In other words, curiosity is the biggest motivation.

This is not true at all.

Lin Mo is very curious now.

After packing up the things, wrap them in paper, dig a hole and bury them in the soil.Lin Mo began to practice as usual, and then went out for a stroll, chatting with fellow disciples and exchanging cultivation experience.

There are thousands of disciples here, and among them there must be some who have cultivated into the 'Human Pill'.

Grab one and take the pill.

This is not difficult for Lin Mo.

But how to ensure that this matter is not exposed is a headache.

The ghosts and immortals in the Hall of Hundred Immortals could not move, and no one would tell anyone who had stolen the ghost pill.

Keren Dan can't do it, these disciples will report it.

"Why don't we kill people and silence them?"

Lin Mo thinks this is not impossible, these thousands of disciples are like thousands of broilers in a chicken coop, one more and one less, who can tell the difference?

It is impossible to count every day, and even if it is discovered, it will take a while.

And this period of time is enough for him to study the essence of cultivating immortals.Even if it's exposed in the end, it's a big deal to turn your face around.

If you have the power to fight, why be afraid of it?

"Just do it!"

After making up his mind, Lin Mo began to look for targets.

After half a day of observation and selection, he finally selected a disciple.

The other party is not familiar with him, it can be said that he does not know each other. Looking at it with the eyes of truth, it is a ferocious and terrifying ghost with a lot of resentment and malice.

At first glance, it looks like an indiscriminate murder of innocent ghosts.

Killing it can be regarded as doing justice for the heavens and doing a good deed.

According to the ranking of the disciples, this guy can be ranked 21st. The reason why he chose such a high ranking is because Lin Mo is afraid that those low-level disciples will not be able to form a human pill.

I found an opportunity to ask the other party out in the evening. The location is very remote. Under the false heavenly palace scene is a beautiful mountain peak, but in the eyes of reality, this is a cliff, and the cliff below is bottomless. People push down, even if they find it, they can only find the corpse that has been smashed into meat paste. Everyone will think that this is just an accident.

It is simply an excellent place to kill people and get goods, and destroy corpses and wipe out traces.

This guy didn't know that his life had entered the countdown, so he asked Lin Mo what happened when he got there.

Lin Mo asked if anyone saw him when he came.

"No, I've always acted alone."

"Then, senior brother, have you made an appointment with someone else recently, or, does the master plan to summon you?"

"No, just tell me if you have something to say, and I'll leave if you keep haggling like this."

"It's fine if you don't!"

Lin Mo smiled, looked around, then approached, and slammed his hand to tear open the opponent's chest.

The difference in strength was too great, and the opponent didn't even have time to react. He wanted to scream, but Lin Mo broke his neck in an instant.

The next step is to find Rendan.

No difficulty.

In the opponent's chest, near the heart, he found a bunch of fleshy grapes.

Each one is plump and round, and they all look mature.

Lin Mo took it out and looked at it.

Then he stretched out his hand and pushed, and the corpse fell into the abyss.

The fleshy grapes were bloody, and they were washed with water. They were clean. They were white with pink inside. Lin Mo hid them in his clothes.

Chapter 1146 You scared me

At night, still in Lin Mo's small room, he took out the human pill he got today.

This time I got a bunch of them, there are seven or eight big ones on it, plus those small and medium human pills, there are sixteen in total.

Test subjects are sufficient.

Now that he has a lot of money, he can do several more experiments. Lin Mo is already thinking about how to do it. In addition to using his mental power to decompose the human pill and look at the structure inside, he also plans to do some more experiments.

For example, what would happen if a human pill was transplanted into a disciple without a human pill?

Or let the other party eat it, what will happen?

Or how about stitching multiple personal Dans together?

Looking forward to it.

It's a pity that I only took one ghost pill. If I can get a little more, I can do some similar experiments.

Lin Mo wondered if he should go to Baixian Temple to pick up some ghost pills.

After thinking about it, let it go for now.

The bases are different. One is to steal a chicken from a chicken farm with thousands of chickens, and it is difficult to be discovered; but if one picks fruit from a fruit tree that does not have many, it is likely to be discovered.

One is that the location is too fixed, and it is easy to be caught; the other is that Ge Xu goes back every day to devour mature ghost pills. If he takes too much, he is easy to be noticed.

Right now Lin Mo still wants to stabilize for a while.

At night, Lin Mo began to tinker with the string of human pills.

Do 'anatomy' first to understand the structure.

Lin Mo speculated before that the human pill and the ghost pill may have similar mechanisms. After all, the size and feel are almost the same, but the colors are different, one is white and the other is black.

In fact, after disassembling one, Lin Mo found that his guess was correct.

Human pills and ghost pills are almost identical in structure.

There is an outer membrane, a core, and mucus. Except for the different colors, everything else is similar.

Even the most core position, there are small bugs.

But the worms in the human pill should be smaller, shorter, and more numerous.

Not one.

Lin Mo dissected two human pills, one with two worms and one with three worms.

Quantities vary.

Apparently these quirky little bugs are the core and the key.

The matter of arresting people and transplanting human pills can't be done for the time being, because Lin Mo hasn't selected a target yet, but some other experiments can be done.

Use the curse to identify first.

Lin Mo found that the gourmet curse also reacted to the human pill, but the reaction was obviously not as strong as the ghost pill, indicating that the human pill was not as delicious as the ghost pill, which represented a difference in level.

"Then what will happen if multiple personal Dan bugs are brought together?"

Lin Mo immediately carried out the experiment.

He put all five worms together, put them in a man's den, and sewed them from the inside out.

And the other human pill without the core bug was also sewn up, Lin Mo wanted to see if a new bug would be born.

The two Dans were used as experimental subjects to be observed, and Lin Mo would not touch them for the time being.

I took a human pill again and opened it. This kind of thing is familiar with the first time and the second time, and the third time and the fourth time are getting more and more familiar. It took some time to decompose before, about ten minutes, but now it takes less than half the time. It can be done.

The third person Dan also has three small bugs.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and took out the ghost pill that had been buried in the ground before.

At that time, it was wrapped in inner film and wrapped in paper. I don't know if he died or not.

In the end, I took it out and saw that it was not dead, and its vitality was still tenacious, but it was a little wilted, not as lively as yesterday.

Lin Mo's experiment this time is to put the ghost pill bug and the human pill bug together to see what wonderful chemical reactions will happen.

Just do it.

It didn't take much trouble, a ghost pill bug and three human pill bugs met together.

Then Lin Mo saw such a scene.

The sluggish ghost worms were like tigers encountering prey, and immediately attacked, eating up the three human worms in a short time.

After eating, the ghost pill bug seemed to have grown a lot. Lin Mo squinted his eyes, thinking that this might be the key to the so-called road to immortality.

There are ghost pills in the body of ghost immortals, and ghost pills rely on devouring human pills to grow themselves, continue to strengthen, accumulate quantitative changes, and finally produce qualitative changes, giving birth to Nascent Soul.

The birth of the ghost pill is also because of a qualitative change in the process of cultivating and devouring a certain human pill.

This is a step-by-step upgrade path.

Next, Lin Mo continued the experiment.

He collected the weird slime in the human pill and gathered them together, and found that the human pill bugs would suck the slime and then grow continuously.

They will not devour each other and kill each other.

Only one of them, after absorbing enough 'nutrition', turns into a ghost worm and devours other human worms.

"The key to cultivating immortality is these bugs, so what are these bugs?"

Lin Mo wanted to do further analysis.

But he accidentally killed the only ghost worm.

"Hey, no way, this is dead? Wake up, don't scare me." Lin Mo played with the motionless little bug.

The other party didn't respond at all.

Lin Mo was helpless.

He has quite a few human pills, but there is only one ghost pill.

When you die, you are gone.

At that time, he had to go to Baixian Temple to steal one. Lin Mo was anxious to do the next experiment, so he looked up and looked outside.

There is still time, if you go and come back quickly, you should be able to get back within 10 minutes.

then go!

Lin Mo made up his mind, this time he won't take too much, just take two.

Two ghost pills should be enough to support him to do some experiments.After going out, Lin Mo looked around, and when he found no one, he ran quickly and rushed all the way to the Hall of Hundred Immortals.

Fortunately, Ge Xu was not here, so he might have been here.

Lin Mo didn't go to Cheng Yingru, he was anxious to go back to do the experiment. With the curse of a gourmet, he easily found a sculpture based on the smell, ripped open his chest and reached in to dig it out.

Sure enough, there were several ghost pills inside, I took two, and packed the opponent's chest.

Holding two ghost pills, Lin Mo hurried out, but stopped as soon as he went out.

At some point outside, there were four people standing outside, blocking Lin Mo's way.

At this moment, Lin Mo's heart sank.

I thought in my heart that I was being targeted by Ge Xu, right?

In this place, among the people Lin Mo has seen so far, Ge Xu is the only one who threatens him.

But upon closer inspection, Ge Xu was not among the four.

At this moment, Lin Mo's mind turned and he didn't say a word. He didn't know where the other party came from. For the time being, he could only choose to stop quietly and wait for the four people to speak.

The person on the opposite side sneered at this moment, saying that you are so brave, and then the other person said to take out the things, otherwise they will go to the master and report you.

If you were a timid one, you might have been bluffed by the other party.

Lin Mo has never seen anything.

He made a judgment almost immediately.

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