Lin Mo's mission for this business trip has been completed.

There are still many tasks to be solved by the General Administration. After all, incidents of abyssalists are blooming everywhere, and the abilities and degrees of destruction of abyssalians are also uneven. For example, vampires and plague makers, the local expert group is indeed unable to solve them.

Foreign aid is needed.

Lin Mo thought that he couldn't do this. Abyssalists are still being born. According to this situation, he and the few special experts and senior experts from the General Administration may have to travel around to solve troubles in the next few years.

This is not the solution to the problem.

Have to think of another way.

The trouble of the abyssalists must be solved from the root.

But the solution to the root cause is not something you can think of just by thinking about it.

Instead of going to the next mission location according to the instructions assigned by the General Administration, Lin Mo decided to stay in Twhaling City for a few days.

Think of ideas.

And here are many of his acquaintances.

He had to go to the Black Sheep Mansion, and the game strategy team he formed had to go and have a look.

So in the next two days, Lin Mo is actually quite busy, running around, and his schedule is very full, but the good thing is that the abyssalists in Whale Swallowing City are basically cleared.

Either surrender or be killed.

Anyway, here in Lin Mo, there is no third way to go.

The game strategy team has experienced some ups and downs.

At present, the game group has two places, one is in the city of swallowing whales, and the other is in Qianlong.

However, the one in Qianlong was disbanded because of Lin Mo. Two days ago, Lin Mo asked Wang Hengrong to re-list.

It can be regarded as having experienced hardships.

The one in Whale City is much better, because the boss of the sub-bureau has withstood the pressure, so the game team here is at most low-key, but the daily work is still not interrupted.

So, never put all your eggs in one basket.

The east is not bright, the west is bright.

When Lin Mo arrived at the place, everyone in the working group here came out to greet him.

The scale and battle were quite large, but Lin Mo had also seen big scenes, and he greeted everyone very enthusiastically. There were many familiar faces and many unfamiliar faces.

But as long as they joined the working group, they were all family members.

The sick man and the black man ran over and dragged Lin Mo into their studio.

"Boss, we have made a new discovery." The sick man said mysteriously.

Lin Mo asked him what new discovery he had made.

"Look at this." The black man fetched a set of VR equipment.

Lin Mo knew that the discovery they were talking about was in the game.

Putting on the equipment, Lin Mo logged in to the death chamber game that he hadn't played for a long time.

They meet in the sick man's private closet.

After Lin Mo arrived at the sick man's private room, he felt that he had gone to the wrong place.

The main reason is that this place is quite different from before. It feels like a dilapidated cave dwelling where I have lived for more than ten years. I haven’t been there for a while, but I found out that a small villa has been built, and it is all decorated with high standards.

One day and one place.

There is absolutely no comparison.

Lin Mo said sick young man, you can do it in this place.

The sick man said that I can't do it. After a while, boss, you can go to the dead man's secret room of the black guy, that's called luxury.

It can be seen that these two are playing games and playing tricks.

I dare not say it elsewhere, but in the game of Chamber of Death, these two are definitely the top players among high-level players. It can be said that Lin Mo was thrown out dozens of blocks by these two.

Sick Yangzi has an entire wall here, all of which are cassettes storing various game levels.

The number is in the thousands.

The sick man found one from the inside and handed it to Lin Mo.

"Boss, to be honest, your current skin is already outdated. If you play in the game with this skin, it will be difficult to survive the current game scene."

Lin Mo listened and looked at his skin.

He hasn't played games for a long time, and his skin is still the previous "Madman Xu Min", which is not dominant in terms of various attributes or race.

"Crazy people are also a race in the game. The upper limit is high, but there is no offline. The strong are very strong, and the weak are very weak."

Sick seedling explained.

Lin Mo said, you mean my skin is very weak.

The sick man and the black man nodded together.

"But boss, don't worry, we have unlocked a lot of interesting features in the process of exploring the game. Now skins can also be given away. Although there are some restrictions, you can't give away the best ones, but the average ones are fine. I'll give you one."

Lin Mo said it was about the same.

"It's not a problem. It's up to you to choose later, but let's take a look at this first."

The sick man pointed to the game cassette.

Lin Mo took a closer look at this time.

It says "The Abyss of Death".

Undoubtedly, this is another game scene in the background of the big game of the Chamber of Death, and Lin Mo knows that many of these game scenes are related to the existing weird and terrifying events.

Lin Mo had confirmed this before.

Moreover, the game Death Chamber has solved many difficult problems and troubles for him.

So in Lin Mo's eyes, the game Chamber of Death is his friend.

Now, my friend sent another assist.

Lin Mo looked at the cassette of this game scene: "This, has something to do with the Abyssal One?"


Both the sick man and the black man nodded.

Lin Mo asked again: "Have you all entered the game?"

"That's right, but neither of us succeeded in clearing the customs. For this, we paid a great price."

Lin Mo didn't ask exactly what the price would be.

But obviously, it must be a huge price to make sick people and black people feel that it is a big price.

"Tell me about the specific situation." Lin Mo decided to listen carefully.

The sick man and the black man hesitated for a moment.

"Boss, it's like this. We obtained this game cassette a few days ago. As for the obtaining process, you know that this game has always been mysterious without any trace."

"We originally wanted to try to clear the level and find some clues, but the situation inside was too special and unbelievable. It can be said that if the two of us hadn't obtained a very special prop before, helping us escape from the scene, otherwise, We definitely won't get out."

"We didn't intend to tell you about this, because this scene is too dangerous, but we knew you were coming, and we thought you would definitely enter the game to have a look. If you find out the clues, why don't we take the initiative to confess. And There is only one purpose for our confession."

"That is, please, please, don't try to play this game scene."

After finishing speaking, the sick man hid the game scene cassette behind his back.

That means it cannot be given to you.

Lin Mo was amused.

"What are you two doing? Wait a minute, if you don't want me to get it, it stands to reason that you should destroy the cassette in advance. Let me think about it, is there no way to destroy this thing?"

The sick man nodded: "As expected of the boss, that's right, we tried it, but it didn't work at all. If it is destroyed, it will still appear."

"And, for this scene, the game will push a copy to everyone's scene library. We estimate that your scene library also has it."

Black people say the key to what they have to confess.

Because Lin Mo will find out about this sooner or later, he must confess.

Make the stakes clear.

Lin Mo understood this time.

He said that the two of you first tell me about the process in the scene. After all, what did you encounter?

Chapter 1197 This is a mental attack

Every time the sick man enters the game, he will habitually scan his game library.

Both he and the blacks have obtained a special cabinet that can be decorated in a private room before. It is said that there are many ghosts living in this cabinet. Sometimes they will secretly take away some of the owner's private possessions, and sometimes , will help the master obtain some things from some mysterious places.

According to the sick man's calculations, the ratio of ghost bookcases stolen to gifts may be one to one, that is to say, whatever is lost will eventually be replaced.

It's like exchanging something.

Of course, the cassettes of some game scenes are cursed, they cannot be stolen or lost, and there is no need to worry about them. As for those important things, they also have a tacit understanding and will not choose to put them in this kind of ghost bookcase. .

This time, Sick Man found a game scene cassette that he had never seen before.

"Abyss of Death? The name looks good."

The sick man glanced at it, and then checked further, and found that this scene of death in the abyss was most likely related to the recent abyssal incident.

He also immediately found black people.

"Or, let's report this situation to the higher authorities and see how they deal with it!" The black man said a conservative approach.

"Just to report a scene? That doesn't mean much. We can't provide anything in this game scene." Sick Yangzi also raised a point.

"Besides, in the end, this kind of scene is for our game strategy team to explore. I think we can explore it first, because it may have nothing to do with the abyssalists."

"What you said makes sense."

The black man nodded in agreement.

The two of them came together to add up, and finally decided that the two of them would enter this game scene to explore.

They've done this many times before.

The two of them can be regarded as the most ashes, the highest level, and the best equipment and props in this game. If there is any scene, even they can't overcome it.

Well, it doesn't matter whoever it is.

They also have enough self-confidence.

So the two of them entered the game scene according to the normal process.

Although this game scene is very special, for sick people and black people who have seen many weirder game scenes, they don't actually think it's so great.

They found themselves drenched in blood that was about waist deep.

The surrounding environment, as if in a black, empty frame room.

The blacks said that this place is a bit like a bathhouse.

The sick man said what kind of eyes you have.

"Where does it look like a bathhouse?"

"Look, the height of the bloody water, and there are people taking baths around."

"I'll go, can you have some snacks, are those people taking a bath? Those are ghosts soaking blood, and there are many of them."

"It's the same for us, or should we act first?"

"Don't worry, just observe and observe."

The sick man had a brief exchange with the black man. They were not nervous, and they felt like they were walking around in the garden with ease.

Both of them have a lot of experience in the game.

In most game scenes, you can understand the goal of the game scene by observing the situation. Sometimes, the goal of this kind of game is not explicit, but needs to be explored and 'triggered'.

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