After becoming a shadow, they cannot speak, and they can only move in the light from now on. Once they fall into darkness, they will be imprisoned.

I feel desperate just thinking about it.

On the contrary, that terrifying two-dimensional nightmare can walk freely in the darkness.

On the contrary, the opponent cannot appear in the light.

This is what Lin Mo has observed so far.

There is no doubt that the nightmare in this two-dimensional space is extremely powerful, especially the opponent's attack method, which is almost unsolvable. After approaching, it will be directly crushed into a shadow in the two-dimensional world. Who would dare to approach it?

Lin Mo began to step back.

He had just observed that the area affected by the other party was only about three meters away, and as long as he didn't enter this area, he would not be affected.

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly saw the black hand that had disappeared just now stretched out from the darkness beside him.

Almost at the same time, another red balloon behind him exploded.

Lin Mo ran away without saying a word.

Those shadows were also in a panic, and hurriedly followed Lin Mo's shadow and fled.

The opponent attacked again just now, but Lin Mo's red balloons were enough, so he resisted again.

Otherwise, Lin Mo will definitely be caught by that black hand.

For the consequences of being caught, you can refer to the female ghost in red.

The other party was a nightmare, with a black handprint on his arm, and it was constantly being corroded. If the female ghost in red was not strong enough and had the ability to counteract the corrosion by eating, it would have been terrible.

The worst result, it is estimated that it will be pulled into the two-dimensional space by black hands, and crushed into a shadow.

Lin Mo didn't want to become a shadow.

Running between the second and third floors, Lin Mo heard the footsteps at the same frequency.

"The speed of that nightmare is not fast."

This is a very valuable discovery.

The almost unsolvable attack method, if combined with the terrifying mobility, then other people should stop playing and just lie down and admit defeat.

"And if it is compressed into a shadow, there are only living people or nightmares, and other dead objects will return to their original form after leaving the range of influence of that nightmare."

Lin Mo's mind turned at this moment, and this reasoning is the most reasonable.

Because those shadows did not return to their original state, but the other dead objects in the corridor did not change after the nightmare left.

"Try fire attack!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo immediately took out an alcohol bottle, then unscrewed the lid, rolled up a ball of gauze collected earlier and stuffed it in. After soaking it, it was a burning bottle.

Just ignite the gauze at the mouth of the bottle, and then throw it over, with a bang, there will be a sea of ​​flames.

Wait quietly.

The sound of footsteps slowly approached, and the stairs in front were also affected by an incomprehensible field, which was compressed into a two-dimensional plane.

Lin Mo checked the time, lit the gauze, and threw it over there.

What follows is an unbelievable scene.

The bottle hasn't landed yet, just like the pattern printed by an inkjet printer, it's printed directly on the wall.

It became a two-dimensional graphic painting.

The only difference is that the flame above is extinguished.

Apparently, this nightmare couldn't flatten the flames, only extinguish them.

One plan fails, continue to run down.

When he reached the first floor, Lin Mo was already quite pessimistic.

This nightmare is too powerful, within a range of three meters, it is pitch black, and anything that enters this area will be crushed into a flat surface.

In other words, this thing is immune to all physical attacks.

Lin Mo took out the paper figurine at this time.

He wanted to see if his paper figurine could copy the opponent's appearance and abilities.

Next, Lin Mo wanted to throw the paper figurine over, but he couldn't touch him at all. However, even after entering the two-dimensional realm, the paper figurine was not compressed.

In other words, the paper figurine itself is already two-dimensional, so it cannot be compressed a second time.

Obviously the paper man attack also failed.

Physical attacks do not work.

The flames can't get in either.

It cannot be damaged by magic attacks.

This is not cheating, it is simply a shameless trick.

It is conceivable that this guy will be a disaster no matter where he goes, so Lin Mo's previous A-level evaluation is not an exaggeration at all.

The only luck is that the opponent's movement speed is not particularly fast, and the two-dimensional field is not large, three meters in front, back, left, and right, which is a circle with a diameter of six meters.

By the way, this guy also has a black hand who is lurking around. If he is suspected of being caught, he can be dragged into the two-dimensional realm immediately.

Unless its own strength is strong enough.

For example, the female ghost in red, although she was caught once, she escaped.

"In this case, even if the combat team comes, there is no way." Lin Mo frowned.

He felt that he didn't know enough about this nightmare.

Lin Mo believes that there must be other characteristics of this nightmare that have not been discovered.Everything in the world is divided into two. During the training camp, Professor Ding gave a lecture.

Content is the two sides of things.

Nightmare itself is also a kind of thing, so it must follow this principle.

The so-called two-faced nature, the ancients said that it is heaven and earth, yin and yang, and right and wrong; in layman's terms, if there is a strong side, there must be a weak side.

This is the law.

The only question is whether they can discover the opponent's weakness.

Lin Mo understands the truth, but he still hasn't found a weakness.

At this moment, Lin Mo had already walked outside. Although it was dark outside, there was still some twilight, so it would not be completely dark.

In this way, the shadows that were originally trapped in the building can also leave on their own.

But they didn't leave, but gathered around Lin Mo's shadow.

"You're not leaving yet?"

Lin Mo asked.

It stands to reason that after escaping from a closed building, as long as there is light, these shadows can come and go freely, and there is no need to follow themselves.

All those shadows shook their heads in unison.

What do you mean?

not leaving?

Lin Mo was a little helpless. He was just doing good deeds, but he didn't intend to let these shadows follow him all the time. Wherever he went, there would be a lot of shadows behind him. Those who didn't know would be terrified.

On the first floor of the hospital in front, the space began to distort.

The nightmare was also chased down.

But the next moment, the other party disappeared instantly.

Lin Mo felt something strange behind him, so he turned around immediately.


Another red balloon popped.

Lin Mo is in a bad mood, and he has already exploded two of his kung fu for a while.Counting the fact that one exploded when encountering this nightmare at the very beginning, three red balloons were lost.

A balloon is a life.

In other words, Lin Mo would have died three times without the red balloon protection in this nightmare.

So angry.

Lin Mo has many means, but he can't use any of them.

This nightmare is immune to all physical attacks. If you throw a brick in the past, the brick will inevitably be pressed into a two-dimensional plan, and the tiger bone sickle is the same.Because this guy has no entity, the paper man can't complete the copy either.

If Xiaoyu is allowed to attack, if one is not careful, Xiaoyu may also become a shadow.

If something happens to Xiao Yu, Lin Mo will suffer a lot.

Just now this nightmare performed a 'transfer'.

From the darkness in front, to the shadows behind.

This corresponds to the description of the female ghost in red, this nightmare can travel freely in the dark.

Lin Mo realized the problem.

I can live now, on the one hand because of the red balloon, on the other hand, because he has the fire and the light source.

If you fight this guy in the dark, there is no chance of winning at all.

Next, Lin Mo still didn't give up, he was thinking about the weakness of this two-dimensional nightmare.

The red balloon popped again.

Now there are only three left.

If this continues, when the balloons are gone, Lin Mo may be dragged in directly and become a shadow.

"Two-dimensional, two-dimensional... with..."

Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

He thought of a way.

Chapter 0150

Lin Mo is now an official member of the Security Bureau expert group.

This is true.

But he actually has another identity.

A very crude game master.

The reason why he and he can be called "Lin Shen" is because he not only plays various games, but also likes to study, game background, logic and corresponding knowledge.

He remembered an old game called 'Infinite Corridor'.

That corridor is actually a peculiar two-dimensional map.Utilizing the particularity of the two-dimensional pattern, a pseudo-three-dimensional building is created, connected end to end, and walking on it will fall into an infinite loop. From a two-dimensional perspective, it is a 'prison' that cannot be walked out.

The gameplay in the game is to adjust the angle so that you can pass the level.

But it's not a game here.

Forget about angles, Lin Mo wondered, since this nightmare also lives in a two-dimensional world, if this guy is introduced into a two-dimensional map like an infinite corridor, can he be trapped?

Worth a try!

But Lin Mo needs to draw a corridor without an exit. There is no such condition right now, so what he can do is to hold back this nightmare and wait for the combat team to come in.

When the time comes, there will be more people and more strength. Maybe there will be capable people in the combat team who can solve this nightmare. If not, try the infinite corridor.

It's just that the difficulty of dealing with this terrifying nightmare can be imagined.

Ten minutes later, Lin Mo's balloon burst again.

Lin Mo was very distressed and scolded his mother angrily.

However, his understanding of this nightmare has gone a step further.

This is a life-by-life exchange.

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