Why don't we go now and release Old Cui again, saying I'm sorry, I was wrong, and we can still be good friends?


That guy, Old Cui, will take revenge. It is impossible to pretend that nothing happened. After all, there is no turning back.Right now, he can only go on like this, and this is what annoys Judge Lu the most.

Besides, he has won the judge's seal, and now he is in power, how can he spit out something that has already been eaten?

Gradually, Judge Lu calmed down from his rage.

"Lin Yuan, at the very beginning, saw that I was ambitious, so he took the initiative to contact me and help me get what I wanted. He made such a plan, not because of his younger brother. Indeed, you, Lin Yuan, are hard for me to catch, but your younger brother is No such ability. When I catch this Lin Mo, I'll see if you give in or not."

Judge Lu also found a breakthrough.

Old Wei and Zhong Kui will definitely come to Xingshi to inquire about their crimes. At that time, the underworld will be in chaos. Although Judge Lu has great power, he also needs powerful helpers.

Lin Yuan is the sharpest knife.

After arresting Lin Mo, he is not afraid that the other party will not accept his softness.

At this time, there was movement outside, Judge Lu raised his hand, and the closed entrance of the hall reopened, and then a gloomy ghost official chained a green skin ghost, and walked in.

The green-skinned ghost was trembling with fright, and knelt down to beg for mercy after entering.

Judge Lu asked what was going on.

The ghost official looked up and was stunned.

"Lord Lu, why are you here? Where is Judge Cui?"

Judge Lu didn't talk nonsense, he picked up the judge's seal and shook it.

"From today onwards, I will take over the post of magistrate, and report to me all matters of the underworld."

Seeing the judge's seal, even though the ghost official was puzzled, he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Judge Lu is extremely majestic at this moment, with murderous aura surging, and it would be uncomfortable to ask again.

In fact, since Judge Lu has been planning for a long time, he naturally prepared a group of his own people, but he has not had time to place them in the main positions.

It takes time.

Then the ghost official told the situation of the green-skinned ghost, that the other party actually sneaked into the ghost prison to find out the name of 'Lin Yuan'.

And there is a terrifying ghost hiding in his body.

It's just that after being discovered, the ghost escaped alone, leaving only the old green skin ghost.

"Who told you to inquire about Lin Yuan's name? Do you know Lin Yuan?"

Judge Lu asked a question.

The green-skinned ghost below said that he didn't know him, and then described the person who ordered it to come.

Judge Lu heard the movement in his heart, and immediately found a wronged soul, and made the wronged soul transform into the appearance of Lin Yuan.

"Is it him?"

The green-skinned ghost glanced at it, then nodded hastily: "Yes, that's him."

Obviously this couldn't be Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan wouldn't be idle and arrange for a blue-skinned ghost to find him.

That is Lin Mo.

definitely is!

Judge Lu was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo also came.

Didn't this come from looking for death?

He immediately ordered the closure of the underworld, only allowed to enter but not to exit.

He figured it out, as long as Lin Mo is caught, Lin Yuan can only help him, and when the time comes to get rid of Old Wei and Zhong Kui together, no one can threaten him anymore.

As for the higher-level 'King of Hades', this existence has never appeared before.

Or maybe it doesn't exist at all.

Otherwise, when Old Cui drove the three of them out and monopolized the power, why didn't the 'King of Hades' come out to interfere?

Why fear something that doesn't exist?

Chapter 0973 make up a curse

The mountains are undulating, the ridges are connected, the snow is covered, and there are strong winds.

The environment is extremely harsh.

At this moment, Lin Mo and his rebel ghost army are hiding in a gap in the mountain wall to avoid the wind and snow.

Everyone is very obedient, if Lin Mo doesn't let them go out, they won't go out.

Along the way, all the ghosts who didn't understand discipline were eliminated, and the ones who remained were obedient 'elites'.

And the number has not decreased but increased.

The main reason is that I found more than 100 ghosts who had been hiding here for an unknown period of time in a crack in the previous mountain.

The bodies of these ghosts have been frozen, and even the flesh and blood have been fused with the ice crystals.

Lin Mo called them ice ghosts.

These ice ghosts are very strong. After all, being able to walk all the way from the ghost path to this point already shows their strength.

But unfortunately, it stops there.

They are frozen here.

I can't die, and I can't live well.

Enduring the never-ending cold, but their luck began to appear today.

Because I met Lin Mo and his gang.

Help them get out of the ice crystals, at least they can move by themselves.

Anyway, Lin Mo and the others dug out more than 100 ice ghosts, and there may be more in the deeper places below, but they can't be dug out, and accidents are prone to happen.

Once the top ice breaks and falls, everyone will be buried underneath.

The rescued soldier ghosts were being approached one by one by the clones of the old ghost at this moment, and they still asked whether they should rebel.

If the answer is made, it is a brother.

If the answer is no, then start the persuasion mode. The old ghost's brainwashing methods are much stronger than Lin Mo's. After a while, he can convince the other party.

How did the team grow along the way?

That's it.

The ghost general held a knife and guarded around Lin Mo.

Lin Mo saved a lot of trouble this way, Wen Yougui, Wu Yougui General.

Most of the problems can be solved.

There are too many ghosts, and those with strong abilities have also been excavated. It can be said that there are so many ghosts in the team now, and anyone who comes out can be alone.

Several powerful ice ghosts were brought over.

The old ghost asked them to demonstrate that they could freeze any object in an instant by grabbing it with both hands.

The effect is the same as acupuncture.

If you touch it, you won't be able to move.

"With this elite team joining, our great cause can be expected." The old ghost was very excited at the moment, Lin Mo whispered to the other party, don't make big cakes here, I can hear it all the way cocoons.

The old ghost is right, you are the master, and it is appropriate to say this to the people below.

It was very snowy outside.

Lin Mo ordered to rest here temporarily.

Although it is cold here, if you are outside, you will be blown to the bottom of the cliff by the wind if you are not careful.

At that time, it will be called every day and the ground will not work.

Or stay away from the wind.

Lin Mo chatted with the old ghost.

During his journey, what he likes most is chatting with the old ghost. This old ghost really knows a lot.

Chatting with each other can increase knowledge.

This time when Lin Mo asked the old ghost, they all said that there was a King of Hades in the underworld, so who has seen it?

The old ghost said that it had never seen it anyway.

Lin Mo said, since everyone said yes, it is likely to be true.

"If this is the case, the future of this rebellion is not clear."

"You can't say that."

When the old ghost heard that the lord had actually shaken the morale of the army, he hurriedly retorted.

"The King of Hades is nothing special. As the saying goes, princes and generals are kind, and King Hades is also a king. Since it is the throne, what can he do, others can't?"

After finishing speaking, encourage everyone to say, the master can do it.

When the time comes to break through the underworld, the lord will become the king of Hades, and everyone will enjoy the blessings.

Not to mention, the old ghost's cake painting is really delicious, and even Lin Mo sounds a little like it.

At this time, Lin Mo smelled a special breath.

It seems to be some kind of curse source.

It was the first time he had noticed the source of the curse when he came to this vaginal underworld.

Considering that there are still a few empty positions for curses on the yellow paper, it is better to fill them in here.

At that time, the strength can be raised to another level.

Anyway, I can't get out now, and waiting is waiting.

"Ghost general, follow me down to have a look."

Lin Mo got up.

Now General Ghost is his personal bodyguard, and his strength is really strong. Right now, Sister Yue is not around, only Xiao Yu and Xi Wenjun Lin Mo feel that it is not enough.

Now adding a ghost general can be regarded as a temporary substitute for Sister Yue's position.

And along the way, Xiao Yu and Xi Wenjun seldom have the chance to play, and most of the cases can be solved by General Ghost.

Climbing down the narrow gap, you can see ice everywhere, and there are some ghosts sealed deep in the ice.

But digging them out was expensive, so Lin Mo didn't bother.

It is more cost-effective to find the source of the curse that exists here.

Probably climbed down tens of meters.

It was dark and cold.

Lin Mo didn't pay attention, slipped and fell directly.

There was ice under him, and Lin Mo's heart skipped a beat as he slid down the road quickly.He knew that the cracks in this kind of mountain range often have a huge difference in height in some areas. If you accidentally fall down, it will be as difficult to climb up again.

He began to reach out and grab something next to him, trying to grab some raised things to stabilize his body.

but no.

Occasionally grabs a raised slab of ice, but unable to bear the weight of his slide, often snaps off.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu shot in time.

A few cursed iron chains flew out and entangled some strength points around, which allowed Lin Mo to stabilize his figure and did not continue to slide down.

It was pitch black all around, and there was no light at all.

Lin Mo looked up, but there was no movement above his head.

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