Next, Lin Mo learned about Lao Gun's sphere of influence from Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi. The Round Table has a long history in the sewer, and its members have changed.

Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi are considered 'veteran members'.

Because only veteran members can be in the round table with their current strength, you must know that according to the current standard, they may not be qualified to enter the round table.

Currently, there are eight other members of the Roundtable, besides Lao Liu, Lao Bangzi, Lao Gun and Mrs. Gun.

One of them was killed by the old stick.

That is, the son of Lao Gun and Mrs. Gun.

This is obviously a related family, the strength is really not good, it belongs to the weakest one in the round table, that's why he was easily manipulated by the old stick to kill him.

That's seven more people.

Among the seven people, two of them had a good relationship with Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi. In addition, there were three who were on the side of Lao Gun and Mrs. Gun, and two who were neutral.

Of course, in the sewer round table, being able to maintain a neutral posture also requires strength.

Certainly not without strength.

At this moment, Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi introduced the members of the round table to Lin Mo in detail.

The first is the two who have a good relationship with them.

"One is called Laobie. Laobie and I have the best relationship. We are friends through life. I saved him before, and he owes me a favor. So this time, I think we should go to Laobie first. In this way , we have an alliance."

The old stick said with full confidence.

Clearly confident in his friend.

Lao Liu is not to be outdone.

"The other one is the old bone. When he joined the round table, I recommended him. At critical times, he should stand by my side."

Obviously, this belongs to Lao Liu's relationship.

Lin Mo nodded.

At this time, it is necessary to win over related households. The advantage of doing this is not only that you can have helpers when conflicts arise, but you can also get some benefits at the round table in normal times.

For example, as the old stick said, to help Lin Mo enter the round table, this requires the consent of more than three members of the round table.

Of course, this is the minimum standard.

If more than half of the support staff, that's even better, it's basically a done deal.

And if someone objects, it is necessary for more than half of the members to support it. If no one objects, then more than three members agree.

"Now that Lao Gun and his son are finished, this means that there are two seats vacant at the round table. On the side of Mrs. Gun, plus their three helpers, there are four people. Let's win the old turtle and the old bone. Lao Bangzi and I are also four people, so the remaining two neutral members are very important."

According to Lao Liu's analysis, he said that we should immediately win over two neutral members.

Lin Mo asked how confident you are.

"On weekdays, Lao Gun and Mrs. Gun are domineering, and everyone dares not speak out. I feel that as long as Xiao Zhi uses emotion and reason, there is still a great possibility of winning them over."

Lao Liu is quite confident about this matter.

The old stick also has the same opinions and ideas.

Lin Mo thought for a while and came up with an idea.

"That's what I think. Even if we can't win over, we must ensure that they continue to remain neutral and cannot be won over by Mrs. Roll. In addition, we have to consider the worst case, that is, these two neutrals are false neutrals." , They don’t choose sides on the surface, but in fact, they are hidden chess buried by the opponent, which will be effective at critical moments.”

When Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi heard this, their hearts jumped, because what Lin Mo said was really possible.

"If that's the case, things won't be easy." Lao Liu worried.

Obviously he has no other plans and plans.

It's the same with Lao Bangzi, who can't think of a trick.

At this time, Lin Mo not only put forward ideas, but also gave suggestions for solutions.

"I said, what are you two worried about? It's actually very simple to solve this matter."

"How to solve it?" Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi looked curious.

"Go to find them separately, first to test, to find out the truth, and then let the other side stand in line, if you find that the other party is a seedling of the enemy, then..." Lin Mo made a neck-cutting motion.

Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi were directly confused.

Heart said it can still be like this?

It's a bit barbaric, too cruel, but when you think about it carefully, this is really a good idea.

This is the way that those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

Those who don't join me are all enemies. Since they are enemies, they should be killed directly to save the other party from joining the enemy's camp.

Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi asked themselves that they were not good people, but when compared with Lin Mo at this moment, they both became good people, both innocent little white rabbits.

"What do you think of this plan?" Lin Mo asked, since it was a discussion, he felt that he had to listen to other people's opinions extensively.

Maybe, what I think about will be lacking.

Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi looked at each other, and they both said that you are really fierce and strong, big brother. This plan is great, so I will do as you said.

"Okay then, let's go to Old Turtle and Old Bone first, and see if the two you think of as friends are real friends!"

Chapter 1218 Trap

Once some things are done, regardless of whether they are right or wrong, they must be carried on, and there is a race against time.

Lin Mo asked Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi before, and asked them how long they could keep the matter of Lao Gun and his son a secret.

"It's hard to say, it may be hidden for a few days, or it may be, now Mrs. Gun already knows."

Hearing this answer, Lin Mo said that what you said was the same as if you didn't say it.

"Then we can only plan for the worst. Assuming that Mrs. Gun knows about it now, then this place is even more unbearable. We must hurry up."

Lin Mo belongs to the kind of person who executes the plan immediately.

He knew very well that there must be no hesitation at the critical moment. Lin Mo even considered whether to go directly and kill Mrs. Gun, so that the victory could be established in one fell swoop.

But according to Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi, Mrs. Gun is more terrifying and powerful than Lao Gun.

In addition, they don't know anything about Mrs. Gun's abilities. They only know that Mrs. Gun was a great contributor when the Round Table was founded, and that she was one of the original founders and the most important one.

Imagining Mrs. Gun's strength, Lin Mo made an inference. He always likes to plan before making moves. Assuming Mrs. Gun already knew that Mrs. Gun was killed, it is estimated that she has already started to gather strength, and there must be a gathering around her The other three members of the round table were killed, so the chances of killing them directly now are very small.

In this chess game, even if Lin Mo has a certain strength, he still needs to arrange troops in advance and make all preparations.

If Mrs. Gun is a waste, then the preparations made before will be useless; but as far as the current situation is concerned, Mrs. Gun is definitely not a waste, so there is no shortage of preparations and layouts.

The place where the old turtle lives is very remote, and the old stick is the one who leads the way.

He and Laobie are good friends, according to what he said, it is a fateful friendship, and it is definitely his own.

In fact, Lin Mo doesn't even fully trust the old stick, let alone other people. He has his own plan. If he finds out that the old turtle or the old bone doesn't join their camp, he will kill him directly.

This is a war.

A war with you without me and me without you.

At this time, neutrality is not allowed, and if you don't join, you are the enemy.

There is a downward passage in front, and one needs to climb down carefully, and at the bottom, there is a platform, and the surrounding area is full of foul-smelling, black sewage.

It looks like a huge lake.

The old stick told everyone to be calm, and he began to stand in front of the water and shout loudly, while yelling, he patted the sewage with his hands.

Lin Mo looked at the sewage and felt that nothing could survive in it.

But soon reality hit the face.

The originally calm sewage lake in front of it began to ripple, and then a dark thing floated up from below, and then all the way to the shore, crawling out of the water step by step.

Really a turtle.

Lin Mo thought that Old Turtle was just a code name at first, but he didn't expect that he was really a turtle.

But this soft-shelled turtle looks ugly, and there are many tumors of different sizes on its body, like the internal organs of a terminal cancer patient, it is almost impossible to see.

But even so, the old turtle is still living very well, and it can be seen that the opponent is very strong.

Stronger than the old stick.

The old stick went over and patted the old turtle on the head, and began to explain the situation.

Lin Mo watched from the side.

His eyes looked back and forth on the old turtle, but Lin Mo didn't think about it, he was just thinking about which position to attack to kill him in one blow if he made a move in a while.

Should be the neck.

Yes, at an angle, along the angle of the inside, avoiding the bone and shell, stab in, and stir.

This ensures that the opponent's internal organs and heart are pierced, causing fatal injuries.

Or just cut off the head?

Maybe it's a good way too.

Anyway, the old turtle felt Lin Mo's gaze, and this guy was also trembling with fright.

When Lao Bangzi finished speaking, Laobie nodded eagerly and said, Brother Bangzi, stop talking, I understand, I will join you, don’t worry, we brothers have nothing to say, we have a duty to do it, and we will do anything for our brothers.

The old stick was so excited that he said, brother, your friend is not in vain.

The old turtle said in his heart that it will be soon, you are stupid, I am not stupid, if I don't agree, the guy behind you will definitely tear me apart and make soup, do you believe it or not?

I am so forced.

Anyway, Old Turtle joined their team.

"Next, go to the old bone, and then the other two members of the neutral round table. After that, a round table meeting will be held to have a showdown with Mrs. Gun."

Lin Mo said.

The whole plan can be said to be closely linked, very tight.

And this matter must hurry up, if it is delayed, the result may be very different.

Next go find the old bone.

The location where the old bones are is the 'mortuary'.

At this stage, the divisions of various sewer areas are determined by the Roundtable. For example, the location of the garbage dump is where all kinds of garbage are stored.

Another example is the sewage area, which is the final storage place for all sewage.

There are also 'restaurants' and 'grid rooms' in similar places.

The 'mortuary' is also a similar place. The specific function can be seen from the name. Naturally, this is the place where the corpses are stored.

Bones is the caretaker of the morgue.

When Lao Liu brought Lin Mo and the others over, he could already smell the stench of corpses from a long distance away.

The smell is so pungent that ordinary people can definitely spit out the meal from the day before yesterday.

Fortunately, Lin Mo and his team are not ordinary people. They all have special skills, and some even enjoy the smell.

For example, Laoliu and Laobie.

Especially the old turtle, who actually drools.

Lin Mo said that you look quite honest, but I didn't expect you to be such a pervert.

The old turtle was very embarrassed and did not dare to refute.

He was a little afraid of Lin Mo.

I guess he was frightened by the way Lin Mo looked at him before.

At that time, he could even understand the killing intent in Lin Mo's eyes, and even knew that Lin Mo had already thought about how to kill himself.

Even now, when Lin Mo was looking at him, Old Turtle still felt uncomfortable.

He could always read words like "soup" and "barbecue" from Lin Mo's eyes.

And he is the food.

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