Here, they did not retain any special abilities, just an ordinary person, how much power can an ordinary person have in a world that is almost the real world?What can I do?

"My plan is to explore the weird."

Lin Mo talked about his thoughts.

Sister Yue waved her hand and said don't bother, I've thought about and explored this method, but it doesn't work at all.

"There are no ghosts in this world at all."

Lin Mo didn't believe it, so he told Sister Yue about the horror of the 'Xiwang Tomb' that the driver who brought him here on the road told.

As a result, Sister Yue was happy when she heard this.

"That's all fake."

"Fake?" Lin Mo still didn't believe it, so he asked how you were so sure it was fake, what if it was true?

"The ghost stories you heard were all made up by me."

Lin Mo was dumbfounded. After thinking about it carefully, he said it was impossible. The driver said that some ghost stories had been circulating for seven or eight years. When you woke up, it was five years ago like me. How could there be ghost stories before that? When the story comes, the time is not right.

"The reason why a rumor is a rumor is first of all to establish a basis for the rumor. When someone tells you something, and the other party says that it happened more than ten years ago, everyone will believe it if it is spread like this. , This rumor really happened more than ten years ago, people think they are smart, but in fact they are the easiest to be deceived."

Sister Yue showed evidence at this time. The posts she posted anonymously on the Internet a few years ago have all been recorded here.

This time Lin Mo was completely silent.

I just asked Sister Yue why she made up these ghost stories, for fun?

Sister Yue said no.

"I have searched for the weirdness, but I didn't find it, so I thought about making up some ghost stories to see if I could attract some people who also pay attention to this aspect, thinking that maybe I could find some clues from them."

"Have you found it?"

"No!" Sister Yue shook her head. She opened the chat tool on the computer and listed several groups.

Above, there are at least a dozen chat groups discussing weird events.

"There are people from all over the country here, all of whom are lovers of supernatural events. It stands to reason that with so many people helping to find clues, one out of 1 is true. Unfortunately, none of them are true. In this world, There are many supernatural legends, but they are all fiction and rumors, there really are no ghosts!"

Chapter 1164 There is a way

Lin Mo was in a bad mood.

If there are no ghosts in this world, then his idea of ​​breaking through this layer of illusion with the help of strange power is wishful thinking.

Sister Yue has been working hard for this for several years, but to no avail.

Even if I join now, what can I find?

All of a sudden, Lin Mo felt that he had lost his head.

The future is bleak, just like a college student who graduated from a pheasant university. Facing the complex society at this moment, he is directly at a loss, directly dumbfounded, and at a loss.

"Sister Yue, what is the saying?"

"what you mean?"

"That's the kind, knowing that hard work is useless, because it is impossible to turn your life against the sky, but you still keep working hard, and the result is that the harder you work, the more painful it is."

Sister Yue pondered for a while, spread her hands, and said that she didn't know what to say.

"It's almost time for dinner. Let's have a meal at home. My mother's cooking is delicious." Sister Yue said.

Lin Mo was still a little hungry, so he nodded.

That's the way things are, if you can't solve it, solve the more important things first.

For example, if you are hungry, you have to eat, if you are sleepy, you have to sleep, and if you want to go to the toilet, you have to go to the toilet.

The dishes cooked by Yu Po were indeed delicious. Lin Mo ate two big bowls of rice for this meal.

But he and Sister Yue still didn't think of a solution to the problem.

Sister Yue said that she had expected this situation.

"It shows that our enemy is very powerful."

Lin Mo nodded and said yes.

"Maybe, now Chunfeng has merged yin and yang and become a fairy."

"This possibility is very high." Sister Yue also agreed.

After thinking about it, Sister Yue said she thought of a solution.

Lin Mo's heart moved, telling her not to hide it, but to speak quickly.

"Otherwise, you can give up. There's nothing wrong with living here. Have you found someone? If you haven't found someone, why not just let us live together. My mother is worried, saying that I am 25 and six, and I haven't found someone yet. I know that I have a personality problem, and other people can't get along, but if it's you, I can make do with it!"

Lin Mo was drinking water, and when he heard this, he almost sprayed water on Sister Yue's face.

"I don't want to make do!"

Lin Mo felt a chill as soon as he finished speaking. He realized that he had said something wrong, and hurried back to make up for it.

"Sister Yue, I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong, no, you put down the knife first, you, why is there a knife in your bedroom?"

Lin Mo talked all kinds of things, and finally persuaded Sister Yue.

Sister Yue said that you must be more careful in what you say, and that she now has a certificate from a mental hospital, and she is a serious mental patient, the kind that kills people without breaking the law.

Lin Mo said, sister Yue, don't worry, it was all a misunderstanding just now, and it won't happen in the future.

"What I mean is, we can't just give up so easily, can't we? We have to continue to think of a way, in case, something changes here in the future, in case, one day falls asleep, and can't wake up again ?”

These words caused Sister Yue to think deeply.

She nodded and said that you have considered it comprehensively, and there is indeed such a possibility.

"It stands to reason that Chunfeng didn't have such good intentions. He defeated us and created an illusion for us to live a normal life comfortably? This is unlikely and unreasonable."

Sister Yue's words suddenly made Lin Mo realize one thing.

"Sister Yue, you have hit the point with this sentence."

At this moment, Lin Mo realized a very important thing.

That's why they're here.

Indeed, as Sister Yue said, why did Chunfeng bring them to such a place?

Wouldn't it be easier to kill them directly?

In other words, Chunfeng has not succeeded yet.

The other party just had the upper hand, maybe it would take time for the other party to reach the realm of becoming a fairy, or maybe, he encountered some obstacles in the process, so he could only throw himself into this world.

There is another possibility.

Lin Mo also suddenly had an idea, that maybe everything here is related to Chunfeng's plan to become a fairy.

Maybe Chunfeng is also here.

Of course, this last conjecture is too taken for granted and whimsical, but it is also Lin Mo's reasoning step by step, and it is not completely random.

Because the design here is too perfect, I can't fault it.

Of course, Lin Mo actually prefers that Chunfeng is to trap him here.

Being stuck here means that you can't kill yourself, at least not for the time being.

Recall what my brothers said, about the theory of becoming a fairy, the human pill starts, and then enters the ghost pill, and then enters the Nascent Soul from the ghost pill, and the Nascent Soul is a virtual god when it is promoted to the extreme, and the virtual god is a fairy robbery.

Before Chunfeng searched for immortals for more than 400 years, he was stuck on the hurdle of immortal robbery.

In order to become immortal, the other party found himself and his brother, and planted the double curse of yin and yang on himself and his brother.

When the time is right, Chunfeng will make a move. Chunfeng has acquired the yang curse on the elder brother, leaving only the yin curse, and the opponent will succeed in all likelihood.

But think about it, what Chunfeng has done is a feat that has never been done before, and it is innovation, which is so easy to achieve.

The other party will definitely encounter various twists and turns and difficulties.

Maybe when yin and yang are united, they encounter problems.

That's why there is such a place to trap yourself.


Lin Mo slapped his thigh.

"If this is the case, then you can't indulge in this place, let's just muddle along."

This time Lin Mo thought it through thoroughly.

It seems that Sister Yue hasn't thought about this in vain in the past few years. No, she came here by herself, communicated with each other, and found the key to the problem.

"I can't waste any more time, I have to think of a way to break the situation as soon as possible!"

Lin Mo was in a hurry.

He is really anxious.

Sister Yue next to me said that you are in a hurry, is it useful?Think of a way?

Lin Mo shook his head.

I had no choice but to sit down again.

At this time, Granny Yu knocked on the door outside and said that she had peeled an apple and wanted to bring it in for them to eat.

In fact, they both understand that Granny Yu wants to see what the two of them are doing in the house.

"I'm afraid this matter won't be resolved in a short time." After Granny Yu went out, Sister Yue handed Lin Mo an apple, and she picked one up and took a bite.

Lin Mo nodded.

He's still thinking about it.

"By the way, have you looked for Xiaoyu? Is she here too?" Sister Yue asked.

Lin Mo nodded.

No extra words were said.

"Does she not want to wake up?" Sister Yue asked again.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then asked Sister Yue how you knew.

"Guess." Sister Yue smiled, and then asked again: "Then Xiaoyu didn't say that he would live with you as a partner?"

Lin Mo said that you thought everyone was just like you...

Before he finished speaking later, Lin Mo quickly changed his words and said, do you think everyone is as straightforward as you.

Sister Yue put down the knife with a smile.

"Does Po Yu know about the knife in your room?" Lin Mo asked.

"My mother didn't know, and I didn't tell her." Sister Yue said proudly.

After a pause, sister Yue said again: "Actually, I also know that you are not reconciled, but there may be nothing wrong with Xiao Yu's choice. You forgot, she is a pen fairy and can predict some things. Maybe she thinks that we don't care. No matter how hard you try, you can't escape from here, instead of wasting time, it's better to enjoy life."

Lin Mo pondered for a while, and felt that there was such a possibility.

"You can go out with me for a stroll." Sister Yue said suddenly, and she would do it wherever she said, and immediately started changing clothes.

He didn't avoid Lin Mo at all.

It made Lin Mo, a big man, feel a little embarrassed, and kept yelling, can you be more reserved, after all, you are also a girl, aren't you?

Later, Lin Mo suddenly realized that it was like touching porcelain.

Bad, I forgot to close my eyes at the time.

Shouldn't she be blackmailed?

I made a mistake, I made a mistake, I was just looking at those two long legs at that time.

Lin Mo shook his head again and again, quite regretful.

After a while, the dressed-up Sister Yue took Lin Mo out, and Granny Yu saw her off with a smile on her face. Why do you feel that Granny Yu is happier than Sister Yue?

This mother and daughter can't be singing oboe, right?

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