun to go back.

"In the future, come back often." Mrs. Gun said that she was a little reluctant to let Lin Mo consider marrying her and start a family.

He also said to Lin Mo, I miss you very much.

Lin Mo said that the brothers should not say such out-of-the-ordinary words, and then walked out from the front passage like escaping. At first, they walked, then ran, and finally ran wildly.

The frog followed and barely caught up.

Chapter 1221 The Adventure Will Continue (The Finale)

Lin Mo was a little afraid that sister-in-law Gun would come after her. Marrying her, let alone doing it, he couldn't even think about it.In terms of the degree of perversion, Lin Mo asked himself that he has some status in the circle, but the matter of getting married has nothing to do with being perverted or not. It is something that completely transcends this concept.

Because just thinking about it feels like a serious mental attack.

Is a special means of fear and torture.

Lin Mo thinks why Mrs. Gun wants to make such a look, there must be considerations in this regard.

In any case, the matter of the sewers in the fourth-floor dreamland had come to an end. Except for the dangerous battle with Lao Gun, the rest of the process was basically smooth and there were no thrills.

This is the benefit of strength improvement.

Thinking of the dangers I encountered when I went to the second-floor dreamland and the third-floor dreamland, I can vividly remember each and every one. Compared with that time, it is obviously much easier to come to the fourth-floor dreamland sewer this time.

Still strength.

This thing is the most important thing, just like the money in your wallet when you go shopping. If you have money, you can spend it as you like. If you don’t have money, you can’t buy it just by looking at it.

For Lin Mo, what really changed him was the battle with Mr. Chunfeng.

That time, Lin Mo won, and took away Mr. Chunfeng's 'immortal' ability, otherwise how could he have made rapid progress in strength, and how could he be able to walk so leisurely in the fourth-floor dreamland.

What gave Lin Mo an epiphany was when he went out and saw hundreds of monster corpses outside, and his elder brother who was confronting countless monsters formed by despair, pain and torture, Lin Mo suddenly There is a kind of enlightenment.

He took out the tokens of the members of the Round Table from his pocket.

A metal badge.


All the monsters confronting my brother disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Like darkness dispelled by sunlight.

This is awesome, it's rising steadily, and with a wave of hands, countless powerful enemies are wiped out.

Anyway, my brother was dumbfounded.

"Round table meeting?" The elder brother also knows the goods, staring at the badge in Lin Mo's hand.

Obviously, my brother had contacted directly or indirectly before.

Lin Mo came to see if his brother was injured.

Fortunately, it was only a few minor injuries, and my brother is still very stable, because he also helped Mr. Chunfeng see the boat before, so he already has experience and knows how to deal with these monsters.

But my brother didn't even mention it before, and Lin Mo was a little scared. Fortunately, nothing happened this time, otherwise Lin Mo would have to regret it for the rest of his life.

The old brother originally wanted to ask Lin Mo how things were going, but when he saw Lin Mo holding the round table badge and following the frog behind him, he basically guessed it all.

"Is there any trouble left behind?" The old man asked.

Lin Mo shook his head and said, don't worry, everything is in order.

"Okay then, let's go home!"


When he returned to Luyuan Community, Lin Mo arranged the frog in the pool where his mother lived in the fish form before.

Now that my mother has returned to her human form, the pond is no longer needed, and it just happens to let the frog live in it, which can be regarded as a home for this guy.

Frog is very happy.

It swims around in the pool, and even jumps out by itself and squats there to watch Dad and the others play chess.

The monster in the fourth-floor dream has become the strongest existence in the entire Luyuan community except Lin Mo, and the frog has a strange temper. No one can provoke it except Lin Mo.

This guy holds a grudge.

But after being educated by Lin Mo several times, the frog also learned to be smart.

To his father and mother, Lin Mo's closest friends, the frog has a very good attitude. If it's other people, it still doesn't like anyone, and has a bad temper and cold temper.

Later, the frog discovered that the real backer in the Luyuan community was actually his mother.

It began to curry favor and flatter, and it went smoothly.

But Lin Mo is not very clear about this.

After returning from the fourth-floor dreamland sewer, Lin Mo went to the General Administration, which was regarded as officially resigning from most of his duties. This was regarded as handing over power, which he had previously agreed with Wang Hengrong.

Since then, the General Administration has entered a new era.

But the identity of Lin Mo's special expert is still preserved.

It's just that the strength of the expert group of the General Administration continues to increase and become stronger. With the increase in the number of senior experts and senior experts, there are fewer and fewer cases where special experts can be used.

Lin Nan still followed Professor Xie in Qianlong City, and occasionally came to live in the Lvyuan Community of Migratory Bird City for a while.

As for Zhong Kui and the veterans, one stays in the underworld all year round, and the other runs around, no, it should be said to be traveling, saying that he wants to travel all over the country, to see the beautiful mountains and rivers, and he said that he didn’t take a good look when he was alive. After I died, I couldn’t even look at it. Now that I finally have time, I can walk around and have a look.

This is equivalent to the four special experts including Lin Mo, who are all in a semi-retired state. At most, they are holding the positions of special experts and receiving corresponding benefits and treatment.

When going to Qianlong City, Lin Mo saw Mao Mao.

She has changed a lot.

Mainly because of her figure, Lin Mo looked her up and down, and asked her, Maomao, is this the second development?

Meeting old friends, eating, and chatting are all routine operations.Now Maomao is amazing, has been promoted to the position of senior expert, and belongs to the upper middle class in the expert group of the General Administration, and handles very difficult cases.

Lin Mo said, Mao Mao, don't work too hard, and be calm and calm when things happen.

"If you are in trouble, call me anytime. If I don't answer the phone or I'm not at home, you can find a neighbor to help you. Everyone is warm-hearted. Basically, they can solve most of the troubles."

Lin Mo is not talking nonsense. The residents in Luyuan Community are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It is not Lin Mo's bragging. Anyway, in the realm of the first floor of Dreamland, there is nothing that Luyuan Community cannot solve.

Maomao said don't worry, and also said that the strength of the expert team members of the General Administration is also improving by leaps and bounds, much stronger than in the past, and they can basically deal with it.

"That's fine."

Lin Mo nodded.

Indeed, when the nightmare just appeared in the past, the General Administration was a little flustered in response, which is normal, after all, it is necessary to find talents who can deal with the nightmare incident as quickly as possible.

Naturally, there is nothing to choose from. Anyone who can survive alone in the nightmare world, has experience in handling, and can even control some nightmare props and weird monsters will be absorbed into the headquarters.

At that time, there was almost no threshold to enter the General Administration.

But it's different now.

It is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter the General Administration to take a job. They must go through formal channels, and there are restrictions on various requirements.

It can be said that it is necessary to go through layers of selection, and the selection is all elite.

Regarding this matter, Mao Mao said that she was very lucky. According to her conditions at that time, it was very difficult to enter the General Administration, let alone now.

If Lin Mo hadn't brought her in at that time, she would have missed this job.

"Work is good, but you can't spend all your time on it. You should come back to spend time with your family, and you still have to come back." Lin Mo warned.

After that, Maomao's phone rang, saying that there was an urgent task.

Now Maomao is also the captain of a team. When he got up, Lin Mo said you should be careful, then after thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and pulled Maomao into the nightmare world, and gave him some things he didn't use.

In his cardboard box, he had accumulated a lot.

Weapons, armor, and even some weird things that Lin Mo had forgotten.

These are of no use to Lin Mo, and they are basically given to Mao Mao.

The cat is gone.

Lin Mo looked at the back of the other party leaving, feeling a lot.

Mao Mao has a career and is busy, while Lin Mo has entered retirement, but he is not really retired.

Joining the round table meeting made Lin Mo realize a truth.

This person, even if he can sleep peacefully at this stage, he can't really have nothing to do, because maybe after a while, your original advantages will be surpassed by others.

Just like the balance in the round table meeting, it can be maintained at present because Lin Mo has enough strength. If one day Mrs. Gun's strength advances by leaps and bounds and the balance is broken, then who can guarantee that Mrs. Gun will not kill Lin Mo forcibly, Or come to buy and marry by force?

Therefore, the road is endless, and we have to move forward.

But then Lin Mo plans to take a rest for a while. After all, Lin Mo really hasn't rested in the past time, and things happen one after another.

It is time to rest, adjust, and enjoy life.

Lin Mo decided to go for a stroll in the dreamland on the second floor.

By the way, bring Liu Jia back.

Lin Mo felt a little sorry about this because he had no strength before and could only let Liu Jia guard the terrifying ghost town in the dreamland on the second floor. The place was scary and dark, and it was really difficult for a girl to stay there.

Now that Lin Mo has strength, of course he has to bring Liu Jia back.

This time Lin Mo didn't even call his brother, he went alone. Before his strength was strong, going to some places felt like a narrow escape.

After the strength is improved, you will find that it is much easier, and this road is simply crushing.

When we arrived at the ghost town and saw Liu Jia, the latter was naturally very pleasantly surprised.

Just ask Lin Mo why are you here?

Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense, just said: "I will take you home!"

Liu Jia didn't believe it at first.

But then she found out that Lin Mo was really not joking.

A ghost town needs someone to guard it.

But in fact, as long as it is a strong enough breath, it is enough.

Lin Mo made a paper man, dripped his own blood on it, and guarded the ghost town instead of Liu Jia.

Lin Mo couldn't do this in the past, but now, it's easy.

Even after the paper figurine received the seal of the city lord, the entire ghost town became more and more silent and peaceful.

Apparently, all kinds of weird monsters in the ghost city also noticed that the city owner had changed.

Moreover, the new city lord is more terrifying than the previous Liu Jia. That terrifying aura hangs over the entire ghost town, and the ghosts are suffocating.

Liu Jia was also taken aback.

She didn't expect that Lin Mo would solve the matter that had troubled her for so long.

On the way home, Lin Mo talked about the struggle between him and Mr. Chunfeng, and Liu Jia suddenly realized after listening.

"You killed Mr. Chunfeng?"

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