Under the threat of Wu Wei's bow and arrow, Xiao Huang Mao calmed down immediately, and honestly held the [taunting horn] in his hand all the way under the cover of Wu Weihe's difficulty, and returned to the lost position without any danger .

And as the yellow hair came back, the crocodile behind him also followed.

This time, Huangmao also attracted the depths of the crocodile swamp, the periphery, and a group of elite crocodiles who were secretly hiding in the crocodile king's territory under the leadership of the big crocodile.

This wave is considered to be the wave of crocodiles that Wu Wei has gotten the most in the past three days.

It is conservatively estimated that there are eight hundred if not one thousand.

This number of crocodiles has a great impact on the [Lost Formation]. Although the formation has not been destroyed, the spirit talisman is consumed extremely quickly.

Originally, only about 20 talismans were consumed in an hour, but at this moment, 20 talismans evaporated from the Lost Formation. Fortunately, Wu Wei placed 100 talismans on each pillar in advance, and 1000 talismans were placed on the main pillar on the high platform.

There are a total of 4500 talismans, which is as much as 45 when converted into contributions, which should be able to support this battle to the end.

Of course, while the talisman was being consumed in large quantities, the proficiency level of the [Lost Array] formation was also rising rapidly.

In less than a minute after rushing in, it increased by 1 points. It seems that before the end of this battle, there should be hope that [Lost Array] can be upgraded.

However, Wu Wei didn't intend to wait for the upgrade, mainly because the spirit talisman was consumed too much.

Wu Wei didn't have enough talismans on hand, if he dragged on, it would be useless to upgrade the Lost Formation when the talismans were exhausted.

So Wu Wei directly ordered: "Hit, hit me hard!"

Under Wu Wei's order, on their side, except for the little elf, all the others took action.

Wu Wei, Jiannan, and Zhou Tian were outputting remotely on the high platform.

Huang Mao, the big man, and Ah Huang, who had just returned to the high platform, all stepped down from the high platform, relying on the Lost Formation to start a crazy harvest.

In the past three days, the crocodile that entered the lost formation was no different from the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

If you come in, you will lose your way, and you can only be beaten passively.

And it's the same today.

The crocodile that rushed into the lost formation still couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north, so it could only bump around, making it a living target for Wu Wei and the others.

The big yellow-haired man can also take advantage of the geographical advantage of the Lost Formation to deal with the crocodiles one by one.

As for Ah Huang?

He doesn't need any geographical advantages at all.

With the blessing of equipment, the power of up to 9.2 makes him invincible.

Under Wu Wei's harvest, the crocodile that entered the Lost Formation began to descend rapidly.

At this speed, at most one or two hours, Wu Wei and the others will be able to wipe out this wave of crocodiles.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the crocodile really has no ability to resist.

Although there was no crocodile to resist in the past three days, it seems that there is one today!

This is mainly because of the big crocodile.

The crocodile's mental power of up to 8 points showed its effect at this time.

[Lost Formation] Although it is quite powerful, it is not invincible. With Wu Wei's current level, as long as his mental strength reaches 10 points, he can ignore the influence of Wu Wei's Lost Formation.

If the mental power exceeds 5 points, the impact can be reduced to a certain extent.

And that big-headed crocodile's mental power reached 8 points. Although it was attracted by the [taunting horn] and had a certain effect of confusing the mind, its mental power was not suppressed.

So it instinctively sensed that something was wrong with the formation. To be precise, it discovered the formation stone pillar.

And began to gather the crocodiles around to attack the stone pillar.

Of course, the stone pillar is not so easy to attack. As a formation node, the effect of fascination and chaos around it is extremely strong.

People with mental power less than 5 can't see it at all, and even subconsciously avoid it.

But because of the existence of big-headed crocodiles, dozens of crocodiles attack a designated location together. Although they have not succeeded yet, it will be a matter of time before they hit.

Wu Wei, who was on the high platform, was not dead either. He discovered the abnormality of the situation here almost immediately, and gave the order immediately.

"Don't let it destroy the Lost Formation, Ah Huang, get rid of that big crocodile for me!"

At the same time, Wu Wei stared at the stone pillar with his bow and arrow.

As long as there are crocodiles, they will approach the stone pillars, and Wu Wei's bow is just an arrow.

Under Wu Wei's steadfast guard, no crocodile has touched the stone pillar yet.

At the same time, Ah Huang, who received Wu Wei's order, immediately activated the [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake] combat state and killed him.

At this time, Ah Huang's Yellow Turban Tie Niu Zhuang didn't have 2 stars yet, but with his current attributes, a 1 star Yellow Turban Tie Niu Zhuang was already terrifying.

The strength directly soared to 12 points, 4 points stronger than the Crocodile King.

With the terrifying absolute power, coupled with the geographical advantage of the Lost Formation, Ah Huang was invincible all the way, and soon came to the big-headed crocodile.

However, when Ah Huang came to the big-headed crocodile, he was about to catch the big-headed crocodile.

Standing on the high platform, Wu Wei noticed that the big-headed crocodile trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the big-headed crocodile and dozens of crocodiles around it emitted a khaki-yellow light, and in the light, a phantom crown appeared on the head of the crocodile king.

With the appearance of this phantom, Wu Wei was surprised to find that the attributes of this big-headed crocodile had undergone an astonishing change.

The original 4 points of strength, constitution, and agility all soared to 6 points, and the 8 points of mental strength even came to 12 points!

With 12 points of mental power, it broke free from all the restraints of the [Lost Formation] in an instant.

At the same time, even letting it break free from the shackles of the [taunting horn], the big-headed crocodile's eyes instantly became clear.

It seemed to realize instantly what kind of situation it was in, and with a flick of its tail, it drew directly towards the stone pillar not far away.

With a "click", the stone pillar shattered!

The effect of Wu Wei's Lost Formation instantly dropped by 3%.

The big-headed crocodile seized the opportunity and made a hoarse sound, trying to call its little brother to escape the lost formation with it.

But it was disappointed. Although Wu Wei's Lost Formation was smashed by a stone pillar, it was still running, and his little brother was still unable to tell the direction.

Aware of this situation, the big-headed crocodile's eyes fell on the stone pillars in the Lost Formation.

At the same time, Wu Wei's cold snort sounded: "Ah Huang, kill it, don't let it continue to destroy the Lost Formation!"

Chapter 089 Light blue light spot


In fact, Wu Wei didn't even need to give an order.

Ah Huang is already in action.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Huang threw a crocodile at the big-headed crocodile.

The powerful blow smashed the crocodile to pieces. As for the big-headed crocodile, its 6-point agility endowed it with extremely high dexterity, allowing it to avoid it before Ah Huang hit it.

But its opponent is more than Ah Huang?

Just after avoiding Ah Huang's attack, Wu Wei and Jian Nan's arrows had already arrived.

One shot in the back of the big-headed crocodile, and one shot in the mouth of the big-headed crocodile.

Both arrows hit the target, but the defense of the big-headed crocodile seemed to have been strengthened, and what was shot was not a vital part, so the big-headed crocodile was not seriously injured.

But the two consecutive arrows made the crocodile realize its current situation.

This made the big-headed crocodile immediately give up the idea of ​​destroying the lost formation, and ran away immediately.

Seeing this scene, Wu Wei was stunned for a while, and at the same time couldn't help sighing: "No wonder this crocodile has the potential to be a king. It's a bad situation. It's shameless to say that you sell your teammates if you sell your teammates. Ordinary fish really don't have it!

but! "

Speaking of this, Wu Wei narrowed his eyes, and aimed at the escaped big-headed crocodile with his bow and arrow.

"How could I let you just run away like this!"

While speaking, Wu Wei directly performed a quadruple shot to the arrow man next to him. It was not a single-arrow version of the quadruple shot, but a quadruple shot with two arrows at once.

Watching this scene, Arrow Man, who had just stepped out of autism, almost went back into autism.

You must know that the so-called quadruple shooting is not just as simple as shooting four times in a row.

There are strict requirements, such as continuous shooting time, shooting accuracy, and shooting strength.

And extremely perverted.

Even though he was a professional student and had studied archery for more than a year, he barely reached the level of 3 consecutive shots under the stimulation of Wu Wei in the past few days.

It only took Wu Wei 3 days to achieve 4 consecutive shots from scratch, and even a [-] consecutive shooting with two arrows.

This shit directly made Jiannan suspect that all his training for more than a year had been spent on dogs, and he even suspected that Wu Wei was hanging up.

Of course, while doubting his life, Arrow Man felt sorry for Wu Wei.

I feel that he chose the wrong profession. With his talent, if he chooses not a rune summoner but a rune archer, his current strength will probably be...

Thinking of this, Arrow Man couldn't help but look at the mighty Ah Huang and the heart-gnawing elf beside Wu Wei in the Lost Formation over there.

Arrow Man suddenly lost his mind.

Genius or something is the most annoying!

The arrow man on this side is closed to himself, and the big-headed crocodile on the other side is almost closed to himself.

Wu Wei completed four consecutive shots in three seconds, shooting eight arrows in one breath.

Not every one is aimed at the big-headed crocodile, but it locks any room for it to react.

With this kind of attack with both precision and striking surface, the big-headed crocodile had no choice but to forcefully hit Wu Wei with two arrows.

Fortunately, Wu Wei's arrow attack was not fatal to the big-headed crocodile.

In addition, it dodged well, so although it was shot in the back, it still escaped the catastrophe.

Having escaped this catastrophe, the big-headed crocodile didn't wait for Wu Wei to continue shooting arrows, and the crown on his head shattered directly.

When the crown shattered, the khaki light scattered all over the place, and the crocodiles around it were all affected by it.

In the next second, an unexpected scene happened to Wu Wei.

Dozens of hundreds of crocodiles beside the big-headed crocodile rioted wildly. During their riot, the big-headed crocodile found an opportunity and fled to the lost formation under the cover of other crocodiles.

"There is still such a method!"

Wu Wei sighed softly, then squinted his eyes and stared at the big crocodile.

The arrows in his hand went out one by one.

Wu Wei's arrows were both accurate and ruthless.

But no matter how accurate and ruthless, there is no way to shoot through the layers of crocodiles and hit the big-headed crocodile.

However, Wu Wei's movements never stopped, and the arrows in his hand kept shooting out.

His eyes were fixed on the bottom, anticipating any direction that the big-headed crocodile might appear.

At this time, Wu Wei was in a state of being, the arrows in his hands seemed to have life, and the proficiency of [Basic Archery] was also soaring crazily.


As his proficiency continues to soar, Wu Wei's condition is getting better and better.

Finally, Wu Wei stopped shooting arrows suddenly, and his eyes closed at this moment.

But while closing his eyes, Wu Wei raised his bow and set his arrow.

After taking a deep breath, Wu Wei let go of the bowstring in his hand without even opening his eyes.

The moment the bowstring was released, a quarter of the invisible spiritual energy in Wu Wei's body disappeared, and that arrow shot out with a quarter of Wu Wei's spiritual energy.

"Aura Arrow!"

There was an exclamation from the side.

At the same time, a 'puchi' sounded.

The big-headed crocodile tried its best to get to the edge of the lost formation with great difficulty. The big-headed crocodile just poked out its head, and its head was pierced by the arrow the moment it poked out.

At the same time, Wu Wei's eyes flashed a Goldfinger reminder.

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