But Wu Wei didn't have such a big heart.

"Who did it? I will avenge you!"

This old Zhang did not refuse: "Do you still remember the goblin who was inherited from the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the Goblin Secret Realm before? It is the real deity of that guy. You will help me cut him down when you have a chance!"

Wu Wei's mind subconsciously remembered the rune master who went to the Goblin Secret Realm with Dong Hu before.

At the same time, it also reminded Dong Hu and the others of Xiliang.

If there is no accident, Dong Hu and the others should also be in Luoyang City, and if the city is broken later, it is inevitable that they will confront them.

This made Wu Wei hesitant, what should he do if they really match up?

Wu Wei hadn't thought it through yet, when suddenly, in the direction of Luoyang City, a huge red dragon roar sounded.

Wu Wei subconsciously turned his head to look at the Red Dragon Formation.

I saw a huge red dragon rising into the sky above Luoyang City.

Mysterious, powerful, full of mysterious atmosphere.

When Wu Wei saw the huge red dragon, he was instantly attracted to it.

But at this time, what Wu Wei saw was not a giant dragon, but something deeper.

The red dragon in front of him, or this red dragon array, has reached the verge of collapse.

The red dragon that appeared at this time is the profound meaning condensed by that red dragon formation, or it is the red dragon formation itself.

As a rune formation mage, it was hard for Wu Wei not to be attracted to such a mysterious formation spread out in front of him.

It's just that Wu Wei's level of rune formation is still a little worse.

in a particularly awkward position.

If that one is stronger, Wu Wei will be able to comprehend the red dragon array, but if it is weaker, he will not be able to see the mystery of the red dragon at all.

It is very tormented in this awkward position.

Knowing that there is a huge opportunity in front of you but not enjoying it, this feeling is not ordinary torment.

Wu Wei couldn't bear this feeling at all.

Therefore, he directly opened the [Contribution Exchange] list.

Although he no longer has the contribution value of gold, he still has the contribution value of dark gold.

[You have consumed 1 point of dark gold contribution value and exchanged for [Enlightenment Pill] (level 99) (epic)! 】

Wu Wei swallowed the Dao Enlightenment Pill in one gulp, and then looked at the Red Dragon Formation that was about to collapse.

This moment, what Wu Wei saw changed again.

Similar to the state where the mountain is not a mountain, the huge red dragon is like a mountain lake with endless formations and mysteries.

The moment Wu Wei looked over, the lake was dug open, and countless mysteries poured into Wu Wei's mind.

The impact at this moment was extremely terrifying. If it wasn't for Wu Wei's extremely strong consciousness space and the support of the 'Enlightenment Pill', this wave would have been lost in the impact.

But even with the existence of Dao Enlightenment Pill, Wu Wei still had some difficulty.

He knew that it would be impossible for him to completely understand the Red Dragon Formation.

So Wu Wei didn't want to understand him thoroughly, but took out his [Lost Formation], in the torrent of information, under the blessing of the [Enlightenment Pill], opened a small path in the torrent, and poured them into Wu Wei's body. Among the [Lost Array].

Under the watering of these torrents, Wu Wei's Lost Formation rapidly underwent earth-shaking changes.

Even in Wu Wei's consciousness space, a complex and huge array began to appear.

It's too late to say all this.

It was done almost instantly.

At the moment of completion, Wu Wei's golden finger reminded him to refresh.

[You have seen the [Red Dragon Formation] arranged by Zhang Liang hundreds of years ago in the former Han Dynasty, and your formation method [Lost Formation] has been upgraded to the sublimation level! 】

[Your level of [Rune Formation] has been raised to sublimation, and you have obtained the characteristic of Rune Formation [Ling Yuan Array Disk]! 】

[Spiritual Yuan Array Disk: You can use Lingyuan to raise an array disk, and when you need it, you can directly summon it and instantly arrange the formation you want.

ps: The more spiritual energy is consumed, the more effective the array arranged by the array disk will be! 】


A elixir, a red dragon formation that was about to collapse, directly sent Wu Wei's [Lost Formation] and [Rune Formation Law] to the sublimation level.

At this moment, Wu Wei didn't know whether to praise the power of [Enlightenment Pill] or the power of [Red Dragon Formation].

"If I really want to say it, it should be the magician named Zhang Liang who gave me the strength.

Just the disintegration of a formation that was arranged hundreds of years ago can give me this level of opportunity. If he himself is still alive, I don’t know how terrifying it would be.

Fortunately, he died..."

Speaking of this, Wu Wei suddenly paused, and his face looked a little ugly: "The golden finger reminder just now doesn't seem to say that he is dead, right? This dog secret realm will call him out, right?"

After saying this, Wu Wei suddenly felt a little panicked.

According to his understanding of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it will definitely not sit back and watch Luoyang City be taken by him in the future.

So it will definitely be open to the big man camp in the future.

"But no matter how you open it, it shouldn't be possible to call out people from hundreds of years ago, right?

Well, as long as it doesn't open this hook, I'm not afraid of anything! "

Wu Wei said, looking in the direction of Luoyang City.

And at this moment, the Red Dragon Formation that sealed Luoyang City for half a month completely collapsed.

Without the Red Dragon Formation, Wu Wei was finally able to see the whole picture of Luoyang City.

As for Luoyang City, at this moment, under the east wall of Luoyang City that was burned by Wu Wei, a general riding a red horse, wearing a purple gold armor, and holding a Fangtian painted halberd stood at the front.

Behind him, there are thousands of military generals densely packed.

Behind these generals, there are [-] surrendered soldiers that Wu Wei had subdued before.

The [-] surrendered troops were not taken away by Wu Wei, so half a month later, the [-] surrendered troops were inevitably taken back by the people from the Han camp.

At this moment, the [-] surrendered soldiers are displayed at the east gate.

Judging from their posture, it is obvious that they have been looking forward to the collapse of the Red Dragon Formation for a long time.

At the same time, they also knew that outside the Chilong formation, or outside Luoyang City, Wu Wei had already displayed millions of troops waiting for them.

But they have no fear.

Putting on this stance, they are obviously preparing to face Wu Wei's million-strong army head-on!

"This is completely ignoring my million-dollar army!"

Wu Wei couldn't help sighing while watching this scene.

But in fact, the other party did not pay attention to Wu Wei's army of one million.

At present, in Luoyang, He Ying's integration of the luck of the great man has not yet been completed, and the one who actually controls Luoyang City is He Ying's newly recruited son.

In the eyes of a good boy like He Ying, the million-strong army outside Luoyang City was nothing but mobs.

Especially after he recruited [-] soldiers from Luoyang and discovered that among the [-] soldiers were [-] soldiers of perfect quality.

He didn't pay much attention to Wu Wei's army of millions.

The reason was simple, Wu Wei didn't even dare to resist with such an army in his hand.

It can be seen from this that Wu Wei is a coward.

A raging soldier, a raging nest, as the coach, Wu Wei is such a coward, what's the use of giving him a million troops?

Besides, wars in this world have never been won by numbers.

Before, 3800 people could destroy a city defended by 40 to 10 people, but now he has [-] people in his hands, including [-] perfect Dao soldiers of the seventh level.

It would be strange if he could still pay attention to a mere million people.

At the moment when the red dragon formation collapsed, Lu Bu raised the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, and shouted to the generals behind him, and to the [-] Han troops behind him: "Your lords, it's time to make meritorious deeds.

Follow me to kill! "

Without extra words, Lu Bu has never been a person who can talk. After a simple sentence, Lu Bu took the lead and led thousands of generals, leading an army of [-] to kill the army of millions on the opposite side.

At this time, Lu Bu was in high spirits.

Thousands of generals under his command, one hundred thousand troops, this mere million people, as long as they are not all Taoist soldiers of the seventh rank and above the rare quality, they will definitely not be able to withstand a round of charge.

As a matter of fact, the army of one million is indeed not all of the seventh rank.

Not all rare qualities.

One-tenth of them are eighth-level, and more than half of them are existences of seventh-level perfect quality!

Lu Bu's bold and high-spirited bump directly knocked him into doubting his life!

Chapter 305 Killing Lu Bu

The original secret place of the Eastern Han Dynasty, under the city of Luoyang.

"General, the situation is wrong!"

Lu Bu took the lead, leading the generals and soldiers under his command to charge immediately.

A man with a firm face beside him stopped him and said at the same time: "You can't charge, the army on the opposite side is very unusual!"

However, Lu Bu took him as a fart.

He has already shouted to charge, how can there be any reason to stop?

Besides, the Yellow Turban Army is unusual?What could be more unusual than unusual?

Lu Bu continued to charge with his army.

Then, then he knew what was out of the ordinary.

"Fenghuo Forest, violent as fire, rockets destroy the enemy!"

A flat voice came from the army of millions. It was not loud, but it resounded through the entire army.

At the same time, Wu Wei's golden finger reminded him to refresh.

[Your subordinate general Bocai uses the [Army Array Skill Wind Volcanic Forest], and the power of the fire attribute archery skills of your 8 [Three-Yuan Archers] increases by [-]%! 】

[The origin of your general Bocai [Millions of Heroes] takes effect passively, the formation skills are tripled, the power is increased by 30.00%, and all archers' attacks come with [-]% armor penetration! 】

[Your [three archers] use the skill [Suzaku Arrow]! 】

[The 8 bondage of the [Three Yuan Bow and Arrow Book] under your command activates, the range increases by 5.00% (capped), the penetration of bows and arrows increases by 5.00% (capped), and the burst of spiritual energy increases by 5.00% (capped).

ps: This effect is increased by [-]% under the passive status of Million Heroes! 】

[Trigger unit skill, [Triple Rain of Arrows] (The attack is split into 50.00, each with [-]% of the original attack power)]

At the same time as these dense gold finger prompts were refreshed, [-] red squirrels flew into the sky among the millions of troops.

Under these [-] fiery red Suzakus, the entire sky turned into the color of burning clouds.

"not good!"

On Lu Bu's side, when the [-] Suzakus took off, he realized that something was wrong.

But it was too late to realize something was wrong.

In an instant, 2400 Suzakus dispersed, turning into [-] million small Suzakus, and then fell on his army like raindrops.

"Puff" "Chi"

There were bursts of piercing sounds, the sound of red-hot arrows piercing the body.

After a wave, less than half of Lu Bu's [-] troops could stand still.

Even the generals behind Wu Wei were extremely embarrassed by this wave of attacks.

And this is just the beginning.

The army under Lu Bu's command hadn't survived the wave of arrows, and the sky that had already been half of the burning clouds began to rain fire.

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