
After about ten minutes, the wind began to weaken.

In the end there was no threat.

Lin Mo quickened his pace.

He didn't want to wait for the next cycle to blow.

Who knows if the wind power will increase by then.

Fortunately, until he threw out this clean valley, the strong wind did not blow again.

It was passed.

Lin Mo came over, and the group of ghosts following him also followed.There are quite a few more, maybe seventy or eighty.

There is a large piece of black.

Wherever Lin Mo goes next, they will go.

Lin Mo was curious, he stopped, and the large group of ghosts also stopped.

"What are you doing with me?"

Lin Mo asked.

No one answered.

"Squat down." Lin Mo remembered that these ghosts were quite obedient before, so he said something on a whim.

In the end, I never thought that these ghosts really squatted down.

It's kind of interesting.

Lin Mo made them stand up.

They all stood up.

"Line up, in four rows."

Lin Mo wants to try again to see if these ghosts are really so obedient.

As soon as the words fell, the group of ghosts really lined up, forming four rows.

Standing quite straight.

"In a row."

Lin Mo is addicted to playing.

As a result, it really lined up.

This has confirmed that Lin Mo's order is effective.

"Could it be that because you brought them out of the maze, you plan to follow me in the future?"

Lin Mo guessed wildly.

But the possibility is really high.

It can be said that if there is no Lin Mo, the brains of these guys may not be able to get out of the maze until now.

It's like saying that you can get out of it only when you meet Lin Mo.

To put it more bluntly.

Lin Mo is their savior.

You said that you obeyed Lin Mo's orders in order to repay your kindness. This logic obviously makes sense.But is this really the case?

Because there is another possibility.

Perhaps these ghosts know that only they can lead them to escape from this terrifying place.

That's why they cooperate like this.

Then Lin Mo walked in front, followed by more than 80 ghosts in line, and the scene was quite spectacular and shocking.

A river appeared ahead.

very wide.

From here to the other side, at least there are more than 100 meters.

Maybe a little wider, there are three to 400 meters.

But this river is not deep.

Lin Mo tried it, which was less than one meter, and the deepest was at the thigh, and on average, it was at the knee.

There is no bridge or boat here, so it seems that we can only wade across the river.

Wading and crossing the river is nothing special, and there is no danger at this depth, so I just walked away.

Lin Mo walked in front, and then said to the group of ghosts behind him: "Now let's cross the river, remember, it's almost the same as before, pulling one by one, we don't pursue speed, safety first."

After speaking, Lin Mo still walked ahead.

The river was icy cold, even wearing pants and shoes, still couldn't resist the cold.

After a while, Lin Mo lost feeling in both legs.

The ghosts behind were as obedient as ever, and now they crossed the river hand in hand, protecting each other.

It was about to reach the other side, and suddenly an accident happened.

One of the many criminals seemed to be caught by something, and was suddenly dragged down, about to be dragged into the river.

At this moment, the surrounding ghosts helped immediately, and dragged out the ghost who was almost swallowed by the river.

But it's like pulling out a carrot with mud.

There is something lying on the criminal's feet at the moment.

It seems to be a person.

Also like a giant toad.

Chapter 0970 Brother, are you rebelling?

At some point, the originally clear river water suddenly became turbid, and there were dark shadows swimming below.

But the problem is, the river is not deep.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to really be dragged in.

But the previous ghost was indeed dragged in. If it wasn't for the help of the surrounding ghosts to pull it out, the other party probably wouldn't be able to get out.

And that giant toad.

The yin energy on his body was heavier than that of a ghost. Lin Mo looked at it and thought it should be some kind of water ghost.

This river is obviously not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Lin Mo even suspected that the water ghost below was turned into a ghost criminal who was dragged into the river in the past years.

How would a normal person treat such a toad-like water ghost?

Lin Mo didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

Anyway, he was going to take the toad away.

For nothing else, I just find it very novel. When have you ever seen a toad as big as a person?

He still had the shackles in his hands, which happened to be locked, and let those obedient ghost brothers lead him.

Toad didn't expect it to be like this, and was stunned at first, then struggled crazily, trying to run, plunged into the river, and was finally pulled out mercilessly.

Then it started croaking.

Several criminals wanted to go up and cover the toad's mouth, but Lin Mo stopped them.

"Let it shout."

There are more and more black shadows in the surrounding river.

It is estimated that they were all summoned by this call.

Lin Mo felt something grabbing his feet.

But he reacts faster.

As soon as he lifted his foot, he pulled up the thing below, good guy, it was a hairy crab the size of a millstone.

The most frightening thing is that the claws of this crab look like human hands.

It looks extremely inconsistent.

This is also a water ghost. He wanted to drag Lin Mo into the water, but he was dragged out.

They were also locked up, and the other ghosts were also attacked, but because they helped each other, none of the ghosts were dragged into the river. Instead, they caught a lot of "river fish" in this way.

When they waded through this river, they would either lead toad crabs, or hug fathead fish and river prawns, and they would definitely return with a full reward.

The 'Hexian' started to howl, those who couldn't speak just yelled, those who could talk were begging for mercy, and said they wouldn't dare anymore, please put us back quickly, okay?

And so on, the ears of the listeners are all messed up.

Lin Mo responded uniformly to this, saying that meeting is fate, and after finally catching you, how could it be so easy to put them back.

He also said let's go, go out with us, what's the matter with living in this small river.

"Being a ghost, you must also yearn for poetry and the distance, a little bit of pursuit, okay?"

After finishing speaking, those who didn't understand were confused; those who understood were full of obscenities.

But out of the water, even sharks have to kneel. On land, how can these rivers compare to these strong criminals, they are useless except for scolding.

Keep going.

From the beginning Lin Mo was still a little apprehensive, but now, he feels that this ghost path is just that.

He just wanted to speed up, pass through earlier, and enter the real ghost prison.

Let's see what happened next, whether it has anything to do with Sister Yue, and whether I can find my brother.

As a result, as he walked, he found that the team behind him seemed to have increased again.

Lin Mo didn't count before, thinking that it was just a temporary partnership, and they would have to break up after a while.

Later, I found out that these ghost criminals actually listened to me, and they were able to order and stop them. This also allowed them to pass the section of the ghost river smoothly.

In addition to the Hexian who was arrested, there seemed to be a lot more.

The total number has exceeded 100, and if you count the seafood, it will be even more.

This also seems to be a very powerful force.

If it is used properly, it will also explode with extremely strong combat effectiveness, and even affect some situations.

Of course, this is Lin Mo's own thought.

After having this idea, Lin Mo looked at the group of ghosts behind him, and he had more thoughts in his mind.

A team without belief is a mess. Since you want to unite these ghosts and let them play a role, you must do your ideological work well.

So Lin Mo stopped specifically, found a high platform, ordered all the ghosts to come over, and then borrowed the curse of "bewitching" to speak (brainwash) these ghosts.

After you finish speaking, whether it works or not, move on.

It has been more than two hours since he stepped into the ghost path, and Lin Mo has already felt the special features of this ghost path. Indeed, as an ordinary ghost prisoner, he will suffer no less when he goes down the line. Yu was tortured in a ghost prison.

Lin Mo suspects that going to the ghost path itself is a kind of punishment.

Every time he walks a distance, Lin Mo will speak to all the ghosts.

Unify thinking and deepen understanding.

Bewitching and cursing Lin Mo has become more and more familiar with it. As for what to say, first ask, do you want to get out of the ghost way?

The answer is no need to ask, I want to.

Then Lin Mo asked, do you know why you couldn't go out before?

Most of them are silent, and those who can speak are also chattering, and the reasons are cumbersome.

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