"I asked you to recover, did you hear?"

Lin Mo just slapped him when he went up.

"Don't worry, if you follow what I said, I will definitely save your life in the end and introduce you to a job."

Under coercion and temptation, this abyssalist has no other choice but to submit.

Unless it is going to be killed immediately.

The next experiment was much easier.

The Abyssal One has displayed all its abilities and skills, not daring to hide a bit.

The assistants outside carefully recorded every detail.

There are many attack methods of the abyssalists. The opponent can change the size of his body, and he can swallow the enemy with his mouth like a stretchable clothes.

Whether it is a living person or a nightmare, it can be swallowed by it.

In addition, the physique of the Abyssal One is also very strong, possessing speed and strength exceeding that of Nightmare of the same level.

They can also unleash curses.

However, the curses that different abyssalists are good at are also different.

This has something to do with the pain and torture they suffered when they fell into the abyss.

What is also certain is that the abyssalists are the kind of people who cannot find any hope under the pain and torture, and completely fall into despair.

And someone who is about to commit suicide in the nightmare world.

Perhaps only this kind of person can enter the 'Abyss' and become a person from the Abyss.

"They can also pretend to be normal people."

The assistant recorded the latest experimental results at this time.

"And when you're pretending to be a normal person, your body doesn't have any energy fluctuations."

Good at camouflage, extremely difficult to detect.

This is a new label affixed to the Abyssalists.

At this moment, Lin Mo has begun to test the resistance of the abyssalists.

Lin Mo made a move, and the opponent was beaten.

Soon, the experiment is over.

This abyss man was beaten half to death, with knife wounds, stab wounds, and burn marks on his body, and he seemed to have suffered a lot.

But Lin Mo is also trustworthy.

Said to save the other party's life, did not really kill the other party.

"In the future, you will stay in the laboratory to test products. The job content is also very simple, just beating people and being beaten. Don't worry, you will be treated according to the highest standards and treatment here, and you will not be treated badly."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he stepped out.

The assistant completed the lab report, which is very detailed and the content is very valuable.

Lin Mo's progress here is very smooth.

When he went out to ask, Professor Xie, Academician Chen and Professor Zhang hadn't finished yet.

Then wait a while.

Just as Lin Mo was about to take a break, he heard the siren, and someone ran over to report that an experimental accident had occurred on Professor Zhang's side.

Lin Mo rushed over immediately.

The laboratory has been sealed.

This is the rule of the Academy of Sciences. If an accident occurs, or something harmful and threatening is released and is out of control, the laboratory must be closed immediately.

This is to buy time for outsiders.

As for whether the people in the laboratory can escape, there is no way to guarantee this.

Run out if you have a chance, and don't run out if you don't have a chance.

"Professor Zhang and the others didn't run out."

someone said.

Lin Mo said that's not okay.

"Open the door."

Walking to the door, Lin Mo gave an order.

Some people from the Academy of Sciences said no.

"Then I will open it myself, Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru, help me open the door."

Lin Mo yelled.

He also knew that once the safety door of the laboratory was closed, it would be cumbersome to open it again. It was not artificially set up, and it would take time to open it normally.

But now it's not clear what's going on in the lab. After a while, the day lily inside is probably cold.

Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru crawled out from Lin Mo's shadow, glanced at the door, and stretched out a few big deformed hands to grab the iron door. Just with force, the door was removed.

Lin Mo rushed in.

I just happened to see Professor Zhang and others being hung up by something like blood sausages.

They were strangled and hung by their necks, and some of them had already rolled their eyes.


With a yell, Lin Mo stepped forward to save him.

After putting Professor Zhang and the others down, they found that the entire floor, walls, and ceiling of the laboratory were occupied by some kind of flesh and blood.

Those intestines grew out of flesh and blood, and it felt like staying in the stomach of some monster at the moment.

Professor Zhang was rescued in time, and recovered after a while.

When he opened his eyes, he told Lin Mo that the abyssal being he dissected had mutated.

"It is a first-degree accident. The laboratory must be closed as soon as possible and everyone should be evacuated."

Professor Zhang looked nervous and hurried.

It was only later that Lin Mo found out that it was the abyssal creature he dissected that suddenly exploded, and the wall was covered in flesh and blood, but it grew and spread rapidly.

At this rate, it won't be long before the entire Academy of Sciences will be occupied by the opponent.

"And after the mutation, the G value of the Abyssal One has increased by five times."

Hearing this, Lin Mo felt a little surprised.

If the base G value is [-], then increase it by five times, it will be [-].

This is great.

If the basic G value is close to [-], then the G value of this abyssalist may be close to [-].

If this is the case, I am afraid that there is no other way other than dispatching special experts.

But that's someone else, Lin Mo still has a lot of means.

Besides, it's not like he hasn't killed a nightmare with a value of [-] G.

"Let's go." Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru recommended themselves. Lin Mo thought, that's okay, and let the other party go.

What happened next can be described as horrible.

Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru were like the masters who shoveled the wall, tearing off the flesh and blood from the wall, floor and ceiling bit by bit.

That's hard tearing.

Even though the flesh and blood were extremely tough, and during this process, things like intestines were constantly attacking, but none of these could stop Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru.

The way it does things is very simple.

Just come hard.

So don't play hard in front of any weird and monsters, because this guy will only get harder.

Even the flesh and blood that had been torn off seemed to want to resist, to swallow Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru with its huge size.But next, the flesh and blood were eaten and swallowed by the Nascent Soul heads of Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru.

This abyssal being is terrifying enough, but it is unlucky to meet an even more terrifying existence.

In the end, the Abyssalist was killed.

Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru said that this guy is also a weak chicken, and the taste in his mouth is not good.

"It's just useless!"

Lin Mo glanced at it. The abyssal creature was not completely eaten up, leaving behind a large pile of flesh and blood, but at this moment, the flesh and blood had lost their vitality, and they should have died completely.

However, to be on the safe side, Lin Mo still suggested that it would be better to burn the remaining flesh and blood.

But Professor Zhang ran over and said don't burn it.

"I still want to do some experiments, maybe, I can find out why this abyssal person has such a mutation."

It can be seen that after Professor Zhang found that the situation was under control, he immediately put his mind on how to study the abyss, and he was also a person who devoted himself to work.

Lin Mo naturally agreed.

However, for Professor Zhang's research and experiments, some protective measures must be taken.

This old man is more able to toss around, he is also courageous, and his way is wild, so we should take precautions to avoid any accidents.

Regarding this matter, Lin Mo planned to keep Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru behind, but this guy was not happy, and finally had no choice but tore a Nascent Soul from his body.

Yuanying soon turned into a dwarf like a short winter melon.

Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru said that this thing is a Nascent Soul on it, and its strength is not weak, just let it stare at Professor Zhang's experiment for a while.

"Are you asking about its strength? Come, Dabao, let them see your strength."

The Nascent Soul called Dabao went to the G value test machine, and the test result was [-].

It's pretty scary.

It seems that Liu Bao and Cheng Yingru's real strength may be stronger than their G value measured before.

Professor Zhang also released an experiment result.

After waiting for a while, Professor Xie and Academician Chen also completed the experiments one after another.

In this way, counting the first experiment, there are now five experiment reports, summed up, and can be reported or distributed.

It has only been a few hours since the Abyssalist incident happened, and this efficiency is already very high.

1191 Hold the call

Headquarters Operations Command Room.

Lin Mo has been to this place twice before, and what impresses him is that this place is very spacious. Besides, there are several very weird 'instruments'.

When it comes to things like instruments, how weird can they be?

Especially Lin Mo, who has seen a lot, he has seen a lot of weird things, and if he can feel weird things, it must be really weird.

In fact, there are some really weird things here, like the one in the middle.

The base is made of metal, more than half a meter high, with very complicated wiring and equipment, and above it is a cylindrical glass container as tall as a person.

Transparent, filled with light yellow liquid, there is a very strange thing.

A huge brain.

It is three times larger than normal brain tissue. If you stand a complete brain with long spinal cord tissue, you may think it is a large ginseng.

Still misshapen.

There are many tentacles growing on the brain, and these tentacles are constantly swinging, making the brain look like a jellyfish swimming in the water, floating above and below for a while.

This thing has a name, it's called 'jellyfish'.

It is the communication center of the General Administration in the nightmare world.

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