Equipment Requirements: Level 20, Rune Summoner

Effect 1: Increase the wearer's overall attributes by 1 point, and increase the overall attributes of the beasts within 50 meters around the wearer by 1 point

Effect 2: Damage sharing (can share the damage received by the wearer or its beast, sharing the damage reduction of both parties by 20.00%)

Effect 3: Passive sharing (the wearer can designate a passive buff of himself or his own beast, shared by all)...

It is another divine soldier talisman of excellent quality.

When Wu Wei put it on, he already had 3 divine weapon talismans of excellent quality on his body.

The equipment is gorgeous, and it is an existence that Wu Wei never dared to think of in his dreams before.

And this is his first piece of professional equipment. The attributes of this equipment are not to say that it is extremely powerful, but at least it is quite satisfactory.

The added attribute points are not too many, if there are two effects.

The second is to divide the beating that was originally suffered by one person into two people, reducing the damage by 20%.

This effect is very useful sometimes, and it can save lives if used well.

And the third is being able to share a passive.

Wu Wei took a look, he, Ah Huang, and the elf had one person and two beasts, and it seemed that the elf had a [Earth Nourish] passive.

As long as you stay within 10 meters of the ground, you can continuously recover your aura.

This passivity is enough, Wu Wei directly shared this passivity.

Then, Wu Wei felt the continuous breath of the earth influencing him.

Well, the breath of Mother Earth is quite earthy, but the effect is very good, Wu Wei feels that his aura is constantly recovering.

What's more, with their contribution, Wu Wei immediately flashed a golden finger reminder in front of him.

[Your second original clay elf princess's skill [Earth Nourishment] has been upgraded, and the current level is 1 star! 】

Immediately, Mother Earth's 'love' for them became deeper.

And while Wu Wei and the others were immersed in the deep "love" of Mother Earth, the arrow that had been upgrading since killing Augus finally burst into bright light...

Chapter 116 Upgrade of Divine Armament Talisman

[Miracle in Failure] The light came on, and Wu Wei's attention was immediately attracted.

Then, Wu Wei who turned his head saw that the arrow changed rapidly.

The arrow became sharper, and circles of mysterious runes began to appear on the body of the arrow,

These runes flashed away, and quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the golden finger reminder sounded.

[Your magic weapon [miracle in failure] has successfully transformed, its quality has changed, and the current quality is excellent! 】

Seeing this cheat tip, Wu Wei was pleasantly surprised.

That arrow not only improved in quality, but also jumped from high quality to excellent level in one breath, completing a double jump.

Of course, thinking back on the black streamer and soul it devoured, Wu Wei wouldn't be surprised by its double jump at all.

Holding up the arrow with his hands, he narrowed his eyes to see the properties of the arrow.


Magic Talisman: A Miracle in Failure

Excellent quality

Owner: Wu Wei

Level: 21

Effect 1: Automatic return, automatic recovery (no matter how badly you are hit, you can recover slowly)

Effect 2: Soul Looting [0/100]

Effect 3: The attack power is the user's strength plus 45

Effect 4: Huge blow (triggered with a certain probability when attacking)

Effect 5: Additional skill [Arrow of Death]


This attribute can be regarded as the most gorgeous magic weapon talisman among the attributes that Wu Wei has seen so far.

There are a total of 5 magic spell effects.

To be precise, there should be six types. The first type can be divided into two types.

Looking at the current attributes of this arrow, Wu Wei finally felt that his investment in the arrow was fully worth it.

Especially when he saw that the arrow had an owner.

Wu Wei knew clearly that he had made a lot of money.

This arrow must have a huge room for further improvement, and it definitely has the hope of becoming a magic weapon of perfect quality.

Because according to Wu Wei's knowledge, only a very small number of perfect quality Divine Weapon Talismans have the function of identifying the master.

Looking at it the other way around, wouldn't it be normal for an arrow with this quality to reach perfection?

Taking a step back, even if it has not been able to reach the perfect quality, its current attributes alone are already very powerful.

At least, Wu Wei himself is very satisfied.

In short, this wave of undead natural disaster dungeon, he Wu Wei earned blood.

While Wu Wei was rejoicing, the golden finger reminder sounded again.

[The dungeon challenge is over, you will leave the dungeon in three seconds! 】

"No, stop now!"

Wu Wei didn't realize until he saw this system prompt that although he made blood money this time, it seemed that he came in to avoid Hu Kaiyun.

Although he had been hiding for several days, Wu Wei started to panic again when he was about to go out.

After all, he wasn't sure if his teacher had calmed down, what if he hadn't calmed down?

"Can I stay a little longer?"

Unfortunately, no!

[Three, two, one! 】

Goldfinger reminded the countdown to indifference, and the moment the time reached zero, Wu Wei felt his eyes spinning, and he only had time to put Ah Huang and the elf back into the book of runes.

In the next second, Wu Wei left the dungeon world and appeared in the dungeon hall of Yuehua City.

Just as Wu Wei put his feet on the ground, he immediately saw Hu Kaiyun's slightly dull face in front of him, so close!

Even though this face was good enough to fight, it still shocked Wu Wei a lot.

He retreated subconsciously, but as soon as he retreated, Wu Wei directly crashed into a broad chest.

At the same time, the one who was hit quickly came back to his senses.

The surprise on his face also turned into a warm smile in an instant. Not only did he not push Wu Wei away, but he stretched out his hand to hold Wu Wei, and at the same time looked at Hu Kaiyun.

"Old senior sister, this is your precious disciple, right?

This has just reached the second level, and he was able to pass the level of [Undead Scourge] by himself, and he still cleared the level with sss-level results. This kid is very good! "

(Old woman, did you cheat on him? Did you cheat on him? Otherwise, how could he, a child with no hair at all, be able to pass the level of undead natural disasters and get an sss-level evaluation!)

This opening of the mouth directly lit up countless swords, lights and swords, but Wu Wei didn't react.

On the one hand, he was still dazed, and on the other hand, the other party quickly looked at him again: "Little guy, let me introduce myself, I am your teacher's elementary school girl, a professor of arrays from Yueyin College.

You can call me Sister Cao, a little thing is a gift for you! "

(Surprised or not, do you think my wife is extremely generous? I will not say that this thing was lost by my mother! My heart is actually very distressed!)

As she spoke, she gave Wu Weisai a disc with great difficulty.

As soon as Wu Wei took over, his whole body went numb.


Divine Weapon Props: Blank Formation Disk

Excellent quality

Level: 21

Effect: It can burn two formations inside, which can be activated at any time when needed.

Blank array bit 1, blank array bit 2.


Come up and send this kind of props of excellent quality.

Who is this woman?Not only is he broad-minded, but he also has such a bold shot.

Wu Wei smelled the familiar fragrance of Ruanfan from her body.

At the same time, Wu Wei felt the danger of this mouthful of food even more.

The gaze on the other side almost pierced him!

Wu Wei realized something was wrong in an instant, and hurriedly handed back the [blank formation plate] to Cao Fen respectfully: "Although the elders don't dare to resign, after all, you don't get paid for nothing. Aunt Cao, take it back!"

As soon as these words came out, Cao Fen frowned immediately: "What did you call me?"

(Boy, are you courting death?)

Wu Wei was neither humble nor overbearing: "Professor Cao is an elder, Wu Wei dare not call my sister so presumptuous, but you are my teacher's younger sister, Wu Wei didn't want to call the professor to look bad, Gu called auntie.

If Wu Wei makes a mistake, Wu Wei will correct it immediately! "

At this time, Hu Kaiyun, who had sharp eyes, suddenly became gentle, and said with a smile: "No need to change, Auntie is very nice and kind!"

(It’s better to add an old word, old aunt!)

"Also, you can put away the formation board she gave you. It's not for nothing. Just now, your Aunt Cao said that if you can clear the fifth wave, she will give you a reward."

(Here, you won this thing! Not many chances of knocking something off this stingy guy!)

At this time, Hu Kaiyun finally felt elated, feeling refreshed.

Wu Wei heard the teacher's emotions, and happily put away the things, and at the same time did not forget to salute Cao Fen: "Thank you, Auntie Cao!"

"You're welcome, my sister only hopes that it can help you grow up in the future and inspire you to grow!"

(You are only an aunt, your whole family are old aunts!

That's what I said, look back at how you sell this thing, if you dare to sell it, your old lady will knock your head crooked in minutes.

Just keep it as a decoration for me honestly! )

Wu Wei didn't hear so many words, and thanked again happily holding the rune formation: "Thank you, Aunt Cao, to tell you the truth, Wu Wei still has some research on the rune formation. Give me just enough to come in handy!"

"Really? Then you can burn the rune circle here, and I happen to be here, and I can help you if you need anything!"

(Blow, if you blow to my old lady, my face will be distorted by you!)


Wu Wei was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Hu Kaiyun behind him.

"What are you looking at me for? Since your Aunt Cao asked you to engrave it, you can engrave it!

You are a rune master, and the level of formation is normal. It is much better to have her working than you alone! "

(Don't look at me, I can't hold it anymore, she even handed over her face, you hurry up and give me a slap, slap it hard!)

This time, Wu Wei understood. After all, he is a teacher who has been with him day and night for more than half a month. He still knows his teacher's temper.

I know what Hu Kaiyun asked him to do.

But this time Cao Fen didn't understand.

She thought that Hu Kaiyun was trying to excuse Wu Wei early, and the corner of her mouth raised, thinking that she had finally found a chance to win the game, she immediately smiled lightly and said, "Yes, with your Aunt Cao here, you can come here with confidence!"

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