Here I saw the portrait of the other party, as well as his signature.

It proved Lin Mo's previous guess.

Lin Mo rummaged around, but found nothing of value.

This made him a little disappointed.

But there is indeed a curse here.

There is breath, but no curse is found, what does this mean?

"There is a secret room."

Lin Mo continued to search.

He had wandered around the outside three times before he came in just now, and memorized the layout of this small church. If there is a secret room, it is nothing more than hiding a closed room and setting up a security door, but the layout inside is different from the outside. almost the same.

There are basically no extra rooms.

And there is only one floor here, without the second floor, there is no attic hidden by the roof.

Then, after ruling out these two possibilities, there is only one last possibility left.


If there is a secret room here, there must be a basement.

This is also easy to handle.

Lin Mo found a wooden stick and started hitting the ground.

I found it in a short while.

Pulling back the rug reveals a locked entrance below.

The old rules were broken, and the cover was lifted, revealing a gap about one meter square, and the downward steps extended all the way into the darkness below.

At this time, the breath of curse below was already very obvious.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand, a flame condensed on his fingertips, and walked down.

It's quite big down there.

There are many kinds of curse breaths, obviously there is more than one source of curse hidden in it.

There is a workbench below, and there are also candles, which Lin Mo used to ignite.

This workbench is huge, and there are dozens of bottles and jars of different sizes on it, filled with some organs.

Lin Mo glanced at it. Every bottle here is a source of curse.

Apparently, Father Phil is a collector. According to visual inspection, there are no less than dozens of curses he has collected here. However, Lin Mo needs to identify the specific curses one by one to know.

Chapter 1105 The beauty hidden in despair

"What is this Father Phil collecting so many curses for?"

Lin Mo guessed that Father Phil might be studying the curse sequence just like himself.

In addition to these bottles and jars, there is another room here, but the iron door is sealed, and the words written on the iron door are very scary.

God forbids it!

Who to bluff?

Lin Mo decided not to touch the iron door for the time being. If there was something evil hidden inside, if he opened the door and let it out, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

It's not too late to figure out the situation before talking about the next step.

Apart from the scaring words, there is really no danger here.

Although there are dozens of curse sources, they are all soaked in special glass bottles.

Essentially, this is a storage.

Curses cannot be revealed.

It's like a bomb with its fuse unplugged. It's dangerous, but technically, it's okay to sleep next to it.

As long as the mental quality is strong enough.

Lin Mo is a person with a strong psychological quality. After checking around and finding nothing wrong, he sat on the chair here.

Candles are all idiosyncratic and burn for a long time.

Still no smoke.

Not choking.

There are many books and notes on the workbench.

Lin Mo looked through it by candlelight.

As a result, Lin Mo was stunned when he saw it.

Frowning, looking carefully, his expression was strange, with a kind of doubt and puzzlement, then he couldn't believe it, and finally thought about it, and then he showed a sudden look.

Lin Mo himself didn't expect that he actually studied Father Phil's notes here for more than three hours.

It belongs to the kind of concentration without any external interference.

It's more exciting than reading pornographic books.

The result really surprised Lin Mo.

Anyway, after reading it, Lin Mo's view of Father Phil changed 180 degrees.

"He is actually a good man!"

Lin Mo knows that the definition of a person cannot be simply viewed as good or bad, it is superficial and not comprehensive, because no matter how good a person is, he also has an evil nature, and no matter how evil a person is, he also has a good side.

But Father Phil must be considered a good man, and his good side is even greater.

Judging from the other party's notes, Father Phil has only one purpose, and that is to sweep away the 'sin' of this world.

Moreover, Father Phil had been exposed to the 'Nightmare Attack' earlier.

At first he thought it was a demon possessed, and called the nightmare a 'demon'.

He exorcised demons with strong faith and willpower.

It worked a few times.

And the result of contacting evil will inevitably be corroded by evil.

Father Phil had thought of this a long time ago and expected it, so he was also trying to get rid of his own evil.

It started with prayer.

Because he feels that since there are 'demons', the gods he believes in must also exist.

The result was naturally disappointing to him. He had prayed countless times, but he didn't have any connection with the God in his heart.

At that time Father Phil realized that God does not exist, he can only rely on himself.

Ordinary clergy, if they get too involved in the drama, will collapse in nine out of ten, or will be willing to degenerate after discovering that the so-called belief is just a beautiful deception and lie.

As the saying goes, as deep as love is, there is as much bitterness as hatred.

But Father Phil didn't do that.

He still maintains that pure heart.

In the notes, he wrote so.

"God does not exist, but there is nothing wrong with faith. This is hope, dawn, and yearning for beauty. I will continue to move forward, rain or shine."

Look how high this quality is.

For this reason, Lin Mo thinks that Father Phil is a good man.

With no one to help him, Father Phil could only save himself.

He has set up a kind of insurance for himself.

That is to use the curse.

It can be said that Father Phil belongs to the pioneer of studying the world of nightmares.

And there are many achievements.

The other party solved many powerful nightmares in the third-level dreamland.

The crimes on the Wall of Sins, every piece of paper full of crimes, has a terrible nightmare behind it, Father Phil's forgiveness and redemption is a sharp weapon to disintegrate the nightmare.

He saved many people.

Killed a lot of horrible nightmares too.

But the evil will not disappear because of the death of the nightmare, so he is carrying more and more evil.

It's like constantly putting stones in the load.

Sooner or later it will crush him.

Father Phil knew that one day, once he was overwhelmed by sin, he would become an extremely terrifying existence.So he thought of a way to suppress the countless evils in his body by ringing the bell.

But that too can only be relief.

In the end he wanted someone to kill him.

As for suicide, Father Phil hadn't thought about it.

In their teachings, suicide is the greatest sin.

If he did that, the result would only be more terrifying, and the many evils would turn him into the most terrifying demon.

The person chosen by Father Phil is Sophia.

When he knew that Sophia contained a powerful evil, he knew that the only person who could kill him was Sophia.

He detected the extremely terrifying 'regret' curse in Sophia's heart.

This kind of power can dismantle the source of evil.

So he kept guiding Sofia.

Hopefully, after he loses his mind, Sophia can kill him.

Put an end to it all.

And Sophia also agreed, and they agreed that if Sophia found out that one day, the bell would no longer ring, it would mean that Father Phil had completely lost his mind.

At that time, Sophia needed to kill Father Phil.

Seeing this, Lin Mo felt that Father Phil also wanted to use this spirit of 'sacrifice' to elevate himself to a higher level.

It's just that Lin Mo was also curious, why he couldn't kill him in advance.

Anyway, I decided to sacrifice, why not a little earlier?

This is also described later in the notes.

It turned out that Father Phil had tried too.

But he discovered that when he has reason, he cannot be killed.

He also has an undead-like curse.

At this time, I want to focus on Father Phil's research on curses.

In Lin Mo's view, the other party is definitely a master in this area.

These curse research notes are extremely valuable even if they are taken to the Academy of Sciences. Anyway, after Lin Mo read them, his cognitive ability and level have improved to a higher level.

I said before how Father Phil suppressed evil.

He used a relatively simple, but very effective method.

That is pain.

When a person is drowsy, he can wake up by pinching himself.

Even if you are asleep, if you prick your body with a needle, you can wake up instantly.

This is the 'blessing' of pain to the spirit.

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