Ah Huang put the knife on the guy's neck.

In an instant, this guy who attacked Wu Wei was killed by Wu Wei in an instant.

In this scene, not only the talisman warrior was stunned, but also the four teammates he pretended to be dead were also stunned.

This script is different from what they thought!

According to their script, at this time they pretend to be 'salvation' people who want to kill and silence.

The talisman fighter should take down Wu Wei with this blow, and then interrogate Wu Wei in various ways.

As a result, as soon as the script was launched, the repertoire was crooked.

What to do now?

And while the four were in a daze, Wu Wei's reaction was quite quick!


In the next second, before the four of them could react, Wu Wei pulled the talisman warrior who attacked him, turned around and ran away.

At the same time, Wu Wei activated the distress signal that came with his [Yuehua City Token].

Not only that, Wu Wei also shot the exquisite [torch talisman] into the sky, making the torch talisman emit an incomparably bright light.

While doing this, Wu Wei also called Jiang Li immediately.

Jiang Li answered the phone very quickly, but because Wu Wei didn't call her at the stipulated time, her tone was quite cold: "I'll give you 30 seconds to answer..."

"I drew a boutique-quality [torch talisman]!"

Wu Wei obviously knew what to say at this moment, before Jiang Li finished speaking, Wu Wei threw this sentence away.

After these words were thrown away, the other side fell into a brief silence, and Wu Wei could even hear the sudden heavy breathing on the other side.

From that breath, Wu Wei can roughly understand her mood at this time.

It shouldn't be very calm, but she quickly regained her calm: "Where are you?"

"I'm currently in the crocodile swamp outside the city. Unidentified people attacked me. I'm rushing into the city..."

Before Wu Wei could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"Don't hang up the phone, I'll be right there!"

Afterwards, there was no sound from Jiang Li's side.

At the same time, on the other side, the four teammates of that talisman warrior watched Wu Wei pull the talisman warrior and turn around and run away.

I've seen people who don't play cards according to routines, but I haven't seen people who don't play cards like this.

What kind of operation is this to grab someone and turn around and run?

And run so fast!

While running, they used all possible means to call for help. Looking at the torches that lit up the sky several degrees again, the four of them froze for a long time, and finally called their superiors.

In a few minutes, that burly man came to Li Changqing's office again.

Seeing his confidant come again, Li Changqing frowned.

"there is a problem?"

"The kid who caught our man turned around and ran, putting down an oversized distress talisman as he walked. Now the little half of the East Gate has noticed the abnormality over there."

Although Li Changqing was ready to hear the bad news when he saw his confidant, but he didn't expect the news to be so bad.

His face turned black on the spot.

"The guy who succeeds more than fails!"

"Boss, what should we do now? How do we end up with such a big commotion?"

"What are you afraid of? The sky is falling and I will bear it!"

Li Changqing said, got up and walked out of the office.

"Where are you going, boss?"

"Where are you going? Where else can I go? Of course, I can only do things that you can't do well!"

Li Changqing said, walked out of the office and went straight to the east gate of Yuehua City.

At this time, Li Changqing was still not panicking.

At this point, in his opinion, it's not too bad, and it's even an opportunity.

An opportunity to make Wu Wei "willingly" as bait.

He still doesn't believe it anymore, he can't handle a mere first-level freshman.


Outside the east gate, on Wu Wei's side.

To be honest, Wu Wei was quite nervous and complicated when he was attacked by that talisman warrior.

As for his nervousness, after making the phone call to Jiang Li, Wu Wei's nervousness was relieved a lot.

I have to say that although I don't have much contact with Jiang Li, this woman can still give people a sense of security.

It's just that Wu Wei's sense of security was quickly compromised.

Because in front of him, a person suddenly appeared out of thin air.

In this case, Wu Wei is not a model, it is a teleportation, but it is not a general teleportation, but a teleportation of Yuehua City's functions!

At first Wu Wei thought that Jiang Li was coming, but when the figure of that person became clear, Wu Wei immediately knew that he was not Jiang Li.

Although Wu Wei has never met Jiang Li, at least he is not stupid and knows that Jiang Li should be a woman.

And the green-haired guy who suddenly appeared in front of him didn't look like a woman.

And this guy who just teleported over also had his eyes on Wu Wei.

His eyes were full of scrutiny.

"You are Wu Wei?"

Wu Wei wanted to move, but a huge pressure fell on him, making him unable to move.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Changqing, I am currently the deputy leader of the 13th team of Yueming Building, and I am currently in charge of investigating the 8322 team annihilation incident!

The one you are holding is mine.

let him go! "

Li Changqing's tone was flat, but there was no doubt about it.

This attitude made Wu Wei angry.

God knows, when this guy attacked Wu Wei, he touched Wu Wei's sensitive nerves because the 8322 team had been particularly sensitive during this period of time.

Wu Wei endured so much pain that he didn't kill him.

Now people come up to say that it is his person, and Wu Wei will be let go. How can Wu Wei bear this understatement attitude: "This team leader, before you let me let him go, should you explain why he attacked? I?"

"Because of my order!

Because I suspect that you are related to the incident of the 8322 team's annihilation, because I suspect that you are the "redemption" person!

Do you think this explanation is enough? "

"The crux of the matter is not whether I think it is enough, but whether you think it is enough. You are the deputy leader of the 13th group of Mingyue Building. Do you think this is enough reason for you to attack me?"

"I repeat, I'm not attacking you, just probing!

Because you have certain suspicions, it is only because someone prevents us from conducting formal investigations on you that we made this decision.

Now that we have reached this level, let's just go through the formal process! "

As Li Changqing said, he directly took out a token with the character [明].

"Student Wu Wei, I am summoning you as the deputy leader of the 13th group of Mingyue Building. I hope you can help us in the 8322 team's destruction!"

"I reject!"

It can be said that Wu Wei refused without hesitation, firmly!

Li Changqing was not surprised by this either.

"Thank you for your cooperation!"

"I said refuse..."

Li Changqing interrupted Wu Wei impatiently: "You'd better think clearly before speaking!

Do you think you are really qualified to reject me?

What do you think I am doing?

I don't know the so-called thing, I'm saving your life, you know? "

While speaking, Li Changqing had already come in front of Wu Wei, pulled Wu Wei's neckline and said word by word: "The reason behind the destruction of the 8322 team is related to the 'salvation' organization and a conspiracy that may endanger the entire Yuehua City. .

Now that you have been involved in this matter, do you think you can easily get out?

Impossible, let me tell you, you have already been targeted by the 'Salvation' organization.

Sooner or later they will find you, what do you think will happen to you then? "

At this time, Li Changqing exerted not only verbal pressure on Wu Wei, but also spiritual coercion.

That kind of powerful coercion fell on Wu Wei's spirit, making Wu Wei breathless.

What surprised Wu Wei even more was that when Li Changqing approached him, his book of runes trembled, the trembling frequency was exactly the same as when he met the white jade spider jade pendant before.

Could it be that he is the mastermind behind the scenes?

At this moment, Wu Wei panicked completely.

And just when Wu Wei panicked, a cold voice sounded.

"I don't know what will happen to him, but I know what will happen to you if you don't take your hands off him!"

In the next second, a strange figure of Wu Wei fell down...

------off topic-----

There is no change for reward today, no change for monthly pass, and the first order is completed

Three more chapters added

Currently there are 13 chapters left

ps: As mentioned in the testimonials on the shelves, what is owed is a chapter of 2000 words, which will be merged and updated.

In addition, the guaranteed update is 4000 words

Chapter 105

Crocodile Swamp is not far from Yuehua City.

A black figure completely unfamiliar to Wu Wei descended domineeringly, causing smoke and dust to billow.

After the smoke and dust fell, Wu Wei saw the true face of that black figure in Lushan.

This is a very oppressive woman.

She was wearing a black robe, about 1.7 meters tall, and her long black hair was let down straight without any restraint.

The facial features are exquisite and she looks very beautiful.

But the whole body has that kind of temperament that makes people feel icy cold.

Jiang Li!

Even though he had never seen her before, Wu Wei recognized her right away!

And it was not only Wu Wei who recognized her, but also Li Changqing who was holding Wu Wei.

The moment he saw Jiang Li, Li Changqing's expression changed.

Wu Wei simply knew that Jiang Li was Jiang Li, but Li Changqing knew that Jiang Li was the chief disciple of Hu Kaiyun, the number one rune master in Yuehua City.

Known as a super genius who may surpass Hu Kaiyun within ten years.

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