In the next second, a 1.4-meter-long, particularly rough long knife appeared in Wu Wei's hand.


Rune Warrior: Boar Knife

Quality: Normal

Rating: 9

Equipment requirements: none

Equipment effect: It comes with [Killing Pig One Knife], it needs to be charged for three seconds to activate, and there is no cooling time.

ps: As long as you have enough physical strength, you can always use it.


"A magical soldier with skills?"

The moment he saw this attribute, Wu Wei felt his whole heart tremble!

This is it!

Although this knife and the wild boar crossbow are also divine weapon runes and are of ordinary quality, the value of the two divine weapons is completely incomparable.

The wild boar crossbow is worth twenty or thirty charms at most, but this wild boar knife is worth at least 200 charms, and it may even be higher.

And the reason is because the wild boar knife has its own skills!

Of course, this is not because the wild boar knife is very powerful with this skill!

In fact, although Wu Wei has never used it before, he can be sure that the so-called [Killing Pig Sword] is definitely not powerful, and its attack power is not even as strong as the sword of the wild boar crossbow.

Moreover, the forward swing is too long, it takes a full three seconds, and it is not very practical in battle.

But it doesn't matter, because the main function of this skill is not in combat, but in daily practice.

This knife can assist a rune master in his cultivation!

The process of using skills is itself a body tempering process.

This kind of level 9 normal-quality magic soldier's own skills can at least improve the physical fitness of a rune master to the level of a level 9 rune warrior, and even if the mastery is high enough, it is still possible to master it in practice Divine weapon skills.

In that case, the rune master can not only use his skills without using magic weapons, but also greatly improve his physical fitness!

Therefore, such a magic weapon is simply a small magic weapon for a rune master like Wu Wei who is less than the first level!

"I said why nothing exploded before, and I said why this elite monster exploded an item of ordinary quality. It turns out that my luck is here!"

Don't mention how excited Wu Wei was with the wild boar knife!

He even tried this rune magic weapon on the spot, and experienced [killing a pig with one knife].

When Wu Wei activated [Killing Pig One Knife] after accumulating power for three seconds, he was taken a step forward by the knife, the power of his body was transmitted from his feet to his hands, mixed with the burst of spiritual power, and he was slashed out with the knife.

This knife is powerful!

It even made a sharp piercing sound!

However, it also consumes a lot of physical strength. Wu Wei felt that his physical strength lost [-]% when he chopped it down with a knife, and he was sore and panting!

But Wu Wei was in a particularly good mood!

After a short rest, it's another knife!

After the second strike, Wu Wei probably knew that with his current physical strength, he would probably be able to last three strikes.

Sure enough, after the third cut, Wu Wei felt a little unstable.

But Wu Wei still gritted his teeth and held on, and after a long delay, he made the fourth cut that was beyond the limit.

After Wu Wei finished chopping, he immediately asked Ah Huang to pull him into the crevice of the rock to rest, and then directed Ah Huang to pick up the [pig-killing knife] to practice.

What Wu Wei didn't expect was that at the same time Ah Huang picked up the pig-killing knife and activated [Killing Pig One Knife], numbers appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes again.


"Another new condition?"

In this regard, Wu Wei is now quite familiar with it, and instead of delving into it too deeply, he focused on A Huang's side, watching A Huang slash with a knife.

Ah Huang's physical fitness is much better than his.

Wu Wei could only hold on to four cuts, but Ah Huang cut more than twenty cuts in one go.

However, after more than twenty cuts, the speed also slowed down, and I persisted for a few more cuts, and finally it was completely dead after the 32nd cut.

This physical fitness is actually very average!

If it were a level 8 rune fighter, at least fifty or sixty knives would be cut.

No way, who made Ah Huang just a yellow scarf soldier of ordinary quality!

After tossing himself and Ah Huang to the point of exhaustion, Wu Wei stopped today's hunting. He ate some dry food and drank some water. As for Ah Huang, as a rune creature, he didn't need to eat. Wu Wei only needed supplies. Spiritual power will do.

Wu Wei directly summoned the book of runes, held the book of runes and began to meditate.

Use the book of runes as a medium to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and then feed the aura to Ah Huang!

During this process, Wu Wei himself could also get a little spiritual energy.

Well, it is about [-]% of the part given to Ah Huang.

There is no way, as a rune summoner is like this, the strength is basically on the summoned objects, and the focus of cultivation is also on the summoned beasts, so I don't get much tempering at all.

The reason why Wu Wei is fat is not because he doesn't work hard, but because he cultivates too hard and has been sitting for a long time without getting exercise.

But with the wild boar knife, Wu Wei believes that his obesity situation will definitely be improved!

"Well, the harder you work, the luckier you are, and I will definitely get better and better in the future!"


Thank you [Chen Tianfei] for your support!

Chapter 008 Wild Boar King

Wu Wei spent the next few days in the wild boar valley.

This place is a monster spawning spot discovered by Wu Wei and Zhou Hong, and there are usually not many people there.

Wu Wei stayed in the Wild Boar Valley for five days. During these five days, except for the four people who went online, Zhou Hong, basically no one came.

And the existence of Zhou Hong and the others had no effect on Wu Wei!

Wu Wei didn't even have a face-to-face meeting with them, mainly because Wu Wei adjusted his schedule after realizing that Zhou Hong and the others were online.

Originally, after he got the wild boar knife, he practiced hunting during the day at night, but now he practiced hunting during the day and at night.

The four of Zhou Hong stayed in the Wild Boar Valley for two days, but they didn't notice Wu Wei's existence.

And they stayed in Wild Boar Valley for two days.

On the third day, they seemed to feel that there was nothing to farm in the Wild Boar Valley. After all, they had taken down the bosses, and they no longer liked this place, so they left the Wild Boar Valley and changed to another map.

At that time, Wu Wei couldn't understand why they didn't go to level 10 in such a good place to spawn monsters, and wait until the first level before changing places?

But if you can't understand it, you can't understand it, and Wu Wei didn't jump out to stop him.

They go their way, Wu Wei brushes Wu Wei's own!

After five days, Wu Wei's side can be said to have gained a lot.

The first is in terms of hunting.

On average, Wu Wei can harvest [-] to [-] rune wild boars every day.

In five days, Wu Wei solved a total of 76 rune wild boars, and a lot of things exploded.

Except for a [Wild Boar Knife] with relatively little harvest on the first day, there were two or three light spots every day for the rest of the days.

But the light spots that burst out are basically made of materials, and all of them are parts of pigs.

Wild boar ribs, wild boar kidney, wild boar leg, wild boar kidney...

After five days, Wu Wei was almost able to cobble together a whole wild boar.

The number of wild boars killed has also reached [81/100].

81 wild boars directly raised the levels of Ah Huang and Wu Wei. Since no one had experience with Wu Wei, his level had already reached level 10.

As long as Wu Wei burns another source rune, he can immediately become a second-level rune summoner!

Another more important gain is the gain in training!

During these five days, Wu Wei trained whenever he had time.

Originally, it could only cut four times at a time [killing a pig with one knife], but now it has been upgraded to ten times at a time.

His physical fitness has improved a lot, and Wu Wei has lost a lot of weight.

Compared with Ah Huang, Wu Wei's improvement is nothing.

Ah Huang could only cut 32 knives at a time five days ago, but today, five days later, he can already cut 108 knives at a time!

Wu Wei could feel that Ah Huang's chest muscles were obviously a lot exaggerated.

At the same time, for the 5000 knives, Ah Huang has already cut 4788 knives!

The reason why so many can be cut out is because Wu Wei has not left the world of runes for five days.

There are many differences between the world of runes and the real world, including the difference in aura. Wu Wei's real world is located in Yuehua Rune Academy. The aura of the academy is much stronger than ordinary places, but compared to the world of runes Still pales in comparison.

In the real world, Ah Huang was exhausted, and Wu Wei needed five or six hours to recover him, but in the world of runes, Wu Wei only needed two or three hours.

And Wu Wei basically asked Ah Huang to practice once every two or three hours, so that he could cut 4788 knives in five days, and his physical fitness could be improved to this extent.

But Wu Wei felt that such an improvement was not enough!

Today is already the sixth day of Wu Wei's single brushing, and the dry food and water he brought over have been almost consumed, and even some of the ingredients that have been prepared have been consumed.

If there is no accident, he can only stay for another day at most before he has to go back to replenish supplies.

Therefore, Wu Wei set a small goal for himself today.


Yes, butchering a pig costs five thousand blows.

To achieve this small goal, this single-swiping trip can be regarded as a relatively satisfactory end!

As for [100/100], Wu Wei decided to put it next time.

There is no way, his supplies are exhausted, and the medicine dregs are gone. Without supplies, Wu Wei can't guarantee that it will be completed, so it's better to be on the safe side!

But sometimes plan this matter, it really can't keep up with the changes.

Just when Wu Wei was about to go back after reaching [5000/5000], he suddenly saw a khaki-colored figure slowly condensing beyond the cracks in the stones.

Spawn monsters!

Wu Wei was not surprised by this.

But soon, Wu Wei was dumbfounded!

I saw that the outline of the figure painted outside was getting bigger and bigger, and soon exceeded two meters!

"Isn't this a BOSS?"

As soon as Wu Wei finished speaking, the figure took shape completely.

He is two meters tall and four meters long, with a mysterious rune on his head. This thing is obviously the wild boar king that Wu Wei killed before.

"This Nima!"

As soon as he saw that the wild boar king appeared next to him, Wu Wei took out the [Book of Runes] and clicked to return without saying a word!

Just kidding, with this thing, Wu Wei couldn't get out of the cracks in the rocks at all.

Why wait if you don't go back?Eye to eye with this thing?


In the real world, Yuehua Academy, in the dormitory building!

Wu Wei just came back from the world of runes cursing, and the phone in his dormitory rang immediately.

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