At the same time, Lu Bu, whose bones were broken all over his body, was locked in place by Ah Huang with the [Love Bijin Lock].

While Lu Bu was locked, he also lost control of his body. At this time, the little dragon girl in his body could finally explode.

Biting cold came out from the inside out.

In this state, Lu Bu's name has been recorded in the book of life and death, and he did not die directly, just because Wu Wei wanted to choose a suitable death method for him.

Of course, Wu Wei is not a bad taste.

At this moment, Wu Wei opened his bow and arrow again.

He was going to use [Miracle in Failure] to shoot and kill Lu Bu, and at the same time launch [Soul Looting] to accumulate [Miracle in Failure] with Lu Bu's soul.

Speaking of which, [Miracle in Failure] Wu Wei has been feeding the magic weapon talisman for a while.

The [Soul Looting] once a day has basically not been dropped, and now it has grown to level 90 legendary quality, which is at the threshold of a qualitative change.

At this juncture, it needs a better, better supplement.

I believe that with Lu Bu's soul of level 100 epic quality, it should be possible to upgrade [Miracle in Failure] to level [-] epic quality.

And at this moment, Lu Bu's side.

Facing this situation of being controlled and his body frozen, a strong sense of fear struck.

For the first time, Lu Bu felt so close to death.

And Lu Bu was never a person who could ignore death. In this situation, when he was powerless to resist, Lu Bu could only open his mouth and shout: "Father, help, Father!"


Wu Wei sneered: "Now don't call him adoptive father, even calling him father is useless!"

While speaking, Wu Wei directly shot an arrow.

At the same time as the arrow was shot, Wu Wei kept his mind on guard against the sudden appearance of Lu Bu's "foster father".

But to Wu Wei's surprise, until Wu Wei's arrow pierced through Lu Bu's head, Lu Bu's "foster father" did not make a move.

In fact, it wasn't that He Ying didn't want to make a move.

It's that he can't make a move.

He could clearly feel that Zhang Jiao was in Luoyang City, waiting for him to make a move.

Once he dared to save Lu Bu, he would have to suffer Zhang Jiao's thunderous blow.

He Ying felt that it was not worth taking such a risk in order to save a cheap son who had been abandoned for the most part.

It's not necessary, anyway, he already has a general understanding of the attributes of the person next to him.

After getting a general understanding of his attributes, He Yingzai didn't dare to underestimate this one at this time.

Some only respect!

With the help of this one, he will die as soon as he dies!

Ever since, He Ying, who had just been adopted, was shot and killed by Wu Wei on the spot.

The moment the arrow pierced through Lu Bu's head, Lu Bu cursed furiously, but what was interesting was that he was not scolding Wu Wei at this time, but his adoptive father.

It seems that compared to Wu Wei who killed him, he resented his adoptive father who refused to save him even more, and cursed him for a bad death all the time.

This made He Ying's eyes droop slightly, silently applauding her decision not to save this unfilial son.

After Lu Bu was shot, Goldfinger's reminder was refreshed.

[You shot and killed the great Han general [Lu Bu] You get 1 point of dark gold contribution, and your great Han general's treasure chest has been strengthened for the 780th time, and the strengthening progress is 880 five! 】

[Your divine soldier talisman [miracle in failure] activates [soul plunder] successfully, and successfully plunders [Lu Bu]'s soul! 】

[Your divine soldier talisman [Miracle in Failure] attempted to absorb [Lu Bu's soul], but it could not absorb it because of the deep obsession of the soul. At present, the power of [Lu Bu's soul] is parasitic in [Miracle in Failure]. Only thoughts can be absorbed and refined. 】

Seeing Goldfinger's prompt, Wu Wei couldn't help squinting: "Is it so troublesome?"

While speaking, he picked up [The Miracle in Failure] and took a large amount, and found that although he failed to devour Lu Bu's soul, the arrow was still usable, and Wu Wei could feel a powerful energy contained in the arrow.

It's a pity that Wu Wei didn't use that burst of energy, otherwise [Miracle in Failure] might have exploded with terrifying damage.

While Wu Wei was sizing up the [Miracle in Failure], on the other side, Wu Wei's army of millions, a war without gunpowder became more and more intense.

This war is the projection of Han Xin and Bocai's struggle for control of the millions of soldiers.

In this regard, unlike Wu Wei's side who took down Lv Bu easily, Bo Cai's side was quite passive, and he had no temper at all when he was suppressed by Han Xin.

They defeated his resistance almost like a broken bamboo.

Bocai could only watch helplessly as Han Xin snatched the command of a million soldiers away from him bit by bit.

In less than 5 minutes, nearly half of the million soldiers were about to change camps.

The reason for this situation is naturally because of Han Xin's strength on the one hand!

There is no doubt about that!

In terms of the army, Han Xin's strength is at the level of monsters, which is unreasonable!

However, no matter how powerful Han Xin is, he still has a foundation to do this.

The biggest foundation comes from Wu Wei's side.

In order for Wu Wei to gather as many as possible a million seventh-level perfect-quality Taoist soldiers, he only needs one condition, that is, 70% experience points at level [-].

As long as this condition is met, no matter who it is, even if it is Wu Wei who surrendered.

Among the millions of troops, at least hundreds of thousands are surrendered soldiers.

Bocai alone brought over 30 to [-] people.

Originally, after these soldiers had been burnt with perfect source runes and changed jobs as Taoist soldiers, they had basically changed their doors and became part of the Yellow Turban camp.

But after all, they have just surrendered, and a large part of them even just completed the transfer of Taoist soldiers today.

In a situation like theirs, Bocai was able to control it mainly because of two aspects. One was the 5 people he had trained for a month or two.

These 5 people were dispersed by him and became the middle-level backbone of the million-dollar army.

Relying on them, as well as Bocai's "Million Heroes", Bocai was able to control the million soldiers in front of him.

So, from a certain point of view, Bocai's "Million Heroes" is indeed a mob.

But because of their absolute strength and Bocai's [Million Heroes] forcibly stitching them together, they can still unleash surprisingly powerful combat power.

But this still can't change the various problems among these millions of soldiers.

Those problems were just glossed over.

Such an army may have no problem against ordinary generals and ordinary troops, but if it wants to face Han Xin, it will be Bocai's nightmare.

He directly disintegrated Bocai's million-strong army with a [Soldier Immortal]. With the remaining hundreds of generals in the Han camp as the fulcrum, Han Xin quickly seized the command from Bocai.

In the 5 minutes before and after, at least 50 of the million-dollar army became soldiers in Han Xin's hands.

Just as Wu Wei beheaded Lu Bu, the golden finger reminder in front of him was refreshed.

[Please note that the local military general Han Xin successfully activated the origin of [Soldier Immortal], and the origin of your subordinate general Bocai's [Million Heroic Soldiers] was disintegrated, and your 51 troops transferred to the Han camp! 】

With this golden finger reminder, the million-strong army in Luoyang City was directly transformed into two forces: I am in you and you are in me.

Han Xin has an army of 51, while Bocai only has about 44 in his hands.

There is a slight gap in the number of armies between the two sides, but not very large.

It looks like there should be a close battle.

But in fact, it didn't. When the million soldiers were divided into two groups, one of them naturally had a kind of military power that grew out of the army.

At the same time, Wu Wei's golden finger reminder refreshed again.

[Please note that the origin of the enemy general [Soldier Immortal] takes effect passively, the overall attributes of soldiers and generals under his control will increase by [-]%, and the effect of skills will increase by [-]%! 】

Seeing this golden finger prompt, Wu Wei couldn't help but gasped.

After Bocai's [Million Heroes] was awakened, it increased the army's attributes and skill effects by [-]%, and Wu Wei felt even more terrifying. times!

What is the origin of this, this is completely unreasonable cheating!

Once this cheat was activated, Bo Cai had no right to challenge Han Xin at all. The confrontation between the two was completely unequal, just like a father beating his son, and Bo Cai had no power to resist at all.

But Wu Wei looked at the scene in front of him, he was shocked at first, and then smiled.

"It's a pretty good one. I'm worrying that I won't be able to redeem [Taiping Tianshu·Middle Volume]'s contributions. Isn't this sent to me?"


Two in one big chapter, ask for a monthly ticket

Chapter 307 Invite soldiers to die

The original secret place of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the city of Luoyang!

Wu Wei's mood at this moment wanted to be fucked by that.

Now that the cheat has been activated, he has no way to refuse it, so he can only choose to accept it!

At the same time, Wu Wei also chose a more acceptable perspective for himself to look at the problem in front of him.

After seeing the 5 army that Han Xin changed camp in just 51 minutes as the contribution value of 51 walking, Wu Wei's mood really improved a lot.

But also just a lot.

There is still a anger in Wu Wei's heart.

In fact, the fire in Wu Wei's heart has been there since the main plot of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Starting from the main plot, from the first moment Wu Wei intervened in the main plot, Wu Wei received a signal, a signal of rejection from the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

It tried every means to embarrass, target and even suffer Wu Wei.

Wu Wei is not a person who can't bear to make things difficult or suffer.

But Wu Wei couldn't handle the unprovoked and unprovoked difficulties.

From the very beginning, the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty suppressed Wu Wei in all aspects.

All-round suppression, all-round restrictions.

At the same time, Wu Wei's information was clearly given from the very beginning to let Wu Wei give up struggling. The Eastern Han Dynasty's original secret realm has nothing to do with him or the Yellow Turban camp.

Let Wu Wei know that this secret realm is not something he can pass through.

The original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty didn't like him!

Oh, the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty didn't like him, and he didn't want to give him a chance to clear the original secret realm, so he still made things difficult for him.

If anyone was in Wu Wei's current position, he would still have a burst of anger in his heart.

The only difference is that out of 90 people in Wu Wei's current situation, [-] may choose to endure and compromise.

On the other hand, Wu Wei chose to bear all the targets and censures from the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but he did not choose to compromise!

Why should he compromise?

Why should he compromise in the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty?

Just because standing opposite him is the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty?

Just because it is the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it can blatantly target Wu Wei again and again?

Just because it is the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, can it cheat He Ying again and again?

Just because it is the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, can it completely deny Wu Wei's chance to pass through the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty?

Where does the truth come from!

Wu Wei does not recognize this truth!

Therefore, every time the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty was targeted, it added fire to Wu Wei's heart.

But at this moment, the torch in Wu Wei's heart could not be suppressed by Han Xin's unreasonable cheating in front of his eyes.

Although there was a smile on his face at this time, his eyes were filled with endless flames.

Wu Wei couldn't suppress his anger at this time, and it even spread.

And this spreading anger was instantly noticed.

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