The Chu family can be regarded as a bit rich, if you are willing to spend money, it is not difficult to buy some real information.

Lin Mo looked up at Papa Chu, who was begging in his eyes, and Mama Chu was holding her clothes with excited hands, as if she wanted to speak but dared not speak.

In this case, Lin Mo can't make it up anymore.


Stop pretending, I have a showdown!

Father Chu obviously came prepared this time, no wonder there has been no movement for the past few days, no matter how foolish he is, he can't justify it.

That being the case, it is better to admit it readily.

I was pretending before, just because I was afraid that the other party would not be able to accept this matter if I told the truth, but now it seems that it is cruel to lie and hide it.

Seeing Lin Mo's confession, Mother Chu burst into tears, covering her mouth with her hands and weeping silently; Father Chu also had trembling lips, and after holding back for a long time, he said, "Take me to see her."

"No!" Lin Mo directly refused.

What a joke.

If he really brought the two of them into the nightmare world, Xiao Yu would definitely turn against him.

Lin Mo already knew this girl's temperament very well. Maybe she was a kind and innocent girl when she was alive, but after death, she was completely replaced by resentment.

The first time they met, Xiao Yu was about to kill herself.

If it weren't for Lao Bai's protection at that time, Lin Mo would have been cold.

Later, by chance, Lin Mo also used her parents' relationship to get closer to her heart, but Lin Mo also knew that Xiao Yu's biggest resistance was her parents.

If I bring these two into the nightmare world, it means that I will face danger every day after falling asleep, and Xiao Yu will definitely not be happy.

This is one of them.

The second is that once she really did this, Xiao Yu would not be able to run around with her, she must be protecting her parents at all times.

It is equivalent to losing a powerful support.

So in a short time, or in other words, as long as it is not forced, Lin Mo will never bring Chu's father and Chu's mother in.

It's another story to expand the projection area in the future.

Certainly not now.

So he refused very simply.

"If you don't help me, I can figure it out myself." Dad Chu was obviously eager to miss her, and at this moment, he was a little bit ignorant.

Chu's mother is still awake, and at this time she is trying to persuade Chu's father not to be so impulsive.

"I don't care, I must see Xiao Yu, I can't leave her alone..." Father Chu was emotional.

Lin Mo thought for a while, he knew that this matter was reasonable and he had to persuade him, and he had to take care of it.

No matter how many times of crisis, Xiao Yu stepped forward. If this matter is not handled well, Lin Mo will feel that he is useless.

"Uncle and aunt, don't get excited, listen to me first."

Lin Mo comforted the other party first, and when the other party's mood stabilized a little, he selectively talked about Xiao Yu's situation in the nightmare world.

"People who have died will be reborn in the nightmare world because of the fear of others. Of course, it will be in the form of a nightmare. Xiao Yu and I also met in that crazy world..."

Lin Mo picked the key points and said.

The point is, dangerous, hopeless and horrific mortality.

"How terrifying is the nightmare world? It may be ten times more serious than what I just said. Uncles and aunts, if you are really allowed to go, let alone me, even Xiaoyu will not agree. Do you have the heart to let her worry about you again?"

After Lin Mo said this, Father Chu fell silent.

He wanted to see his daughter, but if it caused trouble and burden to her daughter, then he would rather wrong himself.

Chapter 0128 The Training Camp Begins

Anyway, Lin Mo persuaded Chu's father and Chu's mother.

It happened to be lunch time, Chu Yu's parents refused to let Lin Mo go, so they forced him to eat a regular meal.Asking this and that at the dinner table, Lin Mo also picked what he could say, and after the meal was over, Lin Mo finally said goodbye and left.

Xiaoyu's parents are temporarily stable.

Even if it encounters a catastrophe at the level of doomsday, the law and order in Migratory Bird City will not be a problem, but we must be careful.Lin Mo made a phone call outside and arranged for several members of the action team to guard here in shifts day and night.

The main thing is to ensure that Xiaoyu's parents can't have an accident.

In other words, if there is a pollution incident, bring people to the security bureau as soon as possible.

Tomorrow Lin Mo will go to the General Administration to participate in the latest batch of alternate expert training, so he has to arrange a lot of things before he leaves.

Not only Xiao Yu's parents, but Lin Mo also had to worry about the parents and family members of the children in the little red dress.

If you don't have the ability, that's fine, but now Lin Mo has this ability.

He only needs a phone call, not only the power of Migratory Bird City, but also the police force in other places can be mobilized within a certain range.

This is the power given by the General Administration.

If it is a formal expert, then the power is even greater.

At the Migratory Bird Base, Maomao has already been able to take charge of it alone. Her process has not yet been completed, but it should be completed within a few days. At that time, Maomao will also be an alternate expert.

But it's too late for this batch of training, and we can only wait for the next wave.

In addition to Mao Mao, Officer Jiang Ming's strength has also improved a lot.

Of course, the source of this kind of strength lies in the female ghost in the well. The strength of this nightmare is not weak, even if Mao Mao fights alone, there is no chance of winning.

Strictly speaking, apart from Lin Mo, Officer Jiang Ming ranked second in terms of combat effectiveness.

Team Leader Liu got along very well with the bald man, and they became very good wine and meat friends. The bald man is fierce and murderous, and Team Leader Liu has also learned a lot.

In addition, Team Leader Liu is already good at grasping and fighting, so if you give him a powerful knife, even without the power of Nightmare, Team Leader Liu is still a mighty general.

Several other action team members also made rapid progress.

Of course, Lin Mo is only responsible for the initial training, and when he participates in the training camp, things here have nothing to do with him.

As for Fatty, he didn't seem to have made much progress, but in fact he took the widest path.

This guy really learned from himself, dragging the heaviest butcher knife, and ran to make friends with other nightmares.

The opening is 'Lin Mo is my brother', "Let's make friends".

Not to mention, in a few days, there were really a few nightmares who got along well with him.


It was the first time for Lin Mo to take a special plane.

Military transport aircraft.

In the afternoon, a special car took Lin Mo to a military base hundreds of miles away. After waiting for two hours, he and several other alternate experts picked up from other places went to the fourth base of the General Administration.

These are what Dr. Song said.

Lin Mo had seen this female doctor before. She was in charge of registering and collecting samples for testing during the Luyuan community incident, and she hadn't seen her since.

Did not expect to meet here.

The other party is a scientific researcher from the Research Institute of the General Administration, this time responsible for monitoring the health status of the candidate experts for training, including physical and mental.

"I have a questionnaire here, please fill it out." Dr. Song was still wearing a white coat and glasses, intellectual and elegant.

Lin Mo greeted her, and the latter nodded in response.

I remember the last time Dr. Song swore that the nightmare was just something formed by fear and had nothing to do with the dead or the soul.

But it is said that in the internal journal of the General Administration the next day, a very powerful researcher wrote an analysis report, proving the connection between the deceased and the nightmare.

This is a slap in the face.

But because he didn't see Dr. Song afterwards, Lin Mo didn't know if she would blush.

Looking at it now, it is estimated that people have long forgotten.

The questionnaire consists of [-] questions, multiple choice or single choice, no answers are marked, and it is completely based on one's own understanding.

After Lin Mo finished filling out the paper, he had nothing to do and closed his eyes to rest.Military transport planes are not as polite as ordinary civilian ones. They are very noisy and bumpy, and can spit out overnight meals. People who have not been trained really can't get used to it for the first time.

"You said, where is the fourth base of the General Administration?" A person next to him probably had nothing to do, and asked in a low voice.

Everyone came from all over the world, and they didn't know each other before. At the beginning, no one said anything, and they seemed deserted. Now someone started, and the chatterbox opened.

"I heard that the fourth base is only a code name, and the real location is also a secret. We understand this, but I think that if this kind of large transport aircraft goes there, the distance will be at least more than [-] kilometers." A middle-aged man said.

It makes sense.

If it is a short distance, there is no need to take this kind of transport plane at all.

"In addition, have you noticed that there are still some supplies in the cabin, so the fourth base must be in the deep mountains and old forests."

Lin Mo nodded when he heard this.

It's reliable.

Needless to say, these people are all candidate experts like me. Some are young in their early twenties, and some are older than fifty. The span is a bit wide, but they are all smart people.

Otherwise, it is impossible to become an alternate expert.

At the moment, they are all chatting about some irrelevant issues. As for their respective abilities and means, no one mentions them, and no one asks them indiscriminately.

Some things are secrets and cannot be known to outsiders, let alone people who are not familiar with them.

To be honest, this road is very boring.

Lin Mo didn't make a sound after chatting nonsense for a few words, and just listened to others chatting.

Of course he won't fall asleep.

Now even ordinary people are very cautious about sleeping, let alone an expert like Lin Mo.

He fell asleep now, and would inevitably enter the nightmare world.

The rule of entering the nightmare world is to enter the position of the last projection area (if it is the first time you enter, it is the position corresponding to the projection area in the current real world), if the position in the real world is far away from the previous projection area, then you will enter the nearest projection area.

Falling asleep on this plane, Lin Mo is not sure which projection area he will enter, so this kind of thing is taboo.

There are eleven alternate experts in the cabin, but obviously, this is certainly not the whole of this training camp.

More than two hours later, the plane landed in a valley between mountains.

There are airports and buildings here.

As the candidate expert expected, this place is absolutely remote, and it is in the remote mountains and old forests with no one inhabited.

Get off the plane with your luggage.

You can see soldiers with guns guarding around. Except for the leader, no one else speaks, and they get on the car quietly all the way.

After driving on the mountain road for more than an hour, they stopped again and arrived at a large base surrounded by barbed wire.

The sign at the entrance says.

The words 'Fourth Base of the Special Security Service'.

As the vehicle drove in, soldiers with guns immediately set up roadblocks. Even in the deep mountains and old forests, the vigilance was not relaxed at all.

After Lin Mo observed this, he couldn't help becoming serious.

The level of this place is much higher than the migratory bird base.

Chapter 0129 Ratings Matter

There are more candidate experts participating in this training camp than Lin Mo thought.

At this moment, the large conference room is full of seats. According to visual estimation, there must be hundreds of people.

Next up is the meeting.

However, the content of the talk is dry goods, and I will definitely not fall asleep. On the contrary, everyone listens very seriously.

Talk about the current situation, both domestically and abroad.

Talk about the overall strategy and the next goal.

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