They didn't understand why Wu Wei gave this order. Could it be that Wu Wei was a spy of the Mechanical Scourge?

Regarding this, Wu Wei didn't bother to explain, and directly took out the [Jiaolong Army Banner].

With a slight shake, the [Jiaolong Army Banner] was launched.

In the next second, under the city wall in front of Wu Wei, 2222 flying elephant soldiers appeared out of thin air.

The flying elephant soldiers who appeared out of nowhere quickly entered the fighting state, completely letting go of their aura.

The imposing manner of each level 70 perfect-quality Taoist soldier was unreservedly released at this time. The thick and powerful aura immediately brought back the group of soldiers under Wu Wei's command who were still on the spot.

In the next second, these soldiers rushed to leave the city wall one by one.

Although they didn't know what Wu Wei's purpose was to let them withdraw, at this moment, they knew very clearly that Wu Wei was not a traitor of the Mechanical Scourge Legion, and he also possessed a powerful force, which was enough!

At the same time as the group of soldiers retreated, Wu Wei waved his hand again.

In the next second, 580 lightning warlocks and 100 fire alchemists appeared on the city wall.

At the same time, all the original summoned beasts of Wu Wei's family could come out.

The elves even summoned the cuties.

After getting out everything that could be done, Wu Wei took out the [Group Experience Scroll]...

Chapter 248 The Tempering Fire Alchemy

The secret place of the Annan Kingdom, on the wall of the capital of the Annan Kingdom.

A figure in a blue war robe stands above the capital city, holding a blue sword, looking at the dense black spots in the sky and underground in front of him, with a heavy heart!

What she was worried about was not the mechanical Scourge in front of her, but the meaning behind this mechanical Scourge.

Their arrival means that the mechanical Scourge Legion is ready to launch a general attack on the capital.

Facing the upcoming general attack, she has no confidence in being able to hold the capital.

So she is worried!

But she couldn't express her worry, because she was the queen of this kingdom.

Anyone can show weakness or even despair at this time, but she is the only one who can't!

Because what she is carrying now is the last hope of the entire Annan Kingdom, if even she is in despair, then Annan will have no hope at all.

For Annan, she gritted her teeth and endured the pressure.

In the eyes of everyone, she is the most perfect King Annan, beautiful, resolute, and the only hope of the Annan Kingdom!

But only she knows how much she wishes for a hero to appear, who can take up the burden on her and hold up the sky for her!

Let her be a little woman with peace of mind!

But unfortunately!

So far, that hero has not appeared yet!

Therefore, she had no choice but to carry Annan alone, and she was invincible alone!


There was a crisp sword cry, and the battle robe behind the Queen moved automatically without wind, and a powerful breath surged out!

At the same time, the biting cold spread from under her feet, and in an instant, half of the capital was covered with a thin layer of frost.

What's surprising is that the morale of the soldiers who saw this scene, which was a little sluggish, was instantly boosted.

Everyone looked in the direction of the queen, with fanaticism and anticipation on their faces.

Because they knew that at this moment, their queen was about to make a move!

No, above the capital, a giant ice sword appeared out of thin air, gathering a terrifying aura.

At the same time, the mechanical Scourge Legion on the opposite side is also constantly approaching.

Seeing that the mechanical Scourge Legion was about to enter the attack range of the ice giant sword, the expectations of all soldiers were raised to the highest.

At this time the queen is also ready to attack.

However, the next second!

Just before the mechanical Scourge approached the attack range of the ice giant sword.

With a "boom", hundreds of incomparably fierce thunderbolts fell from the sky, directly landing on the mechanical natural disaster!

This sudden thunder stunned everyone in the capital!

Who made the move at this time?With such lack of vision, didn't you see Her Lady Queen was about to make a move?

In fact, Wu Wei could sense that someone on Annan's side was about to make a move.

But it's one thing to feel it, and another thing to grab it or not.

He got up to farm monsters, so maybe there are monsters that don't spawn, and watch others spawn?

Therefore, when Wu Wei saw that the Mechanical Scourge Army was approaching the attack range, Wu Wei immediately ordered decisively.

580 Thunder Warlocks use [Sky Thunder Descending] at the same time.

In an instant, the Scourge Legion was killed by hundreds of robots.

[Your Taoist [Thunder Warlock] kills 123 G-level robots, the effect of the group experience scroll is activated, and you get 1230 G-level robot experience points, please choose the experience value distribution method! 】

"Priority in assigning flying elephant soldiers!"

[Distribute the experience points according to the method you choose, your [Flying Elephant Daoist] mount [Flying Brute Force Elephant] reaches the full level of level 40, [Same Qi Connecting Talisman] is activated, and [Flying Brute Force Elephant] does not need additional The level of Lingshi has been improved, and the current level is 43! 】

After a wave of attacks, the level of [Flying Brute Force Elephant] was directly raised to level 43.

Wu Wei is quite satisfied with this increase in speed!

However, although Wu Wei was satisfied, the people in Wangdu were not satisfied.

It wasn't just that Wu Wei didn't have the eyesight to snatch the queen.

It was Wu Wei's attack that attracted the hatred of the undead Scourge!

The mechanical Scourge Legion that was going towards the Queen's position in the center of the capital turned its head and charged towards Wu Wei's location!

That's all right now, the one who stole the limelight is obviously the one who got caught up in the fire!

Tens of thousands of mechanical Scourge Legion, if they concentrate their strength to attack a little bit, they can't hold it easily.

Moreover, this also destroyed the originally established defense plan of the Annan Kingdom's defense line.

If you do this, if you are not careful, King Annan will be defeated!

Therefore, at this moment, many people gritted their teeth at Wu Wei, and even the queen frowned.

Pulling out the long sword, he moved lightly with lotus steps, but approached the section of the city wall where Wu Wei was at an incredible speed.

No matter what Wu Wei wants to do, how stupid she is, at this time, as the queen, she has only and must choose to help Wu Wei wipe this PP.

It's just that she hasn't approached Wu Wei yet.

The battle situation has changed again.

While the mechanical Scourge army was approaching Wu Wei's defense line, the Thunder Warlocks under Wu Wei's command had no intention of being idle.

A series of thunderbolts soared into the sky one after another.

Each of these thunderbolts was tested by five thunder warlocks gathered together [Heavenly Thunder Descends].

The power of each blow is terrifying.

At least the level 70 G-level robot with normal quality couldn't handle it at all.

Basically a thunderbolt takes away a robot.

At least five or six hundred G-rank robots were taken away from the short distance between the mechanical Scourge army and Wu Wei's defense line. With the increase of the scroll, this is five or six thousand robots.

All these experience points were given to [Flying Brute Force Elephant] without reservation!

Directly sent the [Flying Brute Force Elephant] to the fifth level!

And at the same time when [Flying Brute Force Elephant] reached the fifth level, the Scourge robot army was already close to Wu Wei's defense line!

And at this moment!


2222 roars and filial piety sounded neatly, and 2222 spears shot out.

In an instant, the G-rank robot who stepped forward was killed in a flash.

And this was just the beginning, the next second, a heavy [Flying Brute Force Elephant] roar sounded, and 2222 Flying Brute Force Elephants took off!

The Flying Elephant Legion's first attack!

Their attack is not that kind of blind attack, their attack is methodical.

"Fenghuo Forest—the momentum of wind and fire!"

[Your Wuhun is forbidden to use [Wind Fire Forest · Wind and Fire Potential], the speed of your [Flying Elephant Cavalry] will increase by 5.00%, and the impact power will increase by [-]%! 】

At the same time that the golden finger prompt appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes, the flying elephant soldiers under Wu Wei's command had already taken off, and directly crashed into the mechanical Scourge!

They are also level 70 troops.

One is the existence of ordinary quality, and the other is the existence of perfect quality.

There are not only the blessings of Taoist bonds, but also the blessings of military skills. The result of the collision between the two sides can be imagined.

That mechanical Scourge Legion was like loose sand crushed by a boulder, a wave passed through it directly, and was directly smashed to pieces.

In this wave of charge alone, the mechanical Scourge Legion was crushed by at least one or two thousand robots.

One or two thousand G-level robots under the blessing of the [Group Experience Scroll], that is one or two thousand level 70 robots.

All the experience points were given to [Flying Elephant Daoist] and directly bathed [Flying Brute Force Elephant] in the golden light of the upgrade!

"Fairy Wood"

At the same time, the Thunder Warlock and the Fire Alchemist were not idle either.

The Thunder Warlock's thunder continued to fall.

At this time, the Hundred Fire Alchemists condensed their [Fire of Tempering] into a huge ball of flame, and then threw the ball of flame into the battlefield.

The tempering fire is powerful, but the speed of movement itself is not fast, not to mention that hundreds of balls of tempering fire are condensed together, and it feels a bit rooted when it falls to the ground.

In this case, the enemy cannot be killed at all!

But there is no need for 【Fire of Tempering】to kill the enemy!

Throwing their fire there is entirely for alchemy, as for the enemy or something?They come back by themselves!

No, just as the tempering fire went up, the fourth child and Ah Huang also started to move.

With a flash of lightning, they entered the battlefield.

The existence of their specifications entering the battlefield is not killing the enemy at all, they are just sending things to [Quenching Fire].

Every time the lightning flashes, a large number of robots will be thrown into the [Fire of Tempering].

As soon as these robots entered the [Fire of Tempering], the flames burned violently, and the kung fu robots instantly turned into fireballs.

Immediately afterwards, a few pills appeared in [Fire of Tempering].

That speed is quite fast.

Moreover, despite the fact that these G-level robots are just 70-level ordinary quality robots, the quality of the elixirs refined from them is unexpectedly high.

The worst is the excellent level, and sometimes even rare level perfect level medicine can be refined.

On the one hand, the quality of [Quenching Fire] is extremely high.

On the other hand, it is because of the characteristics of [Quenching Fire], it completely purifies and refines the energy in the enemy's body.

The energy in a level 70 ordinary quality monster cannot be inferior to a level 70 perfect quality elixir.

Theoretically speaking, a G-rank robot can refine at least two or three pills of perfect quality.

It's just because the level of the fire-fighting alchemist is not high, generally only around the fifth level, so it has not yet reached this level. Although it is barely able to refine level 70 pills, it can only refine excellent or rare ones. Quality pills.

But that's scary enough!

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