But that doesn't mean you're bound to fail.

If you hold on to death, the other party will experience pain and despair over and over again.

Others can't survive three, five, or ten times, and they will go crazy or tear themselves apart; the more powerful people, after going through twenty, thirty, fifty, or even a hundred, or hundreds of times, will not be able to escape after all. Seal fool and die.

And this person in front of him is indeed very special, but so what, even if the other party can survive hundreds of times, how can he survive thousands of times, tens of thousands of illusions?


Even he couldn't bear it by himself.

Lao Gun felt that he couldn't even handle it a hundred times.

After all, this kind of illusion is a real role-playing every time, and it is devoted wholeheartedly, and the memories will be retained. Just these memories flooding the brain will also have an impact, because each memory represents a period of life, representing a period of life. The most painful and desperate experience of this person.

No matter how harmless this thing is, no matter how strong the opponent's resistance is, and the accumulation of more, it will change from quantitative to qualitative.

Thinking of this, Lao Gun's self-confidence returned, and he felt that he was doing well again.

It was at this time that Lin Mo over there suddenly launched a counterattack. Lao Gun only felt that a pair of invisible but extremely beneficial hands clasped his throat, and then he fell hard over his shoulder.

He fell to the ground, and it can be said that the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

It wasn't until Lao Gun stood up that he realized that he was in an unfamiliar environment.

Here, it seems to be a hospital.

Because the first aid room is written on the front, and there are doctors and nurses in white coats shuttling back and forth. There are many patients who are not well dressed, ordinary, and even dusty. Everyone is carrying CT film bags and medicine bags. Plastic bags, tired and confused eyes.

This is the most realistic scene in the hospital. People here either seek medical treatment or medicine, and they are more or less suffering from pain. After all, there is nothing wrong. Who comes here?

But when Lao Gun saw this scene, he was dumbfounded.

With it comes a memory.

memories of life.

Obviously, the life of most people in the world is more sad than happy, and in this illusion woven entirely of pain and despair, the only little bit of beauty exists only to support a more miserable fate.

Lao Roll is very clear about this.

In the past, he was just a bystander, looking at the enemies he attacked, which may be living people, dead people, monsters, nightmares, or even some unknown weirdness.

These enemies were thrown into this cycle of despair by him, watching them being corroded by tragic memories, watching them go through periods of desperate life, and finally being swallowed by pain in this desperate life.

Every inch of flesh and blood, every bit of soul, was corroded, and eventually turned into a pool of rotten flesh.

Watching a powerful enemy gradually crumble is what Lao Gun likes to do most, but if one day, the same thing happens to him, then this thing will not be so good.

It is precisely because he knows how terrifying this matter is that Lao Gun is more afraid of it than anyone else.

In panic, Lao Gun received the memory of a tragic person.

Although he clearly knew that these memories belonged to someone else and was forcibly implanted, but when these memories really poured into his brain, at this moment, Lao Gun couldn't tell whether he was Lao Gun or that unlucky person.

Or maybe both?

It is also possible that he is the unlucky person, but he has the memory of Lao Gun.

Anyway, it's just a muddy mind, only chaos, and nothing but chaos is fear and doubt.

Lao Gun didn't know why this weird thing happened.

This is obviously his method to deal with the enemy, how could he attack himself in turn?

what on earth is it?

Just when this question has not been answered, the main drama begins.

There was a burst of crying at the entrance of the corridor over there. A woman came up crying, and rolled around when she came up. Besides this woman, there were several other men and women, old and young.

Anyway, everyone was extremely sad and indignant, as if Lao Gun was their enemy.

"Ye Chengxin, you bastard, you dare to gamble with Xiaoyang's doctor's money, do you know that Xiaoyang's medical expenses have been owed for a long time, you are gambling with Xiaoyang's life, You bastard, return the money to me, to Xiaoyang..."

The woman was crying, cursing, beating.

The old man and young man who came with the woman next to him also cursed together.

Lao Gun wanted to resist, but he was just an ordinary person here, and there were many opponents, so he was not an opponent at all, so he was slapped more than a dozen times and kicked to the ground.

Later, it was doctors and nurses who came to fight, and then it stopped.

The matter is very simple. In a family that is not rich at all, the male master gambles irresponsibly, and the child in the family is seriously ill. It can be said that the house leaks happen to be rained overnight, and Banchi is hit by a headwind. Unlucky to open the door, unlucky to get home.

At this time, Lao Gun wanted to resist, but the memory and personality of Ye Chengxin, a bad gambler, affected him. As a result, he knelt on the ground, slapped himself, cried with snot and tears, and vowed never to gamble again. Yes, he gambled just to help Xiaoyang earn more medical expenses, and he never thought of losing.

It's a stupid idea.

Ten bets and nine loses, everyone understands this truth, but when this person is trapped, they really can't control that much, they will be blindly confident, or they will be lucky, and finally step by step, they will sink deeper and deeper.

It wouldn't be so much pain if it was a rotten person who didn't care about it, but the tragedy of Ye Chengxin's character was a tragedy, and he was quite responsible.

The result is pain, a constant struggle in pain.

After that, Ye Chengxin did something that completely crushed him, and borrowed usury.

The result can be imagined.

He lost the bet again, but at this time his son's condition deteriorated and he died.

This directly overwhelmed him, the pain and despair were like a torture knife lingering at him, cutting off his flesh and blood with one stroke, and then rubbing coarse salt on the wound.

Keep cutting, keep wiping.

Ye Chengxin couldn't bear it, so he chose to commit suicide.

And this is the end of one pain, but also the beginning of another period of despair.

After that, Lao Gun completely fell into his own illusion of infinite despair and reincarnation, which was absolutely more miserable every time.

Chapter 1216 Spiritual Death

At this moment, Lin Mo became a spectator just like Lao Gun before, except that he was different from Lao Gun in that what Lao Gun experienced at this moment was what Lin Mo had experienced before.

Lin Mo survived the same torture and pain, because he has the top mental power, and also because of the strengthened bewitching curse for self-cognition hypnosis.

This is the key to Lin Mo's ability to easily tide over the difficulties.

But Lao Gun didn't.

Lin Mo's strength lies in his spiritual shield, that is, his defensive power.

Lao Gun's strength lies in the opponent's attack power, which is the attack of the illusion of infinite despair.

So Lin Mo can bear it, but he can't get old.

This is equivalent to asking a big soldier to go to the village to invigorate the economy. The major is not suitable, and the result is naturally obvious.

Before Lao Gun self-assessed, he felt that he could resist hundreds of times. Obviously, he overestimated his own ability. In fact, after more than a dozen times, Lao Gun could no longer bear it.

And this is not even one-third of the amount that Lin Mo bears.

Lin Mo tried to end the infinite cycle of despair experienced by Lao Gun. He had already seen that Lao Gun was dying. Lin Mo felt that it was time to talk to Lao Gun and get some useful information.

For example, what Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi don't know, Lao Gun must know a lot.

But Lin Mo soon discovered that he could drag Lao Roll into this infinite cycle of despair, and he could also escape from this infinite loop by himself, but he couldn't bring Lao Roll out.

After all, it wasn't something he made.

Seeing that Lao Gun was not as good as the first time, his thinking had begun to be confused, and there were signs of collapse, Lin Mo thought for a while, and in the next cycle, he put his mental power into it.


"Who am I?"

Lao Gun, no, it may also be Ye Chengxin, or the protagonist of other tragedies, because every tragic life is so real to him.

Unless one has extraordinary mental power and self-hypnosis ability to stabilize the mind, it is impossible to resist this kind of mental attack.

Anyway, Lao Gun is now on the verge of collapse.

The most frightening thing was that after the extreme confusion, he had begun to forget who he really was, because his past memories, including Lao Gun's, had begun to blur.

It is equivalent to, every time he restarts the beginning of reincarnation, he thinks that he is the protagonist of this tragic life experience.

It may be Zhang, it may be Wang, or someone else.

This time, his name is Liu Sanbao.

No education, no diploma, no technology.

Relying on working on the construction site to earn money to support the family, the family arranged a blind date in the early years, married a woman, gave birth to a child, and lived a good life.

The work on the construction site is very tiring, and the income is not high. It is hard money earned by hard work. It is nothing when you are young. When you are older, you will suffer from illnesses.

If you are unlucky and injured, it will be even more troublesome.

As the saying goes, there is no way to not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river.

Liu Sanbao accidentally fell from the second floor and passed out on the spot. He was sent to the hospital with a broken leg. The doctor said that even if it was cured, he would still be crippled.

Walking is strenuous, let alone working.

The contractor came to see it a few times, gave some fruit, and left 3000 yuan and never came again.

For others, similar things have been seen a lot, and they are all handled in this way. Basically, they just pay a few thousand yuan to settle the matter.


Want compensation, to identify work-related injuries?

It's okay, don't stop it, but who understands this, and who is willing to toss about it?

Well, if you go to make trouble, people are not afraid of making trouble, and if you die, you will be given three melons and two dates, but these three melons and two dates are not for nothing, and you have to sign an agreement.

Make it clear that there will be no more disturbances because of this matter in the future.

Liu Sanbao didn't want to make a fuss either, he thought that he had made some money over the years, and he was almost fifty, so he would go back to his hometown and find a job as a gatekeeper.

But he forgot one thing.

For a person like him, if he can make money, his family's life may be able to live on. If he can't make money, he may not even be counted as a person.

After returning home, his wife regarded him as a burden and hated him very much.

For the sake of living, Liu Sanbao endured it.

Even if every day is sneering, he can bear it.

After all, the other party is his wife after all, and they have children.

But before his legs recovered, another accident happened at home.

The child in the third grade of junior high school is sick.

Liu Sanbao was running around in a hurry, dragging his lame leg and rushing back and forth. Later, the doctor said that the child needed a blood transfusion, so Liu Sanbao naturally did not hesitate to donate blood to the child.

As a result, problems arose.

The gore doesn't match.

The doctor in the county told him, are you father and son?

This sentence stunned Liu Sanbao.

He was in a hurry.

An honest man, how can he be so suspicious, saying that his son is not his own, this is Lao Liu's rebellion, and he lost his temper on the spot.

But it became a thorn in the side.

Later, Liu Sanbao secretly did a paternity test, and the result, like five thunderbolts, knocked this honest man out of his breath.

The son is not his.

His son was not his own.

At that time Liu Sanbao was furious.

He went to his wife to question her, but his wife readily admitted that she was pregnant during the blind date, and she was looking for him just to find someone to take over.

"Who told you not to ask clearly, and didn't see it. Besides, what loss do you have? You should have a son for nothing, and you should be happy secretly."

When Liu Sanbao scolded the woman for being shameless, the woman immediately scolded back, and it was the kind of scolding that jumped on her feet, not only scolding, but also beating.

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