【Roar of the Crocodile King】

The sharp roaring sound rippled like water waves, and the sound went straight to Wu Wei's head.

Along with the voice, there is also a terrifying mental coercion.

Obviously, [Crocodile King's Roar] is a control skill, and Wu Wei lost his mind under this roar.

The little elf beside him rolled his eyes even more, with stars in his eyes and almost fainted.

But it is a pity that Ah Huang has nothing to do.

At the critical moment, the skill effect of the [Crocodile Helmet] on his head [Crocodile Guard] was triggered, helping Ah Huang to resist this attack.

The crocodile king probably never dreamed that one day he would be backstabbed by his own people, and in this way.

The water-blue knife light fell without any hindrance, and slashed on the neck of the crocodile king.

This knife condenses Ah Huang's 21 points of strength, the water attribute damage attached to the Shui Evil Knife, and the skills of the Shui Evil Knife.

The damage was terrifying, and with a "poof", the crocodile king's head was cut off directly.

Its body exploded at this moment, and four light spots burst out.

At the same time, the golden finger reminder in front of Wu Wei's eyes began to refresh the screen.


Chapter 097 Goodbye Black Iron Treasure Chest

Outside Yuehua City, the crocodile swamp.

Wu Wei held his aching head, looked at the crocodile king who had been stabbed in two by Ah Huang, heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time was a little surprised.

To be honest, Wu Wei had already prepared for a tough battle, and he never expected to take down this crocodile king so easily.

"The strength is not very consistent with what I expected. It should be related to the weak state after the strength of its attribute explodes.

Looking at it this way, Ah Huang's two pieces of equipment were not in vain, at least they made today's battle easier. "

More importantly, the investment in those two magic weapon talismans has also paid off today.

By winning the Crocodile King, Wu Wei can at least earn a few hundred more contributions this time around.

While excited, Wu Wei glanced at the golden finger reminder in front of him.





[Your first original skill condition has been achieved, [Powerful Killing a Pig] The quality of the current level has been increased by 1 star! 】


Four cheat tips.

The first one was Ah Huang's condition one beheading 20 rune monsters of the excellence level.

The second one should be the [Shui Evil Knife] skill.

Needless to say, the third and fourth are the skills of [Powerful Killing a Pig with One Knife]!

After Ah Huang polished this skill condition for a few days, it finally reached 1 star under the nourishment of this crocodile king's blood.

But Wu Wei doesn't know much about Ah Huang's skill.

All I know is that this skill seems to have changed from an attack method to a knife skill.

Not only can every level a be [Powerful Killing Pig One Knife], even the [Shui Evil Knife] just now can be added with [Powerful Killing Pig One Knife] technique.

Such skills undoubtedly have strong potential.

Wu Wei is also very greedy, but he has too many skills to learn now.

The most important ones are the yellow turban iron bull pile, the heart of the earth, and a series of skills of the rune master. It is really a bit exhausted, and there is no time to spare to learn this from Ah Huang.

And he didn't get the corresponding inheritance task, Wu Wei felt that it would not be too easy to learn.

Therefore, Wu Wei didn't pay too much attention to Ah Huang's skill at present.

What Wu Wei is most concerned about now is whether the crocodile king has burst his heart.

At present, his collection skill is only 1 star, and there is still a little distance from 2 stars. If the Crocodile King's heart doesn't burst out, he will be in trouble.

Fortunately, there are still.

One of the four light spots is the heart of this crocodile king.

This made Wu Weichang heave a sigh of relief.

Then, Wu Wei started to get started.

He would not let go of such a good practice material, and started to take out the tooth extraction tools that he bought specially this time, and pulled out the crocodile king's teeth one by one.

The crocodile king's teeth were not easy to pull out. Even with professional tools, it took Wu Wei more than an hour to pull out all the teeth.

There are 88 pieces in total, but after Wu Wei collected them, 18 pieces were discarded.

Of the 70 teeth that succeeded, 62 teeth were downgraded because Wu Wei's gathering technique didn't reach 2 stars, and dropped from the original excellent quality to the boutique quality, but finally got 8 excellent quality teeth.

"62 high-quality ones, 8 excellent ones, it's not bad, go back and send it to the logistics department for them to help make bone arrows!"

Before Wu Wei started today, it was like he was fantasizing about how to spend the 500 million won. He had already thought about how to deal with his harvest early on.

The difference is that the fantasies of winning the lottery are just fantasies, and Wu Wei really killed the crocodile king.

So his early preparations can come in handy, and his ideas can be realized.

If there is no accident, these teeth in his hand should be able to be exchanged for arrows of fine quality or even excellent quality.

Wu Wei, who had just used the [Crocodile Bone Arrow], now has a deep understanding of the power of this kind of arrow, and some look down on ordinary arrows!

Of course, the main reason is that Wu Wei is not a genuine talisman archer. If he wants to use his archery skills, the only feasible way is to use this kind of magic talisman arrow.

Wu Wei didn't stop after pulling out his teeth. Before the Crocodile King's body was refreshed, Wu Wei took off its claws again, and collected 8 high-quality claws and 2 excellent-quality claws.

And the corpse of the crocodile king was also overwhelmed by Wu Wei's tossing, and it was refreshed with a 'poof'.

Seeing the crocodile king's corpse being refreshed, Wu Wei gave up, turned his head and looked at the piece of spiritual energy grass he had seen more than half a month ago.

Arriving here, Wu Wei spent more than ten minutes collecting all the aura grass.

There are 128 plants in total.

Without exception, all are above boutique quality.

In other words, Wu Wei despises those that are below the quality of fine products, and they are not collected and prepared to be raised.

Among the 128 strains, 121 are of fine quality and 7 are of excellent quality.

Wu Wei's hands were trembling when he was holding the 7 excellent quality aura grasses.

This is an excellent quality aura grass. One plant is worth hundreds of contribution points, and 7 plants are worth at least 700 contribution points. They alone can compare to Wu Wei's income last time.

Fortunately, the nature of the herbal medicine is relatively stable, and the difficulty of collecting it is relatively low, otherwise Wu Wei might not dare to collect it.

"If I go back and sell these 7 plants, my wallet will bulge again!"

Of course, that being said, in fact, Wu Wei didn't plan to sell these 7 spiritual energy plants, or he didn't plan to sell all of them. He would at least keep 5 plants for Xiao Hei.

Carefully putting away the aura grass, Wu Wei waved his hand vigorously: "Ah Huang little elf, let's go, let's go home!"

Ah Huang stood next to Wu Wei immediately, and the little elf.

Wu Wei was stunned.

Turning around and looking around, where is the elf?What about the elves who were still around his family just now?

"Where did this little guy go?"

Wu Wei frowned, and was about to summon the book of runes to sense the girl's location.

At this moment, a little guy covered in mud popped out of the swamp not far in front of Wu Wei, poked his head out, shook his head frantically to shake off the dirt on his head, and then showed his face to Wu Wei. Sweet smile.

That way, it looks like a silly erha.

Seeing her like this, Wu Wei had nothing but helplessness on his face.

"You girl, have you been playing around like crazy?"

The elf blinked his eyes, did not speak, and dived a little.

Wu Wei immediately felt something was wrong.

"Why are you still soaking in it? Come out quickly!"

The elf still didn't speak, and didn't come out!

This is very wrong, this little guy has a problem.

Wu Wei didn't even need to tell him with intuition, this little guy had the problem written all over his face.

Wu Wei lifted the girl out of the swamp with his hands. It looked the same as before, and there seemed to be nothing unusual, but Wu Wei still felt something was wrong.

So, Wu Wei's eyes fell on the little guy's now tightly closed mouth.

"Come on, open your mouth!"


The elf shook his head.

"Come on, I'll give you this when I open my mouth!"

Wu Wei took out the crocodile king's heart, and the little elf couldn't resist the temptation and opened his mouth.

With this opening of the mouth, there were several gaps in the elf's fine and small teeth, several upper and lower front teeth were missing, and one or two of the left and right back molars were also broken.

Seeing the little guy like this, Wu Wei couldn't hold back a 'puchi' and laughed out loud.

"No, what's wrong with your teeth?"

It was fine if Wu Wei didn't smile, but when he smiled, the elf immediately closed his mouth and turned his head, looking very angry.

Well, even though elves are small, they also have self-respect.

"Don't, don't be angry, don't be angry, I don't smile anymore, you tell me what happened to my teeth? Why is it like this?


Although he promised to laugh, Wu Wei still couldn't hold back when he thought of the little guy's teeth.

The little girl was so angry that she took Wu Wei's hand and bit it down. As a result, she had just touched Wu Wei's hand, and Wu Wei rolled all over the floor before she could use any force!

"Ah!!! It hurts me to death, my hand, my Wang Zhili..."

The little elf was stunned.

Are her little teeth so sharp?

Before she could recover, Wu Wei leaned over and begged for mercy.

"Little Elf, Wu Wei will never dare to laugh at Little Elf again, can Little Elf speak?"

This begging for mercy greatly satisfied the elf's self-esteem.

She felt that she was so bad that Wu Wei became better after biting badly.

Ever since, the little guy became happy, and mercifully let go of Wu Wei's hand.

And pulling Wu Wei to the depths of the swamp to see what it found.

"Well, are you sure you don't want to murder the master?"

Wu Wei saw the little elf pulling him, expressing that he was going to take him into the swamp, and he broke out in cold sweat.

"Is there something down there? Are you going to get it up?"

The elf shook his head, indicating that he couldn't find the things below.

"Well, then you use the soil to transform and make a way to the bottom!"

Under Wu Wei's guidance, the elf used soil to transform and spent more than half an hour making a 'road' leading to the depths of the swamp.

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