He is the hero of the General Administration and the strongest expert. He has heard a lot about Lin Mo even in such a remote place.

In short, for them, Lin Mo is an existence standing on the top of the tower, and they can only look up.

At first they thought that the other party was nothing more than that, just like them, they were still a pile of rotten meat after death.

But the facts tell them that people may really be different.

If they are dead, they will definitely not be able to survive, but if Lin Mo is dead, they will live again.

The two of them are very honest now, especially Zhang Quanmao, who was very rampant before, now bows his head and bends down, not daring to fart.

They are not afraid of desperadoes, the big deal is that they are dead and the ball is in the sky, it's not a big deal.

But they were afraid of Lin Mo who had come back from the dead.

Thinking about the other party's rumors, thinking about what the other party has done, the two feel that something will happen in all likelihood today, either corpses will be scattered all over the field, or blood will flow into rivers.

Looking at the resurrected corpse over there, he began to tremble all over at this time, as if his muscles were atrophied due to long-term inactivity, and then suddenly moved, resulting in convulsions.

The other party wanted to scream, but there seemed to be something stuck in his mouth.

The next moment, throw up and start vomiting.

I don't know what it was that was spit out, but it looked green, sticky, and had a pungent smell.

Among them, there seemed to be some corpses of bugs, and they probably crawled in in the state of corpses.

After vomiting, a wail was heard.

"I fuck him, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

The people around looked at each other in blank dismay, even the outlaws with guns felt weird at the moment.

The thief was a little annoyed at this time.

He could see that the other party was not a corpse at all, not a dead person at all, this guy was not dead at all.

Before, it was just in some kind of near-death state, but now it is alive.

To be honest, a thief like this is not afraid of even ghosts in the nightmare world, and now he is scared by a living person, and it feels a bit embarrassing.

If you lose face, of course you have to get it back.

Otherwise, how will you be the boss and lead the team in the future?

The thief is ready to strike.

He didn't really want to know who they were, and whoever they were, they'd all end up dead.

Not only in the real world, but also in the nightmare world.

He aimed the gun in his hand at the man.

He was about to pull the trigger, but the next moment, he met the other party's eyes.

In an instant, the thief rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

It was exactly the same as the three people who were stunned before.

"Old Wang, close your eyes quickly!" Zhang Quanmao saw a clue at this time, and reminded Old Wang in a low voice. The latter nodded and closed his eyes hastily.

The two lowered their heads and closed their eyes, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

The bandit fainted inexplicably, which naturally made the rest of the desperadoes panic. They shouted, they shouted, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Someone shot.

Pharaoh and Zhang Quanmao hurriedly closed their eyes and lay down on the ground, holding their heads.

Don't get hit by stray bullets, it's not a joke to get shot in this wilderness.

The chaos lasted much shorter than they thought.

Almost three seconds after they lay down, all the sounds disappeared.

You must know that there are still seven or eight of these desperadoes left. How could it be like a household appliance that has been unplugged, and there is no sound when there is no sound?

This is too evil.

Again, this is the real world, not the world of nightmares, and it is impossible for something too mysterious to happen.

Lao Wang and Zhang Quanmao still didn't dare to stand up or open their eyes, they were like ostriches hiding their heads in the ground, whether they were self-protection or deceiving themselves.

Anyway, they have no better way now.

In the midst of anxiety, Zhang Quanmao felt someone pat him on the shoulder.

Then a hoarse voice was heard.

"I said, do you have water?"


Next to the overturned truck, the original contents of the car were scattered all over the ground due to the impact and rollover.

Garbage bags, nut shells, broken sunglasses, rags, cigarette butts, and a few bottles of mineral water in good condition.

Lao Wang and Zhang Quanmao stood obediently, looking at the corpse opposite, no, it was Lin Mo, who finished spinning two bottles of mineral water in a short time.

There are two more bottles.

But the other party didn't continue to drink, saying that he couldn't drink too much at once, as it would easily bloat his stomach.

Lin Mo is wearing a pair of sunglasses at the moment.

It belongs to Pharaoh, and it is broken a little, but it doesn't affect the use.

Wearing sunglasses, one is to protect Lin Mo's own eyes, and the other is to protect Lao Wang and Zhang Quanmao.

Because as long as you see Lin Mo's eyes, no matter who it is, you will immediately faint and fall asleep.

Lin Mo didn't bother to take care of that gang of desperadoes.

For now, that group of people is not worth mentioning at all.

He drank a lot of water now, but he still felt very thirsty, and he didn't know how long his body hadn't drunk water.

Of course, very hungry.

Hungry people are dizzy. Anyway, Lin Mo now feels that he can swallow a cow, plus fifty plates of fried rice with eggs.

Now, there is something to drink, but nothing to eat.

"You two ate all the snacks? Didn't leave any for me?"

After drinking water, Lin Mo obviously felt much better.

But he was still weak.

The body is so thin that it looks like a mummy.

Even mom and dad may not recognize him when they see him now.

Of course, all this is Chunfeng's fault.

This old coin used his own body, so why not take care of it, let's see what it has become like?

It's a fight with some ascetic monks in the Elephant Kingdom.

And the other party not only didn't take good care of it, but also discarded it at will.

If the two security guards hadn't discovered it by accident, they would have been eaten by wild animals even if they didn't rot.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo wanted to beat Chunfeng up again.

But the other party has already hung up, died, and disappeared, and Lin Mo couldn't beat him even if he wanted to.

As for why the eyes are fainting now, it is because of the release of mental power.

Now that my physical condition is not good, I may be incontinent when I urinate and defecate, let alone control my mental strength, I can only wear sunglasses to deal with emergencies, otherwise, I will stare at everyone and faint.

From the mouths of Lao Wang and Zhang Quan, Lin Mo also knew the situation here.

In the distance is Da Kunshan.

In the real world, it is still very majestic and magnificent, with a special aura, and it always feels like there is something amazing living in seclusion on the mountain.

No wonder since ancient times, this place has been mentioned in various legends of immortals and gods, and there is indeed such a sense of immortality.

But the problem is that Lin Mo has really seen what is a fairy and what is a god.

That kind of fairy god is not the same thing as what people generally recognize.

An unknown number of insect nests survived, as well as the giant Hongdu ancestor worms inside. If people knew their true colors, it is estimated that few would really seek such things.

Except Chunfeng, an old pervert.

"Don't worry about anything else, hurry up and get me something to eat." Lin Mo was speaking weakly at the moment.

At this time, Zhang Quanmao and Lao Wang also found that Lin Mo was not so scary, and he was relatively easy to talk to. They immediately said to look for those desperadoes, maybe they had it.

"Even if they don't, their car must be nearby, there must be one in the car, and our car overturned, we need a car to leave this place."

Lin Mo thinks it makes sense.

However, it is impossible for him to completely trust Lao Wang and Zhang Quanmao now.

What if the two find the car and drive away?

He pointed with a finger.

Marked the two people with mental power.

Now Lin Mo's use of mental power has reached a terrifying level.

When Patriarch Hongdu brought him to Nantian Gate, which is the entrance of the huge rectum, Lin Mo did not choose to become a fairy.

This shows that he has already met the standard of becoming a fairy before.

Achieved the unity of yin and yang, what Chunfeng pursued, and accumulated background, finally made Lin Mo cheaper.

According to the Academy of Sciences' rating of mental strength, Lin Mo can almost reach level five now.

This is already a miracle among miracles for a person whose spiritual power index is the same as that of ordinary people without any talents or specialties.

Lin Mo didn't expect that one day he could reach the level of spiritual power above the seventh level of the ancestor Hongdu, which is not realistic.

So now Lin Mo is very satisfied.

Even Lin Mo has only seen two people with level five spiritual power.

One is Tiantian from the junk alley, the other is the 'novelist' from the White Eagle Country on the other side of the ocean, and Lin Mo belongs to the third.

But unlike them, Lin Mo is a living person.

How terrifying is it that a living person can use mental power in the real world?

This point, maybe even Lin Mo himself does not have a clear understanding.

He just feels uncomfortable now.

Feeling weak and dizzy, he could fall into a dream at any time and return to the world of nightmares.

But Lin Mo knew that was pointless.

If you want to lose your body in the real world, if you want it, you must restore your body. In fact, this time is already very, very dangerous.

From the perspective of normal people, Lin Mo's body in the real world is the kind that has no cure and can be directly declared medically dead.

But Lin Mo just woke up.

Perhaps his mental power was strong enough to reactivate his body that had died but hadn't been dead for long.Or maybe it was because Chunfeng had modified or strengthened his body in some way that Lin Mo didn't know.

In short, he performed a miracle and came back alive.

But the situation is still very bad. He needs to eat and see a doctor. If possible, it is best to have a full body checkup, suspend nutrient solution or something.

At this moment, he could only lean on the sideways truck, waiting for Lao Wang and Zhang Quanmao to come back.

If they don't come back and run away, Lin Mo can kill them directly with mental power.

Now Lin Mo's hands are black, so don't mess with him.

Fortunately, Lao Wang and Zhang Quanmao drove back. They found the cars of the group of desperadoes. There were two cars in total, one off-road vehicle and one small truck.

The truck was no longer needed, and the off-road vehicle was driven back.

The two of them also thought about running away, but they didn't dare.

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