The meanings of 'coming' and 'going' are not the same.

For those who come, most of them will use "come" when the speaker is at the destination; while "go" is not necessarily there, so Lin defaulted that my brother is also in Dakunshan.

So this trip he had to go no matter what.

As for those questions, just find my brother and let him answer them face to face.

While walking, Lin Mo took out the communicator and called Professor Xie again.

It was connected quickly there.

"Lin Mo, where are you now?" Old Xie asked.

Lin Mo told Professor Xie that he couldn't tell you where.

"Old Xie, if you believe me, just give me some time, and I will investigate the matter clearly. Besides, I want to trouble you with something."

"Say!" Lao Xie's voice was a little helpless, as if he knew that Lin Mo would not tell him the location.

"The killing of Old Zhao and Deputy Bureau Jiang must have been difficult. Please help me find out what they were doing before they were killed."

"What can be done? It's just routine work."

"Check first."

"I see." Professor Xie is not stupid, he heard Lin Mo's meaning, no matter who it is, killing people like Lin Mo must not be idle, there must be a purpose.

In short, they don't kill for no reason.

Especially the existence of such a high position and weight as Lao Zhao.

What level is the opponent?

That is definitely a high-level national level. No matter who it is, there must be a reason for doing so.

"Lin Mo, you've really caused a lot of trouble this time. Hey, if I help you, if you find out, I'll be unlucky too."

"Old Xie, I can't let Lao Zhao and Deputy Director Jiang die in vain. Besides, it has something to do with my innocence."

"Okay, I understand, don't use your communicator, I guess it will be monitored soon, let's change it."

"I'll write to you."


Lin Mo hung up the communicator, and then squeezed hard.

With a snap, the communicator was crushed to pieces.Immediately, he folded a paper crane, wrote Professor Xie's full name on it, took a breath, and the paper crane flapped its wings and flew away.

In this way, if Professor Xie has anything to do, just use the paper crane to reply directly.

Lin Mo has never been to Dakun Mountain.

After searching in Keke County, I finally found a map. Compared with the current location, I found that it is less than [-] kilometers away from Dakun Mountain.

It's pretty close.

However, it is also difficult to walk over. Lin Mo remembered that he was on the road just now, and seemed to have seen a car parked on the side of the road.

Try to see if it works.

The cars in the nightmare world are all projections in the real world, some can be driven, and some cannot.

It's all about luck.

Lin Mo was lucky this time, and the car was able to drive.

The keys were also in the car.

Is it good luck, or is this car left on purpose by my brother?

No one can say for sure.

Lin Mo doesn't care about the details, but it's obviously much more convenient to have a car. Get the corpse up and drive directly.

The minivan wobbled on the road, heading away along the dark and eerie road.

The road and the surrounding dark environment have been perfectly integrated, especially in this wild environment, the minivan is like a small boat floating on the dark sea.

It seemed that he would be swallowed by the endless darkness around him at any time.

Except for the area illuminated by the dim headlights, there is only darkness and the sound of howling wind around.

After leaving the county seat, the road is basically straight ahead.

This is in line with the geographical characteristics of the vast land and sparse population of Qingniao Province, but driving on this straight forward road is easy to get bored and sleepy.

Although Lin Mo is not sleepy, boredom is certain.

So he adjusted a comfortable posture, holding the steering wheel with one hand, dragging his chin with the other hand, thinking while driving.

The road is long.

Lin Mo's thoughts are also very long.

At this moment, the corpse was sitting obediently in the back row, with a talisman on his forehead, motionless.

"Da Kunshan, what will happen? Why did my brother ask me to take this corpse over there? Where did this corpse come from?"

Lin Mo has too many questions now.

"Old Zhao and Deputy Bureau Jiang, were they really killed by my brother? If so, why did my brother do this?"

If there are many questions about this kind of thing, and you still can't figure it out, it will be very annoying.

Now Lin Mo feels very upset.

Because maybe that letter was a trap.

Of course, the only thing that can make Lin Mo feel relieved is that Lin Mo is sure to deal with it no matter whether it is a trap or not. This confidence comes from his experience in the third-level dream.

It comes from the complete and strengthened curse sequence, from five years of life in the movie world, from Xiao Yu, Sister Yue and Xi Wenjun who have also been strengthened.

Anyway, it's a rebirth, no matter what enemy there is, no matter what tricks the opponent plays, Lin Mo is sure to crush him.

Of course, the premise is to find someone first.

Just as he was thinking, Lin Mo suddenly saw a person standing on the road ahead waving.

But it was too late to stop.

Or you can't be distracted while driving. If you are distracted, you will easily fail to respond in an emergency.

This is the case for Lin Mo at the moment.

He was in a hurry and wanted to step on the brakes, but the front of the car had already hit the other side.

There was a loud noise and the car shook.

At this time, Lin Mo stepped on the brakes, and the car stopped amidst the screeching sound of brakes.

Looking at the cracked windshield and the blood and hair stained on it, Lin Mo opened the door and got out of the car.

A man was lying on the road ahead.

"Is there a mistake? Where does this place come from?"

Lin Mo cursed, then walked towards the man lying in front.

Chapter 1136 Hit Another One

Liu Dao wasn't called that name originally.

He is a debt collector. Because of his ruthless methods, he likes to torture people with knives, so he got the nickname Liu Dao.

For debt collectors, the first thing is to be ruthless.

Without this quality, there is no way to return the account.

Relying on his backing and the fact that he was only active in a small place like the county town, he has never been hit. This also made him more unscrupulous and fierce.

But a good debt collector also needs to have another, more important quality.

Know how to measure.

It is to cause trouble, but it cannot really cause trouble. After all, it is still a society ruled by law, and rules and laws must be followed.

Liu Dao is lacking in this. He is a rough man, uneducated, and he is completely out of his head.

So one time, in the process of collecting debts, I encountered a hard stubble, and I couldn't help but act a little carelessly, resulting in accidentally killing someone.

It is naturally a big event if people are killed.

No matter how powerful the backer is, it is useless now. The debt collection company immediately disregarded his relationship and threw all the blame on Liu Dao.

The period of time waiting for the final judgment was definitely the darkest and most terrifying day for Liu Dao.He also spent a long time thinking about it, and finally came to a conclusion.

He accidentally killed someone, it wasn't his fault.

If the company hadn't asked him to collect debts, would he have accidentally killed someone?

Certainly not.

If it wasn't for that unlucky guy who borrowed the money, if the other party repaid the money in time, would he go back to collect the debt?

Certainly not.

Even if the opponent is in better health, he will not be killed.

It's all the company's fault, the debtor bastard.

He was the victim, the most unlucky person, and in the end he became an outcast, abandoned by the company. Not surprisingly, he would either sit in prison or get shot directly.

The final judgment is indeed the death penalty.

While Liu Dao was afraid, the hatred in his heart was even stronger.

He hates everything.

I hate the boss of the company. After all, he was born and died for the company. He worked hard without credit, but he was just thrown away like a dead dog on the side of the road.

He wanted revenge, but Naihe had no chance.

If it weren't for the nightmare, he could only wait for death in fear and despair.

After the nightmare fell, he discovered that death was just the beginning of his new life.


"Brother, I was really sorry just now. My fault. I was distracted while driving. I really didn't see people on the road clearly." Lin Mo squatted next to this man on the ground, looking at the other party vomiting blood, feeling a little embarrassed Said.

It was Liu Dao lying on the ground.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, he was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

"You, you are blind!"

Mixed with the blood in his mouth, after Liu Dao finished speaking, he began to cough violently.

Blood choked the airway.

"I'm not blind, I just didn't pay attention, but it's also your fault. You said you were doing nothing but standing in the middle of the road. You have no safety awareness at all."

"I...I...grass... pinch about..."

I didn't hear the next few words very clearly.

But Lin Mo could tell that he must be swearing.

Lin Mo naturally wouldn't care about the other party, mainly because he was a little bit wrong, but in the current situation, he certainly couldn't leave this person here.

In that case, the other party must be dead.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo got the man into the back seat of the van. It was easy to do, and it was done easily with Xiaoyu's iron chain.

Lin Mo is definitely a good hand if he can't get involved in moving companies in the future.

"You rest in the car for a while. People in this nightmare world are more tenacious than those in the real world. I think you won't die for a while. Take a good rest first. If it's too bad, I'll think of a way .”

Lin Mo comforted her.

But hearing this, Liu Dao became even more angry.

The cough is also louder.

Lin Mo continued to drive. Although the front of the van was crushed and the windshield was cracked, it was not impossible to drive.

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