"I go."

After scolding, I don't know who to scold.

At this time, Lin Mo quickly thought about the countermeasures. Maybe he could try to shoot down the plane, but he wondered if the stones could be continuously controlled by mental power at such a long distance.

I do have a gun in my hand, but it is still a matter of distance. After all, most of the things that kill the plane with a few shots only happen in movies.

More importantly, even if the plane is shot down, the other side has more than one helicopter.And Lin Mo suddenly thought of one thing, the other party didn't care about casualties at all, so once the helicopter spotted him, would the other party directly hit him?

Very likely.

It seemed that Chunfeng didn't intend to let himself live until dark.

The current situation is definitely considered to be in a desperate situation.

"Come on, Chunfeng said that he is a Yang fairy and I am a Yin fairy, so why is he so fierce as a Yang fairy, and I can only be bullied by a Yin fairy? Why?"

Lin Mo was a little annoyed.

But at this moment, Lin Mo felt the blood on his palm start to flow.

Look carefully at the palm, it says: Yin Xian can enter the dream!

Seeing these five words, Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

At critical times, Xiao Yu is still reliable.

She apparently discovered a secret of Yinxian.

After sketching out these words, Xiao Yu couldn't get in touch.

It is estimated that in order to find out this secret, Xiao Yu must have paid some price.

At this moment, Lin Mo took a deep breath.

He wants to fall asleep.

Although I don't know what will happen when I enter the dream, since this is the ability of Yinxian, it is natural to study it quickly.

Maybe, after falling into a dream, you will be able to discover the secret to turning defeat into victory.

Lin Mo closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes again, he found that he was still between the two boulders, but he was not the only one here at the moment.

Instead, there is a large group of people.

This large group of people is obviously ghosts.

They are also the ghosts of the people they killed.

There are guards in the detention center, police officers, the old mountain man who drowned before, and the mountain boy who was hanged.

All of them showed ghostly appearances, savage and terrifying, standing around, staring at themselves.

Chapter 1171 Lin Mo is a Thinking Person

These ghosts looked at Lin Mo, and Lin Mo also looked at these ghosts.

Then Lin Mo pointed to the old mountain man and the child, and said that you two are here, I can understand, but the others followed.

"This place is about [-] to [-] kilometers away from the city. How did you come here?"

Although Lin Mo killed them, there was no hatred in their eyes.

Those ghosts didn't make a sound at first, a little timid, a little reluctant to let go, but after Lin Mo's enlightenment, they quickly entered the state.

After Lin Mo asked, he found out that they didn't blame themselves, because Chunfeng had already killed them the moment he took possession of their bodies.

It was Chunfeng who killed them, not himself.

Of course I can't blame myself.

These ghosts are quite reasonable. They follow Lin Mo, and they can only follow him. They can only exist within a certain range around Lin Mo. If they are far away, they can't exist.

There were a few ghosts who failed to keep up and disappeared directly in front of them.

"That's it!"

Lin Mo probably understands the ability of this Yin Immortal.

To be honest, it's a bit average.

It is where you are, you can produce ghosts, you can see them in your dreams, and then there is nothing else.

Looking at the plane hounds outside, and then looking at these ghosts, Lin Mo felt that Yangxian was more cowhide.

At this time, the mountain boy came over and took Lin Mo's hand, as if to drag him to a place.

Lin Mo didn't want to go at first.

Mainly because he has no time now.

The pursuers outside were almost here, and he had to find a way to get out quickly. A second wasted here was equivalent to a second less time to escape.

But soon Lin Mo discovered that the child had pulled himself onto a hillside, and then pushed away the grass on the ground, revealing a passage inside.

This passage is relatively hidden, and may only be known to those who live on the mountain.

Lin Mo immediately realized that it was the child showing him the way.

"Thank you!"

Lin Mo patted the child's head.

The next moment, he opened his eyes abruptly, recovering from the dream state.

He was still hiding between two stones, but that place could not hide for long.

The sound of helicopters circling overhead was loud, but distant footsteps and hounds could still be heard.

Lin Mo knew that he didn't have much time left for him.

He immediately ran out of this hiding place, and then quickly ran to the back of the hillside following the route that the child took him in the dream.

The vegetation here is dense, and he pushed through the grass, and sure enough, he saw the passage.

I don't know what's going on in the passage, but Lin Mo has no other choice right now.

Without any hesitation, he got in immediately.

The inside is not as narrow as Lin Mo imagined, and he can even walk if he bends down.

a bit dark.

There is also a musty, somewhat mixed smell of various roots and herbs.

This is also normal, because Lin Mo touched a lot of tree roots.

I just don't know if these smells can cover up my own smell, don't let the hounds find it here.

Of course, if there is no other exit from this channel, then he will also be finished.

But in any case, Lin Mo felt that he was safe in a short period of time. This safe time may only be half an hour, or even only ten minutes.

But compared to just now, it is much more relaxed.

Lin Mo walked down a certain distance, then leaned against the wall, felt something moving in his hair, reached out and touched it, probably it was a centipede, it felt slippery and cold.

Throwing the centipede aside casually, Lin Mo adjusted his breathing, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Then he saw the group of good brothers again.

"You guys are following pretty closely."

Lin Mo said something.

Those ghosts said not to follow closely, and we will be gone.

"That's right." Lin Mo pulled the child over: "What's the kid's name?"

"Xiao, Chopin!" The child was a little shy.

Lin Mo said that your name is not shy at all.

The impact is full.

"What is this place?" Lin Mo pointed around.

Since it was the child who brought him here, the other party must know.

At this time, the old mountain man came over and said that this is the ancient mountain road.

"Gushan Road?"

Lin Mo was puzzled.

The old man explained that a long time ago, the mountain roads were difficult to walk, and the landscape outside was different from what it is now.It is said that the mountains outside have actually been repaired, but in ancient times, they could not be climbed at all.

"So in some dangerous places, this kind of road through the mountain has been built. The old people said that it is called the 'belly road'. Not many people know this road, but there is an exit. The total length is about five or six hundred steps. There is also a belly road in the mountain. A total of [-] steps, that's called long."

Lin Mo understood this time.

This "belly passage" was actually excavated by borrowing the special internal structure of the mountain. In this way, it was safer for the ancients to avoid climbing the steep mountain outside.

This is called the road of infinity.

Lin Mo had already been forced by Chunfeng to have nowhere to go, and if there was no accident, there would be an accident, and it must be a dead end.

But he never expected that his Yinxian physique would actually play a role in a critical moment. Although he could only gather the dead here around him, there are also talents among these people.

Just like Chopin.

If it weren't for this kid, it would be impossible for Lin Mo to discover such a secret 'abdomen' by himself.

Lin Mo had a plan in mind, let's leave the dangerous place first.

So he immediately came to his senses, and followed what the old man and Chopin had said, and walked straight along this dark abdominal cavity.

There were also some dangers during the period.

For example, accidentally slipped and fell, or did not pay attention to the drop of more than three meters in front, and almost fell down.

But luckily there was no danger.

This abdominal tract is not long, and after about an hour, Lin Mo found another exit.

The exit is in a valley.

There are clouds above the head, the sun cannot be seen, and the north, south, east, and west cannot be distinguished.

The main reason is that Lin Mo has lost his way now, but to him, it doesn't matter whether he gets lost or not.

From now on, Lin Mo doesn't want to meet any living people again.

As long as it is a living person, it will be possessed by Chunfeng at the first time, so as to find itself.

Lin Mo fell into a dream again.

He planned to go to another abdomen, so that he should be able to escape the encirclement of Chunfeng.

It's just that as soon as he fell asleep, Lin Mo found that the ghosts following him had more faces.

After asking, I found out that they were all lonely ghosts.

Of course, there were only some extremely weak energies left, which could not be called ghosts, but they changed because Lin Mo passed by.

These ghosts are some residual consciousness, they are not stupid, they can only continue to exist if they follow Lin Mo.

There are old people from a long time ago, some backpackers who died here accidentally, and some who committed suicide by jumping off the cliff. The number is not many, just a dozen ghosts.

Lin Mo chatted with them, and these ghosts said that they were muddled before, in a state of confusion and confusion, and had no concept of time.For them, ten years may be like one minute, one minute, or more than ten years, until they see a light.

"You are that light."

A backpacker pointed at Lin Mo and said.

This guy introduced himself just now. He said that he is the boss of a certain company. He lost money in business and owed a lot of debts, which he couldn't pay back at all.

When he summed it up, he was too tired to live and could not see hope, so he might as well just let the ball die.

So he picked a geomantic treasure for himself.

"I asked the master to calculate it at the time. He said that this mountain is a treasure land of geomantic omen, so I jumped off the cliff over there. At that time, I thought that the master was nonsense. Looking at it now, he is a real spirit. If I Die somewhere else, where can I meet you."

The other party is very sincere.

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