Lin Mo sneered, ready to give him another knife.

At that time, we will see if this guy can continue to talk nonsense.

But before Lin Mo could do anything, Professor Owen rolled his eyes and stopped moving.

As if really dead.

Besides, his head was rotting fast, with a foul stench emanating from it.

Lin Mo felt something was wrong.

Danger came from all directions.

The surrounding darkness is rapidly approaching and shrinking, and finally it looks like a spotlight on the stage, leaving only this place where Lin Mo is.

About two or three square meters.

Elsewhere, it was pitch black.

Lin Mo was on guard with a knife.

Suddenly, a pair of rotten hands stretched out from the darkness and took away the rotten head of Professor Owen on the ground.

Lin Mo took a look.

"What's the hurry, I won't fight with you!"

The next moment, the darkness quickly compressed, and the last bit of light was crushed out in an instant, and everything was plunged into darkness.

Chapter 1124 Sorry, You Messed Up With The Wrong Person

The darkness is suffocating.

It's really suffocating.

It's like the mouth and nose are sealed.

Not only that, it seems that there are countless hands holding you in the darkness, making you unable to move. To put it more appropriately, it is as if the whole person is instantly sealed in cement.

Normal people, even some terrible nightmares, will be directly confused when they encounter this situation, and they may collapse immediately.

Lin Mo is still very stable.

Because he knew that at such a time, he should not panic.

If you panic, you will make mistakes, and if you make mistakes, you will die.

The body can't move, but it can't stop Lin Mo's moving mind.

Mobilize the curse of burning.

Since darkness brings oppression, use light to dispel darkness.


A flame gushed out from Lin Mo's palm.

The light appeared, and the feeling of suffocation and crowding began to rapidly weaken, like a flame burning the snow, and the snow quickly melted around.

But then, rotten hands stretched out from all directions, accompanied by the stench and the black matter with broken roots, the sense of oppression struck again.

Lin Mo didn't panic, he raised his knife and slashed.

The lights of the knives crisscrossed like a gust of wind. Under the wind of the knives, the rotten hands were cut off all over the ground like leeks.

Probably knowing that bare hands are no match for sharp blades, those rotten hands retracted again.

Immediately there were strange noises around.

It's hard to describe what it is, because the fire can only illuminate the surrounding area of ​​one or two meters, and it is still dark outside.

Lin Mo looked at the ground.

Not a laboratory floor, more like stepping on bumpy guts.

This feels so disgusting.

This is indeed the first time Lin Mo has encountered this scene. Professor Owen's research on the mirror layer is absolutely beyond his imagination, and now he has fallen into someone else's trap. Since the other party has pulled him in, he is sure to trap him.

So running around is not a wise move.

Lin Mo decided to remain unchanged in response to all changes.

Anyway, he plans to stay where he is, not to move his nest, whatever he likes.

The main reason is that Lin Mo didn't think of a way to deal with it. His way of dealing with the problem is very simple. If he really can't stay in the same place, for example, he will die if he continues to stay, he will move without hesitation and go to other places.

And if it is not necessary, and you have not figured out the situation and have no next plan, it is better not to be impulsive.

Lin Mo remembered a movie he had seen before.

The narration is that a group of people entered a closed special room with six doors on all four sides, and as a result, these guys ran around and died in the end.

But in fact, if they don't run around from the beginning, they stay in the first room, and they can see the exit at the end.

As a result, everyone died.

This is caused by their lack of composure. A sudden shock makes them confused, and the result is step by step towards the abyss and death.

Now Lin Mo is very calm.

He felt that the weirdness around him was forcing him to run around after the initial suffocation and blocking attacks were ineffective. Regardless of whether it felt right or not, Lin Mo had thought it over anyway, what he wanted was stability and never ran around.

What is a battle of wits and courage?

This is.

The next few waves of attacks were resisted by Lin Mo.

Respectively, hundreds of hands stretched out again, followed by feet, and then hands and feet together.

Lin Mo didn't even know what to say about Professor Owen.

Perhaps in terms of science, this guy is a master, but in terms of attacking and persecuting people, the other party is not good.

At least in my own eyes some pediatric.

Is there a difference between using hands and using feet?

I don't know what the other party is thinking at all.

Then came the scream of terror.

This is a sonic attack, the sound can definitely pierce the eardrum, and the sound can arouse people's fear, make people lose their position, and then dig their own graves.

Lin Mo's response is very simple.

He used a powerful curse to resist and resist.

Then retreat half of the mental power into the spiritual realm.

This can cancel out more than [-]% of the sharp sound.

After the sharp voice continued for a few minutes, the other party saw that it was fruitless and gave up immediately.

In the next period of time, Professor Owen did not attack, and Lin Mo did not relax his vigilance.

The two sides seem to be in some kind of stalemate.

I don't know if Professor Owen is in a hurry, but Lin Mo is not at all anyway.

And the black remote control is still in his hand.

If things are out of Lin Mo's control, he will randomly press this thing, or destroy it directly.

Anyway, don't push him too fast.

If you are in a hurry, flip the table.

At that time, no one should think about it, they will die together.

"Why are you doing this?"

After a long silence, Professor Owen's face emerged from the darkness.

Under the dark light and shadow, the other party's facial features looked particularly terrifying. Of course, Owen's head was chopped off by Lin Mo before, but it has not been connected now.

Instead, he was dragged and stretched out by a pair of rotten hands.

This picture is very creative.

There is a very special sense of art, more like a scene that will only appear in some art exhibitions.

Distorted, weird, indescribable, that is, common fear and discomfort that cannot be described in words. I know something is wrong, but if I insist on saying what is wrong, I can't point out the key point at once.

Such an artistic impact picture naturally made Lin Mo stunned, which also caused him to fail to hear what Professor Owen said before.

There is no way, Professor Owen can only say one side.

"Why bother? Why are you doing this? It would be great to obey me honestly. In this way, I won't obliterate your consciousness. How about we share a body?"

It can be seen that Professor Owen is a little out of his wits, and he doesn't seem to have any particularly effective tricks.

So I chose to take a step back.

As the saying goes, take a step back and open up the sea and the sky.

Not to mention, Lin Mo could tell that Professor Owen was very sincere, but he no longer trusted him.

Even if the hype is said, Lin Mo doesn't believe it.

"What else do you have to do, use it quickly." Lin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party.

Turn your face directly.

Professor Owen's face was grim: "Do you think I can't do anything about you? It's so naive, it's so childish."

"Then hurry up, I'll wait." Lin Mo ruthlessly exposed the true face of the other party's strong outsiders, and it can be said that he didn't give any face.

There's no way, this can't be blamed on Lin Mo. Lin Mo belongs to the type of person who won't be polite once he turns against you.

"Since you are courting death yourself, don't blame me."

Professor Owen seems to have made a big decision.

The next moment, strange bright lights suddenly appeared around.

There are everywhere.

Then the light approached, and there were faces.

One by one, one by one, they all looked a little like Professor Owen.

This immediately reminded Lin Mo of the seven thousand replicas of Professor Owen.

Could it be that these are?

The hands and feet just now belonged to them, no need to ask.

Lin Mo shook his head and said, Professor Owen, you have copied so many of yourself, so there is no good person?

"It's nonsense when you're dying."

All the faces around were cursing together at this moment.

Then the eyes of these people's faces began to flash a faint light.

A stream of boiling mental power came together, rushing into Lin Mo's spiritual realm like a group of wild horses.

This is intended to use mind control.

After figuring out Professor Owen's plan, Lin Mo's expression became a little weird for a while.

It can be said that Professor Owen has always had the advantage, and the opponent's tricks are also very strong. Even if Lin Mo used his hands and feet to resolve it just now, Lin Mo actually suffered a loss and was injured.

If he was attacking with similar methods, Lin Mo would definitely run away if he couldn't bear it.

But I never expected that Professor Owen actually used Lin Mo's best field.

Mental strength.

And the other party also intends to use mind control.

This is just crazy.

Since a long time ago, there have been many ghosts and nightmares trying to control Lin Mo with mental power, but none of them succeeded.

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